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    U9 Section A.ppt

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    U9 Section A.ppt

    Unit 9,Can you come to my party?,Section A,单击页面即可演示,A: Can you go camping with me?,B: Sure, Id love to .,A: Can youwith me? B: Sure, Id love to.,A: Can youwith me? B: Sure, Id love to.,go bike riding,A: Can youwith me? B: Sure, Id love to.,A: Can youwith me? B: Sure, Id love to.,B: Sorry, I cant.,A: Can you on Saturday?,meet my friend,I must,hang out,B: Sorry, I cant.,A: Can you on Saturday?,I must,hang out 闲逛,go to the doctor,A :Can you ?,help my parents,B :Sorry, I have to,A : Thats too bad. Maybe another time.,go to a baseball game,A :Can you ?,B :Sorry, . I have to,A : Thats too bad. Maybe another time.,go to a baseball game,prepare for an exam,next time,A: Can you ?,B : Im sorry, Im not available . I ,A : Thats too bad. Maybe another time.,have too much homework,A: Can you ?,B : Im sorry, Im not available. I ,A : Thats too bad. Maybe another time.,have the flu,B : Thanks for asking.,have the flu,help my parents,go to the doctor,hang out,prepare for an exam,meet friends,Accept: A: Can you ? B: Yes/Sure/Certainly/Of course, Id love/like to. Thanks for asking.,Refuse: A: Can you ? B : Sorry, Im not available/free. I have to / must/have ( Im afraid not. I have to/must/have) A : Thats too bad. Maybe another time. B : Thanks for asking.,Pairwork,Birthday party!,1a,Match the phrases with the pictures.a-e,prepare for an exam 2. help my parents 3.go to the doctor 4. meet my friend 5. have the flu,a,d,e,b,c,1b.Listen and write the names (Tim, Kay, Anna, Wilson ) next to the correct students in the picture.,Tim Kay Anna Wilson,Listening,1b,Anna,Tim,Kay,Wilson,Listen and circle can or cant.,Listening,2a,1. Jeff (can / cant ) go to the party. 2. Mary (can / cant) go to the party. 3. May (can / cant) go to the party. 4. Mei Ling (can / cant) go to the party. 5. Paul (can / cant) go to the party.,Listen again. Who cant go to the party? Why? Complete the chart.,Jeff,meet his friend on Saturday,May,have the flu,Mei Ling,study for a math test,2b,速记策略:catch the key words or phrases 抓关键词,1.Invitation: (提出邀请) Can you come to ? 2.How to accept an invitation (接受邀请) Yes/ Sure, Id love/like to. Certainly/Of course, Id love/like to. Thanks for your invitation. Thanks for asking . 3.How to refuse an invitation (拒绝邀请) Im sorry, I cant. I have to/must/have Sorry, Im not available/free. I have to/must/have Id love to, but I have to/must/have Thanks for your invitation. Thanks for asking .,Summary,填空,1. -_ you come to my party? -_, Id love to. 2. -_ you go to the movies? -Im sorry, I _. 3. - _ you go to the basketball game? -No, I _. Im playing soccer. 4. -_ you go to the concert? -Great! Id _ _. 5. - _ you go to the mall this week? -Sorry, I _.,Can,Yes,Can,cant,Can,cant,Can,love to,Can,cant,Invitation,Christmas party Saturday, December 24, six oclock Jeff: Sure/Great Lucy: Sorry go to the movies with my family,Tom: Hey, Jeff, can you come to my Christmas party? Jeff : When is it? Tom: Its on Jeff : Great! Tom: How about you, Lucy? Lucy: I am sorry, I cant. I,1.Invite your friends to the Christmas party. Find out who can come, who cant come. Then fill in the chart. (邀请你的同伴参加圣诞晚会。找出谁能来,谁不能来。然后再把姓名,是否能来以及理由写在表格里。) 2.Give a report in the class.(做一个汇报),Task :,Im going to have a Christmas party. Im going to invite many friends to the party. xxx,xxx, and xxx can come to the party. Im so happy. But Dave,xxx, xxxand xxx cant come to the party. Dave has too much homework. +has to/must And + would love to come to my party. But,Sample(示范): Report,Homework:You can choose A or both A and B to finish.,A: Make a conversation with three or four partners according to 2c. B: Write a report about it.,Thank you for listening!,


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