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    1940至1950年的美国 2【课堂课资】.ppt

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    1940至1950年的美国 2【课堂课资】.ppt

    Travel Around America,The life of America From 1940 to 1950 Designed by Southwest University Amelia,5/1/2021,1,学习材料,5/1/2021,2,学习材料,Clothing:,In 1940s,the silk stockings made by nylon strike a pose on the stage of World Expo in New York. Immediately ,it drawed on the panic buying of woman for that the women found that their legs became more and more charming. Notes: strike a pose on the stage=come on lime light,5/1/2021,3,学习材料,The Silk Stocking made by nylon strike on a pose on World Expo in NewYork in 1940s.,5/1/2021,4,学习材料,Brief Introduction,5/1/2021,5,学习材料,5/1/2021,6,学习材料,Gossip Time:,It was said that the Chinese garrison might the first time met such a sexy woman with silk stockings and Bra.,5/1/2021,7,学习材料,Shout out :The time of World War Two?,5/1/2021,8,学习材料,September 1st,in 1939 to September 2st in 1945 since the break out of World War Two,nylon was listed as Army Supplies,the production of silk stockings fallen into paralyzed(瘫痪).In this way,in 1942,the quantity of nylon silk stockings became limited,and Japans Red Silk Stockings came upon lime light again.,5/1/2021,9,学习材料,5/1/2021,Real silk stockings in Japan取得登台亮相 again,The production of nylon silk stockings became limited,10,学习材料,5/1/2021,During the World War Two,America female navy solider,11,学习材料,remember,5/1/2021,12,学习材料,The female stars roled in the army .Their sexy arosed the morale of the soliders.,5/1/2021,13,学习材料,Eating :You are what you eat,“You are what you eat”.Nutrition experts often use this saying to promote better eating habits.What we put in our mouth does become a part of us.But we can look this statement another way.What we eat reflects who we are-as people and as a culture.Do you want to understand another culture?Then you ought to find out about its food.Learning about American food can give us a real taste of American culture.,5/1/2021,14,学习材料,Whats “American food”?,5/1/2021,15,学习材料,Hot Dog?,5/1/2021,16,学习材料,F,Fried chicken?,5/1/2021,17,学习材料,Pizza?,5/1/2021,18,学习材料,Summary:,However ,except for Thankingsgiving turkey,its hard to find a typically “American” food.,5/1/2021,19,学习材料,Thanksgiving turkey?,5/1/2021,20,学习材料,American culture is a good illustration of the saying”you are what you eat”.Isnt it? Here ,I collected some pictures about the American food in the period of World War Two.,5/1/2021,21,学习材料,African-American,5/1/2021,22,学习材料,5/1/2021,23,学习材料,Life in the US After World War TwoWorld War Two ended finally in the summer of 1945. Life in the United States began to return to normal. Soldiers began to come home and find peacetime jobs. Industry stopped producing war equipment and began to produce goods that made peacetime life pleasant. The American economy was stronger than ever.Some major changes began to take place in the American population. Many Americans were not satisfied with their old ways of life.They wanted something better. And many people were earning enough money to look for a better life.Millions of them moved out of cities and small towns to buy newly-built homes in the suburbs.,5/1/2021,24,学习材料,5/1/2021,Its the African-American residence,25,学习材料,Japanese and American house,5/1/2021,26,学习材料,5/1/2021,27,学习材料,The industry of that period,5/1/2021,28,学习材料,5/1/2021,29,学习材料,5/1/2021,30,学习材料,5/1/2021,31,学习材料,Hand out the innage,5/1/2021,32,学习材料,5/1/2021,33,学习材料,Iron and steel company,5/1/2021,34,学习材料,War made women out of the family,Before the 1940 s, once the women in the United States married , most of them would resign to go home,playing the role of a “mother”and “full-time housewife” . But on December 7, 1941, the “Pearl Harbor“(珍珠港事件) changed all that. It was the direct cause the second world war, President Roosevelt announced that all the United States young man shall join the army. Almost all of the school-age men enlistment. Men were on the battlefield, the factory almost paralysis, but war need a lot of equipment and materials. At this time ,the American women stand up, showing the unprecedented patriotism. They came lime light on the factory, filling the void left by the departure of the men. Womens labor had became a strong support of the war factory .,5/1/2021,35,学习材料,5/1/2021,36,学习材料,The important role women played in the heavy industry,5/1/2021,37,学习材料,Work with men,5/1/2021,38,学习材料,5/1/2021,39,学习材料,Gossip,Prostitute(妓女) 96 years old now,live in. The work made her rich,and even in her 60s,she still did the job. However ,she was proud of her job.And she thought that as a prostitute,she was different with others. In my eyes,she was no more than a “Hot Ma Ma”.,5/1/2021,40,学习材料,Thank You!,5/1/2021,41,学习材料,


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