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    新闻写作 姓名 颜小东 班级 08118 学号0801154034A Wandering Son Backs to Womb-Longxing Town The gods are clearly smiling on Longxing. This once poverty-stricken district in south-western China which is noted for its amazing natural resources, astonishing scenic and natural wonders, specific cultural activities and cultural relics, is absolute a hidden world, attracting more and more tourists from home and abroad whatsoever to this garden of Eden.Longxing, a small town in Yibin city of Sichuan province, was blessed by the notable advantages which made it become the important south-western fortress in the south route of Silk Road. Its great and profound cultural heritage being formed, the generations of its people were nurtured and purified into an excellent one.I was born and bred up in this place. The life of mine, the specific way of thinking in my mind, the beaten heart and the warm blood were totally bestowed by the holy place, lightening my life for hundreds of thousand years.However, for this time, I was just one of the tourists, bewildered by its magic power, longing for the purification of their minds. Now a wandering son was going to back to womb. I set off my journey by riding a rented motorcycle with a friend of my childhood, Fan Wen-pin, who I came across in the gate of the scenic spot-Longxing, Sichuan provincial level beauty spot. Pairs of eternally mute stone lions crouch outside the gate on each side with two stone pillars, which were carved with Chinese ancient calligraphy, piercing into the sky. Behind the gate, a cement concrete road stretches into the heart of the spot, died away in the emerald green bamboo groves. On starting our journey, we back on the motorcycle, dashing through the gate, heading towards the heart. During the whole time of riding motor, we did not talk too much, not because we were not familiar with each other or talkative. The only reason was that we were totally enchanted by the glamour of nature, including the chirping birds, rustling vivid green leaves, singing insects and the engaging softy winds.However, some small talks were helpful for our traveling. According to my friend, a student majored in tourism management, brought up one professional advice that we should make specific plan guide our traveling, even though it is our hometown. I took it immediately. Gradually, the sky got darker and darker. In the west, cloud had piled on the cloud to form a ridge of mammoth white towers, rearing against blue sky.“The rain is on its way and we should change our way of traveling,” Fan said with two big round eyes staring at the sky in the west. “A pleasure boat is the best choice so that we can enjoy all the beautiful sceneries along the Yuexi River without hit by torrential rains.”Several minutes later, we stopped off at a pier, jumped into a ferry and snatched the best seats in case that we would not miss a single scene. In the next almost half an hour, we were totally overwhelmed by the enchantment of the natural wonders.After we got on the passenger boat for a little while, thunder began to grumble in the distance. After a little while, the first drops of rains were plinking on the windows of the ferry, plunking on the body of it and rebounding after they hit on the bamboo leaves along the both side of the river. The drops hit on the surface of the crystal clear river, rippled the water gently.The rhythm accelerates; plink follows faster and faster until the sound was a roll of drums and the individual drops became a marching over fields and river surface.Out of hail, two vague figures, blurred by the rains, sat on the bank of the river motionlessly wearing two bamboo hats respectively, fishing with rods in their hands. At the left side of the ferry, we were followed by two egrets paddling water with their sharp black beaks joyfully. Simultaneously, that several fishes were jumping out of the waves was chasing us at the tail of our ferry. All of those were interwoven into a painting of spring rains full of freshness, wildness and loveliness and we were totally lost into the live painting.Almost half an hour later, the dark clouds were disappeared, the rains started to withdraw and the golden sunlight was rimming the white clouds. The sun was smiling to us. “There we are,” Fan said with an excitement. “We are back to the town of Longxing.” Off the ferry, we were heading to the country fair. From a distance, there was a sound of gong and drum. A group of people were waving a golden dragon and having the dragon lantern dance, surrounded by hundreds thousands of people including the local residents and tourists. That day was the temple fair day which had three hundred years history. “The temple fair was extended for hundreds of years,” an elder said to me with a complicated smile on his face. “Every year, people gather here to pray for the good harvest in the next year.”As a local resident for more than twenty years, I was a little shamed about not knowing the important event which was held every year. Then I was deep into depression.“Come on, body! Look over there,” Fan said with a screaming sound. “Several boutiques were opening a business.” Being depressed, I almost ignored the shining place which reflected not only the trend of peoples taste but the living standard of the local people.According to the statistics announced by the local Government, the average annual per capita income in the town jumped from 2100 yuan (US$330) in 2009 to 3000 yuan (US$500) in 2010. They have the extra money to afford these fancy clothes in boutiques as a result.The sunlight was getting brighter and brighter. By this time, the inner man began to crave nourishment and it was grunting. I was missing my mothers double cooked pork slices and could not wait to see my parents.Suddenly, a soft tender voice “kiddy” coming across the crowds from a distance made me thrilled. That was exactly my mom, a graceful lady with all-charms, calling her lovely son back. She went to market for purchasing some necessities.“A wondering son was back to his mom,” Fan whispered to me in a teasing way. “Go home with aunty and I will back home later.” I nodded. The two figures were dying away in the bamboo-embraced alley


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