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    综合英语Unit 1Hollywood课件.ppt

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    综合英语Unit 1Hollywood课件.ppt

    综合英语Unit 1Hollywood,Unit 10Hollywood,综合英语Unit 1Hollywood,2,综合英语Unit 1Hollywood,3,Background,综合英语Unit 1Hollywood,4,The name “Hollywood” is the embodiment of glamour, success and money; it is the place where films are made, television shows are recorded and stars take up residence.,综合英语Unit 1Hollywood,5,The famous Hollywood sign on the hills above the city has become the enduring symbol of the movie industry and of Los Angeles itself the 50ft-high (15m) white letters can be seen from miles away. The historic heart of the movie industry is centered on Hollywood Boulevard where millions of visitors flock to see landmark attractions and museums.,综合英语Unit 1Hollywood,6,Walk of Fame,综合英语Unit 1Hollywood,7,Walk of Fame: Schwarzenegger,综合英语Unit 1Hollywood,8,Theme park,综合英语Unit 1Hollywood,9,Sleepless Hollywood,综合英语Unit 1Hollywood,10,Logo,综合英语Unit 1Hollywood,11,综合英语Unit 1Hollywood,12,Nicole Kidman,综合英语Unit 1Hollywood,13,综合英语Unit 1Hollywood,14,Tom cruise,综合英语Unit 1Hollywood,15,Katie Holmes,综合英语Unit 1Hollywood,16,Tom hanks,综合英语Unit 1Hollywood,17,综合英语Unit 1Hollywood,18,Meg Ryan,综合英语Unit 1Hollywood,19,综合英语Unit 1Hollywood,20,Julia Roberts,综合英语Unit 1Hollywood,21,综合英语Unit 1Hollywood,22,Angelina Julie,综合英语Unit 1Hollywood,23,综合英语Unit 1Hollywood,24,综合英语Unit 1Hollywood,25,Hollywood suggests glamour.,the attractive and exciting quality that something has because it is connected with wealth and success 1) a touch of glamour 2) have / lack / add / give / lend glamour glamorous adj./glamorize v.,综合英语Unit 1Hollywood,26,Text introduction,The text is an introduction about the history, the present situation and the future of Hollywood in a chronological order and on a point-by-point basis. Hollywood was once the center of world motion picture industry and attracted all the young men and women to try their luck there.,综合英语Unit 1Hollywood,27,And in recent years Hollywood has lost its glamour. However, Hollywoods influence on movie industry will remain in the future and it will still be a very important part of the world entertainment industry in the years to come.,综合英语Unit 1Hollywood,28,Text structure,Part 1: (Pa.1) It provides a brief introduction to Hollywood. Part 2: (Pa. 2-8) Some major facts or important information about H. Part 3: (Pa. 9): The author believes that for many years to come the old Hollywood movies will be shown again and again in movie houses and television screens all over the world.,综合英语Unit 1Hollywood,29,Para one,Please point out the contrast mentioned in the first paragraph. When thinking changes your mind, thats philosophy. When God changes your mind, thats faith. When facts change your mind, thats science.,综合英语Unit 1Hollywood,30,suggest,To bring or call to mind by logic or association; evoke: The thought of summer suggests swimming. 想到夏天, 就使人联想到游泳。 a cloud that suggests a mushroom,综合英语Unit 1Hollywood,31,fulfill,to fulfill ones promise fulfill duties fulfill project fulfill the orders fulfill ones ambition fulfilled oneself as a mother/painter fulfillment n.,综合英语Unit 1Hollywood,32,Hollywood reminds you of the exciting and charming quality of something unusual or special, with a magical power of attraction, a place where the young teenagers deeply impressed by stars could, with a bit of luck, realize their dreams.,综合英语Unit 1Hollywood,33,Hollywood is associated with a magical power of attraction, and it is a place where the young teenagers profoundly influenced by stars could make their dreams come true if they are lucky. 好莱坞充满魅力。在这里,那些怀揣明星梦的少男少女们,若是有点儿运气,可以实现他们的梦想。,综合英语Unit 1Hollywood,34,luxurious house,综合英语Unit 1Hollywood,35,a palm-fringed pool,综合英语Unit 1Hollywood,36,a palm-fringed swimming pool,综合英语Unit 1Hollywood,37,fringe,v.在.上加以缘饰, 成为.的边缘 The road was fringed with willows. 道路两旁柳树成行。 2) n. 额前垂发,刘海 3)边缘, 边界; 喻(学问的)初步, 皮毛; (事物的)大概, 初步; 次要部分 the mere fringes of philosophy This is an enormous field of which l can here touch only the fringe.,综合英语Unit 1Hollywood,38,being surrounded by palm trees at the edge border, margin, edge, rim, brim, fringe Border refers to the boundary of a surface and may imply the limiting line itself or the part of the surface immediately adjacent to it. Margin implies the empty space at the side of a page. Edge refers to the part of an object that is farthest from its center.,综合英语Unit 1Hollywood,39,Rim is applied to the edge of a circular or curved surface. Brim refers to the top edge of a container. Fringe refers to the outer edge or border, which is often considered to be peripheral, extreme, or minor in relation to the main part.,综合英语Unit 1Hollywood,40,Cocktail bar,综合英语Unit 1Hollywood,41,furnishings,综合英语Unit 1Hollywood,42,the furniture and other things in a room, such as curtains, baths, etc. Furnishings in my room are all made by myself. furnish v. furniture n. furnish somebody / something with adv. + furnished,综合英语Unit 1Hollywood,43,yacht,综合英语Unit 1Hollywood,44,yacht,综合英语Unit 1Hollywood,45,综合英语Unit 1Hollywood,46,综合英语Unit 1Hollywood,47,Colossal adj. colossus n.,extremely large People erected a colossal monument in memory of the hero. Enormous suggests a marked excess beyond the norm in size, amount, or degree. Immense refers to boundless or immeasurable size or extent. Colossal suggests a hugeness that elicits awe or taxes belief. Tremendous suggests awe-inspiring or fearsome size.,综合英语Unit 1Hollywood,48,Part Two: (Paragraphs 2-8),These paragraphs constitute the body of the text. Each of these paragraphs tells us some major facts or important information about Hollywood. Para 2 tells briefly about the history of Hollywood and its great success in the past.,综合英语Unit 1Hollywood,49,Para. 3 states the fact that Hollywood was like a magnet, drawing ambitious young men and women from all over the world and describe what they did there. Para. 4 points out that the stars were held on a tight rein by the studio chiefs. Para. 5 makes it clear that the Hollywood studios, by means of advertising, turned starlets into superstars and that many studio chiefs were tyrants.,综合英语Unit 1Hollywood,50,Para. 6 mainly illustrates the fact that stars were often typecast. Para. 7 tells us that Hollywood is no longer the heart of the worlds motion picture industry, and that it has turned into the American TV entertainment center. Para. 8 supports the statement that Hollywood has not lost all its glamour.,综合英语Unit 1Hollywood,51,1 shoot,v. To record on film 拍摄(照片, 电影) shot the scene in one take. 一次就把这个场景拍完 n.芽, 苗,光线 winter bamboo shoot 冬笋 rice shoot 禾苗 a shoot of sunlight 一道阳光,综合英语Unit 1Hollywood,52,2 Hollywoods fame and fortune reached its peak,Hollywoods fame and fortune reached its highest point in the 1930s and 1940s, when the best black and white movies were produced in abundance and became very popular.,综合英语Unit 1Hollywood,53,Greta Garbo,综合英语Unit 1Hollywood,54,Charlie Chaplin,综合英语Unit 1Hollywood,55,Gary Cooper,综合英语Unit 1Hollywood,56,Immortal im:tl a. 不朽的 n. 不朽的人物,1.The little girl is very interested in the old legend of immortal creatures. 小女孩对有关永生的精灵的古老传奇非常感兴趣。 2.Beethoven is regarded as one of the immortals of classical music. 贝多芬被认为是不朽的古典音乐大师. 3.The soul is immortal.灵魂不灭. Antonym: mortal All mortals must die.,综合英语Unit 1Hollywood,57,whatsoever,ad. (用于否定句中以加强语气)任何pron. stop: 终止;停止 My joy shall never cease. The great man ceased to think. cease-fire n.停火 cease publication 停刊, 停止出版 cease to be in effect / force 失效,综合英语Unit 1Hollywood,65,lease v. 出租,租出,租得,1. I will lease you the house for one year. 我将把这房子租给你一年。 2.The lease on our flat runs out in a few months. 我们公寓的租约还有几个月就到期了,综合英语Unit 1Hollywood,66,Amphitheater and symphony,综合英语Unit 1Hollywood,67,packed,packed lunch n. 盒装午餐 packed goods 包装的货物 packed like sardines 拥挤得象罐头里沙丁鱼, 挤得满满的,综合英语Unit 1Hollywood,68,综合英语Unit 1Hollywood,69,packed,综合英语Unit 1Hollywood,70,Part Three: (Paragraph 9),This paragraph is the last part of the text. The author believes that for many years to come the old Hollywood movies will be shown again and again in movie houses and television screens all over the world.,综合英语Unit 1Hollywood,71,Q: Which sentence of this part can be seen as the topic sentence? Its topic sentence is “Hollywood, above all, has the glamour of the past.”,综合英语Unit 1Hollywood,72,Hollywood, above all, has the glamour of the past. Hollywood, most important of all, boasts the charming and exciting magical attraction of the past.,


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