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    本科毕业设计论文开题报告题目: 基于单片机的温湿度检测系统设计 课 题 类 型:科研 论文 模拟 实践 学 生 姓 名: 某某某 学 号: 3060202148 专 业 班 级: 电子信息工程 061 系 别: 电气工程系 指 导 教 师: 高文根 开 题 时 间: 2010.3 2010 年 3 月 28 日一、毕业设计(论文)内容及研究意义价值 温湿度的测量在仓储管理、生产制造、气象观测、科学研究以及常生活中被广泛应用,传统的模拟式湿度传感器一般都要设计信号调理电路并需要经过复杂的校准和标定过程,因此测量精度难以保证,且在线性度、重复性、互换性、一致性等方面往往不尽人意。由于温湿度传感器及其控制系统是 20 世纪 90 年代才兴起的行业,因此设计出一款精度高、稳定性好、成本低的温湿度检测控制系统具有一定的市场前景。此研究项目采用具有高精度,防干扰等优点的传感器,结合单片机嵌入式系统技术,设计完成的系统具有易携带、低功耗等特点,从而克服了传统温湿度检测系统需要复杂的校准过程和精度较低的缺点。二、毕业设计(论文)研究现状和发展趋势(文献综述) 长期以来,人们在温湿度测量过程中,大部分使用常规的测量方法进行测量。目前我国规模化的温控电子产品生产企业尚未形成,高端温控产品及先进实用的测控设备有较为广阔的发展空间。随着科技的进步,许多新技术、新工艺已经广泛的应用于温湿度测量领域中。在检测器件的发展方面主要是提高智能温湿度传感器的测量精度和分辨率;增加智能温湿度传感器的测试功能以及实现温湿度传感器在非线性补偿、温度补偿的自动补偿技术和自动校准技术等。在电子系统设计中,人们一方面是追求电子器件的质量和性能的提高,另一方面就要求设计出的系统要简单、方便易携带等特点。随着电子技术的发展和嵌入式系统的广泛使用,采用高精度传感器,低功耗单片机设计出的温湿度测量系统就可以满足人们的需求。 温湿度检测系统的应用前景宽广,工农业生产,科学研究,生活等领域都离不开温湿度控制系统。比如农业上要求能够实现智能化农业生产管理得利用温湿度检测系统;要实现养殖业的规模化与自动化,让被养殖的动物在他们适宜的温度与湿度下生长,这对养殖产业的发展和壮大起着十分重要的作用;粮食的储存也需要对温湿度进行严格的控制,以防止粮食的变质;在科学研究方面,温湿度检测系统能够保证温度、湿度的恒定或者变化,适应与科学的研究,排除或者考察温湿度对某项研究起到的作用。 在工农业生产、气象、环保、国防、科研、航天等部门,经常需要对环境温湿度进行测量和控制。准确测量温湿度对于生物制药、食品加工、造纸等行业更是至关重要的。但是相比而言,测量湿度要比测量温度更复杂,这是因为温度是个独立的被测量,而湿度却受大气压强和温度的影响。目前,温湿度测量领域的新技术不断涌现,新产品也层出不穷。主要表现在以下两方面: 1、温湿度传感器正从分立组件向集成化、智能化、系统化的方向迅速发展,为开发新一代温湿度测控系统创造了有利条件; 2、在温湿度测量系统中普遍采用线性化处理、自动温度补偿和自动校准湿度等新技术。 随着信息时代的到来,数字化技术的发展,传感器技术也得到了显著的发展。现代信息技术的三大基础是信息采集即传感器技术、信息传输通信技术和信息处理计算机技术。传感器属于信息技术的前沿尖端产品,尤其是温度传感器被广泛用于工农业生产、科学研究和生活等领域,数量高居各种传感器之首。三、毕业设计(论文)研究方案及工作计划(含工作重点与难点及拟采用的途径) 此研究项目采用具有高精度,防干扰等优点的传感器,结合单片机嵌入式系统技术,设计完成的系统具有易携带、低功耗等特点,从而克服了传统温湿度检测系统需要复杂的校准过程和精度较低的缺点。因此设计出一款精度高、稳定性好、成本低的温湿度检测控制系统具有一定的市场前景。 工作重点与难点: 1、信号的采集与处理; 2、显示和报警的设计; 3、温湿度监测系统的综合成本尽可能低。 设计方案: 图-1 系统设计方案框图设计(论文)工作进度计划:第 1 周: 布置课题和任务第 2 周: 查阅资料,熟悉课题,写开题报告第 3 周: 查阅资料,熟悉课题,写开题报告第 4 周: 熟悉具体实现技术途径,确定开题报告第 5 周: 进行开题报告会,硬件电路总体方案设计第 6 周: 硬件电路总体方案设计第 7 周: 硬件电路总体方案设计第 8 周: 软件功能分析第 9 周: 软件模块的确立,编写软件第 10 周:软件修改与完善第 11 周:软硬件调试第 12 周:继续调试,修改硬件电路和软件代码第 13 周:实现基本功能第 14 周:各种材料的总结,试验结果的分析第 15 周:毕业论文的撰写第 16 周:毕业论文的撰写第 17 周:毕业论文的修改第 18 周:准备答辩四、主要参考文献1 张琳娜,刘武发传感检测技术及应用M北京:中国计量出版社,19992 沈德金,陈粤初MCS-51 系列单片机接口电路与应用程序实例M北京:北京航空航天大学出版社19903 胡汉才.单片机原理及接口技术M. 北京:清华大学出版社19964 李志全.智能仪表设计原理及应用M. 北京:国防工业出版社1998.65 何立民MCS-51 系列单片机应用系统设计M北京:北京航空航天大学出版社,19906 李建民.单片机在温度控制系统中的应用J.江汉大学学报1996067 孙良言.国外湿度传感器发展动态J.传感器世界 1997128 沙占友.智能化集成温度传感器原理与应用M.北京:机械工业出版社20029 孙宁.基于 GSM 模块的远程温湿度监控系统J.世界科技研究与发展200210 倪自强.Labview 环境下温湿度监控系统实现J.电子元器件应用 20090211 管地.温湿度记录器的原理及应用品牌与标准化J.20090212 刘春起.居室温湿度监控系统设计J.石家庄职业技术学院报200713 刘东文.嵌入式温湿度控制器的研究与设计J.贵州大学学报200714 Temperature and Humidity Monitoring System Development Outlook.Wuhan science amp technology.15 Krashen S. D. The input hypo thesis: Issues and Krashen S. D. Theinput hypo thesis:199616 Krashen S. D. The input hypo thesis: Issues and Krashen S. D. Theinput hypo thesis: Issues and O gle D. K - W - L : A teach ing model thatdevelop s act ive reading of expo sito ry text J . Reading Teacher 39564- 570.M . London longman 1985.外文文献: Temperature and Humidity Monitoring System Development Outlook (Reference from Wuhan science amp technology) Humidity and temperature measurements are very important areas of the measuredobject. Regardless of human life are the living environment or industrial andagricultural production but also or are military meteorological observation andother fields are required for temperature and humidity measurement and control. Aselectronic technology computer technology communication technology sensors andsensor technology the rapid development of materials surveying the field oftemperature and humidity testing have also made the development by leaps and boundsIt can be said of the temperature and humidity measurement and control of the levelof a direct impact on all human activity. At the daily lives of people the peoples living space is also an artificialenvironment. Air pollution a direct threat to peoples health noise pollutionimpact on peoples emotions work rest diet can lead to neurasthenia temperatureoverheating cooling leading to discomfort people consuming energy air wet willallow people to are boring and suffocation air dry it will also make the mouthfeel sick and even diseases such as pharyngitis may occur. If the system of automaticcontrol of the most common space peoples lives more comfortable. Say so this isa promising subject scholars at home and abroad has been the development of relatedsystems Temperature and humidity measurement and control is also a lot of importantwork in the industry one of the goals whether it is food warehouse the warehouseof Chinese herbal medicines or the preservation of books are required at therequired temperature and humidity environmental conditions. However temperatureand humidity are the most difficult targets to protect against this situation thedevelopment of reliable and useful temperature and humidity at present the domesticlarge and medium-sized warehouse at storage management because of technical andfinancial reasons the majority is limited to only the temperature monitoring whenthe temperature level exceeds the mandatory ventilation and inverted positions evenso not timely or treatment of human conditions due to limited equipment will resultin substantial losses. Treasury implementation of the stored product temperaturerise is mainly caused because of the humidity the Treasurys own water storagestructures or continuous high humidity weather will lead to speeding up themetabolism and storage objects emit heat heat makes the temperature rise causedby further metabolism and moldy metamorphism. Once this vicious cycle difficult toeffective control of the formation. Therefore the Treasury carrying out temperaturemonitoring at the same time attention must be given on air humidity testing inorder to advance the Treasury to take effective measures to control stored producttemperature and mildew. In this paper the introduction of temperature and humiditycontrol system for the control of the core combined with sensors communicationsand digital electronic circuit technology implementation of the temperature andhumidity testing and the Treasury an effective temperature and humidity controlto reduce economic losses and labor intensity. Temperature and humidity interior has always been the most important twoparameters because temperature and humidity on greenhouse crops plays a vital roleand the growth of crops that decide the greenhouses and greenhouse business valueso the temperature and humidity monitoring greenhouse technology has become themost important one of the topics.Broadly speaking on the greenhouse temperature and humidity of the greenhouse canbe divided into three methods of detection. Method 1: Detect artificial greenhouse temperature and humidity inside thegreenhouse. Greenhouses greenhouses using temperature hygrometer head from time totime to observe artificial Record temperature and humidity data according to thedata decide whether or not to adjust the temperature and humidity inside thegreenhouse in order to better crop growth. This is one of the most traditional methods.Its weaknesses are: labor and the data is not accurate enough but the staff arenot always to observe the temperature and humidity changes it should not adjusttimely greenhouse environmental parameters which crops are very unfavorable. Method 2: Mechanical detection of greenhouse temperature and humidity insidethe greenhouse. The so-called mechanical Detect temperature and humidity inside thegreenhouse temperature and humidity that is take advantage of the style of Wenhygrometer continuous automatic method of recording temperature and humidity.Compared with the method 1 it is necessary to reduce the workload of staff and canbe very convenient to obtain more intuitive temperature and humidity at differentmoments of the curve. However this method still exist a significant disadvantageis that the staff still can not shed greenhouse environmental parameters timelycontrol should not allow the effectiveness of greenhouse greenhouses given fullplay. Method 3: Automatic Detect greenhouse temperature and humidity inside thegreenhouse. Nowadays this method is the mainstream method not only saves manpower andresources to achieve the temperature and humidity data in real-time detection andacquisition but also be able to timely and effective to control the variousenvironmental parameters. Computer according to temperature and humidity sensorsto the data collected can be directly communicated to the staff collected data isaccurate and can realize automatic control automatic alarm automatic printfunction. Truly become intelligent instruments. However the high cost of thismethod and the operators in the technical requirements are higher are large-scalefactory greenhouse computer control management program of choice and for a smallgreenhouse you can add some small modules as-bit machine keyboard etc. etc.can also be applied. To sum up in this design using a third detection method. Designed a simpleand effective intelligent temperature and humidity testing instruments to carry outmulti-point temperature and humidity in the collection. Designed in accordance withthe requirements of the basic device used in central processing unit and aretemperature and humidity sensors coupled with the auxiliary device to the externalcircuit of the temperature and humidity to complete the acquisition and displaythen the central processing unit and sensors for selection it is particularlyimportant it is necessary to take into account the convenient and practical butalso taking into account the price and the market supply. Temperature and humidity measurement and control is also a lot of importantwork in the industry one of the goals whether it is food warehouse the warehouseof Chinese herbal medicines or the preservation of books are required at therequired temperature and humidity environmental conditions. However temperatureand humidity are the most difficult targets to protect against this situation thedevelopment of reliable and practical detection of temperature and humidity controlsystem and it is very important. With the micro-computers and the rapid development of sensor technologyautomatic detection of the field has undergone tremendous changes storagetemperature and humidity control of automatic monitoring research significantprogress has been made. The United States Japans warehouse monitoring facilityover the past 20 years has developed very rapidly they have made in connection withnational conditions of the achievements of innovative features one of the storageenvironment-control technology have a relatively high level but the monitoringequipment is very expensive. The introduction of our country in recent years as manyas 16 countries and regions in the warehouse environment control systems on theabsorption of advanced foreign experience promote the storage temperature andhumidity automatically detects have had a positive effect but too many due to powerconsumption high cost the variety can not support failed to achieve good results.General Chinese warehouse environment control system suitable to Chinas nationalconditions must follow the path of development at the introduction assimilationdomestic and foreign advanced technology and scientific management on the basis ofsumming up the increase in integrated innovation ahead of demonstrations not onlythe development of appropriate level of economic development in our country can meetthe needs of different climatic conditions close to or reach the world advancedlevel of intelligent warehouse monitoring system. At species-specific integratedtechnology marketing on storage and transportation should be the development ofproducts with Chinese intellectual property and technology. With the development of modern science and technology electronic computerhas been used to control the storage environment. Control system by the centralcontrol device terminal control equipment sensors and other components. First toproduce the optimal storage conditions of grain storage management process tablestored in electronic computer memory devices computer table in accordance withprocedures to confirm and correct the parameters of the warehouse and give terminalcontrol system commands. Terminal control equipment to the central control devicefor conveying information Detect according to the central control unit commandsthe output control signals electrical machinery and equipment to enable theimplementation of action implementation of environmental regulation of grainwarehouses. The automatic control system can achieve cooling dehumidificationventilation. According to the needs of information through the keyboard to enterthe central management room according to the situation may at any time adjust thestorage temperature. Food storage temperature and humidity control systemautomation at large modern grain warehouse use the embodiment of modern high-tech.中文译文: 温湿度监测系统发展展望 (英文参考文献来自 Wuhan science amp technology) 湿度和温度是测量领域内十分重要的被测对象。不管是人类赖以生存的居住环境,还是工农业生产,亦或者是军事、气象观测等领域都需要对温度和湿度进行测量和控制。随着电子技术、计算机技术、通信技术、传感器及传感器材技术的迅速发展,测量领域内对温度和湿度的检测也取得了跨越式的发展!可以说对温湿度的测量与控制水平直接影响到人类的所有活动。 在人的日常生活中人的居住空间也是一个人工环境。空气污染直接威胁人的身体健康噪音污染影响人的情绪、工作、休息、饮食可以导致神经衰弱温度过热、过冷导致人的不适耗费电能空气过湿将使人们感到沉闷和窒息空气过燥又会使人的口腔感到不适甚至可能发生咽喉炎等疾病。 如果能系统自动控制这个最常见的空间人的生活将更舒适。所.


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