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    浅谈隐私观 On the Concept of Privacy in China and the West.doc

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    浅谈隐私观 On the Concept of Privacy in China and the West.doc

    On the Concept of Privacy in China and the WestAbstract: Privacy is a selective control of access to self or to ones group. Nowadays process of cultural globalization, people pay more and more attention to the privacy. In the intercultural communication, cultural differences have caused diversity among peoples life. Not only the differences of politics; ideology, but also the culture and values. Because the different Concepts of privacy which make communication difficult. When worldwide networking makes people closer together, The problem of private rights has appeared in the world. The influence of privacy in the intercultural communication from the difference existed in oriental and western culture has become one of the obstructionsAs undergraduates we should how to recognize cross-cultural of the privacy? This thesis focuses on the cultural differences between China and West, and analyzes the formation of their concepts of privacy.Key words:privacy; cultural differences; origin; geographic differences; communication; law and moral; On the Concept of Privacy in China and the West1. The interpretations about privacy The concept of privacy originated in western, the western pay special attention to maintain their own privacy, but in China, for the most part Chinese people pay more attention to maintain collective privacy. Chinese "privacy" more or less with a little derogatory sense, refers to the "dont want to tell the people or dont want to open the personal information." In English "privacy" content is very rich, Encyclopedia Britannica Library, "Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis described privacy in 1890 s the right to be left alone. In torts law,privacy is a right not to be disturbed emotionally by conduct designed to subject the victim to great tensions by baring his intimate life and affairs to public view or by humiliating and annoying invasions of his solitude. The protection of individuals honor,repute." (Encyclopedia Britannica,2006)Chinese scholars Deng Yanchang and Liu Runqing think that "privacy" means "Secret, privacy, private, retreat and solitude." ( 邓炎昌.刘润清语言与文化 1989) Alan Westin came up with four kinds of privacy, there are "solitude, anonymity, reserve and intimacy." ( 艾伦.韦斯丁隐私与自由 1967)Compared the concept of privacy of Chinese with the Wests, they are still different. The different interpretations about privacy between China and the West have indicated the cultural differences.2. The origin of conceptsFundamentally, the different privacy view of China and the West is under the influence of different culture and different values. From human historical development, different countries produced their unique culture and from generations to generations.In addition to the diverse cultures, geographic differences are important part and parcel of privacy. Oriental personality is embodied in long-term agricultural and cultural heritage from the role of human cognition, and behavior patterns. To develop agricultural production need teamwork, so most Chinese people living in groups.Nautical it is the westerners live importantly one of means; long nautical history and marine culture have important sense to the development of western society. On the commercial economy, Interpersonal interaction requires to be opened and standardized behaviors. It means everyone is equal. Thus it can be seen western society emphasizes individual totality.Geographic differences produce results can be summed up two types. One is western individualism the other one is Chinese Collectivism. They are largely reflects that of privacy views. 2.1 Western values In English, privacy is defined as "freedom from interference or public attention." (Oxford Advanced Learners English Chinese Dictionary 1998:1174) United States as a representative of the western culture, regard individualism as the standard philosophy of life. Its main content is believed that personal value and to pay attention to personal freedom, the personal self control and self development. Therefore, the West takes shape the Western privacy. Individualism is the core of the western values that oppose to kill human individuality and invasion of privacy. Westerners always put their name first, it shows the individual status. Westerners like establishing equality and mutual relationship with others, even between parents and children, so parents should have respected for the privacy of their children. Westerners think that "A mans home is his castle” It follows that individualism reacts on western privacy.2.2 Chinese valuesCollectivism is the core of the Chinese values; collectivism is defined as "all starting from the collective, the collective interests above on the individual interests." Emphasis on individuals obligations and responsibilities for the collective.Traditional Chinese families live with their family members in houses. The family members are collectives. And the children live with their parents in a room are very normal. Among the family members consciousness of personal privacy are very poor. That is to say, in family members there are no secrets and privacies. It follows that collectivism reacts on Chinese privacy.2.3 Comparative analysis Individualism is the core of the western values that comes from the ancient Greek civilization. Encouraging people to seek for personal freedom, equality. As long as do not violate the law and discipline, it cannot be interference, even if parents. Therefore, westerners attach great importance to protect their personal privacy.Collectivism is the core of the Chinese values that comes from the ancient Chinese Confucianism. Its purpose is to safeguard national stability and keep the groups harmony. To emphasize that despise the individual interests. The individual is included in the part of the social relations. To keep control and adjust yourself to adapt to others. This makes the Chinese ignore individual privacy, and pay attention to collective privacy.In international social life, the culture of Chinese and western are interacting with each other. Chinese people take in western culture and to learn how to protect privacy. It helps to enhance the mutual understanding between Chinese and western people. 3. Privacy and communication With Globalization, the communication with different countries people are unavoidable. So we should have to notice the privacy. In communication, there is some points involved westerners privacy. In Chinese, when a man asks about age, marriage and income with others are polite behaviors. But in the West, these behaviors are the interference.Chinese people like asking “How much money did you make?" In the West, this is privacy so that even the family members do not how much money you have. At the same time, In the West, individual income reflects to personal ability. So that few people talk about salary; money.Chinese culture rooted in the agriculture, due to lacking knowledge of the farming, experience become very important for people, so the old man means showing the way by example for young. Old people symbolize experienced and knowledgeable. Confucian culture advocated respect for all, especially the old. But in the West because of the fierce competition, the societies need more young people. The old people imply that they should have retired. For women, oldness means the man lost her charm. So westerners are unwilling to admit that they are old. Therefore, "How old are you?” is privacy in the West.In China, Chinese people carry boxes or bags from house to house. It connects with each other on a personal level. Westerners usually need Personal space, so that they work and live in different spaces. If you are not permitted but you trespass on his land, it is illegal. The privacy also includes Personal space.4. The rights to privacy In 1890, the United States Harvard University professor Samuel D.Waren and professor Louis D.Brandis published The Right to Privacy. Privacy as a legal right was made by the conception of the book. China did not research and protect the privacy until 1980s China introduced “the rights to privacy." At the present, the study of the right of privacy in our country is far behind the western countries. The sense of privacy must be improved. "It could be done only on principles of private justice, moral fitness, and public convenience, which, when applied to a new subject, make common law without a precedent; much more when received and approved by usage.” (Welles, Jin Millar v. Taylor, 4 Burr. 2303, 2312)If someone breaks the right of privacy, not only faced with the legal sanctions but also subjected to kinds of moral judgments. The News of the World phone-hacking scandal in Britain has claimed its latest victim - the newspaper itself. News International, the parent company of the newspaper owned by media mogul Rupert Murdoch, has announced that this Sundays edition will be the last. Its closure is unlikely to mark the end of a scandal that penetrates deep into British society. (http:/www.hxen.com/word/xinwen/2011-07-11/148840.html phone-hacking scandal) Phone-hacking scandal is a challenge to privacy. Because of the fierce competition in newspapers, particularly in the tabloid newspapers that leads to more feet in more doors. We should always remember that there is a double constraint, the law and moral. About the privacy, different countries have different concepts that rooted in diverse cultures. In intercultural communication the different understanding of privacy between China and the West, will show different ways and rules. In some ways, the law and the morals will condemn the invasion of privacy. Consequently, we must understand the each others cultural background, historical origin. It can avoid or reduce the cultural conflict, making the cross-cultural communication become relaxed, happy and harmonious.5. ConclusionThe different interpretations about privacy between China and the West have indicated the cultural differences. Chinese values make the Chinese ignore individual privacy, and pay attention to collective privacy. Westerners think that "A mans home is his castle” It follows that individualism reacts on western privacy. Individualism is the core of the western values that oppose to kill human individuality and invasion of privacy. About the privacy, different countries have different concepts that rooted in diverse cultures. The sense of Chinese privacy must be improved.BibliographyEncyclopedia Britannica, 2006 Ultimate Reference Suite DVD邓炎昌.刘润清:语言与文化 1989. 北京:外语教学与研究出版社艾伦.韦斯丁:隐私与自由 1967. 伦敦:博德利海德出版社牛津高阶汉英词典Oxford Advanced Learners English Chinese Dictionary 1998:1174萨莫尔沃伦、布兰代斯:隐私权The Right to Privacy 1890. 哈佛大学:法学评论 http:/www.hxen.com/word/xinwen/2011-07-11/148840.html: Phone-hacking scandal 2011尚云鹤: 浅析中西方隐私观的差异黑龙江教育学院学报,2007(3)


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