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    综合英语Five Traits of the Educated Man课件.ppt

    综合英语Five Traits of the Educated Man,Unit 8,Five Traits of the Educated Man,综合英语Five Traits of the Educated Man,2,Pre-reading question,What do you think an English gentleman looks like?,综合英语Five Traits of the Educated Man,3,Gentleman logo,A quiet,shy,reserved person who is fully relaxed only among people he knows well. In the presence of strangers or foreigners he often seems inhibited, even embarrassed.,综合英语Five Traits of the Educated Man,4,像绅士一样生活,译者:李钊平,等 译 作者:(英)爱德华伯曼 在书中,伯曼先生不厌其烦地从各个方面去展现绅士的典范特征,比如言行举止、培养方式、餐饮习惯、家园选择和装饰、休闲活动、运动形式、时尚观念、社交场合等,每个话题都从专门讲述;从18世纪到今天,从庄园聚会到俱乐部会员身份、从打高尔夫球的注意事项到汽车选择的标准,从服饰选择到裤脚的理想长度,各个时期绅士的生活方式一览无余,充分体现了一位英国绅士对细节的关注。从这个角度来说,这本书完全算得上是一本标准绅士指南。,综合英语Five Traits of the Educated Man,5,Book critics,沉默、平静构成了19世纪英国绅士的主要气质特征,也让他们沉着冷静地走遍了整个世界。今天,我们仍然可以从一些褪色的照片上看到他们的形象:在荒凉的沙漠上,他们盘腿而坐,前面的白色桌布上摆放着简单的午餐(当然还有一瓶酒);尽管炽热难耐,他们依然着装整齐,系着领带。如果用极其简要的语言概括,绅士的精神气质应该包括骑士般的勇气,服务公众的道德意识,建立于坚定沉着基础上的沉默性格,以及即便处于极端困难境地,也永远不变的谦恭礼貌。,综合英语Five Traits of the Educated Man,6,一个国家富有的时候,随之肯定会出现一个中产阶层,然而,物质财富上的成功,并不能把一个人造就成绅士。东汉末年学者徐干说:“夫贤者,言足听,貌足象,行足法,加乎善奖人之美,而好摄人之过。”这才可能是一位真正的绅士,一位值得效法的楷模,无论是在19世纪如日中天的大英帝国,还是在21世纪正在迅速崛起的中国。该书为当今中国的中产阶层描述了英国绅士生活的细节点滴。 爱德华伯曼,综合英语Five Traits of the Educated Man,7,Ten brands for gents,Armani Burberry,综合英语Five Traits of the Educated Man,8,CalvinKlein GUCCI,综合英语Five Traits of the Educated Man,9,GIVENCHY HUGOBOSS,综合英语Five Traits of the Educated Man,10,VERSACE RALPHLAUREN,综合英语Five Traits of the Educated Man,11,What are the generally accepted standards of an educated man? graceful manners Knowledgeable good personality,综合英语Five Traits of the Educated Man,12,Writing style,Expository writing is a mode of writing in which the purpose of the author is to inform, explain, describe, or define his or her subject to the reader. Exposition means explanation.,综合英语Five Traits of the Educated Man,13,Exposition,It is any writing which takes an objective point of view, which means the writer informs or explains without expressing or advocating his own opinion. Newspapers and broadcast news programs are ideally supposed to be this kind of writing,综合英语Five Traits of the Educated Man,14,The more a writer is telling or interpreting facts with no personal bias, the more he is writing exposition. The writers view A clear structure A formal style,综合英语Five Traits of the Educated Man,15,Text structure,Part one ( 1) It raises the question” What are the marks of an educated man?” Part two (2-6) Body of the text Part three (7)Conclusion,综合英语Five Traits of the Educated Man,16,First paragraph,The relationship between learning and the marks of an educated man, between learning and education, between education as well as traits gained by conscious efforts.,综合英语Five Traits of the Educated Man,17,2nd-6th paragraph,A brief account of the five keys traits of an educated man. These are further explained/ exemplified/respectively.,综合英语Five Traits of the Educated Man,18,Last paragraph,The writer stresses that given these five traits, one possesses the outline and framework of an educated man, and the outline may be filled in by whatever knowledge, ability, or skill that one is possession of.,综合英语Five Traits of the Educated Man,19,Text comprehension,1. what do you think of the question raised at the very beginning? It is attractive because it hold the readers attention and causes the reader to think about its answer. It is important bcs it is directly related to the topic of the essay.,综合英语Five Traits of the Educated Man,20,2. Do you agree the five traits of an educated man expounded in the text are the most important characteristics of an educated man? Justify your answer. Basic marks, acknowledged by all,综合英语Five Traits of the Educated Man,21,3. What does the outline of an educated man refer to? It refers to the five traits. 4. What is the main idea of the concluding paragraph?,综合英语Five Traits of the Educated Man,22,Words and expressions,Traits: formal a particular quality in someones character personality/character traits a mental illness associated with particular personality traits genetic/inherited traits,综合英语Five Traits of the Educated Man,23,他拥有一些优秀的特性:举止文雅,与人为善,慷慨大方,谦虚谨慎,工作精益求精。( traits) He possesses some fine traits: he has refined and gentle manners; he is kind and generous to others; he is always modest and prudent; and he constantly perfects his work.,综合英语Five Traits of the Educated Man,24,Mark,1. sth. spot or cut on a surface that would otherwise be plain or clean. His feet left dirty marksall over the floor. 2. a shape or sign that is written or printed Make a mark at the bottom of the page.,综合英语Five Traits of the Educated Man,25,(price mark),A fact or action that is a sign or proof of a quality, feeling, or condition As a mark of respect, they all stood up when the teacher entered the room.,综合英语Five Traits of the Educated Man,26,inconsiderable,Inconsiderable: rather small not inconsiderable formal used to emphasize that something is large or important = considerable: He has built up a not inconsiderable business empire.,综合英语Five Traits of the Educated Man,27,capacity,1)the amount of space a container, room etc has to hold things or people capacity of The room had seating capacity for about 80. All the hotels were filled to capacity.,综合英语Five Traits of the Educated Man,28,综合英语Five Traits of the Educated Man,29,capacity,2)someones ability to do something a childs capacity for learning a capacity to think in an original way 3)someones job, position, or duty = role in a professional/official etc capacity,综合英语Five Traits of the Educated Man,30,endeavor,formalan attempt to do something new or difficult scientific/creative etc endeavour an outstanding example ofhuman endeavor endeavour to do something They made every endeavor to find the two boys. Despite ourbest endeavours, we couldnt start the car.,综合英语Five Traits of the Educated Man,31,The quite shocking slovenliness and vulgarity of much of,The shocking fact that much of the spoken English , as well as quite a lot of written English,which one hears and sees, is not arranged in a proper order, or is carelessly organized, and shows a lack of fine feeling or good judgment in the choice of what is suitable,综合英语Five Traits of the Educated Man,32,or beautiful demonstrates or confirms beyond any shadow of doubt that years of attending classes in schools and colleges which are considered to show socially acceptable standards have turned out no good results.,综合英语Five Traits of the Educated Man,33,英语中存在着许多令人震惊的脏话、鄙话,英语书面语中也不少。这是大家所见所闻的事实,这种现象毫无疑问地证明,多年在中小学和大学所受的那种被认为是受人尊敬的教育没有产生任何影响。,综合英语Five Traits of the Educated Man,34,Slovenliness: state of being dirty/ untidy Vulgarity: the state or quality of being vulgar Vulgar: not showing good judgment about what is beautiful or suitable; not behaving politely in social situations; remarks, jokes etc that are vulgar deal with sex in a very rude and offensive way,综合英语Five Traits of the Educated Man,35,With pure diction,In a way that words are pronounced perfectly well, not mixed with any impure or non-standard sound. He speaks standard English, with pure diction.,综合英语Five Traits of the Educated Man,36,Manners makes the man.,A persons habits and behavior tell us much about him. Superficial: not deep, shallow Artificial: insincere, lacking true feelings, happening as a result of human action Forced: unnatural, produced with difficulty,综合英语Five Traits of the Educated Man,37,


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