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    新课标PEP小学小学英语五年级上册期末试题 评价:听力部分一、听音,选择正确的图片,把序号填在图下括号内。(每小题听两遍) 1. A B 2.A B ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 3. A B 4.A B ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )5. A B ( ) ( )二、听录音,选出你听到的单词或词组,把序号填在括号内。(每小题听两遍)( ) 1. A. city B. clothes C. curtain ( ) 2. A. sweep B. sweet C. strict( )3. A. Monday B. mountain C. mutton( ) 4.A. Tuesday B. Saturday C. Wednesday( ) 5. A. front B. fruit C. forest( ) 6. A. tree B. thin C. tall ( ) 7. A. picture B. principal C. path ( ) 8. A. young B. old C. funny ( ) 9. A. building B. behind C. bridge( ) 10. A. empty the trash B. wash the clothes C. put away the clothes三、听录音,找搭配,把符合图片内容的日期代号填在相应图的括号内。(每小题听两遍)Sun. Mon. Tue. Wed. Thu. Fri. Sat. A B C D E F G ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )四、听问句,选答语,并在答语前标序号。(每小题听两遍) ( ) Mr. Wang.( ) Its near the table.( ) Yes, there are.( ) We have P.E. and math on Fridays. ( ) No, I cant.笔试部分五、判断下列单词中划线部分发音是否相同,相同写“T”,不同写“F”。 ()1. A.teacher B. dinner C. doctor ( )2. A. thin B. clothes C.that( )3. A.snow B. goat C. window( )4. A. short B. horse C. small( ) 5. A. where B. white C. whose六、选出不属于同一类的单词,把序号填在括号内。( )1. A. active B.smart C. tomato( )2. A. beef B. cloud C. pork ( )3. A. carrot B. cabbage C. healthy( )4. A. house B. grass C. flower( )5. A. under B. over C. sky七、根据图片和字母提示补全单词或短语,完成句子。1. Id like some gg pl t . .2.This is a long r d . 3. There is a big m r on the wall . 4. I can w t fl .5. Its T sday today . 星 期 四 八、看图,用所给的短语把句子补充完整, 把答案写在横线上。A. clean the bedroom B. read books C. do homeworkD. make the bed E. do the dishes 1. I _ _ _ on weekends. 2. I often_ _on Sundays.3. Im helpful. I can _ _.4. She can _ _.5. I _ _ every day.九、单项选择。( ) 1. What can you do ? A. Im helpful. B. Yes, I can . C. I can set the table.( ) 2 . Whats your favourite food? A. Tofu and potatoes. B. They are sour. C. Its fresh.( ) 3. Im heavy now. I _ eat vegetables. A. have B. am C. have to ( ) 4. Are there pandas in the mountains? A. some B. any C. a( ) 5 . There _a river and many buildings in the village. A. have B. are C. is 十、连词成句,注意运用大小写和句末的标点符号。1. I grapes like but dont (.) 2. is today what it day ( ? ) 3. clothes closet many in are the (.)4. you floor can the sweep (? )5. rivers there fish any the are in (?)十一、读一读,选择正确的答语,把答语的序号填在括号内。( )1. Is there a river in the park? A. No, she isnt.( )2.Whats he like ? B. Yes , I can.( )3.What would you like for lunch? C. Yes, there is.( )4. Can you do housework? D. Hes short.( )5. Is she quiet ? E. Id like some green beans.十二、读对话,根据对话内容判断正误,并在括号里正确画“”,错误画“”。Sarah : I like my village.Its beautiful. There are many rivers and bridges in the village.The water is clean. The air is fresh. The sky is blue.The clouds are white.Amy: I like my city. There are many tall buildings in the city. There are many cars and taxis .Sarah: Are there any rivers in your city ? Amy : No, there arent. But there is a beautiful lake.Is there a mountain near your village ?Sarah: Yes, there is. There are many mountains.Amy : Are there any monkeys in the mountain ? Sarah: No, there arent.( ) 1. Sarahs village is small.( ) 2. There are many cars and taxis in Amy s city .( ) 3. There are many rivers in Amy s city .( ) 4. There is a lake in Amy s city.( ) 5. There are many monkeys in the mountain.五年级英语评价标准及参考答案:说明:按获得星多少,分等级 A B C D 85颗星以上:获等级 A待添加的隐藏文字内容270 -84颗星:获等级B60 -69颗星:获等级C60颗星以下:获等级D 一、(每个2颗 共10颗星)A B A B B二、(每小题1颗,共10颗星) A B C C B A C C B C 三、(每小题2颗,共10颗星) B A G C F四、(每小题2颗,共10颗星) 2-4-1-5-3五、(每小题1颗,共5颗星)T F T T F六、(每小题1颗,共5颗星) C B C A C 七、(每小题1颗,共5颗星) 1. e gg pl a n t 2. r o a d 3. m i r r o r 4. w a t e r fl o w e r s 5. T h u r sday八、(每小题2颗,共10颗星)1. read books 2. do homework 3. do the dishes4. clean the bedroom 5. make the bed 九、(每小题1颗,共5颗星)C A C B C 十、(每小题2颗,共10颗星) 评分要求:句子开头没大写、不写标点共扣1颗星,单词排序不正确扣1颗星。1. But I dont like grapes . 2. What day is it today ? 3. Many clothes are in the closet . 4. Can you sweep the floor ? 5. Are there any fish in the rivers ? 十一、(每小题2颗,共10颗星) C D E B A 十二、每小题2颗,共10颗星)”附: 听力材料 听力现在开始: 听力部分一、听音,选择正确的图片,把序号填在图下括号内。(每小题听两遍) 1.-What do you do on Sundays ? -I watch TV.2. Im helpful.I can wash the clothes .3. -What would you like for lunch ? -Id like some pork . 4. In my room. I have a closet. 5. There is a lake in the forest. 二、听录音,选出你听到的单词或词组,把序号填在括号内。(每小题听两遍)1. city 2. sweet 3. mutton 4.Wednesday 5. fruit 6. tree 7. path 8. funny 9. behind 10. put away the clothes三、听录音,找搭配,把符合图片内容的日期代号填在相应图的括号内。(每小题听两遍) 1. What can you do on Mondays ? I can sweep the floor. 2. Can you use a computer on Tuesdays? Yes , I can. 3. What can you do on Fridays? I can empty the trash. 4. What do you do on Sundays? I cook the meals. 5. What do you do on Saturdays? -I often do homework. 四、听问句,选答语,并在答语前标序号。(每小题听两遍)1. Are there any bridges in your village?2. Whos your Chinese teacher?3 . Robot, can you set the table ?4 . Where is the trash bin ?5 . What do you have on on Fridays?


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