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    2021中考英语 九年级上册 Module 8综合检测题 外研版.doc

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    2021中考英语 九年级上册 Module 8综合检测题 外研版.doc

    此资料由网络收集而来,如有侵权请告知上传者立即删除。资料共分享,我们负责传递知识。2020中考英语外研版九(上)Module 8检测题(含听力mp3)Module 8 Photos 听力部分(25分)一、听力选择(共25小题,计25分。每个小题约有8秒种的答题时间)(一)录音中有五个句子,听句子两遍后,从每小题 A、B、C三个选项中选出能对每个句子做出适当反应的答语。1. A. Youre welcome. B. Thank you. C. It doesnt matter2. A. Thats all right. B. Certainly. Here you are. C. No, Im using it.3. A. That sounds good. B. Really easy. C. Very well4. A Congratulations! B. Thanks. C. Good idea.5. A. Not at all. Ill do it right away. B. Yes. Id like to work outside. C. No, I like my bike(2) 听下面五组对话,从各题所给的A、B、C三幅图片中选择与对话内容相符的图片。每段对话读两遍。(共5分,每小题1分) 6.A. B. C. 7. A. B. C. 8. A. B. C.9. . A. B. C.10.A. B. C.(三)录音中有一段对话,听对话两遍后,从每小题A、B、C三个选项中选出能回答所给问题的正确答案。11. Where does this conversation take place?A. At school. B. In the street. C. On the phone.12. Whats the relationship between the two speakers?A. Classmates B. Brother and sister C. Teacher and student.13. What did the girl do last night?A. Went to the cinema. B. Went out to dinner. C. Did her work.14. What is the girl worried about?A. The physics exam. B. The chemistry exam. C. The math exam15. When will the two speakers meet?A. At 12:15 B. At 12:30 C. At 12:45(四)录音中有一篇 短文,听短文两遍后,从每小题A、B、C三个选项中选出能回答所给问题的正确答案。16. Where does Henry work?A. In a factory. B. In a hospital. C. In an office.17. How long is his summer holiday every year?A. 30 days. B. 15 days. C. 7 days.18. How did he go to San Francisco?A. By plane. B. By sea. C. By train.19. What did he see when he arrived at San Francisco?A. A poster. B. A letter C. A friend.20. What did he do in San Francisco?A. He traveled in the countryside.B. He helped the injured people. C. He talked to the people there .(五) 听下面一篇短文。根据短文内容将下列图片排序,并将其标号填入题号后的横线上。短文读两遍。A B C D E21._ 22._ 23._ 24._ 25._ 笔试部分(110分)一、单项选择 (每小题1分,共20分)从每小题所给的四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。( )1. Who won _ prize for the “Most Beautiful Nature” photography? _ 18-year-old girl. A. the; AB. a; A C. the; AnD. a; An( )2. Are you pleased _ the food here? Yes, I have got used _ the life here. A. by; for B. with; to C. at; with D. to; in( )3. Look at the _, madam. The red skirt is smaller than the blue one. Yeah. The red one suits me better, I think. A. colourB. sizeC. weightD. shot( )4. This years best photo shows the beauty of the West Lake _. A. successful B. incorrectC. successfully D. incorrectly( )5.Because of the map, the man didnt have any _ finding the way to the hotel. A. questionB. problemC. matter D. trouble( )6. Hello, John. Oh, Mike! I _ to meet you here.A. wont expectB. havent expected C. dont expect D. didnt expect( )7.I cant find the book about famous sportsmen _ I borrowed from the library yesterday. A. whichB. whoC. whatD. whom( )8. Listen up, please. Our head teacher has _ to tell us. A. important somethingB. important anything C. something important D. anything important ( )9.Mr Brown is coming to visit our school. Our English teacher will _ at the airport. A. take him offB. pick him up C. see him off D. take him up( )10. Mrs. Miller cant forget that terrible accident it happened so long ago. A. untilB. as ifC. becauseD. even though( )11. Dont worry! I who _ your best friend will do as far as I can to help you. A. isB. amC. wereD. was ( )12. The famous singer has agreed _ the prizes at the prize giving ceremony.A. to presentB. presentC. to presenting D. presenting ( )13._ works entered the writing competition this year than last year. A. Many moreB. Too manyC. Much more D. Too much ( )14.My favourite photo _ by my mother when I was two years old.A. takesB. is takenC. took D. was taken( )15. Will you go to plant trees in the mountains? _! I do so every Tree-Planting Day. A. In with a chance B. No shoutingC. You bet D. Nice work ( )16. A doctor is a person _ looks after peoples health.A. which B. when C. who ( )17. Do you know Hong Zhanhui?Yes. Hes the college student _ has moved Chinese people a lot.A. which B. who C. what ( )18. The book _ I bought yesterday is well written.A. / B. who C. what( )19. This is the library _ we visited last week.A. which B. who C. where( )20. Do you know the girl _ wears glasses?You dont know? She is our new classmate.A. / B. who C. which 二、完形填空(共10分)Do you know something about Liu Kaiqu? When he was young, he was very poor. One day he 1 a picture of a tiger and tried to sell it on the street. It caught the 2 of an American, who asked, “How much does it cost?” He said, “500 dollars.” The foreigner thought it was too 3 and asked again, “Can you make it cheaper?” He answered, “No.” Then he tore it into pieces. In great 4, the foreigner said, “Young man, are you angry?” “No, sir. Im not angry. I sell it 5 500 dollars because I think it is worth(值得的) the 6. But you want a lower price. It means that 7 is not good enough. I will go on drawing it 8 until my customers are satisfied.”At that time, Liu Kaiqu was not famous at all, 9 he never gave up(放弃) his dream. Now he is well-known all over the world 10 a great artist.( )1. A. stole B. picked C. drew D. saw( )2. A. attention B. instruction C. decision D. discussion( )3. A. terrible B. old C. big D. dear( )4. A. fear B. surprise C. difficulty D. excitement( )5. A. over B. for C. about D. among( )6. A. size B. weight C. position D. price( )7. A. we B. he C. you D. it( )8. A. harder B. faster C. slower D. worse( )9. A. so B. and C. but D. or( )10. A. at B. as C. for D. with三、阅读理解(30分)根据材料内容,选择最佳答案。AWe Want You!WANTED: Do you want a busy and exciting job? Are you good at talking with people? Do you like to write stories? Do you want to work for a TV station? If yours answer is “Yes”, then we want you as a(an) Please call John at 4223-6577.Victoria Middle School Report Student: Jenny JonesSubjectGrade CommentsMaths BGood work all year.Chinese A-Does well in thissubject.English A+Very interested and very good job!Science CA little weak in this subject.Computer DNot really interested and need improvement.SportsACaptain of girls soccer team and on basketball team.Total GradeB ( )1. They are looking for _.A. a teacherB. a reporter C. an actorD. a driver( )2. Where can we read the first text?A. In a picture.B. In a dictionary. C. In a newspaper.D. In a storybook.( )3. Whose school report is it?A. Victorias.B. Jenny Jones. C. Mrs. Browns .D. We dont know.( )4. Which subject of the following was Jenny best at?A. Maths. B. Chinese. C. English. D. Science.( )5. How did Jenny do in sports?A. Very well. B. With problems C. A little weak. D. Not interested at all.BWherever travelers go, cameras are sure to follow. Its great fun to take photos, and even more fun to show slides of the trip to friends and relatives when they come back home. Theres Aunt Sarah, smiling in front of Buckingham Palace; Aunt Sarah, smiling under the Eiffel Tower; and Aunt Sarah, smiling in a Venetian Canal. Everyone knows what Aunt Sarah looks like; they also know what Europes great landmarks (显著地面景观) look like.But a young man named David, just back from a trip to Greece, asked a few friends over to see his slides. The young man had an artists eye. His pictures were not of familiar Greek architectures. Instead he took pictures of farmers at work in the field, fishermen repairing their nets, and bearded priests (牧师) bending over their Bibles. He captured (抓住) the color and character of the country. His friends were so interested that they asked for more.Any amateur (外行) can do the same. All he needs is a simple camera and a little sensitivity. When he learns that a nation lives in its people as well as in its landmarks, he moves from an amateur to an artist.( )6. What does the underlined word “slide” mean?A. 故事 B. 幻灯片 C. 风景 D. 路线( )7. People who watch Aunt Sarahs slides would be _.A. frightened B. excited C. bored D. sad( )8. Davids pictures were about _.A. landmarks B. architectures C. people D. history( )9. David is _.A. foolish B. the same as Aunt Sarah C. strange D. original (有创意的)( )10. A traveler can become an artist if he _.A. takes a camera with him B. knows the history of a placeC. is interested in not only the landmarks but also the people of a placeD. learns how to draw and paint pictures of a placeCZach Linsky, 11, watches TV for 3 and a half hours a day and plays video games every other day. Zach, a sixth grader in Washington, D. C., is an American. But unlike many kids, he doesnt have a TV, VCR, or computer in his bedroom. He only has a boom box (手提录音机).The survey of 3,155 kids, aged 2 to 18, shows that they spend 5 hours and 29 minutes on average(平均的) a day using some types of media outside of school, including 2 hours and 46 minutes watching TV, 21 minutes on the computer, 20 minutes playing video games, and 8 minutes on the Internet. The good news: The total includes 44 minutes spent reading.The survey also shows that those aged 2 to 7 spend 3 hours and 9 minutes watching TV every day and shows that 32 percent in that age group have TV sets in their rooms. Among those aged 8 to 18, 21 percent have computers in their rooms, 65 percent have TV sets, and 61 percent say their parents dont stop them from watching TV. Nearly 1 in 4 say they watch more than 5 hours a day.“Kids are living much more lonely lives than ever before,” says Kay S. Hytnowitz. “They just disappear into their rooms and spend all of their time with these media.”( )11. At what age do children in America spend about five and a half hours on the media a day?A. Aged 2 to 7.B. Aged 2 to 18. C. Aged 8 to 18. D. Aged 2 to 11.( )12. How long do kids aged 2 to 18 spend reading?A. 46 minutes. B. 21 minutes. C. 20 minutes. D. 44 minutes.( )13. How many kids aged 2 to 7 have TV sets in their rooms?A. 32%. B. 21%. C. 61%. D. 40%.( )14. Why do the children spend all of their time with these media? Because _.A. they have too much free time B. they feel very lonelyC. they like these media D. they want to find out something( )15. Whats the problem of the kids in America according to the passage?A. There are too many media now. B. Kids spend too much time on the media.C. Kids are too fat. D. Kids would rather be with friends than the TV.四、任务型阅读。阅读短文,根据其内容回答问题。(共10分,每题2分) Imagine having a bedroom that interacts (交流,沟通) with you. If youre sad, it will arrange for some of your friends to come over to cheer you up. If youre happy, it might respond(回应)by playing your favorite game with you.Does it sound like something out of a science-fiction movie? Well, its really something out of the Georgia Institute of Technology. Irfan Essa works at the computer lab there. He has developed a computer system that can look at you and recognize your mood. He calls it the “expression recognition system.” Essa says, “We are trying to get computers to act like a human brain. But the human brain is not like one computer, it is like many working together.”In Essas system, many computers work together. First, a camera in the bedroom takes a picture of your face. The camera feeds the image to a computer. In the computers memory, there are pictures showing how the muscles of your face move when you are in different moods. For example,cheek muscles move in one way when you are happy and smiling and in another way when you are nervous and tense. The computer compares your picture to the face-muscle images stored in its memory. It tries to find the best match. Thats how it figures out your mood! Then the computer sends messages to other computers in the system. If you look happy, a computer may put on lively music. If you look tired and discouraged, a different computer may turn on the TV for you. How could the “expression recognition system” help us in important ways? Essa thinks that the system can help us create computers that are better teachers. Many people learn new skills through computer programs. “When I teach, I look at peoples faces,” Essa explains. “If my students look confused, I know they didnt understand. With this technology, a computer can also know if a student is learning.”Today, this new technology can be found only in labs, but Essa predicts well see it out of the lab in a few years. So, get ready. One day, you might walk into a room that will soon become your best friend. 1. Can the new computer system look at you and recognize your mood?2. What happens first in the bedroom in Essas system?3. Will the computer put on lively music or turn on the TV if you look happy?4. How does the “expression recognition system” help computers to be better teachers?5. What will future rooms be like?五、情景交际(5分)A. What would you like? B. To the park. C. Yes, please. D. Im sorry, Mom. E. Thats right. F. Good morning, Mom. G. It doesnt matter.Mom: Good morning. Tom. Tom: 1 Mom: Im making breakfast. 2 Tom: Thanks, Mom. I have already eaten. I got up early this morning. Mom: Maybe we can do something together with your father today. Tom: 3 But Im busy from morning till night today. Mom: Where are you going? Tom: 4 Mom: Why? Whats happening in the park? Tom: A lot of students will help clean up the park today. Im working with them. Mom: 5


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