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    THE IMPLEMENTATION OF TASK-BASED LANGUAGE TEACHING INTO SPOKEN ENGLISH TEACHING CLASS任务型教学在英语口语教学中的运用I. The introduction of TBLT1. What is TBLT?Task-Based Language Teaching focuses on the construction, sequencing, and evaluation of particular goal-related action complexes that learners carry out either by themselves or jointly. The Task-Based teaching method aims at providing opportunities for the learners to experiment with and explore both spoken and written language through learning activities which are designed to engage learners in the authentic, practical and functional use of language for meaningful purposes. (The English zoning of primary and secondary school in Hong Kong)2. What is a task?A task is a piece of work undertaken for oneself or for others, freely or for some reward. It is meant what people do in everyday life, at work, at play, and in between (Long 1985:89). Like painting a fence, dressing a child, filling out a form, buying a pair of shoes, borrowing a library book, taking a driving test, making an airline reservation, writing a check, finding a street destination. 3. The advantages of TBLTa. Unlike a PPP approach, the students are free of language control. In all three stages they must use all their language resources rather than just practicing one pre-selected item. b. A natural context is developed from the students experiences with the language that is personalized and relevant to them. With PPP it is necessary to create contexts in which to present the language and sometimes they can be very unnatural. c. The students will have a much more varied exposure to language with TBL. They will be exposed to a whole range of lexical phrases, collocations and patterns as well as language forms. d. The language explored arises from the students needs. This need dictates what will be covered in the lesson rather than a decision made by the teacher or the course book. e. It is a strong communicative approach where students spend a lot of time communicating. PPP lessons seem very teacher-centered by comparison.f. It is enjoyable and motivating.II. The Implementation of TBL into Spoken English Teaching in CollegeA.Spoken English and its featuresThe spoken language is the face-to-face oral expression language between person and person. It is the most frequent tool used by human in the society. From the view of linguistic point, spoken language is the interpersonal communication activity which is driven by the society and controlled by psycho-motor. The features of spoken English are like this: a. Reciprocal. All the people speak face-to-face with the object and speak with the people who listen to the exchange at any time. b. Contextualization. Both sides should start their communication based on specific occasions. Meanwhile, spoken language is also functional and structure language.B. Theoretical basis of task-based teaching in spoken English teachingThe theoretical basis of TBL is input and interaction hypothesis. Learning is a sense of language learning through teaching, while acquisition contacts the language system and masters the language mindlessly through communication. This is the difference between learning and acquisition. Mastering the language is mostly the result of the use of language in communication, rather than simply training to learn language skills and knowledge of the language. Students must master the language by "comprehensible input".It is argued that language can be learnt through "conversational interaction". Modified interaction is indispensable for language acquisition. What students need is not a simple language forms, but the opportunities of understandable input and output. The relationship between modified interaction and language acquisition can be expressed with the following words:1.Interactional modification makes input comprehensible.2.Comprehensible promotes language acquisition.3.Interactional modification promotes language acquisition.Task has a feature of structure, and it is composed of teaching goals, input, the form of the activity, roles of teacher and students and environment. The classroom task could be divided into two types: one is communication task in the real-world, and another is pedagogic communication task. The former is the task that students came across in the outside world, e.g. listening to the radio weather forecasts to decide whether to bring your raincoats or umbrellas, reading the advertisements to look for the renting house according to your rental purposes and economic conditions. The latter is the task that be designed only for teaching.CThe implementation into spoken English teaching1. The basic content of Task-Based Language Teaching methodThe Task-Based Language Teaching in spoken English is a unique blend of spoken English in the classroom teaching targets, activities through one or more specific tasks to realize that task for creating real or realistic scenes of communication. In the use of English to enable students to complete their tasks, they can learn English unconsciously. What is more important is to develop the ability of students to use English. English is a tool for completing the task, a skill, rather than simply as a study of knowledge.In the class of TBL, students are at the center of the classroom, teachers are the facilitators to accomplishing the task, they are the organizers and supervisors, as well as collaborators and partners.2. Principals of TBL in the spoken English teaching classa. Student-centered, task-driven, process-oriented,capability-developed, learning by doing. b. Provide opportunities for students to experience real use of English. c. Stimulate a natural desire in students to use English. d. Challenge students to complete meaningful tasks with English as an effective tool. e. Let students gain a sense of achievement from what they do. f. Make students clear to take responsibilities for their own learning. g. Encourage students participation in and contribution to the lesson design. 3. Task-based oral teaching stagesIn task-based oral teaching class, normally we choose one unit of each model theme or topic as the subject of a period study. Teaching requirements will be set up for the teaching task of this period. While teaching, we need to strengthen the ability of communication for the students. The communicative nature of language should be fully embodies. It has three stages:Pre-task: That is the introduction of material stage to introduce learners to complete tasks and tasks to be in the form of the target language, meaning and usage, and to provide a suitable situation for learners. Student can familiar with the relevant background knowledge and understanding of the text by completing the tasks, it also can reflect the completion of the target language function and the correlation between the situations set. Task: That is the practice stage. Firstly the students discuss in pairs or teams to complete tasks; the second is the basis for discussion by the rotating head of the task completed, the conclusion that discovery of orally; the third step is to select some groups reporting to class.Post-task: That is the output stage. After the completion of the task in the class, the task will be extended to the extra-curricular, and to provide opportunities for learners to use language more freely and more creatively.4. The Process of a Task:Form a team, choose a topicTrade ideas, divide jobsSearch, select and sequence the informationDesign the initial courseware and class activitiesRevise the productPresent the end-product/organize activitiesReceive comment and evaluationMake reflectionsDThe significance of Task-Based Language Teaching into spoken English classThe traditional language teaching took the language as the independent symbolism to study. It regarded the language as the language + grammar + glossary, and a pure formalism, which only emphasis the language form or the symbolism, and neglected the student to synthesize the utilization ability the raise. But Task-Based Language Teaching comes by the current popular human relations teaching thought development. Its rationale is “the input and the interaction hypothesis”. He has the language utilization basic idea transformed the practice significance classroom instruction way, that is to say it made the classroom instruction goal real and change into tasks; let the student realize the language in the real language environment. Using the language, feeling languages real value, savors the language actual utilization process, it also can manifest the language fully the human relations essence. This has the same idea as “enlarge language input, enhancement language practice” “massive input prompt output” which advocates by some experts in China. Just as David Nunan has thought, the human communication task is a classroom activity which instructs the student to comprehend and to use the language in the study process. Therefore, after the implements to the spoken language class, the students may use English to do something and they also can study and use English to complete the study task through the process, the investigation, the discussion, the exchange and the cooperation way. Thus it can change the phenomenon of “mute English” of the students, and it causes the student to participate in the teaching on own initiative, forms the multilateral teaching exchange and the democracy, the opening, the active classroom atmosphere. At the same time, the students in frequent contact with the teacher and schoolmates also may learn the way to get along with people. This study way is not the teacher gives the student sedulously the knowledge ability, but a sustainable development process which lets the students possess the initiative participation, maintain independence and keep initiative seeking ability.III. TBLTs development prospectsA.The problems and solutions of TBLT1.Some students are still learning to adapt, with the result that teachers have cast doubt on the feasibility of the TBLT.Many students are accustomed to the traditional teaching methods, accustomed to passive acceptance. So in the face of the new teaching methods, some students feel confused and do not know how to participate in activities. They think the teachers put too little, and they have never learned so many things like before. When some of the students being in such a situation, it makes some teachers doubt the task-based teaching method. Gradually, they would return to the previous model of teaching.We certainly need a process to enable students to adapt to a new way of learning. The important thing is the teachers should have the patience to allow students to try, to give them proper instruction. If teachers insist that students can put all their own independent study done at the facts and provide space so that the students can have time and opportunities to choose and decide, to think, to practice, experience and insights to cooperation, explore, then autonomy, innovation, research respect for the individual learning styles of learning will enable students to explode with enormous potential, and to enable students to study in the future. They will have a powerful driving force for sustainable development. 2. Some teachers concept of education has not yet been fundamentally transformed.Task-Based Language Teaching advocated the concept of people-centered, student-centered, using activities as a carrier. Students use natural language learning activities through cooperation. Language use in the process of doing things develops their language skills. But in actual classroom teaching, some teachers firmly control initiative; they do not want to leave themselves on the stage; they are unwilling to let the students fully display the personality, thus the students become loyal audience, the classroom is to serve their own tongue.To change this situation, the key issue is to fundamentally change their teaching concepts. Teachers have to redefine their role. Teachers are not only required tasks organizers to monitor and help, but also be partners, participants, learners and equal interlocutors.3. Large classes in groups of task-based activities. Lower efficiency of classroom teaching make it difficult completed the tasks on time.Most schools, especially in rural schools, there are excessive amount of their class and groups. Though they send a representative from each group to report the results, it is difficult to ensure that each group has equal opportunity.For the above situation, the key is to divide groups scientifically and rationally. The size of the group should be increased. Teachers should make a proper combination of the students according to their characters and marks. Exchanges of the results between groups also help a large class have interactive activities.4. The design task is not enough scientific activities.The design of the task is not reasonable or not directly related to childrens learning. Some teachers in the classroom teaching, the following problems exist in the designing task. a. the objective was not clear. b. students are far from the real life activities. c. the difficulty of the task is not appropriate. d. the lack of gradient chain mandate, the lack of convergence. e. the form of tasks is monotonous, and nothing new.In view of the above situation, in the designing task, we should carefully analyze the three-dimensional targets in close touch with the daily lives of students, fully tap the resources designed clear objectives and financial knowledge, and interest into one. Finally the task should be in various form and full of innovative activities.B. The prospect of TBLTIn our country, the Task-Based Language Teaching research and the implementation are all at the start stage. TBLT educational model proposed requests the teacher to change the traditional teaching idea, and improves own quality. That means the teacher must make themselves transform from the passive receiver of curriculum goal and the teaching method into the activity inventor of independent organization teaching material and the design classroom. These characteristics all request the teacher to need to study unceasingly in the teaching, to design tasks which suit for the concrete student and the concrete course and to create the condition which is good for the student in completing, and summarizes the exploration unceasingly in the teaching practice. Thus it can make TBLT model consummate day by day in the high school English teaching. The Task-Based Language Teaching research already became the hot spot in the foreign language teaching research. It has received the widespread attention in the English teaching world of our country. But this kind of educational model is from after all the foreign introduction. We can


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