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    九年级Unit Section B Do you know when basketball was invented课件.ppt

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    九年级Unit Section B Do you know when basketball was invented课件.ppt

    football volleyball ping-pong tennis baseball badminton basketball Ball gamesBall games: 九年级Unit Section B Do you know when basketball was invented Basketisnotonly(不但)apopularsporttoplay, butalso(而且)apopularsporttowatch. 九年级Unit Section B Do you know when basketball was invented Basketisnotonly(不但)apopularsporttoplay, butalso(而且)apopularsporttowatch. 九年级Unit Section B Do you know when basketball was invented 九年级Unit Section B Do you know when basketball was invented Equipment(装备)aboutbasketball basketball metalhoop backboard net woodenfloor 九年级Unit Section B Do you know when basketball was invented 姚明KobeBryant林书豪LebronJames 九年级Unit Section B Do you know when basketball was invented Manyyoungpeoplelookupto(崇拜)thesebasketball heroesanddreamof(梦想)becomingbasketball playerslikethem. Youhavetoworkhardtoachieveyourdreams. 实现梦想 admire 九年级Unit Section B Do you know when basketball was invented Unit6Whenwasit invented? SectionB2a-2d Do you know when basketball was invented? 九年级Unit Section B Do you know when basketball was invented ParaOneABackground(背景) (whoandhow) ParaTwoBPopularity ParaThreeCHistory Scan the text (浏览全文) and match the main ideas and numbers 九年级Unit Section B Do you know when basketball was invented history Background (who and how) popularity Does it have a long history? 九年级Unit Section B Do you know when basketball was invented 1 How old is it? 2 How many people is it played by in the world? How many countries is it played in? 3 When was it first played in history? 4 When and where did it become an event(项目) at Olympics(奥运会)? It is believed that was played on December 21,1891. In 1936 in Berlin ,it became over 100 by more than 100 million in over 200 ReadParagraphOneandcatchtheinformation 读第一段获取信息 Catchforthenumbers 找数字九年级Unit Section B Do you know when basketball was invented Background (who and how) popularity It is believed that on December 21,1891 over 100 years by more than 100 million in over 200 1936 Berlin,it became It has a long history Can you describe the history of basketball by using the mind map? ( 你能借助思维导图描述篮球的历史吗?) history 九年级Unit Section B Do you know when basketball was invented Paragraph1:thedevelopmentofbasketball Why how old who where OnDecember 21,1891 In1936 forfunandexercise over100yearsold isplayedbymorethan100millionpeople inover200countries Thefirstbasketballgamewasplayed became an event at the Olympic 九年级Unit Section B Do you know when basketball was invented 1 Whats his name ? 2 What did he do ? 3 Where is he from? 4 When he was born? He is the inventor of basketball. 5 When and why did he invent basketball? Read Para 2 and find the answer He is James Naismith He is a doctor. He is from Canada. He was born in 1861. When he was a college teacher ,he was asked to think of a game. James Naismith is a Canadian doctor who was born in 1861 Who asked him to think of a game? Did he make any rules(规则) of basketball? Maybe the headmaster (校长) or the leader(领导). 九年级Unit Section B Do you know when basketball was invented GoonreadingPara2togettherules The rules of basketball Then the players on the same team work together to get the ball into the other teams basket. Atthesametime, they need to stop the competing team from getting the ball into their own basket. First divide the men into two teams. (divideinto / get into / stopfrom) stops sb from doing sth 阻止某人做某事 Catch the key phrases 抓住关键词组九年级Unit Section B Do you know when basketball was invented history who and how popularity Its a _sport . over 100 years Be played by _ people in over _ countries. It is believed that on December 21,1891 . Canadian doctor James 1861 Whenasked to. made some rules Firstdivide.into Then.get.into At the same time, stopinto It has a long history Is it popular now? who how James invented it. He made simple rules and its easy to play. 九年级Unit Section B Do you know when basketball was invented 1 How popular is it today ? What about in China? Read Para 3 and find the answer 2 What can we do if we like basketball? (not onlybut ) 3 What do young people think of basketball stars? 4 What do the stars encourage young people to do? The popularity has risen dream of In China,see playing in not only become to play but (also) become to watch look up to encourage to to Idols(偶像) give us power, be sane(理智的) to learn from them. 九年级Unit Section B Do you know when basketball was invented history (who and how) popularity Its a _sport . over 100 years Be played by _ people in over _ countries. It is believed that It was first played on _. In _in_, it became _. Canadian doctor James 1861 Whenasked to. First divide Then.get.into At the same time, stopinto The popularity has risen In China,see playing in not only become to play but (also) become to watch look up to encouragetoto It has a long history James invented it. He made simple rules and its easy to play. Its very popular around the world. If we want to be a basketball star , we have to work hard to achieve our dreams. Have a summary (总结)of basketball. feeling 九年级Unit Section B Do you know when basketball was invented floor two the ball basket Dr. James Naismith Berlin December 21, 1891 1936 NBA CBA more than 100 million 200 九年级Unit Section B Do you know when basketball was invented 1. Basketball is a much-loved and active sport that is enjoyed by many for fun and exercise. 篮球是一项备受热爱、充满活力的运动,为 了娱乐和锻炼身体,很多人都喜欢打篮球。 much-loved (be loved very much )是一个合 成形容词,意为“备受喜爱的; 深受爱戴的”。 Language points 九年级Unit Section B Do you know when basketball was invented 2. It is over 100 years old and is played by more than 100 million people in over 200 countries. 篮球运动有100多年的历史。200多 个国家的一亿多人在打篮球。 over介词,意为“多于;超过”,在此相当于 more than。 There are over one thousand students in the school. 在这所学校有一千多名学生。 九年级Unit Section B Do you know when basketball was invented overover的其他用法的其他用法 over作介词,还可意为“在上方”,强调 正上方,不接触,其反义词为under。 There is a bridge over the river. 河上有座桥。 over用作副词,意为“结束”。 Class is over.下课。 与over相关的常见短语: over there 在那边 get over 克服 go over 检查 all over the world 全世界 over and over again 多次;反复地 九年级Unit Section B Do you know when basketball was invented 3. Basketball was invented by a Canadian doctor named James Naismith, who was born in 1861. 篮 球 是 由 加 拿 大 一 位 名 叫 詹 姆 斯 .奈 史 密 斯 的博士发明的。他出生于1861年。 (1)这是一个主从复合句。定语从句 who was born in 1861 修 饰 先 行 词 James Naismith。 另 外,过去分词短语 named James Naismith 作 后 置 定 语 ,修 饰 doctor。 九年级Unit Section B Do you know when basketball was invented 4. Dr. Naismith divided the men in his class into two teams 奈史密斯将班上的人分成两队 (1) divide做及物动词,意为“分,划分,隔 开”。 e.g. Please divide the class into groups. (2) divide还可做不及物动词,意为“分,除 尽”。 e.g. The subject divides into three branches. Three will not divide into seven. 九年级Unit Section B Do you know when basketball was invented 5. At the same time, they need to stop the competing team from getting the 同时,他们需要阻止对方的球队抢到球投进他们自己的篮框里 。 stop sb. from doing sth.意为“阻止某人做事事”, 相当于 prevent/keep sb. from doing sth.,在主动 语态中,两者中的from均可省略,但在被动语态 中不可省略。 No one can stop us (from) making progress. 没有人能阻止我们进步。 Shestoppedtheboyfromclimbingthe tree. 九年级Unit Section B Do you know when basketball was invented 6. Today, the popularity of basketball has risen around the world, with many young people dreaming of becoming famous players. 如今,随着许多年轻人都梦想成为著名的篮球 运动员,篮球在世界各地越来越普及。 (1) popularity名词,意为“受欢迎;普及;流行” ,其形容词形式popular意为“受欢迎的”。 Her books have grown in popularity. 她的书近来大受欢迎。 九年级Unit Section B Do you know when basketball was invented (2) rise不及物动词,意为“上升;升起;增加;起床” 。其过去式、过去分词分别为 rose 和 risen。 The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. 太阳从东方升起,从西方落下。 rise 意为“增加;上升;站起来”,是不及物 动词,不能用于被动语态。 raise意为“升起;举起;饲养;提高;筹集”,是 及 物动词。 Meat prices are still rising. 肉的价格仍然在上涨。 The man raised his voice and I heard what he said. 那个人提高了嗓音,我听见了他说的话。 九年级Unit Section B Do you know when basketball was invented (3)句中“with +宾语+现在分词”构成的复合结构在句 中作伴随状语。 With winter coining on, it s time to buy warm clothes. 冬天来了,是时候买保暖的衣服了。 “with十宾语+宾语补足语”构成with的复合结构,宾 语补足语除了可以是现在分词外,还可以是介词短 语、形容词、副词等。 He came in with a smile on his face. 他面带微笑走了进来。(with十宾语+介词短语) Anderson left his house with the lights on. 安德森开着灯离开了家。(with+宾语+ 副词) 九年级Unit Section B Do you know when basketball was invented (4) dream of 意为“梦想;想象”,相当于: dream about . They dream of going to college. 他们梦想去上大学。 拓展:dream的用法 dream作及物动词时,后接名词、代词或 that从句作宾语。 He dreamed a sweet dream. 他做了一个美梦。 dream作可数名词,意为“梦;梦想”。 His dream will come true next year. 他的梦想明年将会实现。 九年级Unit Section B Do you know when basketball was invented 7. In China, you can sometimes see people playing basketball in parks, schools and even factories. see sb. doing sth. 看见某人正在做某事 When I pass the window I see him drawing a picture. see sb. do sth. 看见某人做过某事 I often see him draw a picture. 在中国,有时你能看见人们在公园、学校甚 至工厂打篮球。 九年级Unit Section B Do you know when basketball was invented 8. Basketball has not only become a popular sport to play, but it has also become a popular sport to watch. not onlybut also不但而且 在句中常用来连接两个对等的成分,also可以省略 。 She speaks Russian not only in class but (also) at home. 篮球不仅成为一项人们喜欢玩的运动,也成为 了一项人们喜欢观看的运动。 九年级Unit Section B Do you know when basketball was invented notonly.but(also).用来连接并列主语时 ,谓语动词的单复数遵循“就近原则”,即 和but(also)后的名词或代词的数一致。 Not only Zhou Xia but also her parents are fond of watching football matches. 【即学即练】 Not only you but also he _tired of having one examination after another. is 九年级Unit Section B Do you know when basketball was invented 9. The number of foreign players, including Chinese players, in the NBA has increased. NBA中的外国球员数量有所增加,其中也 包括中国球员。 “the number of +可数名词复数”意为 “的数量”,该短语作主语时,谓语动 词用单数。如: The number of workers in the factory is around 100. 九年级Unit Section B Do you know when basketball was invented 【拓展】 a number of 意为“几个,若干” ,相当于several,后面接复数名词作主语 时,谓语动词用复数形式。如果强调数量 大,还可在number前用 large, great, good等词修饰,以表示程度。如: A large number of young men have watched this 3D film. 九年级Unit Section B Do you know when basketball was invented lookupto“向上看;钦佩;仰慕” When you look up to the sky on a fine night, you can see stars. I look up to my father. He is a hero in my heart. 10. Many young people look up to these basketball heroes and want to become like them. 九年级Unit Section B Do you know when basketball was invented 拓展:look词组 look back 回头看; 回顾 look down upon (on) 看不起, 轻视 look forward to 盼望,期待 look into 朝.看去; 调查 look like 看上去象 look on 旁观,观望 look out 当心,小心,留神 look through 浏览;透过.看 look up 查阅; 抬头看 九年级Unit Section B Do you know when basketball was invented (2) hero可数名词,意为“英雄;男主角”,其 复数形式为在词尾加-es。 He is a hero in my heart. 在我的心里他是个英雄。 Negro Negroes (黑人) potato potatoes (土豆) tomato tomatoes (西红柿) 其他常见以其他常见以o o结尾加结尾加-es-es变复数的名词变复数的名词 九年级Unit Section B Do you know when basketball was invented 11.These stars encourage young people to work hard to achieve their dreams. 这些明星激励着年轻人为了实现他们的梦 想而努力奋斗。 (1) encourage动词,意为“鼓励;激励;支 持” 常用结构 encourage sb. to do sth.“鼓 励 某人 做某事”。 Parents should encourage children to do things by themselves. 父母应该鼓励孩子独立做事。 九年级Unit Section B Do you know when basketball was invented achieve及物动词,意为“实现;完成”。 He could not achieve his goal. 他未能实现他的目标。 achieveachieve与与come truecome true achieve“实现;完成”,主语通常是人 come true“实现”,主语通常是梦想等 I believe I can achieve my dream. 我相信我能实现我的梦想。 I hope my dream will come true. 我希望我的梦想会实现。 九年级Unit Section B Do you know when basketball was invented Key points(重点知识) 深受喜爱和充满活力的运动 为了娱乐和锻炼 超过;多于 人们相信 在硬地板上 把分开 阻止做 不仅而且 钦佩;仰慕 实现梦想 鼓励做 梦想成为英雄 的数量 a much-loved and active sport for fun and exercise over/more than It is believed that/ people believe on a hard floor divideinto stopfrom doing not onlybut also. look up to achieve the dreams encourage to do dream of becoming heroes the number of 九年级Unit Section B Do you know when basketball was invented . 根据提示用合适的单词填空。 1. Mary is _ (加拿大人), but she can speak Chinese well. 2. There are some tomatoes, potatoes and eggs in that _ (筐). 3. Both Lin Zexu and Qi Jiguang are h_ in my heart. 4. LeBron James is a p_ basketball player in the NBA. Canadian basket eroes rofessional 注:另附word文档。 点击此处链接 九年级Unit Section B Do you know when basketball was invented . 根据汉语意思完成下列句子。 1. 这个女孩一直都很崇敬她的祖父。 The girl has always _ her grandfather. 2. 他怎么想就会怎么说,你阻止不了。 You cant _ saying what he thinks. 3. 他梦想有朝一日成为一名著名小提琴家。 He _ becoming a famous violinist one day. 4. 孩子们被老师分成了六组。 The children were _ six groups by the teacher. 5. 自从玛丽出名以后她朋友的数量增加了。 Since Mary became famous, _ her friends has increased. looked up to stop him from dreams of divided into the number of 九年级Unit Section B Do you know when basketball was invented Football Howold150yearsold Whowasitinvented by? beinventedbyagroupof Englishmen Whendidit become.? becameanOlympicevent 1900(nineteenhundred) Howmanypeople wasitplayedby? beplayedbyover500 millionpeople Howmanyin China? 46footballclubs Whatshouldwedoif wewanttobea? practicehard history popularity feeling ThesedaysIdid asurveyabout football.Itsfun. _ _ _ _ _ _ Ifwewanttobea footballstar,we haveto Suppose(假如) youarea reporter(记者) fromCCTV Have an Interview(采访 ) about football with partner FootballReport Before writing: 1 How many paragraphs will you write? (多少段) 2 What are the main ideas? (中心思想) 九年级Unit Section B Do you know when basketball was invented Whathavewelearnedthisclass? 1 Some information about basketball and football.(篮球和足球的相关信息) 2 How to express the information about an invention. (如何表达某项发明的相关信息) 九年级Unit Section B Do you know when basketball was invented 九年级Unit Section B Do you know when basketball was invented Iwanttosay: Work hard and be brave to try, well change the world! (努力学习、勇于尝试,我们将会改变世界!) 九年级Unit Section B Do you know when basketball was invented Holdontoyourdreams. Theywillcometrueone day! 紧紧抓住梦想,总有一天 梦想会成真。 九年级Unit Section B Do you know when basketball was invented Homeworkforyou: A: Finish Part II on Page 72 and Part III on Page 73 完成同步72页II题和73页III题。 B:Correct your report .修改完善你的报告 C:Have a research about another inventions history and background , describe it for us next class 调查其他发明的历史和发明背景,并在下节课前用英语为大家叙述. 九年级Unit Section B Do you know when basketball was invented Thanks for listening 九年级Unit Section B Do you know when basketball was invented 九年级Unit Section B Do you know when basketball was invented 计算机在我们的生活、工作中的作用越来越大,你知道计 算机的起源与发展吗?请结合计算机的发明时间(1946年)、 外形、用途等方面,谈一下它的发展变化, 并说明你对未来计 算机的畅想。 要求: 1.意思连贯,语句通顺; 词数不少于80。 Computer _ _ _ _ _ _


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