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    2020版七年级英语下册 Unit 8 Summer Holiday Is Coming Lesson 45 Baseball Season课件 (新版)冀教版.ppt

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    2020版七年级英语下册 Unit 8 Summer Holiday Is Coming Lesson 45 Baseball Season课件 (新版)冀教版.ppt

    Unit 8Summer Holiday Is Coming! Lesson 45,. 根据汉语提示写出下列单词或短语 1. 汽水n. _ 2. 曾经; 究竟; 到底 adv. _其反义词是_ 3. 与比赛_,pop,ever,never,play against,4. 带出去_ 5. 为加油, 为打气 _,take. . . out,root for. . .,. 根据汉语提示完成下列句子 1. “Tigers”是我的队的名字。 “Tigers” is _ _ _ my team. 2. 我的家人和朋友将来观看我打(棒球)。 My family and friends will come and _ me _.,the,name,of,watch,play,3. 棒球对每个人来说是一项有趣的运动。 Baseball is _ _ _ _ everyone. 4. 我不介意是否曾经回来。 I dont _ _ I ever _ _. 5. 如果他们输了, 这将是耻辱。 _ they dont win, its a _.,a,fun,sport,for,care,if,get,back,If,shame,. Read the text and answer the questions 1. What is Greg going to do this summer? _ 2. When will Greg and his team practice baseball? _,He is going to play baseball for the Tigers.,In the morning.,3. What will Gregs family and friend sing at the game? _,“Take Me Out to the Ball Game”.,要点1 play against 与比赛 Step 1 难点探 play against短语中against是什么词? 其后跟什么词?,Step 2 语境悟 *On weekends, we will often play against other teams. 在周末, 我们将和其他队比赛。(P118) *Yesterday Lin Tao played against Wang Wei and he won the game. 昨天林涛和王伟比赛, 他赢了。,Step 3 知识得 play against的用法 play against 意为“与比赛”, against 为介词, 后跟名词或代词; 跟动词时, 必须跟动词的ing(ing/原形)形式。,【拓展】against的其他用法 (1)against表示“反对, 违反, 不利于”, 常见短语be against意为“反对”, 其反义短语为be for, 意为“支持, 赞成”。fight against意为“与打架”; against 为介词, 后跟名词, 代词, 或动词的ing形式。 *We are all against his idea. 我们都反对他的想法。,(2)against为介词, 表示“靠着, 顶着, 迎着, 衬着”等。 *He stood with his back against the door. 他背靠门站着。,Step 4 考点练 我太兴奋了, 我们明天将要与老虎队比赛。 I am excited that we will _ _ the “tigers” tomorrow. 我可以和你进行比赛吗? _?,play,against,May I play against you,( )(2018安徽中考)Our class are much sure to win the basketball game _Class Three. 导学号 A. ofB. inC. againstD. from,C,要点2 take. . . out 带出去 Step 1 难点探 take out中out是副词吗? 若宾语是代词, 放在什么位置?,Step 2 语境悟 *Theyll all sing “Take Me Out to the Ball Games”. 他们将都唱带我们去看球赛这首歌。(P118) *He took her out for a meal. 他带她出去吃饭。,*Jessicas parents took her out for the day. 杰西卡的父母带她出去玩了一天。 *Opening a drawer, she took out a letter. 她打开一个抽屉, 取出了一封信。,Step 3 知识得 take. . . out的用法 take. . . out 意为“带出去”, out为副词, 名词放在其前或其后; 代词放在其前; 后面可跟to + 名词/ 动词, 表示出去的目的。,Step 4 考点练 这个周末妈妈要带我去音乐会。 My mother is going to _ me _ to a concert this weekend. 去年父亲带着我去工作。 My father took me out _ _last year.,take,out,to,work,我有一颗坏牙。医生会帮我拔掉它。 I have a bad tooth. The doctor will help me _ _ _.,take,it,out,要点3 if conj. 如果; 假若 Step 1 难点探 if引导什么状语从句? 这个从句用什么时态?,Step 2 语境悟 If they dont win, its a shame. . . 如果他们输了, 这将是惭愧(P118) * You can have it if you like. 如果你喜欢就留着吧。,*If it is sunny, we will go camping. 如果天气晴朗, 我们就去野营。,Step 3 知识得 if是连词, 意为“如果; 假若”, 引导条件状语从句。若主语是一般将来时态, if引导的从句使用一般现在时来表示将来, 即“主将从现”原则。,【拓展】if还可意为“是否”, 引导宾语从句。 *I want to know if you like English. 我想知道你是否喜欢英语。 *Peter asked if he could swim. 彼得问他是否能去游泳。,Step 4 考点练 ( )(2018辽阳中考)I can lend my bike to you _you promise to take good care of it. A. while B. ifC. althoughD. unless,B, (2018广州中考)如果你足够细心, 就不会犯简单 的错误。导学号 You wont make any simple mistakes _ you _ careful enough. 我不知道他是否会回来。 I dont know _ he will come back.,if,are,if,


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