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    河北省唐山市曹妃甸区南堡开发区九年级英语全册 Unit 4 Stories and Poems Lesson 20 Say It in Five课件 (新版)冀教版.ppt

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    河北省唐山市曹妃甸区南堡开发区九年级英语全册 Unit 4 Stories and Poems Lesson 20 Say It in Five课件 (新版)冀教版.ppt

    Unit 4,Stories and Poems,Lesson 20 Say It in Five,Words,line text poet single screen hum stretch liquid state noun adjective express,n. (诗)行;路线 n. 正文;文字材料 n. 诗人 adj. 单一的;单独的 n. 屏幕;荧光屏 v. 发嗡嗡声 v. 伸展 adj. 清澈的;晶莹的 /n. 液体 v. 陈述;说明 n. 名词 n. 形容词 v. 表达,Do you like reading old Chinese poems? Do they follow a pattern?,family 家 familiar, strange 昔日的回忆,异地的思念 firing, boiling, melting 燃烧的,沸腾着,溶化了 filled with unselfish love 满载无私的爱 forever 直到永远,Have you ever heard five-line poems? What pattern does a five-line poem follow? Lets appreciate one.,P53,1,Match and complete the format of a five-line poem.,Language points,1. It has five lines of text. 正文有五行。,text在本句中的意思是“正文”。,I looked through the full text of the agreement. 我通读了那份协议的全文。,text还有“课文;教科书,课本”的意思。,The text of Lesson Three is easy to learn. 第三课的课文好学。,2. This kind of poem always talks about a single topic. 这类诗总是谈论一个单一的主题。,a kind/sort/type of, this kind/sort/type of+可数名词单数/不可数名词,动词用单数形式。,This kind of man makes me angry. 这种人让我生气。 That type of car runs fast. 那种型号的汽车跑得快。,在these kinds of, many/several kinds of 之后的名词, 既可以是单数名词或不可数名词,也可以是复数名词,动词都用复数形式。,There are many different kinds of snake in the mountains. 山里有各种各样的蛇。 These types of car are imported from Japan. 这种型号的汽车是从日本进口的。,3. Each line has a set number of words. 每一行都有固定数量的单词。,a set number of 固定(规定)数量的 a number of 许多的;一些,Iforgotasetnumberofthelock. 我忘记了锁上的一个号码。 A number of workers are needed in this project. 这项工程需要很多工人。,4. Lets look at another two poems as examples. 我们再拿两首诗为例。,another two =two other=two more 另外两个;再两个,May I make one other point? 我可以谈一点吗? We need five other chairs.=We need another five chairs.=we need two more chairs. 我们还需要另外五把椅子。,5. In one word, state the topic of your poem. 用一个词说明诗歌的主题。,in one/a word还可以用作固定短语,意思是“总之,简言之,一句话”。,He is clever, kind, and honest. In one/a word, he is a man worth trusting. 他聪明、善良、诚实。总之,他是个值得信赖的人。,topic在本句中的意思是“主题”。,Whats the topic of this article? 这篇文章的主题是什么?,接龙,幻灯片上单词或短语出现时,同学应迅速读出并说出中文意思。,每人一词,按行/列依次接龙,3秒内说不出,此行/列同学即失去此答题机会,下一行/列同学接续。,although,text,aloud,poet,noun,screen,liquid,fat,line,limit,express,passage,effort,state,single,compare,nouns,verbs,adjectives,adverb,people, places or things,action verbs,words that describe nouns,words that describe verbs,monkey,cute,jump,happily,The cute monkey jumped happily.,Time for reflection,this kind of a set number of a number of another two in one/a word,这一类,固定数量的,许多;一些,另外两个,总之;简言之;一句话,. Complete the following sentences according to the Chinese given in the brackets.,1. Wehave reviewedthewhole_(课文). 2. Is it difficult being a_ (单独的) mother? 3. Clearly_ (写明) your address and telephone number. 4. Icannot_ (表达)toyou how gratefulIam. 5. Li BaiwasaTang_(诗人)ofsuperb talent.,text,single,state,express,poet,. Translate the following sentences into English.,1. 这种建筑造价较高。(this kind of) Itcostsmuch to buildthiskindof building. 2. 森林里发现了很多野生动物。(a number of) A number of wild animals have been found in the forest.,3. 他还必须继续卧床休息两天。(another) He must stay in bedforanother two days. 4. 总之,自行车在日常生活中发挥着重要的作用。(in a word) Inaword,bicyclesplayan importantrole indailylife. 5. 没人谈及这个话题。(topic) Noonetalked aboutthistopic.,3,Work in pairs. Choose words from your word collection above in Activity 2, and write a five-line poem. Share your poem with your classmates.,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _,P53,2,Choose something around you or in a picture. Collect some words to describe it.,nouns,flower bird tree,verbs,look fly is,adjectives,little high beautiful,adverbs,very so too quickly,Homework,Preview the words and expressions in Lesson 21.,Fine-line Poem: Choose an image from a magazine or a photo of your own to write a five-line poem about.,


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