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    资料内容仅供您学习参考,如有不当或者侵权,请联系改正或者删除。第一部分交际用C. No, not at allyoull get sickits a trouble语D. Of courseC.I msorry.ID.Thatsvery1 Ihavent4 Hurryup. Theshouldn thavekind of youseen Belly for 10lecture begins atblownup likethat8. Ive orderedyears.(B)2:00.(A )D. Youd betterpizzaandsalad.A. Either have IA.Dontworry.doexercisesWhatelsedoyouB. Neither have IWevegot20regularlywant?(C)C. Havent Iminutes6 Excuse me, IA. You are kind toD. So have IB. Thankyou.Nodidntmeantoinvite me2 What subjectshurrybother you.(C)B. Yes, pleaseareyouC. Never mind. YouA.TheresnoC. A beer is finestudying?(C )go if you likeproblemforme.ImnotA.Yes,ImD. The lecture isB. Itsa pleasurehungry yetstudying historyusefulC.ThatsquiteD. I find pizza isB.Imstudying5 -David,youveall righttastynowbeenlosingyourD.Ididnt9. WhatwouldC.Imstudyingtemperoverrealize thatyoulike,teaorphilosophynothing7. Thanks a lot.coffee?(B)D.Imdoingmylately.(C)Youve gone to soA. Yes, I wouldhomeworkA. I haventbeenmuch trouble.(A)B. Coffee, please3 I wonder ifgettingmuch sleepA. Itsno troubleC. Yes, pleaseyoucouldhelpeitherat allD. Its very niceme.( D)B. Youd betterB.Thatsall10. Hello,couldA. I couldnot push yourselfright. I like itI speaktoDonB. Yes, I dotoohard,orC.Idontthinkplease?(D)A. Who are youB. Whats the problemC. Are you JaneD. Whos speaking11. May I help you, madam?(D)A. Sorry, I have no ideaB. Yes, I know what to buyC.Youdbettergive me a handD. Yes, Id like 2 kilos of oranges12. Nice weather, isnt it?(C)A. Im not sureB. You know itwellC. Yes, it is D. Yes, it isnt13. Must I do the washing-up tonight?(B)A. No, you mustnt资料内容仅供您学习参考,如有不当或者侵权,请联系改正或者删除。if you dont wantwill be put offSundays.(B)B.LeaveitifD.Football?No.A. So do Iyoure exhaustedItsa wasteofB. Neither do IC. Washing-up istimeC. So am Ireally exhausting16.Hello,D. Neither am ID.Washing-upSally.Hows19. Whats thereallytakesupeverything?(D)problem,Harry?timeA. Good for you(D)14. CouldyouB. Oh, I agreeA. No problemtell me where Mr.C. Th at s rightB.NotroubleatLake is?(B)D. Just so-soallA. From England17 Excuseme,C.Thankyou forB. At the officewould you lend measkingme aboutitC. Hes workingyourD.IcantD. Hes very busycalculator?(A)rememberwhereI15. Do you likeA. Certainly.Hereleft my glasseswatching footballyou are20 What kind ofmatches?(D)B. Please dontTV program do youA.Thankyouformention itlike best?(C)inviting meC. Its nothingA. Ilikethem veryB.IdontlikeD. Yes, I have amuchwatching iton TV,handB.Ionly watcheither18. I dontthem at weekendC.IhearthelikethespotsC.It shardtofootballmatchprogramsonsay, actually资料内容仅供您学习参考,如有不当或者侵权,请联系改正或者删除。D. I m too busy tosay21. -What aboutgoing for a walk?(A)A. Why not? A good ideaB. That sallrightC. So, do ID. Walking isgoodto you22. Ithink theInternet is very helpful.(A)A. Yes, so do IB. That s a verygood ideaC. Neither do ID. I d rather go surfing on it23. Which language do youspeak at home?(D)A. I speak Englishvery wellB. I can speak English and FrenchC.Englishismymother tongueD. English, most of the time24. Must we hand in our homework now? (C)A. Yes, you willB.Yes,youmustntC.No,youneedntD.No,youmustnt25. Let s take a walk. (A)A. Yes, let s B. Oh, thanksC. Yes, please D. No, thank you26.Hello,couldIspeaktoDon please?(D)A. Who are youB. Whats the problemC. Are you JaneD. Whos speaking 27. Do you think the exam will beput off?(C)A. Not good newsB. The exam is difficultC. Not likelyD. It was put off yesterday28.Inmyopinion,youdbetter take a couple of daysoff.(A)A. I lltake youradviceB. Let me seeC. Never mindD. I m afraid so29.Would youmind if I open thewindowforabetter view?(D)A. That s fine, thank youB. Yes, please C. Take a seatD. Of course not30 I have an appointment with Dr. Johnson.(C)A. The appointmentis put off B. You look sickand weakC. Please waitforminute. He is busy nowD. Tell me your ID number31Afternoon, sir. Where to?(A)A. Please get metotheairport资料内容仅供您学习参考,如有不当或者侵权,请联系改正或者删除。B. please pick meup next timeC.I vebeentotheairportD. The plane will take off in an hour 32 Can I help youtogetitdown?(C)A. NoproblemB. Yes. Let s getitC. Thanks. It sso nice of youD.It snotrouble at all33 I m tryingto callMarie,butthere snoanswer.(D).A. Ididn trealize thatB.Hereisamessage for herC.I mreallysorry about itD.Really?Maybeshes out34 Are you sureaboutthat?(D) .A. You neednt worry about thatB. I like the idea.C. Oh, no. I mafraidofthatD. Oh, yes. I m absolutelypositive35 Would youliketoseethemenu?(A).A. No, thanks. I already know whatto orderB. Your menu isvery clearC. I hear the foodhere is tastyD. The setting isvery comfortable36 What if mycomputer doesn twork?(B)A. I m not good at computerB. Ask Anne forhelpC.I vecalledtherepairshopD.Theremustbesomething wrong37Hows themovie?Interesting?(C).A.Itwasshownlate until midnightB. It was starredbyafewfamouspeopleC.Farfrom.Ishould have stayedhome watching TVD. I was seated faraway in the corner38 Isthisthemotelyoumentioned?(B).A.ItlookscomfortableB. Yes, it s asquiet as we expectedC. Youre so considerateD. No, the price sreasonable第二部分词汇与结构1.After(C)theshoppinglist,IfoundthatIforgottobuysalt.A.examiningB.testing资料内容仅供您学习参考,如有不当或者侵权,请联系改正或者删除。C.checking5.-CanIgetyoubeginabouttenC.grownupD. seeinga coupleoftea?years in advance.D. grown2.Ann is studying( A)A. BidB.11.( B) hesaid is(B)atA.That sveryTobidquite right.university.nice of youB.C.BiddingA.ThatA.politicWith pleasure C.D. To be biddenB.WhatB.politicsYoucan,please9.Everything( D )C.HowC.politicianD.Thankyouforif Albert hadntD. WhyD. politicalthe teacalledthefire12.Hekeptthe3.After(C )the6. Dontworry .brigade.light in his roombid,majorThereis(C)A.willbe(B )thewholeconstructionroom for all yourdestroyednight.began in Beijing.books here.B. will have beenA.burntA. winB.A.moredestroyedB. burningC.winingC.B.muchC.wouldbeburnwinningD.C.enoughdestroyedD. to burnwonD. someD. would have been13.Hewas (A)4.Besureto(A )7.(A)finedestroyedabout hisnew job.yourwifewhen youweather it is!10.HerparentsA.overthemooncomeherethisA.Whatdied when she wasB.onthemoonevening.B.Whataveryyoung, so sheC.offthemoonA.bringC.Howwas ( A ) by herD. above the moonB.takeD. How aaunt.14.HehasbeenC.get8.(C)fortheA.broughtup(B)inD. carryOlympicGamesB.broughtouthospitalforamonth.A.dangerB.indangerC.dangerousD. a danger15.Hespendsaquarterof theday(B )A.tosleepB.sleepingC.sleepsD. to sleeping16.Ithappened(D)a winternight.A. atB.inC.byD. on17.If you (A )stop smoking, youcan onlyexpect tohave a bad cough.A.wontB.wouldn t资料内容仅供您学习参考,如有不当或者侵权,请联系改正或者删除。C.dontthesearemain(D)hisD. can tpoints(B)passingthe18. It s not safemuch attention.collegeentrance(C )intheA. beingworthyofexams.street.B.worthyofA.atA.toplayC.whichworthB.forB. playC,D. whichworthyofC.ofplaying22.IhaveD. onD. playsgiven( C) eating25.Mr.Whitehas a19.(D)itwithmeat.wifeandthreemeandI llseeA.overchildrento (A)what I can do.B.downA.raiseA.WhenleftC.upB.keepB.LeavingD. downC.growC.Ifyouleave23.IknowitD. takeD. Leaveisn timportant26.Mary20. Idontbut I cant helpforgot(B)asupposehewill( B )about it.lettertoherattendthe meeting,A. but to thinkmother,soshe(B ) ?B.thinkingwrote to her justA.wontheC.tonow.B.willheD. thinkA.writingC.doI24.LindaofferedB.towriteD. don t IhimherC. havingwrote21.IthinkallcongratulationsD. tohave written资料内容仅供您学习参考,如有不当或者侵权,请联系改正或者删除。27.Not only I butB.travelofhappenedtoTom?alsoJane and MaryC. tourD.D. take the place-(D)to(B)tiredofvoyageofhospital.havingone30. Shes unlucky,33.They(B)theA.Hesexamination afterand she s alwaystrainuntilittakenB.another.suffering(D )disappearedintheHellbetakenA.isluckoneafterdistance.C.HelltakeB.areanother.A.sawD.HesbeenC.amA.asickB.watchedtakenD. beB.anillC.noticed37.-Whichdo you28.Our plane ( A)C.sickD. observedlike better, realfromLondon atD. ill34. That sallmovies(D)7:00yesterday31.Shehaslivedsettled.It(D)cartoons?evening.here (B) threetalked about.-IpreferA.tookoffyears.A.shouldn tcartoons_B.putoffA.sinceB.mustntbereal movies.C.flewoffB.forC.cantA.and,thanD. left offC.duringD. needn t beB.or,than29.OnhisfirstD. in35.ThebedroomC. and,andD.sea(D) , he was32.Time is money!needs (A )or, tostill quite youngWe should (B )A.decorating38.Whatafool Ibutshowedgreatour time.B.todecoratehavebeen!WhycouragetofaceA.befitforC. decorateD.( B ) I think ofthe storm.B. make good use ofdecoratedthat before?A.tripC. play a part36.-WhatsA.dont


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