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    综合英语III Unit Chinese Food课件.ppt

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    综合英语III Unit Chinese Food课件.ppt

    综合英语III Unit Chinese Food,1,Unit 3,Chinese Food,综合英语III Unit Chinese Food,2,Classroom Activity,Appreciate the pictures of many different food, and guess where are they come from. Here are some options: China, Thailand, France, Italy, Japan.,综合英语III Unit Chinese Food,3,综合英语III Unit Chinese Food,4,综合英语III Unit Chinese Food,5,综合英语III Unit Chinese Food,6,综合英语III Unit Chinese Food,7,综合英语III Unit Chinese Food,8,Lead-in Questions,What kind of food do you like most? Why people from different places cook the food differently? Do you think that food is culture-bound? culture-bound: restricted in character or outlook by belonging or referring to a particular culture,综合英语III Unit Chinese Food,9,Confucius,Confucius (551-479 BCE), according to Chinese tradition, was a thinker, political figure, educator, and founder of the Ru School of Chinese thought. His teachings, preserved in the Lunyu or Analects, form the foundation of much of subsequent Chinese speculation on the education and comportment of the ideal man, how such an individual should live his live and interact with others, and the forms of society and government in which he should participate.,综合英语III Unit Chinese Food,10,Taoism,Taoism (or Daoism) refers to a variety of related philosophical and religious traditions that have influenced Eastern Asia for more than two millennia, and have had a notable influence on the western world particularly since the 19th century. Taoist thought generally focuses on nature, the relationship between humanity and the cosmos (天人相应), health and longevity, and wu wei action through inaction), which is thought to produce harmony with the Universe.,综合英语III Unit Chinese Food,11,Text Analysis,The passage can be divided into three parts. Part One: (Paragraphs 1-4) Discuss the difference in Chinese and Western attitudes toward food. Part Two: (Paragraphs 5-6) Deal with the reasons of the international success of Chinese food. Part Three: (Para. 7-9) Elaborate the nature of Chinese food,综合英语III Unit Chinese Food,12,Part I Analysis,Answer the following questions: 1. In the life of an individual, how, according to Kenneth Lo, is food different from music, a lecture or conversation, or matter of business? 2. How does Lo make his point clear? 3. Why, according to the writer, do the Westerners find it difficult to answer Los questions? 4. What is the Chinese attitude toward food? 5. What does “to eat with capital E” mean?,综合英语III Unit Chinese Food,13,A1: As music, a lecture or conversation , or matters of business will never be integrated into ones body or spiritual and moral fibre, one may not attend to them whole-heartedly. Yet, food is different. As it is going to be part of our bodies, it requires our serious treatment. A2: By using comparison and contrast and by raising two theoretical questions.,综合英语III Unit Chinese Food,14,A3: To most Westerners, food is no more than something that satisfies their hunger. They could hardly see its moral effect. A4: They regard food as the first happiness in life. A5: To the Westerners, the chief purpose of eating in a restaurant may be to be entertained socially, so the environment and the position are deemed as the crucial factors to consider. But to the Chinese, eating is the sole purpose. Thats why they tend to enjoy eating heart and soul.,综合英语III Unit Chinese Food,15,Part I Language Points,1. attend to: to take care of, look after, deal with e.g. His company helps employees attend to their elderly relatives. e.g. His self-blame gave her some hope that he would attend to her opinion. .,综合英语III Unit Chinese Food,16,2. profoundly: extremely e.g. Having strangers criticize us is profoundly offensive or failure. e.g. He could hardly calm down after that profoundly disturbing experience. 3. derive from: to come from a source or origin e.g. They word “deduct” derives from Latin. e.g. The story derives from a very common folktale.,综合英语III Unit Chinese Food,17,4. ecstasy: sudden intense feeling or excitement e.g. They went into ecstasies over the view. 5. smother: to cover closely or thickly e.g. The cook smothered a steak with mushrooms. 6. marked: striking; conspicuous e.g. John worked really hard. He showed marked improvement in all the tests.,综合英语III Unit Chinese Food,18,Part II Analysis,Answer the following two questions: 1. Why does the writer mention “from Hong Kong, to Honolulu to Hoboken to Huddersfield”? 2. What had helped the spread of Chinese food to the rest of the world?,综合英语III Unit Chinese Food,19,A1: These places with “H” as the initial are located in different areas of the world. They are randomly chosen, just to show the ubiquity of Chinese food. A2: Firstly , many people from Hong Kong, China opened restaurants in various places. Secondly, the Western people have become interested in the pursuit of sensual pleasures and are eager to break the old Western habits. Thirdly, sensual concept is an inherent element of Chinese food.,综合英语III Unit Chinese Food,20,1. assert: to declare strongly e.g. He asserted boldly that he was innocent of the crime. 2. bedeck: to decorate; to hang ornaments or decorations on e.g. He led us into a room bedecked with tinsel. 3. infamous: deserving of or causing an evil reputation e.g. He is famous for saying that cheating is the way the game is played.,Part II Language Points,综合英语III Unit Chinese Food,21,4. part and parcel: an essential part that must not be ignored e.g. Its best to accept that some inconveniences are part and parcel of travel. 5. phenomenal: very remarkable e.g. He enjoyed phenomenal success as a race care driver.,综合英语III Unit Chinese Food,22,Part III Analysis,1. How does the writer explain that the traditional high-quality Chinese meal is a serious matter? 2. Why is a Chinese meal compared to a religious ceremony? 3. What else must be pleased besides the palate? Why?,综合英语III Unit Chinese Food,23,A1: He uses figures to explain how complicated and time-consuming it is to prepare the Chinese meal. Then he lists several methods of cooking to show that cooking itself is no easy task. A2: Just like a religious ceremony that follows significant ritual procedures, a Chinese meal proceeds with carefully planned dishes, where the harmonies and contrasts of elements not only whet ones appetite but also manifest the Chinese view on life.,综合英语III Unit Chinese Food,24,A3: The eye must be pleased, too. The philosophy that underlies Chinese food and everything else in Taoism, which signifies the proper human conduct and the ultimate harmony of the universe. In the enjoyment of food, the eye, as well as the palate, is the essential element to please. If the eye fails to be pleased, these essential elements are no longer in harmony.,综合英语III Unit Chinese Food,25,1. fastidiously: with excessive care of delicacy e.g. She stared fastidiously at the dirty table. e.g. He fastidiously copied every word of his notes onto clean paper.,综合英语III Unit Chinese Food,26,2. conform: to act in accordance with; to comply with e.g. His clothes are conformed to fashion. e.g. Though educated, we conform to some old customs. 3. palate: the sense of taste e.g. Well have a dinner to delight the palate. e.g. I let my palate dictate what I eat.,综合英语III Unit Chinese Food,27,4. elusive: hard to express or define e.g. He tried to recall the elusive thought he had had months before. 5. piquant: having a pleasant sharp or strong taste e.g. With that piquant tomato sauce, the dish tastes much better.,综合英语III Unit Chinese Food,28,Rhetorical Device,Alliteration: the occurrence of the same letter or sound at the beginning of adjacent or closely connected words. It can help to convey a sort of melodious quality, thus making those words sound more pleasing and impressive.,综合英语III Unit Chinese Food,29,Examples,Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.A peck of pickles Peter Piper pickedIf Peter Piper picked a peck of picked peppers,How many pickled peppers did Peter Piper pick?,综合英语III Unit Chinese Food,30,I have stood still and stopped the sound of feetWhen far away an interrupted cryCame over houses from another street-Acquainted With the Night, Robert Frost Youll never put a better bit of butter on your knife.Country Life Butter Advertising Slogan Dont dream it. Drive it.Jaguar Advertising Slogan,综合英语III Unit Chinese Food,31,Thank you!,


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