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    Interest Conflict’s defense on International Business Negotiations.doc

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    Interest Conflict’s defense on International Business Negotiations.doc

    Interest Conflicts defense on International Business Negotiations Abstract: With the development of the economy, china has a lot of International Business Negotiations in our enterprises. Because each side hopes get the maximum interest, we are facing a lot of interest conflicts during the international business negotiations. We can avoid the conflicts by knowing each countrys styles and preparing the things, and we can appropriately apply to strategy to avoid the conflicts.Key words: Business negotiation interest conflict defense International business negotiations means clients from different parts of the world get together to make a deal by information exchange, and during the process of the negotiation, the most important factor is to consultant and exchange what they want and what they think. So the purpose of the negotiation is not only to meet its own needs, but to consultant with each other by exchange the attitude or requirements in order to get reach of one kind of agreements can be accepted by the two sides. How do we defend the conflicts?First: Knowing the customers styles is the general knowledge of business negotiationsDevelopment of politics, economy, culture and technology around the world is not balanced, which lead to different lifestyle, consumption habits, values and cultural background etc, so the negotiation style is different from each other, which influenced greatly on negotiators. As a negotiator, one should be active to know the negotiation style of other negotiators, which is helpful for ones success of negotiation. Many countries have their own negotiation styles. Lets take a look at some examples:1 AmericanAmerica is the most developed country in the world and English is nearly the most common international negotiation language, and one half of the international trade is counted with American dollars, which makes Americans are so proud of their country and their nation. Thus, American is outward, willful, and cheerful and they are self-confident. They like adventure and competition. Meanwhile, their negotiation style has its own features: strong self-confidence and wonderful self-feeling.2 GermanGermany is a big industrial country in the world. German is firm, self-confident, cautious and conservative. They have their action plan and they emphasize on efficiency. Honesty and integrity are the most cherished characters of German. During the process of negotiation, German may have the following features: well-prepared negotiation planning, efficiency emphasized, meanwhile, German is conceited. They stress and emphasize on the feasibility of their plan and it is hard to make them to accept others suggestions.3 JapaneseMany negotiators accept such opinion: Japanese is the most successful negotiator. Maybe it is because the history of Japan. Japan has little resources and many people while Japanese culture has been influenced heavily by Chinese culture. But Japan has their features: being polite, being serious on personal relation, inward character, being responsible, smart and capable, forging ahead, and being pragmatic.Above all introduce the mostly trade country or areas negotiate style; importantly we can realize the true meaning from among. We should know the difference between customers from country. And we should play to the score according to temporarily appearance during the negotiation, adequacy adjust personal negotiate manner in order to anticipate purpose and succeed. Second: Preparation is a means to avoid conflicts fiercePreparation is the single most important element in successful negotiations. In negotiations, information is power. The more relevant information you have, the better your position is. Preparation for your negotiations can not be overdone. Allow yourself adequate time to prepare entering any negotiation. 1 Know the needs of you and understand the needs of your adversaryWhat do you need out of the negotiations? More money? More flexibility? Better opportunities? Access to broader markers? Make a list of those things you would like to receive as a result of the negotiations .Refine and prioritize your list before starting the negotiation. The list and the one created above will allow you know what your true “bottom line” is.Your “adversary” in this context is the other party in the negotiation. Your relationship with this party may not normally be described as adversarial, but for the purposes of this discussion we will view the negotiation as an adversarial relationship. Put yourself in your adversarys shoes. What would they like to gain from the negotiation? Write down as many possible goals as you can think of. Prioritize your list in the order that you believe your adversary would. Identify the items you are willing to negotiate and those items which are non-negotiable.2 Selecting high qualities for negotiators As a negotiator, you must know the relevant knowledge of the negotiations. You must know that government regulations and corporate specifications make technical requirements a key part of negotiations. In addition, you must possess a wide variety of technical, social, communication, and ethical skills.As a negotiator, you must be shrewd, resourceful, patient, adaptable, humor. Great importance should be attached to the psychological training of negotiators, to make them psychologically ready for facing and standing various pressures. The CN must be highly organized in order to effectively handle the vast number of problems that will inevitably arise. The CN must be able to select, motivate, and control a team operating under high-stress conditions. He also must be able to arrange and rearrange schedules, as well as oversee staff in difficult circumstances.3 Draw out negotiate goal, definitude negotiate finally intentionTo give in the bound is the most important on preparation. And the pr price is often the most sensitive issue in business negotiations. By presenting a more comprehensive negotiating package in a well-planned and organized manner, exporters should be able to improve the effectiveness of their business discussions and in the long term the profitability of their export operations.If the importer does not accept the price ,the exporter should react positively by initiating discussions on non-price questions ,instead of immediately offering price concessions or taking a defensive attitude .Widening the issues and exploring the real reasons behind the objections to the price quoted will put the talks on a more equal and constructive footing.4 Frame the negotiation strategy Every negotiation has nits characteristic, requiring special strategy and correspond tactics. Negotiator who firstly gives in is considered to locate the lankiness at some things, and to lead the opponent clamp down to get the more concession. However the same action is regarded as o signal of requesting report in another circumstance. Taking cooperate strategy make the both sides build the warm business connection in international trade. But one purity cooperative relation isnt unrealistic. When the opponent is seeking the most interest, they should adopt some competitive strategies. So to adopt cooperative and competitive strategy makes the negation end favorably. Third: Making a negotiation strategy may avoid some fierce confliction The direct way of negotiation is to get an agreement or contact which can be accepted by both sides. We call the persons who negotiate with us opponents, and both sides are always trying to get their interests being maximized, but more important relation for both sides is to corporate with each other. Temporary confrontation is for corporation, so using some strategy is indispensable during a negotiation. We have to avoid some fierce confliction, because getting into deadlock means failure to both sides of the negotiation.1 The way of cold and warmIf you are the boss of a company, youd better to assign two persons to take part in the negotiation. One should be tough and direct and just ask the most sensitive issues without any scruples while the other should be affable and tolerant. Maybe the corporation of the two can play an unimaginable role in the negotiation.2 Delay and roundaboutSometimes, during a negotiation one may encounter such situation: the opponent is domineering and aggressive. You had better to delay negotiation time and talk with him slowly, with time passed by, he would feel tired and lost energy and now you can change your defensive situation to be offensive to win the negotiation finally.3 Leave space for other usingDuring a negotiation, even if you can accept all of the requirements of opponents, dont nod your head at once. You can accept most of his or her requirements firstly and leave some to be the capital for the following bargaining.4 Take retreat as attackLet your opponents to say the first word, meanwhile, you should listen carefully to get his or her flaws. Sometimes retreat on some unimportant matters to make your opponents to accept your requirements on something important to you is very worthwhile.5 To understand and forgive each otherNegotiators should not jus consider their own interests. Because negotiation is a work should be corporate with both sides, so to understand and forgive others is very important, which may lead to direct success of the negotiations.Conclusion:The times provide a wider stage for modern, artistic, scientific negotiation. As China join in WTO, international trade and foreign communications will be more frequent than before, while any kinds and levels of foreign trade and foreign negotiations will play more important role in social, political and economic life, which means research on international business negotiations will be a promising field in the future. Not only the framework but also details about negotiations are worthwhile researching deeply. Reference:1 彭世勇. 国籍与职业对跨文化敏感度的影响J 浙江大学学报, 2006, 36卷(1):74-80.2 隋晓荻, 潘丽. 文化背景对语言交际的影响J. 佳木斯大学社会科学学报,2003, 21(3): 114-115.


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