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    2021中考英语 九年级上册 Module 1综合检测题 外研版.doc

    此资料由网络收集而来,如有侵权请告知上传者立即删除。资料共分享,我们负责传递知识。2020中考英语外研版九(上)Module 1检测题(含听力mp3)Module 1 Wonders of the world听力部分(20分)第一节:(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)听下面10段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题后所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案,并将答案转涂到机读卡相应的位置。听完每段对话后,你有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每个对话读两遍。6Why cant they go to see the play on Sunday?ABecause it will be snowy.BBecause it will be rainy.CBecause it will be windy.7Who is looking for the sweater?AJay. BDaming. CKate.8How much is one cup?A$3.5. B$4. C$7.9What would the man like?AWater. BTea. CMilk.10How is Daming today?AHe is fine. BHe has a toothache. CHe has a headache.第二节:(10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)听下面三段对话和一个独白,每个对话或独白后有几个小题,从题后所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案,并将答案转涂到机读卡上相应的位置。听完每段对话或独白后,你有15秒钟的时间来回答有关问题。每个对话或独白读三遍。听第11段材料,回答1112小题:11How man y people are there in the boys family?A6. B5. C4.12Has he got two brothers?ANo, he hasnt. BYes, he has. CI dont know.听第12段材料,回答1314小题:13Who lives the farthest from school?AJohn. BBill. CMary.14How long does Mary get to school by bike?AIts 30 minutes. BIts 40 minutes. CIts 50 minutes.听第13段材料,回答1516小题:15What did the boy do last Sunday?AHe played games. BHe went to the zoo. CHe saw a film.16How is the film?AIts boring. BIts ver y fun. CIts too long.听第14段材料,回答1720小题:17Where are they going?AA park. BA town. CA school.18How are they going there?ABy bus. BBy train. COn foot.19Ho w long will it take them to get there?AOver 5 hours. BOver 3 hours. COver 2 hours.20What will they do after lunch?AGo shopping. BGo boating. CGo swimming. 笔试部分(105分)一选择填空(20分) ( )1、Teachers should _ all the students _ their children. A. regard; as B. think; about C. take; with ( )2、Do you think that a teacher has great _ over his students? A. example B. influence C. importance ( )3、You will fail the exam _ you work harder. A. if B. unless C. when ( )4、Today English is very popular _ science. A. at B. in C. on ( )5、If some athletes use drugs, it is _ to the others. A. unfair B. fair C. ashamed ( )6、Im angry _ her for not telling me. A. about B. of C.with ( )7、Time _ quickly when I was on holiday. A. went by B. went on C. went out of ( )8、Real _ is more valuable than money. A. friendship B. neighborhood C. friend ( )9、Most kids _ to be cool. A. tried their better B. made their best C. did their best ( )10、We have many difficulties to _ when growing up. A. know about B. deal with C. make a decision ( )11、A _ joins the army to fight for his country. A. soldier B. farmer C. postman ( )12、They were arguing but _ when someone came into the room. A. broke off B. took off C. put off ( )13、Mary was not deeply _ by her failure. A. surprised B. affected C. moved ( )14、Bobby _ like a perfect gentleman. A. behaved B. seemed C. did( )15、Every student complained _ the food at school. A. about B. with C. at( )6. There _ a good new TV play last night.A. has B. will have C. was D. is going to be( )31. -What is your sister doing now? -She is packing. She _ to Hong Kong next week.A. fly B. flew C. was flying D. is flying( )18. -Excuse me. What did you say you would like to do, Miss White? -I said Id better go back to the office. I _ someone this afternoon.A. would meet B. met C. am going to meet D. was meeting( )19. Do you know if _ back next week? If he _back, please let me know.A. he comes; will come B. will he come; comesC. he will come; comes D. will he come; will come( )20. -Have you seen John? -Yes. He _ the information about animals on the Internet in thecomputer room.A. look for B. is looking for C. looks for D. looked for二、完形填空(10分)通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。Probably you have seen photos of the Grand Canyon. But you must go there 1 to feel its size and beauty. The Grand Canyon is one of the greatest 2 wonders of the world.The Colorado River made the Grand Canyon over millions of years. Slowly, the river cut down 3 hard rocks. At the same time, the land was 4 . Today the canyon is very 5 . Its also very 6 , about 20 kilometres. And 7 its height, there are different kinds of plants and animals on both sides of the canyon. The canyon looks different at different times of the day, and 8 different seasons and weather. At sunrise, the red, gold, brown and orange colours of the rocks are 9 clear and bright. Whether you see the Grand Canyon from the top or the bottom, it will be a(n) 10 that you will never forget. ( )1. A. you B. your C. yours D. yourself( )2. A. natural B. modern C. ancient D. national( )3. A. along B. through C. across D. past( )4. A. rise B. rising C. rose D. risen( )5. A. more B. dangerous C. deep D. low( )6. A. long B. deep C. high D. wide ( )7. A. as a result B. because of C. thanks to D. thanks for( )8. A. in B. on C. at D. for( )9. A. especially B. friendly C. hardly D. differently( )10. A. interview B. trip C. visit D. experience三、阅读理解AAmericans are very direct people. When they want something they say “yes” and when they dont they say “no”. If they want something different from what is given, they ask for it. Heres an example. I arrive at someones house and he gives me wine, I dont want wine. Maybe I dont like it or maybe I just dont want it. I will say “No, thanks.” If everyone around me is drinking something, I would ask for something else, “No, thanks. But Ill take a bit of tea if you have some.” If I really want wine, I just say, “Yes, thank you.” Unless they happen to know the Chinese customs, westerners will not ask you again and again after you have said you dont want it. 1. If Americans want something, they would say “_”. A. Yes, thank you.B. No, thanks. C. No, Im sorry. D. Yes, why not. 2. When Americans do not want what is given, they would say “_”. A. No, I dont. B. No, thanks. C. Yes, thank you. D. No, Im sorry. 3. In this passage, “westerners” means _. A. the people who live in the west of their country B. the visitors who go to the Western countries C. the people who live in the Western countries D. the people who know the customs of the West 4. The Chinese people might _ if you dont want something given. A. be glad B. say “thank you” C. get angry D. ask you again to take it 5. From this passage we know that . A. the Chinese people are direct B. the Chinese customs are better C. the westerners are more polite D. different countries have different customs BWhen you hear the word “pyramid”, most of you will think of those in Egypt. But Im sure few of you know there is a pyramid in Paris. The pyramid is known as the “Louvre Pyramid” since it is a gate of the Louvre Museum. In the 1980s, the French President invited I. M. Pei, the Chinese-born American architect to design a new entrance to the Louvre Museum. When Pei first showed his pyramid design, it was a great shock to all. Most people thought Peis modern pyramid would destroy (破坏) both the look of the museum and the respect (尊敬) for ancient pyramids. Since it was built in 1989, most people have changed their opinions, although some still think it is an ugly scar (伤疤) on Paris face. The Louvre Pyramid is 71 feet high. Around it there are three smaller pyramids and seven triangular (三角形的) fountains. And the pyramid is a large metal and glass one. This is different from the stone Egyptian pyramids. It makes it more convenient to visit the museum. Now it has become a Paris landmark.根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。(5分)1. From the first two sentences, we know that the Louvre Pyramid is _.A. younger than the pyramids in Egypt B. smaller than the pyramids in EgyptC. less famous than the pyramids in Egypt D. stronger than the pyramids in Egypt2. What does the underlined word “architect” mean in Chinese?A. 建筑师B. 官员 C. 运动员D. 工匠3. Why was it a shock to all when Pei showed his pyramid design?A. Because people thought it would make the Louvre Museum look ugly.B. Because people thought it would make people lose their respect for ancient pyramids.C. Because people thought it was not beautiful as the ancient pyramids.D. Both A and B.4. Which is NOT the difference between the Louvre Pyramid and those in Egypt?A. Modern people built the Louvre Pyramid.B. The Louvre Pyramid is a large metal and glass one.C. The Louvre Pyramid has got ugly scars.D. The Louvre Pyramid is a gate of a museum.5. The title of the passage should be “_”.A. The pyramid in France B. Pyramids around the worldC. The Chinese-Born American architect D. The famous Louvre MuseumCThe Hoover Dam is one of the largest and most difficult structures ever built in the United States. The dam is in the Black Canyon, near Las Vegas, Nevada. It controls the water of the Colorado River and produces electric power. Workers began to build the Hoover Dam in 1931. They finished it in just five years. The Hoover Dam is 221 metres tall. It weighs more than six and one half million tons. At that time, it was the largest and tallest dam in the world, and it was one of the largest producers of electric power ever built. The Hoover Dam also created Lake Mead, the largest man-made lake in America. Another man-made wonder of the United States was built long before the nation was set up. About 900 years ago, the ancient Indian people built villages high in the walls of valleys in Mesa Verde, Colorado. Six hundred cliff (悬崖) dwellings (住所) are now part of the Mesa Verde National Park. Visitors can stand at the top of the mountains and look into the dwellings almost hidden in openings of the rock walls. The Indian people cut small steps into the rock. A series of such steps connected buildings with hundreds of rooms. The rock walls have protected the buildings from bad weather in the area. So they have still mostly been unchanged in the hundreds of years since they were built.根据短文内容,判断下列句子正(T)、误(F)。(5分)1. The Hoover Dam controls the water of the Colorado River but it doesnt produce electric power.2. Workers began to build the Hoover Dam in 1931.3. The Hoover Dam is more than six and one half million metres tall. It weighs 221 tons.4. The United States was set up before the cliff dwellings.5. The cliff dwellings at Mesa Verde arent changed because of the protection of the rock walls.四、任务型阅读(10分)阅读短文,然后根据短文内容完成后面的信息卡。Changbai Mountain is in Jilin Province. Its said to be the most beautiful mountain in the northeast of China. Its name, Changbai, means “ever white” in Chinese, and its whiteness is because of the pumice stones(浮石). You can get there by train or by bus. Here are some tips for you if you want to visit it:1. From November to April, heavy snow covers(覆盖) the area. August is the best time to visit it. 2. Be sure to start from your hotel early in the morning, so that you have enough time to see everything and return. Visitors cant live on the mountain. 3. Bring food and water with you.Information CardLocationIts in (1) . Reason of being whiteIts because of the (2) . TransportationYou can get there (3) .Time(4) is the best time to visit it.Things TakenYou should take (5) . 五、补全对话(5分)。根据对话内容,从下面方框中选择适当的句子补全对话。其中有两项多余。Katy: What TV programme are you watching?Jack: A programme about pyramids. (1) _Katy: Oh, I think I have.Jack: (2) _Katy: I watched it last week. By the way, why do you watch it?Jack: (3) _Katy: It is interesting for you to learn something about them.Jack: Do you think they are the greatest wonders of the world?Katy: Of course. (4) _Jack: Pardon? Have you ever been there?Katy: Yes, I have been there twice.Jack: Brilliant!(5) _ This programme doesnt tell me much.Katy: Well, above of all, Egypt is a fascinating country and there are all kinds of things to see there .A. I am looking forward to visiting Egypt again.B. Have you ever watched it?C. Thats a good idea.D. Can you tell me more about them?E. Because we will learn about pyramids tomorrow.F. Where would you like to go?G. When did you watch it?六、短文首字母填单词。根据文意,在横线上填上正确的单词。(共10分) When I arrived, it was early morning and it was raining. I got 1 of the car, went 2 a gate and walked 3 a path. In the east, the sky was 4 light, but beside the path, it was 5 very dark. I knew it was there, but there was nothing to 6 After about a kilometer, a stranger 7 in front of me. “Am I going the right way?” I asked. He knew 8 I was going. “Yes,” he replied, “youll get there 9 five minutes.” Finally, I came to some rocks, and stopped. I looked carefully over them, but it was still too 10 to see anything. 1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _ 6. _ 7. _ 8. _ 9. _ 10. _七、用所给动词的正确形式完成短文(10分)阅读短文,根据短文内容用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。Do you know the most unusual building of the 19th century? Perhaps it 1. _ (be) the Crystal Palace. It was built of iron and glass in Hyde Park for the Great Exhibition of 1851. The Crystal Palace was different from all other buildings in the world. It was one of the biggest buildings of the time and a lot of people from many countries 2. _ (come) to see it. People from all parts of the world 3. _ (send) quite a lot of goods to the exhibition. There was also a lot of machinery on show. The most wonderful piece of machinery on show was Nasmyths steam hammer(汽锤). Though in those days travel was not so easy as it 4. _ (be) today, steam boats 5. _ (carry) thousands of visitors across the Engli


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