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    有关全国不同区域高职教育发展水平比较分析的探索中英文对照The development level of the different regions of higher vocational education to explore the comparative analysis of Chinese and English高等职业教育作为我国教育体系的重要组成部分,反映了区域经济社会发展的需求,不同区域的发展水平也存在着明显的差异。本文对全国31个省、自治区、直辖市的高职院校规模、资源和毕业生就业状况进行比较分析。The higher occupation education is an important part of the education system in China, reflects the regional economic and social development needs, the level of development of different regions is also obvious differences. Comparative analysis of the employment status of Higher Vocational Colleges in 31 provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the central government, the scale of resources and the graduates. 关键词:高等职业教育;区域;发展水平 Keywords: the higher occupation education; regional development; 一、从总体上看,经济发达地区每万人口中的高职生所占比例较高,全国大部分省区对高职教育有较大的需求One, from look on the whole, higher per million population in the economic developed area in the proportion of students is higher, the majority of provinces in the country has a high demand on Higher Vocational Education 2006年,我国31个省、自治区、直辖市(以下简称“省区”)中,人均GDP达到2000美元以上的省区共10个,其中东部省区占了9个。超过4000美元的北京、上海和天津三个直辖市,其每万人口的高职在校生人数也居全国各省区的前列。从总体上说我国目前高职学生在每万人口中的比例不高,全国平均水平仅为61人,高出这一平均水平的省区共12个,其中东部占6个,中部占5个,西部占1个,区域间的分布差距也较大。而有18个省区的人均GDP仅在1000美元至2000美元之间,占一半以上,这些省区以中、西部地区为主;甘肃、贵州和云南三个西部省份的人均GDP甚至还不到 1000美元。In 2006, Chinas 31 provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the central government ( hereinafter referred to as the " provinces " ), GDP of average per capita of more than $2000 in a total of 10, the eastern region accounted for 9. Beijing, Shanghai and Tianjin three municipalities directly under the central government more than $4000 per million population, the number of Vocational College Students in the national each province in the forefront. From say on the whole . The present higher vocational students in the proportion of per million population is not high, the national average is only 61 people, higher than the average level of the province a total of 12, which accounted for 6 of the Middle East, accounted for 5, accounting for 1 of the western, also larger distribution gap between regions. There are 18 provinces in per capita GDP is only $1000 to $2000, accounted for more than half, these provinces in western region, mainly Gansu, Guizhou and Yunnan; the three western provinces per capita GDP is even less than $1000. 从整体上说目前我国31个省区中的大部分省区,无论从经济发展水平、城镇化进程,还是每万人口中的高职学生规模等,都与北京、上海和天津三个直辖市存在较大差距。10年后,若按全国每万人口的高职在校生数要达到80人的水平测算,则招生规模年均需增加25万人左右,即年均招生规模仍需递增89个百分点,相当于从2005年到 2006年的增长幅度。这就意味着,在未来10年间,我国高职教育总体上将完全可以按照目前的增长幅度推进。部分地区尤其是一些中、西部地区随着经济社会的快速发展,对高职教育的需求量仍将会保持在较高的水平线上。Say from whole. At present, most of Chinas 31 provinces, regardless of the level of economic development, urbanization, or per million population of Higher Vocational College Students in the scale, there is a wide gap with Beijing, Shanghai and Tianjin three municipalities directly under the central government. 10 years later, according to the national level per million population of higher vocational students number to reach 80 people, the annual increase of enrollment of about 250000 people, the annual enrollment scale still need to increase 8 - 9 percentage points, equivalent to from 2005 to 2006 the growth rate. This means that, in the next 10 years, the higher vocational education in China can completely according to the current growth rate of advance. In some areas, especially in the western region with the rapid development of social economy, the demand of the higher vocational education will be maintained at a higher. 二、从规模发展趋势的区城比较看,十多年前由东部地区兴起的举办离职教育的热潮,目前正向中。西部地区推进Two, from the scale of the development trend of the regional comparison, the rise of the eastern region held by more than a decade ago leaving education boom, is now in the. The western region to promote 从时间顺序和区域分布看,我国高职教育呈现由东到西的梯度推进发展态势。根据截至2006年 9月的材料统计2006年全国招收的高职学生占本、专科学生的平均比例为549,比上一年提高 18个百分点。从区域分布看,全国31个省区中高出这一平均比例的省区共16个,其中中部地区8个占一半;东、西部地区各占3个和5个。在这一比例超过60的9个省区中,中部占5席。值得一提的是,一些西部地区近年来也出现了迅猛发展高职教育的势头,西部12个省区中,其高职招生人数超过本、专科招生总人数一半的占9个。从招生数和在校生数看,2006年全国招收的290余万人高职学生中,东部占374,中部占421,西部占 205。在796万高职在校学生中,东部地区占 375,中部占422,西部占203。中部地区高职招生人数和在校生人数所占比例均已超过总数的4成并要高出东部近5个百分点。From the time sequence and regional distribution of view, higher vocational education in our country from the east to the west of the gradient advance development trend. As of 2006 September according to the material statistics.2006 the country to recruit students in higher vocational colleges, the average percentage of college students was 54.9%, an increase of 1.8 percentage points over the previous year. From a regional distribution, 31 provinces of high out of the average proportion of the provinces a total of 16, of which the central region 8. Half; East, west each accounted for 3 and 5. In 9 provinces and the ratio of more than 60%, the central accounted for 5 seats. It is worth mentioning that, some western area recent years have seen the rapid development of Higher Vocational Education s momentum, 12 western provinces, the college enrollment, college enrollment of more than the total number of half accounted for 9. From the enrollment number and the number of students, more than 290 people of higher vocational students enrolled in China in 2006, accounting for 37.4% of the Middle East, accounted for 42.1%, accounting for 20.5% of the western. In 7960000 higher vocational students, the eastern region accounted for 37.5%, middle accounted for 42.2%, accounting for 20.3% of the western. The central region of Higher Vocational enrollment and the number of students the proportion has more than 4 of the total. And to the east by nearly 5 percentage points. 从2003年到2006年,全国高职招生由1997万人上升到290。7万人,增幅为456,年均增152个百分点。从高职招生占本、专科招生总人数的比例看全国总体比例稳中有升,由522提高到 549,年均增幅不到1。增幅超过10的省区是宁夏、江苏、贵州、新疆和山西。而高职招生比例减少的省区有10个,其中上海和北京的招生人数和招生比例均呈负增长,天津的高职发展也逐步趋于缓慢,这表明三大直辖市高等教育的发展重心已在逐步高移,这也与最近几年一部分比较好的高职院校陆续升格为本科院校有着直接的关系。From 2003 to 2006, the national vocational enrollment increased from 1997000 to 290. 70000 people, an increase of 45.6%, an annual increase of 15.2 percentage points. From the entrance of the proportion of the total number of college enrollment, the overall proportion . The steady rise, increased from 52.2% to 54.9%, with an average annual increase of less than 1%. An increase of more than 10% provinces and autonomous regions are Ningxia, Jiangsu, Guizhou, Xinjiang and Shanxi. Higher vocational students and reduce the proportion of the province there are 10, including Shanghai and Beijing enrollment and the enrollment ratio of all the negative growth, the development of Tianjin are becoming more and more slowly, indicating that the development focus of three municipalities directly under the central government in higher education has been gradually moves, this and in recent years some of the better vocational colleges and universities have been upgraded to a university has a direct relationship.三。从供给资源和毕业生就业状况的区域比较看,各地离职教育的规模发展必须注重与资源条件和就业质量相适应Three. Comparison of the employment status of graduates from the supply of resources and the area around the scale of development, vocational education must pay attention to and adapt to resource conditions and the quality of employment 一个区域高职教育的规模扩张只有与供给资源相匹配,才能有效保证教育质量和实现可持续发展。区域“发展规模”与“供给资源”的适应度反映了各地区发展高职教育的现状与发展后劲。这里“发展规模”主要指从2004年到2005年独立设置高职院校的招生人数和在校生人数两项指标之增长幅度,它反映了当前各地区高职教育的发展速度。从全国的情况看,2004年到2005年独立设置高职院校招生数和在校生数分别增长了201和 270,比同期本科院校招生数和在校生数的增长幅度分别高出75个和12个百分点;校均规模增长218,也高出本科院校142个百分点,这表明当前我国高职教育正处在高速发展的阶段。“供给资源”主要指从2004年到2005年独立设置高职院校的生均校舍建筑面积、生均教学行政用房面积、生均图书、生均教学仪器设备值和高级职称教师比例等指标增长幅度。从总体上看,目前我国高职院校的资源处于“供不应求”的局面,即在高职院校规模快速增长的同时,供给资源却基本处于减少的状况(基本保持不变的只有高级职称教师比例)。从 2004年到2005年,高职院校生均校舍建筑面积减少103、生均教学行政用房面积减少95、生均图书减少95、生均教学仪器设备值减少53分别比同期本科院校的相应指标值要低79个、98个、103个和90个百分点。Only one area of higher vocational education scale expansion matching with the supply of resources, can effectively guarantee the quality of education and sustainable development. Fitness Zone " development scale" and " supply resources ." reflects the current situation and future development of higher vocational education development in each area. Here. " The scale of development " mainly refers to the two indexes to 2005 independent enrollment in Higher Vocational Colleges from 2004 and the number of students of the growth rate, which reflects the development speed of current higher vocational education in various regions. From the national situation, in 2004 to 2005 independent establishing polytechnic college enrollment and the number of students increased by 20.1% and 27%, than the same period of college enrollment and the number of students increased respectively by 7.5 and 12 percentage points; schools are growing 21.8%, also higher than the undergraduate college 14.2 percentage points, indicating that the the current is in the stage of rapid development of Higher Vocational Education in china. " The supply of resources " mainly refers to the growth index to 2005 independent college from 2004 per capita building area, student teaching and administrative buildings, student books, the average value of teaching instrument and senior teacher ratio etc. From look on the whole, Chinas Vocational Colleges resources in the " shortage" situation, the rapid growth in the scale of vocational colleges at the same time, the supply of resources is basically in a reduced state ( basically unchanged only senior teacher ratio ). From 2004 to 2005, higher vocational colleges building area reduced 10.3%, student teaching and administrative buildings by 9.5%, 9.5% reduction in the average student books, teaching equipment, reduce the value of 5.3%. than the corresponding index over the same period colleges to low values 7.9, 9.8, 10.3 and 9 percentage points. 根据各地区高职院校发展的不平衡性,我们将我国31个省区“发展规模”与“供给资源”的适应度分列为“基本适应”、“基本不适应”和“不适应”三类区域,分别进行了具体分析。总的结论是大部分区域高职教育的规模发展速度较快,资源供给还是难以适应规模快速发展的要求。通过对各区域“发展规模”与“供给资源”的对比分析,提出了两者的适应性问题,值得高度关注。今后一段时间,我国高职教育将更加注重提高质量、调整结构和提高办学效益注重以提高办学质量和效益为主的内涵建设。我国高职教育不仅要通过重点建设一批国家示范性高职院校为抓手,以点带面,进一步带动各区域高职教育的改革;更需要各地政府发挥举办高职教育的主体作用,抓住机遇,充分调动和发挥社会各方面的积极性,推动我国高职教育在整体上的健康发展。According to the development of Higher Vocational Colleges regional imbalance, we will be Chinas 31 provinces " the scale of development " and " resources supply " fitness as " to ", " dont fit " and " unsuitable " zone three, a concrete analysis is carried out. The general conclusion is at most regional higher vocational education scale rapid development speed, the supply of resources or difficult to adapt to the rapid development of the size requirements. Through comparison and analysis of the regional " development scale" and " supply resources", put forward the adaptive problems, it is worth attention. The next period of time, Chinas higher vocational education will be more focus on structural adjustment and improve teaching efficiency and improve the quality. Pay attention to the connotation construction, to improve the quality and efficiency. Higher vocational education in our country should not only by focusing on building a number of National Demonstrative Higher Vocational Colleges as the starting point, fan out from point to area, further promote the reform of the regional higher vocational education; more need to governments around the world to play the main role, conducting higher vocational education to seize the opportunities, and fully mobilize and play the social various aspects of the initiative, to promote the healthy development of Higher Vocational Education in our country on the whole. 高职教育的人才培养质量如何,最终要看高职院校毕业生的实际就业状况。2004年全国高职毕业生平均就业率为612,到2006年上升至738两年提高了126个百分点。但各地具体情况差异较大,东部9省区平均就业率为82,中部10省区平均就业率为699,西部11省区平均就业率为 707。一方面东部地区就业状况要明显好于中部和西部地区,另一方面西部省区的就业率有较大幅度的提高。从“2006年的就业率”及“2004年至2006年就业率的增幅”两项指标进行综合分析,北京、浙江、广东、天津、上海的就业情况良好,其就业率从 2004年至2006年的三年中均保持在80以上;广西、安徽、辽宁、四川、江苏、宁夏6个省区的就业情况也呈增长态势。若对应于从2003年至2006年的招生增长幅度,我们把各省区的就业状况与招生增长情况,按就业增幅与招生增幅协调度分类可知北京、浙江、广东、天津、上海、安徽、辽宁和四川8个省区是基本协调的,即在招生增幅不超过60的前提下,就业情况良好或呈增长态势;而其他各省区的就业增幅与招生增幅的协调度还有待提高。Quality and how to cultivate talents of higher vocational education, and finally to see the actual employment situation of the graduates in Higher Vocational colleges. In 2004 the national higher vocational graduates average employment rate is 61.2%, to 2006 rose to 73.8%. two years increased by 12.6 percentage points. But the specific circumstances are quite different, the eastern 9 provinces average employment rate is 82%, the 10 central provinces average employment rate of 69.9%, 11 provinces in Western China average employment rate is 70.7%. On the one hand the employment status of the eastern region is better than the central and western regions, on the other hand, the western provinces and autonomous regions of the employment rate is improved greatly. Comprehensive analysis of the " two indicators in 2006 employment rate " and " increase " in 2004 to 2006, the employment rate, the employment situation in Beijing, Zhejiang, Guangdong, Shanghai, Tianjin, the good, the employment rate from 2004 to 2006 three years were maintained at 80%; the employment situation in Guangxi, Anhui, Liaoning, Sichuan Ningxia, Jiangsu, 6 provinces and autonomous regions also showed growth. If the corresponding to from 2003 to 2006 enrollment growth rate, we put the employment and enrollment growth provinces and regions, according to the employment growth and the enrollment increase coordination degree classification. So Beijing, Guangdong, Zhejiang, Tianjin, Shanghai, Anhui, Liaoning and 8 provinces of Sichuan is the basic coordination, namely in the enrollment rate of not more than the 60% premise, the employment situation is good or growth; while the other provinces and regions employment growth and enrollment increase coordination has yet to be improved.


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