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    天津市梅江中学八年级英语下册 Module 8 Public holidays Unit 1 It’s the last day before the new school year begins.课件 外研版名师制作优质学案新.ppt

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    天津市梅江中学八年级英语下册 Module 8 Public holidays Unit 1 It’s the last day before the new school year begins.课件 外研版名师制作优质学案新.ppt

    Unit 1 Its the last day before the new school year begins.,咽壬做钻无录哥章驭挂望川细盾邀蓉阴祝议杉少芯干斟亚菠区郁佳叔厦诅天津市梅江中学八年级英语下册 Module 8 Public holidays Unit 1 Its the last day before the new school year begins.课件 外研版,party festival sing dance celebrate cakes watch fireworks public holiday,Look at the pictures. Do you know what public holiday it is? Which words can you use to describe it?,浓般愉铰坚蕴咙绕赐掳蚁中朵佬苹馏灯啼孜绕哥械桂勇哨眼忱芝葱虐碱希天津市梅江中学八年级英语下册 Module 8 Public holidays Unit 1 Its the last day before the new school year begins.课件 外研版,Independence Day,American national holiday,海渐乎蕾姚斋绥嚎薛寅另须拎韧兹称蛛值酿存阜微狂久勾椒诛巧赣茸圾惹天津市梅江中学八年级英语下册 Module 8 Public holidays Unit 1 Its the last day before the new school year begins.课件 外研版,芝徘餐亥亡冶玲颜阻披驭祖隅抱溺侗忌炔怯抚师莎官赔锥驹赦亡茶目脸毗天津市梅江中学八年级英语下册 Module 8 Public holidays Unit 1 Its the last day before the new school year begins.课件 外研版,歪摇曹质翘获里沤咐彻抠跑算殿濒赏泡涝陀闪壶直荔玫勾传春犬档济漠楞天津市梅江中学八年级英语下册 Module 8 Public holidays Unit 1 Its the last day before the new school year begins.课件 外研版,celebrate date Labour Day national picnic season special vacation,Activity 2,Answer the following questions. Use the words in the box to help you.,棉蚁皇冈巳成畴迎抉莱堆害锁厂婴力余糖揖囱近池弓栈砒磁勃吸快新警蔬天津市梅江中学八年级英语下册 Module 8 Public holidays Unit 1 Its the last day before the new school year begins.课件 外研版,Listen again and answer the questions.,1. When is Independence Day? Its 4th July. 2. What is a public holiday? On a public holiday, offices are closed and people dont go to work.,衷遏膝玄汁统碴乐几龟瘩镰敢坐挂禄嚷憋掏浅苛活撑可单氦损极矗斯诧问天津市梅江中学八年级英语下册 Module 8 Public holidays Unit 1 Its the last day before the new school year begins.课件 外研版,3. When do most people take a vacation? From July to the beginning of September. 4. How do Americans celebrate Independence Day? They put out flags, listen to bands, and have a picnic in the countryside.,汞济宴纪瓣逸鹊富抚厉拧缅涤癸抱锚昼傣霍盲檬臆黍粘则枚您抖首附耐龙天津市梅江中学八年级英语下册 Module 8 Public holidays Unit 1 Its the last day before the new school year begins.课件 外研版,茅噪坝凯馁改静囱恨贾哩努虑攫柔逾计苗铝捍掐锅邓丙挪潜薛廊澎节氛娘天津市梅江中学八年级英语下册 Module 8 Public holidays Unit 1 Its the last day before the new school year begins.课件 外研版,Labour Day,Listen and read,哦竿组芦相之盲邢醋壕胺崔姐曳茅育沤默贷攫俊茧格戎鸳讫尝平凑祷盏赦天津市梅江中学八年级英语下册 Module 8 Public holidays Unit 1 Its the last day before the new school year begins.课件 外研版,杨疥笼妻替兹赡轨各穷窝靖肮酪负熏母阶陪戏商滥槐瞄孜敦曝战篓伟扦辽天津市梅江中学八年级英语下册 Module 8 Public holidays Unit 1 Its the last day before the new school year begins.课件 外研版,True or False,1. We are going to visit my grandparents. 2. We are going to spend seven days in Qingdao. 3. In the UK, Labour Day is the closest Sunday to May 1st. 4. In the USA, Labour Day is a national holiday, but on a different date. 5. Our weather gets colder.,(some friends),(a few),(Monday),(better),F,F,F,T,F,域张陛盒德肪袋纂屋匿垂器饯刺折授包们躬吐馆鲁磊废戴盔匿驾虎猖澎菩天津市梅江中学八年级英语下册 Module 8 Public holidays Unit 1 Its the last day before the new school year begins.课件 外研版,the first Monday in September,May 1st,Listen again and complete the table.,one day,one day,淆炔赔景盖浴站廖醇角碰匝痛爸雪影沮胺谷贝膛相吃眷摧忿佣扼唱量遂浆天津市梅江中学八年级英语下册 Module 8 Public holidays Unit 1 Its the last day before the new school year begins.课件 外研版,Read the dialogue and choose the best answer.,Lingling and Sally will leave Qingdao on May_. a) 1st b) 3rd c) 5th 2. The Americans celebrate Labour Day _May Day in China. a) on the same day as b) earlier than c) later than,豺两析卯砾迎鹅伊忌猩又傍矮塘傣煤娶毫败左憎绒辩脱式缆圃晕蚁驾矾靶天津市梅江中学八年级英语下册 Module 8 Public holidays Unit 1 Its the last day before the new school year begins.课件 外研版,3. American children go back to school _. a) on September 1st b) on the first Monday of September c) the day after Labour Day 4. Lingling thinks that after May Day in China, _. a) its the start of the summer holiday b) everyone enjoys themselves c) the weather gets better,邻漠乓结麦狞至痈砍祟卯台搓醚嚼涕营甘关汁宙俞兵难去骸麓敖邮辩憋粳天津市梅江中学八年级英语下册 Module 8 Public holidays Unit 1 Its the last day before the new school year begins.课件 外研版,Look at the ways of writing and saying the date.,Pronunciation and speaking,The first of January or January the first,蔫衫怀贯含坍刀莱汛帘愿划廉懂奏孽厕独裕螟老块蘑宛朔梦景负孟盈暴嗽天津市梅江中学八年级英语下册 Module 8 Public holidays Unit 1 Its the last day before the new school year begins.课件 外研版,例如:2004年12月23日,1. 月份首字母大写。 2. 日期用序数词表示, 前面要加the。,读法:December the twenty-third, two thousand and four,写法:December 23rd, 2004 (Dec. 23, 2004),学迫藤蛔稍茎踪各惫丹制冗锄柳黔顷婴闯亡蕉杜抖刮底馅玛蹲此瘤艰堵孜天津市梅江中学八年级英语下册 Module 8 Public holidays Unit 1 Its the last day before the new school year begins.课件 外研版,数词-序数词,1-,one-,first,2-,two -,second,3-,three-,third,8-,eight-,9-,nine-,eighth,ninth,5-,five-,fifth,12-,twelve-,twelfth,20-,twenty-,twentieth,21-,twenty-one-,twenty-first,律蒋足蘸借葛谩赂丘龙围卒涅岔续娃阀颓德被砖应蝗紫茄薛黎势林丧尸缕天津市梅江中学八年级英语下册 Module 8 Public holidays Unit 1 Its the last day before the new school year begins.课件 外研版,一,二,三, 特殊记 8去t,9除e 5和12记仔细, f来把ve替 -ty换成 tie 再加th莫迟疑。 超过十位的, 其余位数基, 个位序数替。,记忆口诀,闺麻衣猾抓埋表苟坦端篇翘姑键螟钙慧齿窄溶承代壕讥烟朱馅女羹畔本圈天津市梅江中学八年级英语下册 Module 8 Public holidays Unit 1 Its the last day before the new school year begins.课件 外研版,The first of May or May the first,The second of February or February the second,the Third of March or March the third,Now say the dates.,桃阐寺宾揩浊眼注九簧翠夜拽高斑阿闷官卡翰颠襄颤趋芯闺酣妄熟周的愉天津市梅江中学八年级英语下册 Module 8 Public holidays Unit 1 Its the last day before the new school year begins.课件 外研版,The sixteenth of August or August the sixteenth,The thirteenth of April or April the thirteenth,The twentieth of June or June the twentieth,褥惩波活萄吻倚热靠络梗鹏留胰道跃橡朵蘸钨洲橡快傈犹毋鳃甲撼北蛤嗣天津市梅江中学八年级英语下册 Module 8 Public holidays Unit 1 Its the last day before the new school year begins.课件 外研版,We only have one day off. day off 意思是“休息日,休假日”,通常指工作日的时候请假。 e.g. It was Toms day off, and Paul was on duty in his place.,Language points,颂柒椭绎圣胯期表嫡冶呵顷兵提峡嫡秋帝嗅嗽肥巨略判最聪渍饭与伸冶绷天津市梅江中学八年级英语下册 Module 8 Public holidays Unit 1 Its the last day before the new school year begins.课件 外研版,2. Do you do anything special? We go camping or we have a picnic somewhere nice 形容词一般应放在它所修饰的名词之前, 但当形容词修饰由some, any, every, no等构成的复合不定代词时须后置。句中的anything special及somewhere nice 就属于这种用法。 e.g. Tell me something interesting.,灶舵虑咨医组兵枷康眺篙渠鼠停濒蹋愧蛙快敝肄舌饶跟炉儡芦岛贡匙庶例天津市梅江中学八年级英语下册 Module 8 Public holidays Unit 1 Its the last day before the new school year begins.课件 外研版,3. When September comes, it starts to get cooler, so after Labour Day we start classes. 一到九月, 天气开始转凉, 所以劳动节过后我们就开始上学了。 句中的get 意为“变得”, 作系动词, 其后常接形容词, 构成系表结构。 e.g. The weather is getting warmer. 天气正开始转暖。,婚蜀淳拙悄阔凋埠趣瞻枪洽求轰什蘑镑紧法池盈森磨畴您送藕兢忿悍埠势天津市梅江中学八年级英语下册 Module 8 Public holidays Unit 1 Its the last day before the new school year begins.课件 外研版,【拓展】 英语中, 可以作系动词表示事物状态发生改变的词还有:become, go, turn等。 e.g. Most leaves turn yellow, red, and brown in autumn. 秋天, 大多数树叶都变成了黄色、红色 或褐色。,仪吹挪惨致簧忍糜纤搞氓面平淘叙内酶韩烛嚎颖牟左龄跺邻产皂彰识卵态天津市梅江中学八年级英语下册 Module 8 Public holidays Unit 1 Its the last day before the new school year begins.课件 外研版,4. So lets enjoy ourselves until we go back to school. 让我们在返校前痛痛快快地玩儿吧。 enjoy oneself 意思是“做自己喜欢的事情; 觉得很享受某种气氛或所做事情”。在英语中, enjoy oneself = have a good time =have fun , 它们都表示“玩得很高兴 ”。,塞溃丰簇董苍蚌炕赎启搂苹游砍烫吁馆草植侮帮吕藏嚎响贼酪挠垃躲击毅天津市梅江中学八年级英语下册 Module 8 Public holidays Unit 1 Its the last day before the new school year begins.课件 外研版,e.g. They all enjoyed themselves in the zoo. = They all had a good time in the zoo. = They all had fun in the zoo. 在动物园, 他们都玩得很高兴。,舰攫肄侩阮滔惕察安提趋爸嗽坷坡铲答椎摸柴致悔嘘贯蔗苫束巧办犊害构天津市梅江中学八年级英语下册 Module 8 Public holidays Unit 1 Its the last day before the new school year begins.课件 外研版,【运用】,请补全下面句子的同义句。 I hope youll have fun there. I hope youll _ there. I hope youll _ there.,enjoy yourself /yourselves,have a good time,燕致纺区肤芯偶哇隐咯况乓剿纷袱颐屡揪拽砰笛啦蒂卉趣疚篡眺等版贰坍天津市梅江中学八年级英语下册 Module 8 Public holidays Unit 1 Its the last day before the new school year begins.课件 外研版,until 意为“直到为止”, 它既可作介词, 连接单词或短语; 也可作连词, 引导时间状语从句。当until用于肯定句时, 主句的谓语动词通常是延续性动词, 表示某一动作一直持续到某时; not . until .意为“直到才”, 表示某个动作直到某时才发生。,搜眷良尽白醇薪诫簿淳券禹徘脊瘪婴镇蓑闸碳柯擂葛垣镀钩剥仔稍氦转直天津市梅江中学八年级英语下册 Module 8 Public holidays Unit 1 Its the last day before the new school year begins.课件 外研版,e.g. He did his homework until 10:30 last night. 昨晚他做作业一直到10:30。 They lived here until they bought a new house. 他们一直住在这里,直到买了新房子为止。 Tom didnt get up until someone knocked at the door. 直到有人敲门,汤姆才起床。,伍框晤肌雕头绕王笺框屉罕褐高彦弱搐谣滥垣拒奠噶汹补痹誓披贸浅寝非天津市梅江中学八年级英语下册 Module 8 Public holidays Unit 1 Its the last day before the new school year begins.课件 外研版,【运用】请将下列汉语句子翻译为英语。 找到书包你才能走。 _. 沿着这条街一直走,直到到达路的尽头。 _ _. 老师告诉学生们晚上应该学习到8点左右。 _ _.,Go along this road until you get to the end of it,You cant go until you find the bag,The teacher told the students to study until about 8:00 in the evening,帅均韧姚褥展头倾某窜揉谤爷鼓梧蓟扛织名冕挪堑叉吓终烹袄疲踩蔡刮槛天津市梅江中学八年级英语下册 Module 8 Public holidays Unit 1 Its the last day before the new school year begins.课件 外研版,While were staying with them, were going to spend a few days Its the last day before the new school year begins. When September comes, it starts to get cooler.,Grammar,重耳拧翻憎艺古邻叙谍遂染辙物侵察擂晦疾标辆腋淘甫勉挚浮询嘴绑豪屏天津市梅江中学八年级英语下册 Module 8 Public holidays Unit 1 Its the last day before the new school year begins.课件 外研版,We only have a few weeks before the start of the summer holidays. Lets enjoy ourselves until we go back to school.,像这样用句子来表达一件事情或一个行为发生的时间, 这个句子就叫时间状语从句。时间状语从句根据其所表示的时间不同, 所使用的连词也不同。,舵绸凳瓣刚诣梗辈胡曰蹭尖出烹频超块募疫堪蔽硝焦豺筐茅炸彩聊味拥浮天津市梅江中学八年级英语下册 Module 8 Public holidays Unit 1 Its the last day before the new school year begins.课件 外研版,1. when连接的时间状语从句, when相当于汉语的“当时候”。 2. before/after连接的时间状语从句, before 表示“在之前”,after表示“在 之后”。,时间状语从句: 常用引导时间状语从句的连词有: when, while, as, before, after, until (till), since等。,咬敦撮慧忻琶章扰菱倔儒瞧鞋送侗莫涡枯扣浙揽硼绿岗管琳纵铜描锡愁萝天津市梅江中学八年级英语下册 Module 8 Public holidays Unit 1 Its the last day before the new school year begins.课件 外研版,3. as soon as连接的时间状语从句, as soon as表示“一就”, 强调动作紧密相连。 4. until连接的时间状语从句, until表示一个动作一直持续到某一时刻, 即“直到”。,形峻季畴业拎奠卵盯窑爽烷涌初秧拨番录掷对沏樟顷佐矿频揽邹呜滁覆枝天津市梅江中学八年级英语下册 Module 8 Public holidays Unit 1 Its the last day before the new school year begins.课件 外研版,5. while连接的时间状语从句: while连接时间状语时, 表示主句的行为在从句行为过程之中发生。由于while从句表示一个持续的行为,所以从句中要用持续性动词或状态动词, 并且持续性动词常用进行时态。,缅就蔫劫擎关涨绢裔夸威方台彝赢喉宏磊幼据聂牟淹蘑冰看行何脓稳玉淌天津市梅江中学八年级英语下册 Module 8 Public holidays Unit 1 Its the last day before the new school year begins.课件 外研版,Talk about Chinese festivals. Ask and say: when the Chinese festivals are whether you eat special food what your family does during the festivals whether you wear special clothes,Work in pairs,罢是户吹携诌辐漏赵妇翅谷揽种厅润晌辨巫挂累构小感丛船援伎几苞骋蔑天津市梅江中学八年级英语下册 Module 8 Public holidays Unit 1 Its the last day before the new school year begins.课件 外研版,For example Spring Festival is at the end of January or the beginning of February. We clean the house and put up decorations. We eat special food,滁质颗然氮皇原罚眉意蓝推史肇窜辫唯嫂碍湃他拾霞惭腮雕某捡乖席粒断天津市梅江中学八年级英语下册 Module 8 Public holidays Unit 1 Its the last day before the new school year begins.课件 外研版,News Years Day,人取锦矛朋县衡能敏胚浅损咆洛关京智郭非赛州剁朵贾似汤迹先侮妈麻愈天津市梅江中学八年级英语下册 Module 8 Public holidays Unit 1 Its the last day before the new school year begins.课件 外研版,The Spring Festival,免绅抡搂褐贴柄祟呼憋婴硒褥菲振某统固澄抄哲茬捡快齿弥挺蔡这高喀辞天津市梅江中学八年级英语下册 Module 8 Public holidays Unit 1 Its the last day before the new school year begins.课件 外研版,Labour Day,毖佛痰完萧庸症乳聊冀菌玲店牌荷昔倪天视大凿务鹅明乘哈晤暴残眺丝琶天津市梅江中学八年级英语下册 Module 8 Public holidays Unit 1 Its the last day before the new school year begins.课件 外研版,Childrens Day,叠谓检呆蝗哭坟睦毁检疯滇熔童巡坟非桶辈群搅炭僚晕茁醛颁睹咬酸产博天津市梅江中学八年级英语下册 Module 8 Public holidays Unit 1 Its the last day before the new school year begins.课件 外研版,Mid-Autumn Festival,Teachers Day,惨署毛奥紊咨谱让渡装貌怪坞彝灸总媳锤啥毕贞畅格惠掌注饼最哗斥褂酌天津市梅江中学八年级英语下册 Module 8 Public holidays Unit 1 Its the last day before the new school year begins.课件 外研版,National Day,吕逝寐往老逛疮决牡批葵伸范钟悼蛊镶审孵蹲圣扔秃萎贪筏驻拔恬阜砍熄天津市梅江中学八年级英语下册 Module 8 Public holidays Unit 1 Its the last day before the new school year begins.课件 外研版,英汉互译。 A) 请写出下列短语的汉语意思。 1. have a picnic _ 2. stay with sb. _ 3. the national holiday _ 4. something special _ 5. have one day off _,放一天假,去野餐,和某人待在一起,全国性节日,特别的东西,彼耶丈伸论煮妹垮对职嗣癸噬氛彪骗匣滇彤瞬吭跋曙凌奔戚闭逻福滦供梧天津市梅江中学八年级英语下册 Module 8 Public holidays Unit 1 Its the last day before the new school year begins.课件 外研版,B) 请写出下列节日所对应的英文名称。 6. 圣诞节 _ 7. 元旦 _ 8. 母亲节 _ 9. 儿童节 _ 10. 春节 _,Spring Festival,Christmas Day,New Years Day,Mothers Day,Childrens Day,差炒镐祝议袭界讹叭喷给撤形娩什占下琉偷凭荚虾暇继臆妙脾卢宛垮构具天津市梅江中学八年级英语下册 Module 8 Public holidays Unit 1 Its the last day before the new school year begins.课件 外研版,请根据句意及所给首字母提示补全所缺单词。 1. Today is your birthday. How are you going to c_ it? I will hold a party. 2. Winter is my favourites _. You know, I like skiing so much.,celebrate,season,赌茫景骑医谬放番桨您桂黍佃琶贡矫王烦见堑兼京选穆奎搔盛薪腾淤瘸轻天津市梅江中学八年级英语下册 Module 8 Public holidays Unit 1 Its the last day before the new school year begins.课件 外研版,3. The summer v_ is coming soon. Do you have any plans? 4. May Day is also called L_ Day. 5. Tomorrow we have to go to school. The long holiday is o _.,over,vacation,Labour,侯簇赔明匣猫商著乌戎甩规敏拼箱你骆颇傅裁潍闻姨激惯笼糙檀悄侈导掸天津市梅江中学八年级英语下册 Module 8 Public holidays Unit 1 Its the last day before the new school year begins.课件 外研版,请根据括号中的提示词语翻译下列句子。 1. 我一到伦敦就给你写信。(as soon as) _ 2. 我想住在安静的地方。(somewhere) _,I will write to you as soon as I arrive in / get to / reach London. Id like to live somewhere quiet.,撰够服信羌尚谜碍共止藕隋臭冕颤谦掂村味镀陡屡考邪晴臼箍点佬肪默稼天津市梅江中学八年级英语下册 Module 8 Public holidays Unit 1 Its the last day before the new school year begins.课件 外研版,3. 我正购物时, 一个陌生人向我问路。(while) _ 4. 我们将在北京过春节。(spend) _,A stranger asked me the way while I was shopping. We are going to spend Spring Festival in Beijing.,坞肾载淘哦县火窑蒲脂灰署绷橡灯刮肘权亚摧拄令鞋枣摩耻饥隙店又序喇天津市梅江中学八年级英语下册 Module 8 Public holidays Unit 1 Its the last day before the new school year begins.课件 外研版,5. 今天早上8点我才醒来。(until) _,I didnt wake up until 8:00 this morning.,熬荣龟腐坷杜筹滨隶涧假耳耘枝耪穴录邢木腻养过哑导忘佃帕亚颠孙旬蕊天津市梅江中学八年级英语下册 Module 8 Public holidays Unit 1 Its the last day before the new school year begins.课件 外研版,Write a short passage about the festival you like.,Homework,苏划弥冗员绿夏匿眼荆规唇署吹辨阉锄鸟讥坝兼袄吼痒穆饿烈蝴慢幂履劝天津市梅江中学八年级英语下册 Module 8 Public holidays Unit 1 Its the last day before the new school year begins.课件 外研版,


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