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    仁爱版八年级英语上册期中考试试题 A listening Test Part (20分)一、听句子, 选择与其相对应的图片。(5分) 二听对话,选出正确答案。(5分)6ABecause he cant find his key BBecause he want to find his watch CBecause it is still early nOW"7AHe stays at home BHe is in the hospital CHe is on the way to hospital8AThe mans new sweaterBThe womans new sweater CThe new sweater in the shop9AYesshe will BNO,she wont CWe dont know10AAt 10:00BAt 11:00 CAt 11:30三听短文。填出所缺单词。(10分)Email is a way of sending messages to other peopleIt is a fast and _11_ way to keep intouch with friends and familyIts much _12_ than sending a letterPeople who use email should have an email addressThis address must have_13_ and dots and the symbol“”meaning _14_This is what an address looks likePeople Can send the message _15_ the InternetIt is quick,easy and fun B Written Test part (130分) 四、根据首写字母 中文解释或中文提示完成单词拼写(20分) 16 I saw you play basketball_ ( 在.期间 )the holiday 17 Were _( 计划 )to have a skating club 18 Swimming helps keep your _( 心脏 )and lungs healthy 19 You missed a goal . _( 为.感到羞耻)on you 20 I love_( 旅游 ) very much 21 I asked a running _( 教练 ) to make a plan for me 22 Its our duty to improve our _( 环境 ) 23 Whats wrong with you ? I have a _( 胃痛 ) 24 He took part in the _( 战斗 )againt SARS 25 The children may get the medicine and eat it by _( 错误 ) 26 p_ a penson who is ill in hospital 27 d_ a penson whose job is to mend or take out the bad teeth 28 h_ not like ;dislike 29 t_ needing to have a good rest 30 r_get to ;arive in 五、完形填空(30分) 31 I often saw him _english every morning A. reading B. reads C. to read D. read 32. Must I write down all the new words now ? No, you _. A. mustn t B. can t C. won t D. needn t 33. The man in the office _be our Chinese teacher because he is having class in Class One. A. can t B. may not C. mustn t D. need t 34. May I play bassketball here? No, you _, its dangerous. A. mustn t B. needn t C. may not D. cant 35. Were goning to having a football match . Will you come and_? A. cheer us on B. cheered us on C. cheer on us D. cheering us on 36. Ill join the _club. And you? A.ski B. skied C. skiing D. to skii 37. Here_my favorite photos of the famous soccer stars A. is B. are C. am D. be 38. she spends at least _in English every day A. half hour B. half a hour C. half an hour D .half hours 39. Could you please _me _my English? A. help . to B. help .with C. helping . to D. to help. with 40 . Would you mind not_here? A. smoke B. smokes C. to smoke D. smoking 41. Kangkang was angry _Michal A. with B. to C. at D. for 42. I prefer skating to _ A.dance B. danced C. dancing D. dances 43 This term I make many freinds_my classmates A.with B. and C. to D. for 44._ _did it _ you to get to school? A how soon ;take B How long ;cost C How ofen ;spend D How long ;take 45. Do you mind opening the window for me ? A. Yes, of course not B. Yes,please C . Not at all D. No, you dont 46. At last they went climing instead of _ A. going swim B. go swimming C .go swiming D.going swimming 47. You had better not _TV today A. to watch B. watch C . see D. watching 48. Bad luck! I_my pencil box in the classroom A. leave B. forget C. left D. forgot 49. Shall we take the _boy to the hospital ? A. illness B. disease C. ill D. sick 50. The policeman asked the boys _play in the street A. to not B. not to C. didnt D. not 51. The tall boy is _to carry the heavy box A. enough strong B. strongly enough C. strongly enough D. strong enough 52. Why dont you play basketball with us ? A. Yes , I have B. Thats right C. I think it D. OK, Id love to 53. Thank you for _me your bike A. lend B. borrow C. borrowing D. lending 54. I get up early _I can get to school on time A. enough to B. so that C. but D.or 55 We have _homework to do this weekend A. too many B. much too C. many too D. too much 56 I helped my mother _at home A .cook B. cooked C. to cook D. Both A and C 57. Hi! children. Did you enjoy _at the party ? A. you B. yours C. yourself D. yourseles 58. An apple a day is good _ your health A. to B. for C. at D. with 59 Mum ,may I watch TV now ? Sure, but you _help me with my homework first A. may B. can C. mustnt D. must 60. Would you please not _loudly in class? A. talk B. talking C. to talk D. talks 六、按要求改写句型( 10 分, 2分/题) 61. We got 28 gold medals in the 2000 Sydney Olympics(画线提问) _ _ gold medals _ we get in the Sydney Olympics? 62. Youd better move your leg too much(改为否定句) Youd better _ _ your leg too much 63. Would you mind closing the window?(改为否定句) Would you mind _ _the window? 64. Care for your little brother,please(改为同意句). _ _ your little brother, please. 65. Could you do me a favor?(改为同意句) Could you_ _ _ _ ? 七、用所给词的合适形式填空(10分, 2分/题) 66. There are many_in Shanghai.( foreign ) 67. Wang lan is one of the most_(play) 68. Well visit the park if it_(not rain)tomorrow 69. Ill call you as soon as he _( come)here 70. _(stay)up late is bad for your health 八、情景对话,从下面的方框中选出合适选项补全对话(5分) A: Hello! B: Hello!_71_ A: Just a minute .May I ask who is that ? B: _72_ A: Hold on ,please.Yang Lin,there is a call.Its from Li Ming. C: Hi,Li Ming ,This is Yang Lin speaking A: Hi,Yang Lin Thank you for asking me to your part _73_. Beacause my sister is sick and I have to look after her. C: _74_I hope its not serious A: No really She is a little better now C: Glad to hear that .Please tell your sister I hope she gets better soon .Good night. B:Thanks._75_ A. This is Li Ming B. Good night C. Can I speak to Yang lin,please? D. Im sorry to hear that. E. Im sorry I cant come. 九、完形填空(15分) Joan and Alice are in Grade One.They_76_in the same building and they are good _77_.They go to school and come home together. After_78_they sing ,play,read or do their homework in front of the building . One day It was Joans birthday.Joan _79_Alice to her party.The little girl went there at six.The party_80_and all the people said , "Happy birthday to you,Joan" She was very _81_.Joans parents brought some other food and the children thought it was very delicious ,so they _82 _much . After that they began to play in the room.They _83_ a good time there. "Werent you at home yesterday?"asked Alice . "_84_"answered Joan ."It was my grandfathers birthday and I went to his home with my _85 _""What ? "the little girl said in surprise( 惊讶地)"Is he only one day older than you?" 76. A. work B. live C. walk D. run 77. A. students B. teachers C. classmates D. friends 78. A. class B. breakfast C. school D. day 79. A. asked B. let C. told D. hoped 80. A. finished B. started C. left D. lifted 81. A. happy B. sorry C. free D. busy 82. A .saw B. carried C. found D. ate 83. A. gave B. got C. had D. heared 84. A. Yes ,I am B. No , I wasnt C. Yes ,we were D. No,we werent 85. A. father B. mother C. brother D. family 十 阅读理解(20分) A Most children like to watch TV.Its very interesting.By watching TV they can see and learn a lot and know many things about their country and the world. Of course,they can also learn many things on the radio.But they can learn better with TV.Why?Because they can hear and watch at the same time.But they can see nothing on the radio. TV helps to open childrens eyes.TV helps to open childrens minds,too. They can learn knowledge and better ways of doing things. They may find the world is now smaller than before. Many children watch TV on Saturday or Sunday evening.they are always busy with their lessons. But a few children watch TV every night. They go to bed very late.They cant have a good rest.How about you,my young friends? ( ) 86. A few children go to bed late because they_ A. are busy with their lesson B. do their homework C. watch TV D. listen to the radio ( ) 87. Children cant see anything _ A. in the radio B. on the radio C. on TV D. by watching TV ( )88. TV helps to open childrens_ A. eyes B. minds C. eyes and minds D. eyes or minds ( )89. _children watch TV only on Saturday or Sunday evening A. A lot B. Much C. A lot of D. A little ( )90. Children can study better and more easily with TV because_ A. they like to watch TV B. they can hear at the same time C. they can watch at the same time D. they can listen to and see somethimg at the same time B The Chinese New Year is the most important holiday for Chinese.the New Year comes with the fitst day of the First Moon,between January 21 and February 19.People get ready for the holiday for fifteen days. Finally ,at midnight it is the first day of the First Moon .People close the shops and the streets are empty.Everyone locks(锁 )the doors and stays at home . It is an important time for the family .The youger people bow( 鞠躬)to the older people .The Chinese people this "ketou".This means "to touch the ground with forehead(前额)" Then the younger people wish the older people a happy new year.The older people give children presents or money in red envelipes( 信封 ).The family than goes to sleep. In the morning ,people put on their best clothes .Some people stay at home ,others go out to cvisit friends or neighours .They are very polite and do not use bad words.Its the most important day of the day . ( ) 91. "The Chinese New Year "in the passage means _ A .Mid Autumn Day B. the Spring Festival C. Christmas Day D .the Dragon( 龙 )Boat Festival ( ) 92. It takes about _to get ready for the Chinese New Year A. a few days B. twelve days C. half a month D. three days ( ) 93. At midnight(午夜)you can see_ people in the streets. Everyone stays at home A.lots of B. hundreds of C. many D. few ( ) 94. The part of the face above ( 在.上)the eyes and below ( 在.下) the hair is the _. A. ear B. forehead C. nose D. mouth ( ) 95. On the Chinese New Years Day , what do people usually say to each other when they meet ? A. Good luck! B. Best wishes ! C. Good morning D. A and B 十一、 书面表达(分) 健康是福,在日常生活中我们应当怎样做才能拥有健康的身体?请就此写一篇80字左右短文。八年级英语期中考试答题卡待添加的隐藏文字内容3A listening Test Part (20分)一、 1_ 2._ 3. _ 4._ 5 _二、 6_ 7._ 8. _ 9._ 10 _三、 11_ 12 _ 13 _ 14. _ 15. _ B Written Test part (130分)四、16_ 17 _ 18 _ 19. _ 20. _ 21_ 22 _ 23 _ 24. _ 25. _ 26_ 27 _ 28 _ 29. _ 30. _五、题号313233343536373839404142434445答案题号464748495051525354555657585960答案六、 61. _ _ _ 62. _ _ 63. _ _ 64. _ _ 65. _ _ _ _ 七、 66_ 67 _ 68 _ 69. _ 70. _八、 71_ 72 _ 73 _ 74. _ 75. _九、 7680_8185 _十、 8690_9195_十一、 书面表达(分) 参考答案一、(5)1B 2A3C4A5C 二、(5)6B7B 8A9B10B三、(10)11 cheap 12 quicker 13 letters 14 at 15 across四 、(20) (1625 每个1分 , 2630 每个2分) 16 during 17 planning 18heart 19 Shame 20 travelling / trips 21 coach 22 environment 23 stomachache 24 battle 25 mistake 26 pa tient 27 dentist 28 hate 29tired 30 reach 五、(30分)题号313233343536373839404142434445答案DDAAACBC BDACAAC题号464748495051525354555657585960答案DBCDBDDDBBDDBDA六、(10) 61How many did 62not move 63 not closing 64Look after 65 give me a hand 七、(10) 66foreigners 67 players 68 doesnt rain 69 comes 70Staying 八、(5 ) 71 C 72 A 73 E 74 D 75 B九、(15) 7680 BDCAB 8185 ADCB


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