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    移动Ad Hoc网络论文:移动Ad Hoc网络基于稳定域的节能路由算法.doc

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    移动Ad Hoc网络论文:移动Ad Hoc网络基于稳定域的节能路由算法.doc

    移动Ad Hoc网络论文:移动Ad Hoc网络基于稳定域的节能路由算法【中文摘要】移动Ad Hoc网络是一种不依赖于中心基础设施,由一些移动终端自组织形成的无线多跳移动网络,通常在一些特殊的环境里提供临时通信便利,如战场、灾区、临时会议等一些不方便布设有线网络的地点。随着技术的发展和进步,移动Ad Hoc网络的应用已越来越广泛。移动Ad Hoc网络中的每个节点都具有路由器和主机两种功能,有较强的灵活性。相比于其他通信网络,移动Ad Hoc网络具有动态变化的网络拓扑结构、有限的无线传输带宽、有限的物理安全、移动终端的能量限制等特点。路由技术是影响网络整体性能的最重要因素之一,是移动Ad Hoc网络的技术关键所在。在移动Ad Hoc网络中,移动节点由电量有限的电池供电,因此减少能量消耗,延长节点生存时间,延迟网络分区,成为评价路由协议性能优劣的一个重要指标。本文首先概述了移动Ad Hoc网络的定义、特点、应用及其关键技术和主要研究问题,其次分析了移动Ad Hoc网络的路由设计方面的问题,对现有移动Ad Hoc网络的路由协议进行了分类介绍,然后归纳总结了现有移动Ad Hoc网络的各种节能机制和功率控制策略。基于现有的能量有效路由算法,提出了一种基于稳定域的节能路由策略,稳定域通过距离门限值划分,并根据节点间距离计算链路有效性,以路径有效性为选路度量,分GMM算法和CMM算法进行分析比较。GMM算法以最大最小链路有效性选路,CMM算法则在相同路径有效性条件下,以最短距离(最小跳数)选路。现有路由协议中的网络节点通常以最大功率通信,由于节点能量消耗过快,其生存时间将会缩短。本文利用MAC层功率控制机制,使节点根据下一跳节点的位置自动调整发射功率,从而达到节能的。最后,本文利用Matlab仿真软件从路由跳数、路径能量消耗和网络生存时间等方面,对本文所提算法和DSR进行了比较。仿真结果表明该算法与DSR相比能有效减少网络能量消耗,从而延长网络生存时间,是一种简单有效的算法,且在节点密度较高的情况下CMM算法更优于GMM算法。【英文摘要】Mobile ad hoc network is a self organized and multi-hop wireless network that consists of some mobile terminates and frees from any central infrastructure. It usually offers temporary communicate facilities to some special environment such as battlefields, disaster areas and provisional meetings which are inconvenient to layout traditional network. With the development and progress in technology, the use of mobile ad hoc network is becoming more and more popular. Each node in mobile ad hoc network is of strong flexibility and can serve as router or host. Compared with other communication networks, mobile ad hoc network has many features like dynamic network topology, limited wireless transmission bandwidth and physical safety, and constrained node energy and so on. The routing technology is where the key of mobile ad hoc network stands and it is one of the most important factors that affect the performance of the whole network. The nodes in mobile ad hoc network are powered by batteries which have limited power, so it becomes a significant index to judge whether a routing protocol is good or not to reduce energy consumption, prolong nodeslife time and delay network partition.Firstly, it summarizes the definition, features, applications, key technologies and the main research problems of ad hoc network. Secondly, it analyzes the problems exist in the field of routing design and introduces the current routing protocols of mobile ad hoc network in different kinds. Thirdly, it concludes several existing energy saving mechanisms and power control strategies in mobile ad hoc network. According to some present energy efficient routing algorithms, an energy saving strategy based on stable zone which is divided by a distance threshold is proposed. It then calculates the link availability and takes path availability as a metric to choose the route. The GMM algorithm selects the route which has the maximum minimal link availability and the CMM algorithm selects the route which is of least hops or distance on the condition of same path availability. In current routing protocols, the node usually uses the largest power to communicate with each other which may lead to fast energy consumption, by extension, shorten their lifetime that is not good for the network. It takes advantage of the power control mechanism in MAC (Medium Access Control) layer to make the node adjusts its transmitting power according to the location of its next hop so as to reduce the total energy consumption.Finally, it uses the simulation tools of Matlab to compare the proposed algorithms with DSR (Dynamic Source Routing) concerning some key parameters such as hops, energy consumption and network lifetime. The simulation results show that the algorithms based on stable zone strategy are simple and efficient which can effectively reduce network energy consumption and prolong its lifetime and CMM is better than GMM algorithm in high density networks.【关键词】移动Ad Hoc网络 节能 稳定域 有效性【备注】加好友索购全文: 并提供一对一论文写作指导和论文发表委托服务【英文关键词】mobile ad hoc network stable zone availability energy consumption【目录】移动Ad Hoc网络基于稳定域的节能路由算法摘要5-6ABSTRACT6-7第1章 绪论10-191.1 移动Ad Hoc网络概述10-171.1.1 移动Ad Hoc网络定义10-111.1.2 移动Ad Hoc网络的发展及特点11-121.1.3 移动Ad Hoc网络的应用12-141.1.4 移动Ad Hoc网络主要研究问题14-171.2 研究背景和意义17-181.3 论文结构181.4 本章小结18-19第2章 移动Ad Hoc网络的路由协议19-312.1 移动Ad Hoc网络路由协议设计19-212.2 路由主要关键问题21-232.2.1 路由环路避免问题212.2.2 控制开销问题21-222.2.3 对网络动态性的适应问题222.2.4 路由协议与定位技术的结合22-232.3 路由协议研究现状23-302.3.1 预选型和随选型路由协议24-292.3.2 平面型和层次型路由协议29-302.3.3 GPS辅助型和非GPS辅助型路由协议302.3.4 单路径型和多路径型路由协议302.4 本章小结30-31第3章 移动Ad Hoc网络的节能机制31-463.1 物理层313.2 数据链路层31-323.3 功率控制机制32-363.3.1 MAC层功率控制34-353.3.2 网络层的功率控制353.3.3 混合功率控制35-363.4 传输层和应用层363.5 节能路由算法36-443.5.1 能量消耗度量36-393.5.2 网络层的节能路由协议39-443.6 节能策略的发展方向44-453.7 本章小结45-46第4章 基于稳定域的节能路由算法46-574.1 网络模型46-474.2 节点能耗模型47-494.3 边缘效应49-504.4 基于稳定域的路由算法50-564.4.1 稳定域50-514.4.2 链路有效性和路径有效性51-524.4.3 路由算法介绍52-564.5 本章小结56-57第5章 仿真实验与分析57-695.1 稳定域分析57-595.2 路由算法仿真分析59-685.3 本章小结68-69第6章 总结与展望69-716.1 全文总结69-706.2 进一步工作70-71参考文献71-74致谢74-75攻读学位期间参加的科研项目和成果75


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