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    外国文教专家聘用合同附件Employment Contract Accessory 聘方(甲方): Employer(Part A):受聘方(乙方): 护照号:Employee(Part B): Passport Number: 双方本着友好合作精神,按照公平、公正、公开的原则,充分体现权力对等、义务向等。在自愿签订聘用外国文教专家合同基础上自愿签订本合同附件并保证认真履行合同中约定的各项条款。 Both parts sign this contract on the principle of equality , notarization ,open for the sake ofpresenting equity of right and duty on the base of voluntary signing of Employment Contract Between Foreign Teachers and guarantee of the terms implementation .一.聘方具体工作任务 受聘方在聘方的管理下,尽教师应尽的责任,协助聘方制定教学计划,参加聘方组织的英语课外活动。英语教师的责任包括:提高学生的听说英语能力,扩大他们的词汇量,帮助学生理解英语国家的文化及习惯。帮助中国英语教师提高业务水平。禁止传教。I. Specific workload of the employee Part B shall perform such duties as are assigned to him from time to time (orally or in writing) by Part A management, and shall occasionally help Part A with making course plans and help Part A with organizing English extra curricular activities such as English Corner. Such duties may include: Improve the students listening and speaking abilities, enlarge their vocabulary, and help them get a general idea of the cultures and customs of English-speaking counties. Help the Chinese English teachers to improve their abilities by training them. Participate in such activities with other English teachers as seminars on teaching methods, abersving other English teachers classes, etc. Religious spread is not permitted.二 聘期从2010年 月 日至 2011年 月 日II. Employment period from , 2010 to ,2011三 工资待遇III .Salary1. 直接报酬:货币工资1. Direct pay:Currency pay每月人民币4000-5000元。工资以人民币支付,以正式工作日起至工作结束日止,按月发放;每月15日为付薪日(遇节假日顺延)。不足月的按日计发,日工资为月工资的1/30(二月份同)。合同期未满未经聘方同意提前离开公司,只发在公司工作期内的工资,并追究违约责任。工资的70%以内可以按月兑换外汇,受聘方应按照中华人民共和国个人所得税法依法缴纳个人所得税。RMB paid in RMB monthly, started from the first offical workday to the last day stated in the contract . The employees salary will be paid on the 15th of each month (N.B. When paydays are on weekends,the paydays will be delayed to the next workday). If workdays in the contract are less than one month, the salary will be paid according to the numbers of the employees workdays. Pay for each day is 1/30 of the month salary. If the employee leaves before the completion of the contract without the employers approval, the salary will be paid only for the actual days worked .The employee will be held responsible. The employee must pay personal tax according to the income laws of PRC. 70% of salary can be changed into foreign currency.2. 间接报酬:聘方将保障受聘方在华的基本条件:Indirect payment :The employer will be guarantee the employees basic living condition for living in China:(1) 住宿条件:聘方提供附设家具、电视机、电冰箱、厨房、卫生间、有取暖(暖气)和降温(空调)设备的住房。电费,冷热水费,煤气费,暖气费,物业费,电话费及上网宽带费等和住所相关的所有杂费由聘方承担。(1) Living conditions: The employer will provide the accommodation with a furnished living room and bedroom, TV, refrigerator, air conditioner, kitchen and bathroom with toilet. The employee will be responsible for the charges for water,electricity,heating,property management, telephone calls ,internet, gas and all other relevant fee to the apartment . (2)医疗保险: 由聘方为受聘方提供医疗保险及意外保险各一份。如发生意外,超出保险金额,受聘方承担百分之90,聘方百分之十。(2)Medical Insurance: The employer shall provide the employee both Medical Insurance and Accidental Insurance during the contract period. If beyond the sum, the employee shall take 90%, and employer shall take 10%.(4)受聘方一旦被录用,聘方负责受聘方从住所到机场的接机。(4)Once the employee is employed , the employer is responsible for picking up theemployee from the airport to the accommodation of the employee in China.四. 聘方的义务 IVThe duties of the employer1.开学第一周,聘方统一安排有关部门负责人向受聘方介绍中国有关法律、法规和聘方有工作制度以及有关外国专家的管理规定。1. During the first week of the new semester the employer will arrange the departments concerned to familiarize the employee with the relevant Chinese laws and working rules for foreign experts.2.每月15日(遇节假日顺延)支付受聘方当月工资。2. It is the employers responsibility to pay the employee the monthly salary.五.受聘方的义务V. The duties of the employee1.遵守中国的法律、法规及聘方有关规定和制度。不干预中国的内部事务,尊重中国的宗教政策,尊重中国人民的道德规范和风俗习惯,不传播宗教。不从事与专家身份不符的活动。1.The employee must obey Chinese laws ,acts and rules, regulations of the employer ; the employee must not interfere with the internal affairs of China ; the employer must respect Chinese religious policy and moral criteria and custom ; the employee must not spread religion; the employee must not participate in activities which are not accord with the foreign experts identity.2.承担每周_30-45_课时教学任务,每课时30-40分钟,并在合理范围内给学生进行辅导。2. Each week the employees workload is _30-45_teaching periods (30-40minutes per teaching period) and some reasonable coaching.3.与聘方教学部门关于教材和课程安排进行研究。3. The employee should arrange the textbook and course with the teaching departments of the employer.4.每周参加1-1.5小时英语角及教研活动。4. Each week the employee should join in teaching and research activities and the English Corner for 1-1.5hours.5.未经聘方同意,受聘方不可以兼任与聘方无关的其他劳务。5. The employee can not assume part-time work or other irrelevant work without the employers permission.6.合同期内必须完成工作任务,保证工作质量。接受聘方的工作安排、业务指导、检查和评估。6. During the employment period, the employee must complete work tasks with guaranteed quality and accept the arrangements, operation instructions, checking and evaluation of the employer.7.不得有不良嗜好。如:吸毒、酗酒、打架斗殴等,一旦发现立即解聘。7. The employee should not have had habits such as illegal drug taking, fighting and drunkenness, etc .If there are any of these , the employee will be dismissed.六.工作时间和休息休假VI .Work time and holidays1.受聘方享受下列节日(中国元旦、国际劳动节、国庆节以及法律、法规规定的其他节假日)休假及工资,但是休假日期必须按照国家规定调换,受聘方每年至少享有一个月的带薪假期。1. The employee will be entitled to following holidays: New Year, Labor Day, Chinese National Day, and other legal holidays, but any holiday exchange will be handled following the States rule. The employee will enjoy at least one month paid holiday within one year.七.病假和事假VII .Sick and private affair leave1.受聘方请病假,须凭聘方指定的医生证明。受聘方在一个合同期(一学年)内,累计病假不满三十天,工资按照100%发放,病假超过三十天,聘方有权解除聘用合同。若未解除合同,不发放工资,直至恢复正常工作为止。受聘方请事假须经聘方同意,聘方将按日扣发工资,在合同期一学年内,事假累计不得超过十天,连续事假不得超过三天,超过一天,将扣发两天工资。未经聘方同意而擅离职守的,旷职一天,扣发三天工资,情节严重的,聘方有权解除合同,并追究受聘方的违约责任。1. If the employee has sick leave it must be proven by appointed doctor. If the employee has less than 30 days sick leave all together in an academic year during an employment period, 100% of salary will be paid. If sick leave exceeds 30 days, the employer is entitled to cancel the contract. Before canceling the contract, salary will not paid until the employee can return to work.If the employee wants to ask for private affair leave, it must be approved by the employer. The employer will deduct the daily salary according to the length of the leave. During the period of the contract the total private affair leave length must not exceed ten days. Consecutive leave length must not be over three days, two-day salarieswill be deducted. The employer will deduct three days salary from the employee for one day truancy. If the employee is seriously absent without approved leave, the employer has the right to terminate the contract. The employee will be held responsible.八.合同试用期VIII. Contract trial period 1. 受聘方的试用期为30天,在试用期内,聘方如发现受聘方健康状况或者专业水平不能胜任本聘用合同规定的工作任务,有权解除合同。1. The trial employment period is 30 days. During this time, if the employer finds the employees health or major /specialty level not qualified for the contracts job description , then the employer has the right to termination the contract. 九.聘用合同附件各项条款的规定和变更均由当事人双方协商,并以书面形式做出约定,任何口头协议均视为无效。IX .The terms in the employment contract and employment contract accessory are to be decided and changed by both parties through negotiation .They are to be expressed in written form. Any oral agreement is no effect.十.本附件与标准聘用合同具有同等效力,是合同不可分割的一部分。X. This employment contract accessory and the standard employment contract have the same effect and indivisible.十一.本合同附件以中英两种文字表述,各一式两份,聘方与受聘方各执一份。XI .This contract accessory is written in both Chinese and English , both pieces in uniformity, the employee and employer holding a copy.聘方签字: 受聘方签字:Employer signature Employee signature日期:2010年 月 日 日期:2010年 月 日Date: Date:4


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