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    hydraulic pressure integration block design B中英文翻译.doc

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    hydraulic pressure integration block design B中英文翻译.doc

    hydraulic pressure integration block design Based on Solidworks software1 SummarizeIn comparing the large and complex hydraulic system, the chip can take full advantage of the use of a variety of hydraulic components, enabling a more compact structure, seal better, easy to install and debug. However, a dedicated chip is strong, surface-mount hydraulic components and more complex holes in valve body, therefore, in accordance with the hydraulic schematic diagram of the logic of the requirements of reasonably correct chip design is a difficult and require high accuracy job.Chip design to solve two major problems: First, the design of body parts and checking; Second, inspection of the assembly structure. Expression pattern of two-dimensional engineering design methods, relies on the human brain to carry out two-dimensional drawings and three-dimensional space.Between structure, design is inefficient and error-prone, and some errors in the drawings found it difficult, if only in the prototype created by that enterprise would lead to economic losses, delays in product development time. Therefore, the use of three-dimensional.Parametric design software, design methods and means to carry out upgrading of the problem as far as possible, was found at the design stage, to avoid mistakes; At the same time in the series, multi-model design of hydraulic machinery, the design parameters of the design greatly are improved the efficiency .2 Three-dimensional parametric mechanical design software IntroductionWith the computer software and hardware technology, the rapid development emerged in a number of parameters of three-dimensional mechanical design software, a powerful and representative of: UG, PRO-E, such as, Solidworks is a country SOLIDWORKS developed the mechanical design of three-dimensional parameters software, which is based on Win-dows of a three-dimensional modeling capabilities with powerful mapping and engineering, physical rendering of computer software, which combines the UG and PRO-E characteristics of three-dimensional modeling software, the use of more simple and convenient.It is based on the parts of the three-dimensional solid modeling features of technology, can be physical assembly, motion analysis, animation design, three-dimensional entity can automatically generate two-dimensional engineering drawings.Can also be a separate two-dimensional graphic design, such as the hydraulic system schematic drawing, the system provides a similar two-dimensional graphics AUTOCAD modules can be directly drawn engineering drawings.3 chip three-dimensional parametric design1) Feature-based chip design of the valve body is installed on a variety of hydraulic components, and its internal schematic diagram in accordance with the requirements of the hydraulic system to achieve the various components connected between the oil-RoadThe complexity of function blocks is the key chip design. Valve design characteristics based on modeling, the basic body is a rectangular body, the surface of hydraulic components to install, so the hole on the body is the main design features. Pore size and hydraulic components of the path, has been standardized, and hole-hole sub-blind hole, respectively, constitute a body of the hole, install screw, process-hole and hole level. Designed to create the design features of the library features, body parts in the modeling, the call database features, added to the basic body, so, parts of the design process that is characteristic of the generation process. And the characteristics of the tree parts on record, easy to modify, greatly accelerate the speed of modeling.2) Valve inspection of holesSolidworks software with the establishment of the body is a realistic three-dimensional entities of the parts, it will be convenient, visually check the hole location and the relationship between the hole with the hydraulic system schematic diagram of the logic of the requirements of the location of the mounting hole with the design requirements, as is the physical parameters of the model, modify it easily. In order to facilitate the software can be used to observe the display.(1) to entities on the site of truncated block line of sight, you can directly display the channel to the internal body;(2) the use of wire-frame model perspective shows that can be observed from the whole there is the spatial distribution of holes;(3) has nothing to do with the site inspection or other characteristics of the hole compression, that is, do not show that line in order to avoid excessive disruption of peoples attention.3) three-dimensional hydraulic components of the establishment of the TreasuryTo install the valve on a variety of hydraulic components, such as plug-in valve, solenoid valve, proportional valve, all kinds of pipe joints and so on, can be designed to establish a database of hydraulic components, with reference to the parts of the business or professional manufacturer plans model of product samples. Components such as Valves Cartridge Valves, it is by the valve core, valve seats and other basic components, is actually a sub-assembly structure, as a result of hydraulic components has been the path of standardization and standardized, it can be the main path parameters in the assembly call.4) the overall structure of the virtual assemblyThe overall design of the chip can be designed from the bottom-up approach, and hydraulic valve components from the library out to the assembly environment, installed in accordance with the constraints, to generate a realistic virtual assembly structure. Designers to observe the use of perspective transform all parts of the assembly to check the correctness of the design. If the design can be modified in time for the parts, as the assembly is associated with the parts drawing and spare parts can also be modified at the same time.(1) check the design is reasonable, whether or not the right size parts, assembly of components did not interfere in between;(2) the hydraulic components in the space layout and accuracy of the rationality of the entire chip in the machines installation location is appropriate;(3) of the assembly after the motion analysis of hydraulic components, such as cartridge valve spool of the trip, then transferred under the scope of the trip;(4) can be generated by the explosion map, to show the assembly relations between parts, to facilitate the design, manufacture and installation of the technology exchange between, the various sectors to reduce the possibility of error;5) the output of two-dimensional engineering drawingsOr as a result of the production of commonly used two-dimensional engineering drawings, and so in three-dimensional software to design parts of the processing to the output of two-dimensional map and the assembly drawing, Solidworks software can automatically generate the standard view of the project, but also can generate other view, such as: to view, partial view, axonometric map, you can view on a whole generation to carry out cutting and post-, semi-post-mortem, post-ladder, rotate or section cutaway view of two-dimensional engineering drawings of the dimensioning is automatic, as a result of three-dimensional entities model and two-dimensional engineering drawings and the associated parameter, if one of them the size of the modification, as the linkage.The relationship between the two will be modified. Two-dimensional can be like any other editing software, as marked on the graph roughness, size or shape, such as tolerance, the layers, line settings, print out maps or export dwg, bmp graphics files, and other graphics or text-editing software for data exchange.4 Design ExampleCeramic Tile body of hydraulic forming machine is special equipment, work on the main piston-driven mode of the powder to the pressure, the work of 12 to 18 beats / min, system pressure of 15MPa, after the booster, the main hydraulic cylinder working pressure of 30 MPa, high pressure hydraulic system requirements, flow, and for the faster, better reliability. Press in accordance with the hydraulic system control functions, designed to plug-in three main hydraulic valve chip components: valve function of components I forming process in accordance with the requirements of the main control piston.The work of repression. In a working cycle, the drive mode for the soft reduction, in 3 times the weight of pressure and repression; II valve components of the function is to control the rise in the main piston, down and speed adjustment; valve function component III is the top mode and the pier is expected.I participate in the design of the compressor 600 4200 t from a total of eight kinds of models, a series of 600 design with a pencil drawing, 1000 to 1200 using two-dimensional software design, from 1600 t the beginning of the five models with three-dimensional parameters Solidworks design software. Significantly lower error rate, design efficiency greatly increased, so that the introduction of new products faster, create a better economic efficiency.5 ConclusionHydraulic Manifold software using three-dimensional design parameters, the establishment of virtual assembly structure, the analysis becomes intuitive observation, as far as possible, designers can identify problems at the design stage in order to be able to shake off the heavy graphics work, to focus on structure of functional analysis and thinking to ensure design quality, enhance the design efficiency and to avoid loss of end-of-life products. Solid model can be observed with different point of view, so that body to check the correctness of holes become intuitive and reliable. Interference on the assembly to check and improve the success rate of one-time design.基于Solidworks软件的液压集成块设计1概述在比较大型和复杂的液压系统中,使用集成块可充分利用各种液压元件的功能,使结构更紧凑,密封性更好,便于安装和调试。但是集成块专用性强,表面安装的液压元件多,阀体内孔系复杂,因此,按照液压原理图的逻辑要求,正确合理地设计集成块,是一项艰苦而又要求准确性高的工作。集成块的设计要解决两个主要问题:一是阀体零件的设计和校核;二是装配结构的检查。二维工程图样表达的设计方法,要靠人脑进行二维图样和三维空间结构的转换,设计效率低,容易出错,有的错误很难在图纸上发现,如果在样机制造出来后才发现,将给企业带来经济损失,延误产品开发时间。因此,使用三维参数化软件进行设计,在设计方法和手段上进行提升,使问题尽量在设计阶段被发现,避免失误;同时在系列化、多型号的液压机械设计中,参数化设计使设计效率得到很大提高。2三维参数化机械设计软件简介随着计算机软、硬件技术的飞速发展,涌现出了很多三维参数化机械设计软件,功能强大而有代表性的有:UG,PRO-E等,Solidworks是某国SOLIDWORKS公司开发的三维参数化机械设计软件,它是基于Win-dows下的一种具有强大三维建模功能与工程图绘制、实物渲染功能的计算机软件,它综合了UG与PRO-E三维造型软件的特点,使用更简单方便。它是基于零件特征的三维实体建模技术,可以进行实体装配,运动分析、动画设计等,三维实体可以直接自动生成二维工程图样。也可以单独进行二维图形设计,如液压系统原理图的绘制,系统提供有一个类似AUTOCAD的二维绘图模块,可以直接绘制工程图样。3集成块的三维参数化设计1)基于特征的阀体设计集成块的阀体是安装各种液压元件,并且其内部按照液压系统原理图要求能实现各元件之间油道连通的复杂功能块,是集成块设计的关键。设计时根据阀体的特征进行建模,阀体的基本体是一个长方体,各面上要安装液压元件,因此阀体上的孔是主要的设计特征。孔的大小与液压元件的通径有关,已基本规格化,孔分通孔和盲孔,分别构成阀体的油孔、安装螺孔、工艺孔和台阶孔。在设计时先建立各设计特征的库特征,在阀体零件实体建模时,调用库特征,添加到基本体上,因此,零件的设计过程也就是特征的生成过程。并且在零件的特征树上有记录,便于修改,大大加快了建模速度。2)阀体的孔系检查用Solidworks软件建立的阀体三维实体是一个逼真的零件,可以方便、直观地检查其上的油孔与油孔之间的位置关系是否符合液压系统原理图的逻辑要求,各安装孔的位置是否符合设计要求,由于是参数化的实体模型,修改起来很方便。为了便于观察可以利用软件的显示功能。(1)将实体上挡住视线的部位切去,可以直观显示阀体内部的孔道走向;(2)采用透视的线框模型显示,可从整体上观察有孔的空间分布情况;(3)将与所检查部位无关的孔或其他特征压缩,即暂时不显示,以避免线型过多,扰乱视线。3)三维液压元件库的建立阀体上要安装各种液压元件,如插装阀,电磁阀,比例阀,各种管接头等,在设计时可先建立一个液压元件库,参照本企业的零件图或专业制造厂商的产品样本建立模型。阀类元件如插装阀,它是由阀芯,阀座等基本元件组成,实际上是一个子装配结构,由于液压元件的通径已标准化和规格化,因此,可以通径为主参数在装配时调用。4)整体结构的虚拟装配集成块的总体设计可采用自底向上的设计方法,将阀体和液压元件从库中调出至装配环境中,按照约束条件进行安装,生成一个逼真的虚拟装配结构。设计者利用视角变换观察装配体的各个部位,检查设计的正确性。如发现设计问题可及时在零件上修改,由于装配图与零件图是关联的,零件也可以同时得到修改。(1)检查设计是否合理,零件尺寸是否正确,装配体中元件之间有没有产生干涉;(2)液压元件在空间布局的合理性和准确性,整个集成块在整机上的安装位置是否合适;(3)对装配后各液压元件进行运动分析,如插装阀阀芯的行程,调接杆的行程范围等;(4)可以生成爆炸图,以展示各零件间的装配关系,便于设计、制造及安装人员之间的技术交流,减少各环节出错的可能性。5)二维工程图的输出由于生产中还是普遍采用二维工程图,因此,在三维软件中设计的零件要输出二维的加工图和装配图,Solidworks软件可以自动生成标准的工程视图,也可以生成其他视图,如:向视图、局部视图、轴测图等,可以对某个视图进行剖切而生成全剖、半剖、阶梯剖、旋转剖视图或剖面图,对二维工程图的尺寸标注也是自动的,由于三维实体模型和二维工程图是关联的和参数化的,如果对其中之一的尺寸进行修改,由于联动关系,两者都会得到修改。可以像其他的二维编辑软件一样,对图形标注粗糙度,尺寸或形位公差等,进行图层、线形设置,打印出图或输出dwg,bmp图形文件,与其他绘图或文字编辑软件进行数据交换。4设计实例陶瓷液压机是墙地砖坯体成形的专用设备,工作时主活塞驱动上模对粉料进行加压,工作节拍1218次/min,系统工作压力为15MPa,增压后主液压缸的工作压力为30 MPa,要求液压系统压力高,流量大,换向要快,可靠性要好。压机的液压系统根据控制功能,设计成3个以插装阀为主要液压元件集成块:阀组件I的功能是按照成形工艺的要求,控制主活塞的工作压制。在一个工作循环内,驱动上模进行轻压、中压和重压3次压制;阀组件II的功能是控制主活塞上升、下降和速度调整;阀组件III的功能是顶模和墩料。笔者参与设计的压机从6004200 t共有8种型号,形成一个系列,600型设计时用铅笔画图,1000型到1200型用二维软件设计,从1600 t开始的5个型号用三维参数化软件Solidworks进行设计。出错率大大降低,设计效率大大提高,使新产品的推出速度加快,企业创造了较好的经济效益。5 结束语液压集成块采用三维参数化软件进行设计,建立虚拟装配结构,使分析观察的方式变得直观,设计人员能尽可能在设计阶段发现问题,从而能够摆脱繁重的绘图工作,把主要精力放在对功能结构等方面的分析和思考上,保证设计质量,提高设计效率,避免产品损失报废。可以对实体模型进行不同视点的观察,使阀体孔系的正确性检查变得直观可靠。对装配体进行干涉检查,提高一次性设计的成功率。


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