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    ,一、基础积累(默写本),Listen attentively,名词: 1.森林_ 2.城市_ 3.河_ 4.镇_ 5.家乡_ 6.村_ 7.厨房_ 8.建筑物_ 9.山_ 10.工厂_ 11.花园_ 12.机场_ 13.银行_ 14.剧院_ 15.图书馆_ 16.教堂_,forest,town,river,city,hometown,village,kitchen,mountain,garden,factory,bank,library,church,building,airport,theatre,Listen attentively,17.博物馆_ 18.医院_ 19.市场_ 20.超市_,museum,market,hospital,supermarket,Listen attentively,形容词: 1.安静的_ 2.干净的_ 3.脏的_ 4.现代的_ 5.传统的_ 6.舒服的_ 7.新鲜的_,dirty,modern,quiet,clean,traditional,comfortable,fresh,Listen attentively,短语: 1.在农场_ 2.在田地里_ 3.在门口_,on the farm,in the field,at the gate of,Listen attentively,常用句子: 1.我的家乡以美景著名。 _ 2.近年来,我的家乡变化很大。 _ _ _ 3.过去河很干净,但现在很脏。 _ 4.过去有很多农场,但现在到处是高楼和工厂。 _ _,My hometown is famous for beautiful sights.,My hometown has changed a lot these years/Great changes have taken place in my hometown these years.,The river used to be clean, but now it is dirty.,There used to be many farms, but now there are high buildings and factories everywhere.,Listen attentively,5.路过去很窄,但现在很宽。 _ _ 6.乡下有很多美的景点。 _ _,The roads used to be narrow, but now they are wide.,There are many beautiful sights in the countryside.,Listen attentively,二、完形填空,Natural resources are things that we use that come from earth.Our natural resources are limited(有限的).This means that they will not 1 forever.Some are renewable,like when you plant a new tree when you 2 one down.Others are not renewable,like when you dig coal(煤)out of the 3 .Once it is used,it is gone.,Listen attentively,People realize the 4 that earths natural resources are limited,and can do things to help conserve(节约)those resources. 5 you try to conserve a natural resource,you try to use less of it so it does not get used up so 6 .One way that people conserve fuel,like gasoline,is by riding a bicycle or walking when the 7 is short instead of driving everywhere.,Listen attentively,Water is a very important natural resource because we all need it to stay 8 .We can conserve water 9 making sure that our pipes and taps do not leak(漏).We can also make 10 choices to conserve water,like only using the dishwasher or washing machine when they are full.Everyone can make contributions to protecting natural resources.,Listen attentively,( ) 1.A.last B.spread C.burn D.change ( ) 2.A.turn B.cut C.put D.move ( ) 3.A.station B.building C.ground D.brick ( ) 4.A.news B.plan C.decision D.fact ( ) 5.A.When B.Although C.Whatever D.Whether ( ) 6.A.slowly B.hard C.regularly D.fast ( ) 7.A.money B.space C.place D.distance ( ) 8.A.alive B.alone C.asleep D.awake ( ) 9.A.about B.for C.by D.with ( ) 10.A.generous B.funny C.wise D.surprising,A,B,C,D,A,D,D,A,C,C,第四节 居住环境,Listen attentively,三、阅读理解,第四节 居住环境,Listen attentively,第四节 居住环境,Listen attentively,( ) 1. The passage above is _. A.a guide on cleaning B.an advertisement of a cleaning company C.a guide on time-saving D.an advertisement of a very clean house ( ) 2. Owners of the company are _. A.two friends B.two classmates C.a couple D.neighbors,B,C,第四节 居住环境,Listen attentively,( ) 3. Cleaners from this company _. A.can be trusted B.have had a body check C.are well-known D.have unclear background ( ) 4. If your first order with this company is priced 50 dollars, then you have to pay _. A.70 dollars B.50 dollars C.30 dollars D.20 dollars,A,C,第四节 居住环境,Listen attentively,( ) 5. Which of the following is true? A.The number of cleaners in this company has grown ten times since 1982. B.If the customers are not satisfied with the cleaning, they dont have to pay for it. C.Customers have three ways to make an appointment with this cleaning company. D.Customers can spare some time for their hobbies if they pay the company to do the cleaning.,D,Listen attentively,B A kitchen is a place where memories are made.Eying a childs first drawing, opening a perfect report card, or making an engagement or announcement often happens here.Its not surprising that a workable, pleasing kitchen is one of the best places in the house. We are happy to invite friends to our house to have dinner.When you are working in the kitchen, you may need someone to give a hand.But you dont want them underfoot . How large should the kitchen be? That depends on many things.,Listen attentively,How many people cook at one time (experts advise 48 to 54 inches of space for one person to pass safely behind another), childrens ages, and any special needs family members have should all be taken into consideration. Two work areas are goodone for cooking, the other for serving and clearing, each with a sink. Many people do love yellow kitchens! It looks like the trim(装饰) is in good shape.We do like crisp, bright white in a kitchen; its a good offset to many kitchen appliances and the white and steel common in many kitchens now.It also adds a brighter modern touchmore than white or cream in the past.,第四节 居住环境,Listen attentively,( ) 6. Where may the child show his first drawing according to the passage? A.In the bedroom. B.In the sitting room. C.In the kitchen. D.In the meeting room. ( ) 7. The underlined word “underfoot” may mean “_” in Chinese. A.教育 B.帮助 C.踩在脚下 D.碍手碍脚,C,D,第四节 居住环境,Listen attentively,( ) 8. Experts advise _ of space for one person to pass safely behind another. A.48 to 54 inches B.44 to 58 inches C.46 to 55 inches D.45 to 58 inches ( ) 9. Two work areas are goodone for cooking, the other for _. A.serving and talking B.serving and clearing C.making dinner and serving D.making dinner and cleaning,A,B,第四节 居住环境,Listen attentively,( ) 10. This passage is mainly about _. A.how to cook in a kitchen B.how to design(设计) a kitchen C.how to color a kitchen D.how large the kitchen should be,B,Listen attentively,C (原创)配对阅读。左栏是5个想养宠物的人的需求简介,右栏是7种宠物的介绍。请为每个人选择符合他们需求的宠物。,Listen attentively,D,A,C,F,B,第四节 居住环境,Listen attentively,四、短文填空,Many kids want to help keep the environment clean but dont know where to start.In 1._, even the simplest everyday activities can make 2._ real difference to the environment.Here is how: Dont litter.Litter can pollute our water and that could do 3._ to us and to wildlife. Recycle bottles, paper and plastic.This is,.fact,a,harm,第四节 居住环境,Listen attentively,a good habit to develop and can really make a difference. Always turn 4._ lights and electronic devices(设备) when they are not being used. Use your bike or walk to nearby locations rather than riding in a car.5._ your friends and family to do the same. Dont 6._ your old clothes or toys away.Give them to a local charity(慈,off,Encourage/Ask/Tell,throw,第四节 居住环境,Listen attentively,善组织) or a friend that may 7._ them. Avoid wasting plastic bags by bringing your own reusable cloth bags to stores. If you see litter, pick 8._ up. By following these tips and using them in your 9._ life, you will make the world a greener place.Its never 10._ late to start, and what better time is there than right now?,too,daily/everyday,it,need,Listen attentively,五、(原创)读写综合 A.信息归纳 下面是一篇摘自中学生英文报网站有关城市生活和小镇生活对比的文章。请仔细阅读该文章,按信息表中项目的要求在信息表中填写信息。 Having spent my first 29 years in the city (Boston, USA) and my next 29 years in town (Gold Beach) make me realize how different the city and small town life: People: When you walk around in the city, few people smile at you.In small towns, people are more friendly.Store clerks in city stores are polite but not friendly.In small towns, clerks are,Listen attentively,lively and talkative.They may have children who are in the same class as yours.The women in small towns are particularly friendly and knowledgeable.They know everybody and everybodys children.So there is no private (隐私) life in a small town. Food: In a city, people go to the supermarket to buy food once a week.In small towns, you can go to the market every day and the food is fresh, and the price is lower.And theres always fruit on sale.You may even go to the farm nearby to buy the fresher vegetables too.,Listen attentively,Others: A big city has better hospitals, doctors and medical care.If you get really sick in a small town, better medical care may be a few hours drive.And there are no universities, museums, galleries, shopping malls or theatres in a town, which make life not so convenient and less fun.Teenagers may find nowhere to go and play. In general, for many young people, the city is exciting, while the small town is boring.For adults the city is noisy and crowded, while small town is quiet and relaxed and you can see a huge and black sky with millions of stars at night.,Listen attentively,Information Card,58,Lively and talkative,The farm,Noisy and crowded,Many young people,Listen attentively,B.书面表达 你住在城市还是乡镇,乡村呢? 你更想住在什么地方?请写一篇题为“I Prefer Life in the _”的短文。 内容包括: 1.你更喜欢的居住地 (城市,乡镇或乡村)。 2.列举出三个理由。 3.建议大家爱护环境,让每个地方都变成宜居之地。 4.词数80左右。开头已经给出,不计入总词数。,Listen attentively,【写作指导】 1.审题:第一人称,一般现在时,说明文。 2.思路:导入,提出观点列举三个理由提出建议。 3.高分技巧: 列举三个理由时可以用first of all, whats more ,the most important thing 等。 用过渡句型 Now let me tell you what I think.和In a word 等,使文章更加流畅。,Listen attentively,【写作思路】 1.导入,提出观点: 参考句型: 我认为最好住在城市/农村: I think its better to live in the city / country. 我更加喜欢城市/农村: I prefer the city / country. 2.列举三个理由: 参考句型: 首先,而且, 更加重要的是:first of all ,whats more,the most important thing,Listen attentively,第一,第二,最后: first ,second ,last 3.总结想法,提出建议: 参考句型: 总之: in a word 我们应该: We should 如果我们,我们就能: If we,we can,Listen attentively,【整篇写作】 I Prefer Life in the _,Different people have different ideas. Some people think its better to live in the city, but I prefer the life in a country.Now let me tell you what I think. First of all, there are many trees and plants in the countryside, so we can have fresher air.Whats more, its a quiet and lively place to live in because there arent too many cars.The most important thing is that the people who live in the country seem friendly and helpful to others.,Listen attentively,In a word, if we try our best to take care of our earth, we can live anywhere we like.,谢 谢 观 看 !,


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