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    华尔街英语W1 track01.doc

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    华尔街英语W1 track01.doc

    Track01Marco:Pronto!Hello!Mary: Id like to speak to Marco Benini, please.Marco: Is that Mary?Mary: Yeah! Of course!Hi, Marco!Marco: Hello Mary! How are things in New York? Mary: Im not in New York,Im in Rome. Will you come and meet me?Marco: Oh really? Thats fantastic, Mary! Shall I find your hotel?Mary: A hotel? I dont need a hotel. I can stay in your apartment and try some real Italian food. Is your mother a good cook? And we can be together again. Isnt that amazing? Marco: Eryou see,MaryMary:Well, isnt it? Anyway. look, Im here in the square. I have a lot of luggage,so I can stay for a good long time. Will you come over?Marco: Where are you exactly?Mary: I dont know. Its a big long square with a lot of tourists and artists and cafes. Marco: Is that Piazza Navona?Mary: Yeah, maybe,some Italian name. So hurry up, Marco? I cant wait!Mary: Hello Marco! Look, thats my picture. Its good, isnt it? Hi,Can you pay him? I dont have any Euros. Theres my luggage. Hey, what kind of car do you have? Is it a big one?Marco: No. But itll be all right, Mary.Marco: So Mary, these are my parents. This is my mother and my father. This is Mary Hartman. Marcos Father: How do you do? very happy to meet you, Mary. Mary: Hi! So this is your apartment, Marco! Its not big, is it?Marco: There are only three of us here. Anyway, never mind. Theres an extra bedroom for you.Mary: I dont need a bedroom. I can sleep in your room, can I? Like in the Hostel in New York.Remember,Marco?Marcos Mother: Oh no,Mary! You must have your own bedroom. Please come with me.Mary: Hey, this wine is really good. Can I have some more please? Oops! Marcos Mother: What a strange girl!Mary: Whats that ?Marco: Oh my mother says what a nice young girl you are!Mary: Thank you very much maam !Marcos Father: Im going to bed. Its late. Good night Mary.Mary: OK,Good night !Marcos Mother: Its time for bed.You must be tired,Mary.Mary: No,Im OK !Marcos Mother: You know where your room is?Mary: Yeah,yeah,sure,no problem.see you in the morning!Mary:And now we are alone togehter. Isnt that great?! I know,lets listen some music.this is my bothers new CD.Marco: But my parents are in bed.Mary:Oh,they wont hear it.Marcos Mother: Whats happening?Mary: Oh hi there.Marcos Mother:Its so loud!Were trying to sleep. Mary:Its my bothers band. Isnt it incredible? Marco: Yes. Why dont you listen to it tomorrow? We are all very tired now, arent we?Mary: Ok ,alright!Marcos Mother: Good night.Marco: Good night Mary. If youd like a bath, the bathroom is next to your bedroom. See you in the morning.Marco: Hey, whats that?Mary: Oh Marco, I cant sleep.Marco: Oh dear!Mary: You are happy to see me, arent you?Marco: Yes, of course I am. But Mary, my parents bedroom is next door.Mary: Never mind about your parents ,Marco. What about your little Mary?HmmMary: Morning! So whats for breakfast .eh?Marco: Well, in Italy we just have coffee for breakfast,and maybe a small cake.Mary: Just coffee and cake? Thats not good. I will make you a real American breakfast, come on. Mary:Its all right, Mr. Benini. You can take it easy. Im making breakfast, American style. Ok, I need sugar, milk, flour and eggs. So here the eggs and heres a little of milk. Here is the sugar. Hey where is the flour? I must have flour.Marco: Here you are, Mary.Mary: Thank you,Marco!Mary:This would be amazing! In the States, we call this pancake. What do you think of it?Marco: Its Incredible. Marco:Look Mary, Im afraid theres a problem. You see, some relatives are coming here. Theyre staying for two weeks. So we need the extra room. Mary: Oh,I see.You mean I must stay in your room? Thats no problem.Marco: No, I dont mean that, Mary. Im afraid, you must . go.Im sorry!Mary: Oh! oh, I see. OK, I can do that. Ive some friends in Naples. Ill go there.Marco: Why dont I take you to the train station, Mary? Marco:Byebye, Mary. See you in New York, maybe ?Mary: Yeah, maybe.Marco: Bye!


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