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    Coffeehouse Business Plan[全文].doc

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    Coffeehouse Business Plan[全文].doc

    Coffeehouse Business PlanDark Roast JavaThis business plan was created with Business Plan Pro software, the fastest way to prepare a complete business plan1></a>. With Business Plan Pro, you can open this plan (or any of the 500 others included in the product) and quickly customise it to match your business. Or you can use the softwares step-by-step wizard to easily create a custom business plan from scratch. Learn more ? Executive Summary 1.0 Executive SummaryThe concept Thanks primarily to Starbucks, within the past 20 years the coffeehouse has become a familiar feature of American life. Every day, millions of Americans stop for an espresso-based coffee drink. People who would not have dreamed of spending more than 50 cents for a cup of coffee a few years ago now gladly pay $3 to $5 for their cappuccino, mocha latte or vanilla ice blended drink.The specialty-coffee business is growing at a healthy pace. During the past 20 years, there has not been a single year, despite war and recession, in which specialty coffee sales have not grown. In many years the increase has been in double digits. In addition, no coffeehouse chains have failed during this time, although the list of casualties in other industries is quite long.Starbucks, The Coffee Bean, Peets, Diedrichs and other major chains serve average quality drinks in establishments that have the same generic design appearance. Indeed, Starbucks and The Coffee Bean are often referred to as &quot;fast food&quot; coffeehouses due to their &quot;cookie cutter&quot; design. Now that Americans coffee preferences have broadened and matured, many are asking for more from their coffeehouse. A niche exists that has yet to be filled for a high-volume, upscale, quality-driven coffeehouse with a warm, inviting atmosphere. Dark Roast Java meets this need and fills this niche. We offer high-quality products in an upscale environment. Furthermore, our high-profile location in Pleasantville provides a mixed customer base that will maintain high levels of business in every season, at all times of the day, every day of the week.Founders Ned Powers-Sebastiane, founder of Dark Roast Java, has a long career as an entrepreneur and marketing executive. He is the founder of Powers-Sebastiane Advertising &amp; Public Relations and Pan National Motor Tours. Co-owner Curt Yamaguchi has an intuitive understanding of the real estate market. As a highly successful real estate broker and investor he brings several key capabilities to the Dark Roast Java team, not the least of which is his ability to procure highly desirable locations for future stores. Financials The company anticipates rapid acceptance of the Dark Roast Java concept in Pleasantville, with revenues of $600,000+ in the first fiscal year, rising to more than $1,000,000+ in FY 2006. Net profit is projected to be approximately $99,000 in 2004, growing to an estimated $265,000 by 2006.An advanced and expandable point-of-sale system After carefully tracking the performance of the Pleasantville store through an expandable and highly detailed point-of-sale system, we will use this as a &quot;blueprint&quot; for expansion. For example, daily sales are tracked and analyzed by item, time period and cost of goods. Labor requirements are matched to projected in-store sales based upon past performance for maximum efficiency. Even after paying higher than average wages, we expect to allocate no more than 25% to labor costs.This Business Plan only provides data on the Pleasantville coffeehouse. Sources: US Census Bureau, Pleasantville Chamber of Commerce, Specialty Coffee Association of America. Highlights 1.1 ObjectivesMake Dark Roast Java the number one destination for coffee in PleasantvilleSales of $600,000+ the first fiscal year, $750,000+ the second fiscal year and $1 million the third fiscal yearAchieve a 15% net profit margin within the first year and 30% by FY3Achieve a total net profit of $150,000+ in FY1 and $200,000+ by FY3Be an active and vocal member of the community, and provide continual re-investment through participation in community activities such as the Chamber of Commerce and financial contributions to local charities and youth organizationsCreate a solid concept in the industry and track performance in order to begin expanding to other markets within six months 1.2 MissionOur goal is to be the coffeehouse of choice for the local Pleasantville community, downtown business workers, tourists who visit the city, and students, by providing a higher quality experience than any competitor. As a result, we intend to create coffeehouses that quickly achieve profitability and sustain an attractive rate of return (20% or more annually) for our investors.We also want to make our contribution to the welfare of the local community by supporting charitable and civic activities. We will support the farmers who grow our coffee by using Fair Trade, Sustainable Production and Organic products whenever possible. Dark Roast Java also awards its business to as many local suppliers as possible, keeping the business in the community or, at the least, in the state. 1.3 Keys to SuccessThe keys to our success will be:A superior-tasting product backed by a unique quality storeA relaxing, upscale interior designPrime site selection with an upscale affluent population, year-round tourist activity, heavy pedestrian traffic by the site, a dynamic student population and a concentration of local businessesA market that exposes Dark Roast Java to high-profile &quot;trend-setters&quot; and &quot;key influencers&quot;Ongoing, aggressive marketingHighly trained and friendly staffMultiple revenue streams including gift items, gift baskets and coffee gift/frequency cards in addition to coffee, pastry, chocolates, tea, juice, water and soft drinksA dynamic website with online sales capability 2.0 Company SummaryDark Roast Java launches with its first coffeehouse located in downtown Pleasantville. Dark Roast Java will offer residents and visitors a totally new style of coffeehouse - one offering a uniquely flavorful coffee drink and a comfortable, upscale environment at which to socialize, relax or work.Variety: No other coffeehouse in the area will provide the range of coffee drinks, tea, cocoa, juice, smoothies and other products that Dark Roast Java does.Location: Dark Roast Java will be located in the prime section of downtown Pleasantville in the heart of the shopping and entertainment district. Dark Roast Java locations are designed for high volume year round, with revenues and profits to match.Expansion: Assuming this store is successful, it will be the first of a chain of Dark Roast Java coffeehouses located in markets that have similar demographic profiles, significant traffic by the store, year-round tourist activity and a sizeable student population.The Dark Roast Java Concept At one time Cadillac was the acknowledged quality automobile in America. Then came Mercedes-Benz. And then Lexus, with its superb product and service approach. Dark Roast Java will be the first &quot;Lexus&quot; of the coffeehouse chain industry, offering a higher quality product and better quality service in an exceptional environment. The only coffeehouse that comes close to being as upscale as our concept in the Pacific Northwest is Torrefazione, with its high style Italian decor (they were recently part of a $72 million dollar buy-out by Starbucks).The first Dark Roast Java is located in Pleasantville. Other Dark Roast Java coffeehouses will eventually be located in select affluent markets that support the business model (e.g. Mount Hill, Newburg, Springfield, Bayview, Orchard Valley, Beachey Head, Capital City).Dark Roast Java offers a superior coffee product, delicious pastries, fresh juices, the finest tea drinks, Ghirardelli cocoa, gourmet chocolates and gift items. The Dark Roast Java staff members who prepare the coffee (baristas) are highly trained and experienced. They know how to prepare an excellent espresso-based drink and brew tasty coffee. We use the highest quality equipment and ingredients to deliver a noticeably superior product.Our design style is different from all other coffeehouses, an upscale &quot;C?te dAzur&quot; look. It features stained glass decorations, art glasswork, Mediterranean Riviera style furnishings and outdoor dining. 2.1 Company OwnershipDark Roast Java is a privately held corporation. It is registered as a state LLC Corporation, with ownership shared by Ned Powers-Sebastiane, Victor Lubitsch, Curt Yamaguchi and other outside investors. 2.2 Start-up SummaryStart-up expenses are in line with those of other coffeehouse chains. For example, Starbucks spends approximately $380,000 on average to build-out a new store location. Our costs are an estimated $225,000 and $25,000 for opening inventory and operating capital. Future stores should cost no more than $175,000 to build out since many of the costs incurred here will not have to be repeated later.The Start-up requirements, below, include $77,000 of short and long-term assets.Long term assets: $62,000Undercounter Refrigerators$5,000Service/Prep Counter$12,000Ice Machine$3,500Large Refrigerator$1,000Milk Coolers (3)$1,000Cash register (2) Point of Sale System$14,000Espresso Machine$11,000Fetco Coffee Brewer$2,500Counters/Condiment bar/shelving$12,000Short-term assets: $15,000Tables, Chairs, Furnishings$12,000Persian Carpet$1,000Lighting Fixtures$2,000 Start-upStart-upRequirementsStart-up ExpensesCONSTRUCTIONSite design, architectural plan$10,000Demolition/Construction$25,000Electrical, Lighting$12,000Electrical, Other$10,000Flooring/installation$5,000Bathroom Construction$4,000Plumbing$10,000Fireplace Construction$5,000Painting$2,500City permits/licenses/fees$6,500LEGALAccounting$2,000Legal$4,000Insurance$2,500MARKETINGOpening marketing/advertising$3,000Graphic design for signage, menu boards$2,000Outside Signage$1,500Frequency Cards, Brochures$1,500OFFICEOffice equipment$600Computer, scanner, printer$2,000Telephones/Fax/DSL$500Stationery etc.$1,000Gift item displays (3)$1,500APPLIANCES, ETCPreparation equipment$1,000Dishwasher$3,500Blenders (3)$2,000Microwave$500Panini maker$700Storage racks$1,000Music system$800Food display case$6,000Storage room shelving$1,000Bulk bean grinder$700Sinks (2), prep counters$1,200Menu board construction$2,500Cups/Lids (50,000)$14,000Total Start-up Expenses$147,000Start-up AssetsCash Required$1,500Start-up Inventory$25,000Other Current Assets$15,000Long-term Assets$62,000Total Assets$103,500Total Requirements$250,500 Start-up FundingStart-up FundingStart-up Expenses to Fund$147,000Start-up Assets to Fund$103,500Total Funding Required$250,500Assets Non-cash Assets from Start-up$102,000Cash Requirements from Start-up$1,500Additional Cash Raised$0Cash Balance on Starting Date$1,500Total Assets$103,500Liabilities and CapitalLiabilitiesCurrent Borrowing$0Long-term Liabilities$0Accounts Payable (Outstanding Bills)$0Other Current Liabilities (interest-free)$0Total Liabilities$0CapitalPlanned InvestmentInvestors$250,000Other$500Additional Investment Requirement$0Total Planned Investment$250,500Loss at Start-up (Start-up Expenses)($147,000)Total Capital$103,500Total Capital and Liabilities$103,500Total Funding $250,500 Start-up Products 3.0 ProductsDark Roast Java sells high-quality specialty coffee beverages, tea, juice, water, soft drinks, pastries, chocolates and gift items. Despite being an upscale coffeehouse, our prices are in line with the leading national chains. 3.1 VendorsCoffee roasting is provided by Grizzly Mountain Coffee Company, Pleasantville.Tea is primarily supplied by Harney &amp; Sons Tea, Connecticut.Our water vendor is Crystal Geyser, St. Helena, CAJuices are provided by Longhorn Orchards, Corpus Cristi, TX (fresh orange juice and lemonade) and Genesis Juice, Eugene, ORPastries are provided by local Pleasantville companies such as DAngelos Bakery, Pleasantville Biscotti and Pleasantville Cheesecake.Chocolates and cocoa are from Ghirardelli Chocolate Company, San Francisco, Bellagio, Los Angeles and Black Forest Chocolates, Arnold, CAGift items are from various vendorsSoft drinks are provided by Sprechers Brewery, Milwaukee, WI, and Thomas Kemper Soda, Seattle, WA 3.2 The Dark Roast Java MenuThe Dark Roast Java menu sets us apart from other coffeehouses, giving us a competitive edge.We offer six groups of drinks - coffee, tea, Italian sodas, smoothies, juice and cocoa - with several choices within each group. This enables us to provide more variety than our competitors while keeping the preparation of the drinks easy to execute.We are taking advantage of the immense popularity of flavored drinks and Chai tea by offering a product mix that includes items the other coffeehouses dont carry as well as more familiar drinks.We are the only coffeehouse to have a wide range of gourmet hot cocoa. Dark Roast Java offers several smoothie drinks and Italian sodas.We carry the highest quality fresh juices.Prices have been determined after a thorough analysis of all food costs for every item in each drink. In some cases, an average price has been calculated and applied to all similar drinks in order to keep the menu from confusing the customer. 3.2.1 Coffee and Espresso DrinksCOFFEECoffees of the day: Dark Roast Java Blend, Riviera Roast, and Molokai Swiss water process DeCaf.$1.60 Regular $1.85 LargeESPRESSONameDescriptionRegularLargeEspressoA double shot of straight espresso.$1.75 DoubleCaffe AmericanoEspresso combined with hot water, a gourmet brewed coffee.$1.85$2.25CappuccinoEspresso with a smooth topping of milk foam.$2.50$3.50Caffe Latte Espresso combined with steamed milk, topped with a small amount of velvety milk foam.$2.


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