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    Class班级/grade 年级: Age group年龄:4+中班School: Teacher(s): Date:1st July-31st August 2010 PYP plannerProposed duration: number of hours over number of weeks2 Months 40 Hours 8 Weeks1. what is our purpose? 我们的目的是什么?To inquire into the following 我们将探索:Transdisciplinary theme 主题范畴 我们是谁 Who we areAn inquiry into the nature of the self, of our beliefs and values, personal, physical, mental, social andSpiritual health: human relationships including families, friends, communities, and cultures, rights and responsibilities: what it means to be human 这是对自我本质、信仰与价值观的探究:包括个人的身体、心智、社交和精神等方面的健康;如,家庭、朋友、社会及对应的文化,以及对于个人而言其权利和责任等之间的关系。 central idea 中心思想 People have families and friends 人们都有家庭和朋友Summative assessment task(s)期末评估:What are the possible ways of assessing students understanding of the central idea ? what evidence, including student-initiated actions, will we look for? 我们能用什么方法去评估学生对中心思想的理解?(包括:孩子自发的行为表现等)Task任务:Students through visual presentation and oral explanation will demonstrate the understanding of need and importance of family and friends. 学生通过表演、展示和口头解说来证明人们对家庭和朋友的需要以及重要性。Strategy 策略:Individual presentations where children will 学生将进行个别化的展示: IIIustrate their family members and things they like to do as a family. 用插图形式来展示他们的家庭中每个成员以及他们喜欢做的一些事情。 Have one on one interaction with the teacher to explain orally the type of family, how to make friends and importance of family and friends. 每个小朋友都要依次向老师讲述他们各自家庭的类型特征,包括对于家庭和朋友来说,如何交朋友及其重要性。Tool 工具:Students will be assessed through a rubric. 给每个小朋友的展示进行批注或标记。2. what do we want to learn? 我们要学什么?What are the key concepts (form, function, causation, change, connection, perspective, responsibility, reflection) to be emphasized within this inquiry? 在这个探索单元中主要的概念指向是那些(形式,功能,因果,变化,联系,观点,责任,反思)? Function 功能 Form 形式 Responsibility 责任What lines of inquiry will define the scope of the inquiry into the central idea?(探究路径) Similar and different families 家庭之间的相似与不同 Making and Keeping friends 结交朋友并保持友谊 Importance of families and friends 家庭和朋友的重要性What teacher questions/provocations will drive these inquiries? (教师问题) Why do we need families and friends? 我们为什么需要家庭和朋友? How can you be a good friend? 你怎样做一个好的朋友? What are the roles played by family members and friends?你在家庭和朋友中分别扮演什么角色?3. How might we know what we have learned? 怎样知道我们是否学到了什么?This column should be used in conjunction with “How best might we learn?” 在一栏应与“我们如何学得更好?”一起用。What are the possible ways of assessing students prior knowledge and skills? What evidence will we look for? 有什么方法找出学生已有的知识与技能? 我们寻找什么依据?Brain storming on what is family and why we need family-the teacher will record evidence of students ideas of what is family and friends 头脑风暴:什么是家庭以及为什么我们需要家庭?教师记录学生的观点。Mind map-on the importance of family and friends思维导图家庭和朋友的重要性。What are the possible ways of assessing student learning in the context of the lines of inquiry? What evidence will we look for? 有什么方法和依据去评估学生对探索范畴的理解? Sticking a shape/fruit on the big/small tree cutout, representing nuclear and joint family to demonstrate understanding of the difference between the two.用很多方法来比较家庭和友谊之间的联系和不同 Reflection of visit to another school 参观另外一个学校后的反思? Reflection of importance of families and friends. 对于理解家庭和朋友的重要性的反思4.How best might we learn? 我们如果学得更好? What are the learning experiences suggested by the teacher and/or students to encourage the students to engage with the inquiries and address the driving questions? 通过什么帮助学生进行探究?其中包括教师预设和学生生成的相关活动。Tuning In 导入:1. Visual representation 展演-我和我的家人 2.Cover puzzle 图片记忆游戏-把家庭成员和朋友的照片制作成卡片,2个或者2组学生进行游戏,分别凭记忆翻开家人和朋友的图片。3. Pass the ball-传球游戏,传到谁就请谁来问一个关于家庭或者朋友的问题。4. People Bingo: Paired interview by students to gather information about each others family. 大家在一起,玩Bingo 游戏,相互问其家庭的情况。Finding out发现:1.Excursion 远足:visit to a school to make new friends 去周边学校的童年及建立友谊关系。2.Phone call 打电话:Telephonic conservation through role-play to teach etiquettes and how to interact with their family members and friends 用模拟电话游戏的方法学习电话礼仪,以及如何使家庭和朋友之间建立关系。3.Interview 约见: Children conduce interview with each other to gather first hand information about their friends and their families 学生相互约见,来了解他们是如何教导第一个朋友的,以及这第一个朋友的家庭情况。4. Photographs 通过每个家庭的家庭照片来探究每个家庭的特征,并探讨每个家庭是如何在一起度过美好时光的。Film 电影:观看与家庭和友谊有关的影片Sorting out梳理:Through visual arts 通过视觉艺术:用家庭树来展示各自家庭的成员体系,手指游戏,每个手指代表一个家庭成员。Through drama 通过表演:创设一个情景来表演,作为家人和作为朋友应该承担的各自责任。Through mathematics 通过教学:1.venn diagram representing role of family and friends 用图表格式来描述自己在家庭和朋友中分别扮演的角色。2.用统计图表形式来统计每个小朋友的朋友数量。Through English 通过英文:学生带一些具有自己家庭信仰代表性的一些物品来用英文向他人进行口头描述。Going Further 延伸:Expert visit 特别访问-邀请家长和朋友来班级介绍他们的家人和朋友。Individual projects 个别化项目:学生将运用照片、图片等形式自己制作一个文件夹或小册子,来向他人介绍他们是如何和家人以及朋友相处的;Interview约见-与家长个别约见,了解他们喜欢用什么方式来度过和家人以及朋友在一起的时光。Making Conclusions 总结:Blooms box 聚宝盒-把一些关键性的主题单元问题都压缩到这个盒子里,然后只要有机会就把这些问题拿出来和学生一起总结/归纳和反思。Taking action 行动:在以后的一年中不断记录家长的反馈/以及孩子日常生活中的表现/事迹等。What opportunities will occur for transdisciplinary skills development and for the development of the attributes of the learner profile?如何为幼儿提供学习跨学科技能和发展培养目标(IB单元中的重点培养目标)的机会?Skills技能:沟通技能:Children are giben opportunities (to work in groups,accept responsibilities,co-operate and respect others)during inquiry work,visit by parents;during bisit to another school,interpersonal skills will be enhanced.Research skills 研究技能 will be developed during interview when children collect data regarding each others family.Profiles培养目标-Caring 有爱心:A range of stories that covers the aspect caringwill be read followed by discussion.Children helping in the decoration of a gift hamper for their new friends during a visit to a school would also help in enhancing this profile .Inquirers探究者:Children will become inquirers when they conduct an interview of their family members and collect information about their likes and dislikes;when they will interview their peers to collect information regarding how they spend their time with their family.5. What resources need to be gathered? 要收集什么教学资源?What people, places, audio-visual materials, relate literature, music, art, computer software, etc, will be available? 有什么人,什么地方,视听资料,有关书籍,音乐,艺术,电脑软件,等等 可以用?Parents visit for the talk on their friendship, grandparents visits, movie on friendship and family: Finding Nemo , Lost bunny, Sound of Music, storybooks, rhymes, etc.邀请学生的爸爸妈妈、爷爷奶奶等分别来介绍他们的友谊,观看家庭和友谊的电影,学习相关的音乐、书籍、诗歌等。How will the classroom environment, local environment, and/or the community be used to facilitate the inquiry? 怎么利用班级里与社区环境去配合/加强探索?A visit of two families, nuclear and joint separately, Visit to a school, Stories, Visits by friends, family photographs, artifacts from home as a, role play corner-setting up a home corner as a family home. 去2个家庭参观,参观其他学校,欣赏别人的家庭照片,模拟游戏等。6.To what extent did we achieve our purpose?我们的目的是否达到?程度如何?Assess the outcome of the inquiry by providing evidence of students understanding of the central idea. The reflections of all teachers involed in the planning and teaching of the inquiry should be included.根据学生对中心思想的理解来评估探索成效。应包括所有参与计划与执教教师的反思。The unit was interesting and enlightening for this age group. The visit to an orphanage, Suparna Ka Aangan enhanced their communication skills and also made them understand that we need to share things with the less privileged ones.这个单元对于这个年龄的孩子来说很有意义,也很受启发。特别是孩子们访问了孤儿院,更让他们体会到家庭和友谊对于一个人来说是多么的重要。这个单元也是提升孩子们交流技能的好机会。Children actively participated in making big and small family tree ,which helped them understand the difference between nuclear and joint family.学生很喜欢家庭树的活动,让他们理解了对于一个人来说,家庭的核心位置以及朋友在家庭中所起的关联作用和意义。Individually decorating photo frames enhanced each childs creativity. 自制相框的活动提升了孩子的创作水平。The bar graph helped them understand about their friends.图表帮助他们了解了他们的朋友。Parents visit helped them understand that we all need friends irrespective of our age group. They even shared their thoughts on how they keep and make friends.家长参助让学生懂得了不同年龄的人都需要朋友,以及如何珍惜和保持友谊的关系。Handprint activity helped them know their family members better.手指画游戏帮助他们更好的了解了家庭人员的数量关系。Telephonic conversation through role-play developed their communication and interpersonal skills too.通电话模拟游戏发展了孩子们的交流技能以及自我修养水平。How you could improve on the assessment task(s) so that you would have a more accurate picture of each students understanding of the central idea. 怎么改善评估方法来更准确的反映每个学生对中心思想的理解?Children could make more friends through skype abroad or within the country.学生可通过交友网站交到更多的国内外朋友。Difference between maternal and paternal members of the family could be discussed.讨论从父亲的主线家庭树与母亲的主线家庭树之间的不同之处,理解更深刻。7. To what extent did we include the elements of the PYP?单元活动中是否包括了PYP的元素?程度如何?what were the learning experiences that enabled students to:有什么活动让学生-develop an understanding of the concepts identified in“What do we wantto learn?” 理解“我们要学生么?”里所列的概念?demonstrate the learning and application of particular transdisciplinary skills? 展示及应用某种跨学科技能?Develop particular attributes of the learner profile and/or arritudes? In each case,explain your selection.发展某种培养目标与态度。Concepts概念l Form形式:家庭树的活动帮助孩子们认识了家庭结构、成员之间的联系等概念。另外在约见中孩子们也认识到了家庭与家庭之间的相似与不同。l Function功能:在电话模拟游戏中,孩子们认识到每个家庭的号码都是唯一而且重要的。图书以及来讲述的家长们的一些观点和好主意也启发孩子们对友谊有了进一步的认识,并指导他们以后应该如何结交朋友和保持友谊。l Responsibility责任:通过讨论以及阅读等一些活动后,孩子们认识到家庭成员以及朋友对自己的重要性,以及自己在这些关系中应该赋予的责任。他们知道自己应该如何正确的表现才能处理好家庭和朋友的关系。Transdisicipinary skills跨学科技能Social Skills社交-Children were giben opportunities to work in groups during inquiry work,participation in Blind fold activity,telephonic conversation through role-play also helped them learn to interact with their family members and friends.在小组讨论、外出参观、相互分享、电话模拟等许多活动中都给孩子们提供了很好的社交技能学习机会。Communication Skills交流技能-During the visit to Suparna Ka Aangan,development of inter personal skills took place&oral presentation on an artifact enhanced the communication skills.在参观孤儿院的过程中,给了孩子们一个很好的个别交流的机会。Research Skills研究技能-Collecting data regarding hou ones own family members like to spend time and interviewing their peers ro know about their family enhanced research skills.在展示自己各自家庭的成员以及介绍他们在一起是如何度过美好时光的活动中,孩子们非常认真的研究了自己的家庭成员以及内部关系、联系等。Attitudes态度During Small and big tree activity it was nice to see them cooperating and showing respect相互尊重各自家庭的尊重态度。Profiles培养目标Caring有爱心:孩子们都给自己的新朋友制作了礼物,给孤儿院的孩子们送了礼物,以及在听故事过程中都表现出了他们的有爱心。Inquirers探究者:孩子们在进行访问朋友、介绍各自家庭成员的喜欢和不喜欢、以及访问同辈的家庭成员以及关系等活动中都很多运用了探究技能。8. What student-initiated inquiries arose from the learning? 单元中学生生成的探索活动有哪些?Record a range of student-initiated inquiries and student questions and highlight any that were incorporated into the teaching and learning.记录学生所生成的问题与探索,并列出教学过程中的学生生成的活动。Why do we need families and friends?为什么我们需要家庭和朋友?Why some children have big and some have small families?为什么有些孩子有一个小家庭而有些孩子却有个大家庭?Why our friends dont stay with us?为什么我们的朋友不和我们住在一起?What are the roles played by family members and friends?我们在家庭成员和朋友中分别扮演什么样的角色呢?How should we make friends?我们怎样交朋友?How can you be a good friend?我们怎样当个好的朋友?At this point teachers should go back to box 2 “What do we want to learn?”andHighlight the teacher questions/provocations that were most effective in driving the inquiries. 在这里教师应回到2号格“我们要学什么?”,反思并列出教学过程中有效的教师提问Why do we neeed a family and friends? 为什么我们需要家庭和朋友?What student-initiated actions across from the learning?单元中学生生成的行动有哪些?Record student-initiated actions taken by individuals or groups showing their ability to reflect,to choose and to act.记录一些学生生成(个人或小组)的行动,以展现学生具有反思、选择与行动的能力。We were happy the way students informed the parents about different types of families,their responsibilities towards their families,about friends and friendship which came forward during interaction with parents.Children also demonstrated understanding of the profile Caringwhich was evident during various problem situations with each other in class.我们很高兴看到学生们在这个单元中生成表现,比如他们理解了人们在家庭中所要承担的责任,以及如何将自己与朋友之间的友谊向家人们展示。当然,他们在很多活动中,都展现了他们的“有爱心”的培养目标,因为随处可以看到他们之间的互相帮助的场景。9.Teacher notes 教师备注:Art-Family terr,thumb family,family with house.美术-家庭数,手指彩绘,房子里家庭。Craft-Decorating photo frames.手工-制作相框Drama-Role playing-enacting like friends and families in different situations.表演-角色游戏-在不同的场景中扮演家人和朋友的角色Dance-Will you come and dance with meandBirdie song(Pair Dance)舞蹈和歌曲Maths-Family of squares,bar graph representing friends,venn diagram representing role of family and friends.数学-家庭正方形,图表统计等Hindi-Story,Do Mitr.印第安语言活动English-Picture story books:a range of books that cover the aspects of friendship and families were read out,followed by discussions. Say something:Teacher reads picture storybooks and stops regularly,and asks students to say something.Something from home:Children gave an oral presentation of an artifact which represents their family.Rhymes:Cousins are cozy,Grandam and grandpa,friends with me.英语-图片书、口头表达、谜语等Western Music-Shake a friends hand, We are one big happy family, Friends care, Happy family.西方音乐-和朋友握手,我们在一个欢乐的大家庭,朋友的关怀,幸福家庭等 音乐活动。


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