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    Kinfolk画廊和办公空间Norm Architects.docx

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    Kinfolk画廊和办公空间Norm Architects.docx

    Kinfolk画廊和办公空间 / Norm Architects高品质杂志Kinfolk的办公空间:关注每一处色调,每一个细微的差别,每一寸材料。2016-12-06项目标签设计公司:Norm Architects位置:丹麦类型:办公建筑商业建筑展廊材料:木材文章分类:建筑标签:CopenhagenInterior designSmall and DelicateSmall and Delicate Office哥本哈根室内设计小而美的办公空间非常感谢Norm Architects将以下内容授权gooood发行。更多关于他们:Norm Architects on goooodAppreciation towardsNorm Architectsfor providing the following description:Kinfolk画廊和办公室设计诞生于设计师与Kinfolk员工Nathan Willams和Jessica Gray的密切交流中。这是Norm建筑事务所与客户工作的方式,他们试图将自己的世界观与客户的和谐统一。事务所的设计精髓是在丰富和克制、秩序和复杂之间找到一种平衡,他们的视野高瞻远瞩,希望创造各方面都感觉良好的建筑空间。此设计旨在创造一个朋友和合伙人可以在此分享想法、展示工作成果的合作共享空间,以及一个休闲优雅温馨的办公空间。TheKinfolkGalleryand office space has been created in close dialogue withNathan Willams and Jessica Gray from Kinfolk. This is how we work with all our clients. We try to combine our universe with theirs.Much like human well-being, the essence of our work is found in balance between richness and restraint, between order and complexity. Our vision is to lookbeyond sight. We want to create spaces that feel good in every way.The brief for the space was to create a collaborative space where friends and partners could come together to share ideas and showcase their work and an office space that had an informal, elegant and homey atmosphere. Kinfolk画廊,Kinfolk Gallery 室内设计简约周到并关注每一寸细节。空间的每一处色调,每一个细微的差别,每一寸材料都是设计师精心挑选的结果,以此打造了一个和谐、精致、自然、有触感的适宜Kinfolk慢生活信条的空间。The interior architecture is minimalist, but thoughtful with attention to every little detail. Every single tone, nuance and material in the space has been carefully selected to create a harmonious, precise and natural feel with haptic qualities that we felt was well suited for theKinfolkcredo of slow living. 空间由三部分组成。最前端空间宽敞的玻璃窗面对着中央哥本哈根繁忙的 Amager Torv,将哥本哈根大街的街道景观引入室内。这部分公共空间用于画廊和集会空间。空间的第二部分是附带画廊的工作空间。最后的一部分空间相对更加独立和私密,其风格和布局都脱离了公共空间和半公共空间的传统定义。The space consists of 3 zones. The front end of the space facing the busy Amager Torv in Central Copenhagen with a full facade of big glass windows visually inviting the streets of Copenhagen inside. This part of the space is public and functions as agalleryand space for gatherings.The second part of the space is the work area that is attached to thegallery.The back part of the space is more separate and private. It is disconnected from the semi-public and public areas both stylistically and physically. 前台,Reception area最前面一部分空间,一个高端Nubuk analine皮革索伦森长凳布置在玻璃的一侧,为非正式的工作、会议或冥想Amager Torv的生活提供了可坐的空间。对面的小角落和小壁龛用于消除空间现存的不规则感,同时形成了一些令人惊喜的景观和精美的建筑细节。最大的可以入座的壁龛灵感来源于日本的壁龛。日本额壁龛常用于展示的重要的画卷,这里的壁龛可以当做一个小空间,人可以蜷缩在这里读书或玩电脑。Along all the glass panels of the front space a long bench with Sorensen high-end Nubuk analine leather runs from one end to the other, creating sitting areas for informal work, meetings or contemplation of the life on Amager Torv. Opposite small nooks and niches are created to clean up existing irregularities in the space and use them as an advantage to create surprising views and details in the architecture. The big sitting nook in the corner is created with an inspiration from the Japanese tokonoma. In traditional Japanese architecture you dont break the rectangularity of the rhythm of tatami. While the tokonoma is usually for displaying important scrolls, this nook is meant as a small space where you can curl up with a book or your laptop.宽敞的玻璃窗面对着中央哥本哈根繁忙的 Amager Torv,a full facade of glass window facing the busy Amager Torv 开敞明亮的空间,Open and elegant space 为非正式的工作、会议或冥想提供了可坐的空间,creating sitting areas for informal work, meetings or contemplation 沙发细节,Sofa details 人可以蜷缩在这里读书或玩电脑的壁龛,nook as a small space where you can curl up with a book or your laptop 展示壁龛,nook as a small gallery 画廊和办公空间十分宽敞,两者相连组成了一体的开放空间,后面经典哥本哈根风格的小房间由木制品点缀。前部分空间明亮,轻快和谐,当人随着一系列的窄门逐渐深入建筑,空间色调变得更暗更私密。狭窄的开口从地板延伸到天花板,扩大了空间的高度感。办公室空间内一张张定制的桌子有序的排列,定制桌子的灵感同样来自于日本建筑。所有的木质定制家具使用了丹森橡木材质给空间带来了自然温暖的感觉。严谨的桌子、泥土墙壁、原木塑造的家具、嫩沙色的垂饰和当代设计产品结合在一起,创造了一个优雅、精美利落的工作空间,完全符合Kinfolk的品牌理念。文化和历史、斯堪的纳维亚和日本风格与现代主义以低调细微的方式糅杂在一起符合工作人员的品味和修养。While thegalleryand office areas are spacious and connected into one open space plan, the back rooms are more classic Copenhagen style with small rooms and woodenmoulding and millwork. The space is designed to be bright, light and harmonized in the front area while its slowly getting darker and more intimate as you move through a series of narrow door openings that stretch from floor to ceiling, expanding the sense of height in the space. The office part of the space is arranged with bespoke tables that we designed with inspiration from Japanese architectural construction principles. All the bespoke wooden elements in the space are made from Dinesen oak and give a natural warmth to the space. The combination of the stringent tables, the earthy walls, the original wooden moulding, soft sand colored draping and contemporary design pieces, creates a elegant, sophisticated and crisp workplace that in our opinion fits well with theKinfolkand Our brands. Culture, history, Scandinavia, Japan and modernism fused in a subtle, understated way that fits the cultivated sensibility of the people working there. 办公室空间内一张张定制的桌子有序的排列,The office part of the space is arranged with bespoke tables 木质定制家具使用了丹森橡木材质给空间带来了自然温暖的感觉,All the bespoke wooden elements in the space are made from Dinesen oak and give a natural warmth to the space为了打破常规办公室的经验印象,接待区被设计的更像一个餐厅或起居室,在空间中央有一个巨大的圆桌,墙上有一些架子。空间整体氛围温馨热情,这里也可以用于集会或开小组会。To break away from the experience of regular office spaces the reception area is designed to be more like a dining or living room with a huge round table in the middle and shelving on the wall. The space become much more welcoming in this way and can also be used for gatherings and group meetings. 空间中央有一个巨大的圆桌,a huge round table in the middle 空间整体氛围温馨热情,The space become much more welcoming 餐桌摆设,decorations 墙壁运用了Kabe色调的灰泥。Kabe是日本语里面用于描述传统日本城堡、寺庙和私人茶室的墙壁所使用的词语。特殊土质的墙体有一种佗寂之美,它也借鉴了中央哥本哈根周边中世纪建筑外立面的质感和颜色。The walls are all rendered with a toned plaster called Kabe.KABE is a Japanese word describing the walls that are traditionally used in Japanese castles, temples and exclusive teahouses.While the quality of the walls has that special earthy wabi sabi quality, they also mimic the tactility and color of the exterior facades of neoclassical buildings in central Copenhagen surrounding the location of space.每一处细节都精心设计,Every nuance has been carefully selected 这个项目由很多品牌的共同设计创造,充满挑战与趣味。丹麦公司 Paustian制作了我们设计定制的丹森橡木桌子。空间内烟熏橡木厨房由Norm Archirects设计改造。The project has been a co-creation with a lot of brands, which has been both challenging and fun. Among these are are theDanish design company Paustian thatproducedthe tables that we designedbespoke for this project withwood by Dinesen. In addition, the space also featuresa smoaked oak kitchendesigned by Norm Architects for Reform.简约现代的Kinfolk,Simple and contemporary Kinfolk Location:Amager Torv, Central Copenhagen Copenhagen, DKParteners:Apparatus, B&O Play, Dinesen, Fade Acoustic Ceilings, Lambert & Fils, Kabe, Kvadrat, Menu, Muuto, Norm Architects, Paustian, Reform, Rich Brilliant,Willing, Srensen Leather, Vitra, Vola 6English text: Norm ArchitectsChinese text: goooodMore:Norm Architects更多关于他们:Norm Architects on gooood


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