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    毕业设计论文 外文文献翻译 谈现代书籍装帧设计 中英文对照.doc

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    毕业设计论文 外文文献翻译 谈现代书籍装帧设计 中英文对照.doc

    Talk about modern book designBooks are essential to life, is the spirit of human knowledge dissemination of grain, accumulation and development are necessary tools. Records of history books only, science, culture, and promote the popularization of human society material civilization and spiritual civilization development. Books are so important, therefore, is installed * books are of vital significance.Book as art design is an important subject in the 20th century, along with the development of modern science and technology culture more professional. Especially since nearly 30 years, science and technology, the rapid development of economy, consumption level, and improve sales and related technology and changing greatly progress, all these materials in the objective of the modern book greatly promoted the rapid development.Modern book design no longer stay "picture books or" phase, has generally designed to promote overall design ", "or". Six years of international art exhibition in leipzig books prize for the four books: (1) the standard parts such as the book covers, HuanChen, jacket, page layout, catalogue, and illustrations and font, to achieve aesthetics in harmony. 2) design (form and content of books (3) unified. The highest art. (4) the highest quality (technical quality. These standards will book design is the essence of the content, as well as on the specific design books. Books are complex by various factors, books and show their special design of the system. Therefore, the book design process is comprehensive, the overall design, the design is increasingly wide areas.Human civilization in the various cultural form must always belonged to the root of social economy, economy plays an important role in modern book is directly reflects this point. Modern book design due to the progress of the society, the development of science and technology and the sales of modern consumption, books, and the development of modern technology, material, design for the book has laid a solid foundation. Consumer is installed * design books direct service object. Good liquidity sales is book design objective test. But certain technology/process and material is book design necessary material means. Book design service object, sales, good fluidity and technology development inevitable fundamentally in book design itself. Therefore, the study of modern book design can only stay in shape and color of the cover design of elaboration, font, and shall put the long-term, in recognizing the current situation, there is a kind of advanced design awareness. In modern consumption demand and recognize concept and aesthetic temperament and interest, the modern marketing environment and modern chemical materials, and modern technology is a strategic category, to conduct in-depth research and design of the view. The brief analysis,.The development of modern marketing to book design development. Books are commodities, the answer is "yes", but it is the spiritual culture of commodities. Books are a strange in the world market, the products can be as peoples thoughts and desires and fantasy, is the creation of art and technology. Modern marketing environment of space, the area, packaging, advertising, sales buy and displayed quantity and variety of books has entered the stage of history, large-scale sales now some super large bookstores, large bookstores, with great sales force. The super market to the bookstore as readers free choice of books. The exterior decoration conspicuous books can arouse readers to buy dazzing. In order to adapt to the modern marketing strengthen competitiveness, book design must be in relatively sufficient market survey, under the premise of dominated by readers - "the reader is god", in the full expression of basic content of book itself apart, do STH unconventional or unorthodox hundreds square to improve the grade of the book design to stimulate the reader to the books.The development of modern consumption in book design development: todays consumers in the material requirements, spiritual needs, economy, culture, psychology, and on a very different. All toward a higher level. Diversity, the fast rhythm of modern life make people more pressing the commendation psychology, conservative visual form no longer welcome. As living level and cultural levels rising, some old ideas instead of a new idea. In the aesthetic demand on the demands of the people, and accept the development level of economy growing in today, the situation of family, as more and more exquisite decoration study, more and more exquisite beauty and comfortable, the decoration of desk, bookcase is more common pursuit. One of the books, a beautiful box of a book design can provide a visual contentment and joy, make people get the edification. On the other hand, people today, high information era is a kind of life rhythm sense of urgency, living in a city of visual and psychological demands. People tend to concise, lively style more interest, concise and rich individual character style can cause of beautiful memories of tradition. For example, in order to adapt to the modern art of ancient antique and hobbies, Germany, Russia and other countries also developed a copy of the ancient treasures publications. Some valuable books outfit design on material is applied to gold, pearl, etc., and adopt the bamboo slips, silk copy antique XianZhuangShu, such simple, elegant, gracious thick embody profound cultural connotation, to satisfy peoples nostalgic psychology, make consumers obtain material comforts, obtained beautifulenjoying spirit. But, in spite of the modern industrial society background, the people to pursue and yearning past time and emotion, but the aesthetic temperament and interest, life habits and the thoughts and feelings eventually produced very big change, if disregard social changes of modern people and aesthetic demand, the ancient culture intact moved to modern book design is not good to also. Therefore, the modern book design must pay attention to grasp the historic times of the organic unity with perfect fusion, so as to achieve a brand-new realm. In addition, many book design always take less in the form of format, breaking rules flat old order instead of the variable alienation technique co.ltd, create new visual impact. Today it is people commendation a reflection of demand. Anyhow requirement is more creative, more advanced design idea in the service of spiritual consumption today.Modern science and technology, the development of modern technology in book design effect on the development of modern printing plate: because of technical performance and printing machinery, printing, printing and the rapid development of the definition, XianYanDu, delicate feeling, the ink is reached a high level, adhesion for book design provides a good development space. Especially for all kinds of materials, surface treatment technology for the development of modern books design provides very favorable conditions of design. The surface of exterior condition will produce different visual and psychological effect. Example: the paper, glass and metal, plastics etc hot stamping, coating, coating, bump moulding compound processing technology, fully, make a design more brightness. Such as: the modern society in education, attaches great importance to the children in the childrens books at various techniques, some bump processing, and puzzles, such as sound electronic technology application, make the book design art to get incisively and vividly.The 21st century is the era of computer, computer in different fields plays a very important role. Computer is becoming more and more popular to personal and family. Part of the books will be replaced by computer discs, especially some reference books. Because the disc reserves big, small volume, light weight, easy to collect, easy transportation, the computer for data and information in more easily, also favors the cosmopolitan culture and art exchange, can save a lot of human, material and financial resources. On the other hand, the cost is less expensive, and in the paper today, increasing by CDS instead of books is very feasible. So, the book design on the agenda will be completely, new concept, design requirement will increasingly high.From the above analysis, the modern marketing briefly, and the changes in the concept of modern consumption, modern science and technology, the development of material and craft, will promote the development of modern book design. Therefore, the modern book design must consider the various factors and find out the source, thus obtains comparatively successful designed to suit the demand of The Times.谈现代书籍装帧设计书,是人们生活中必不可少的精神粮食,是人类知识传播、积累和发展所必不可少的工具。书不但记载历史、传播科学、普及文化,而且促进了人类社会物质文明和精神文明的发展。书是这样重要,因此,书籍装祯也就具有极其重要的意义。书籍装帧作为美术设计的一个重要科目,是在20世纪随着近代科技文化的发展日趋专业化的。特别是近30年以来,科技、经济的飞速发展,消费水平不断提高,销售方式不断改变,有关工艺与材料大大进步,这些都在客观上极大推动了现代书籍装帧日新月异的发展。现代书籍装帧设计不再停留在“画书皮子”的阶段,已普遍提升到“装帧”或“整体设计”的意义。六年一度的莱比锡国际书籍艺术展览会得奖书籍的四条标准为:(1)书籍装帧的各部分如护封、封面、环衬、扉页、目录、版面、插图和字体等,要达到美学上和谐一致(。2)装帧形式与书籍内容统一(。3)最高艺术质量(。4)最高技术质量。这些标准实质是将书籍装帧设计的内容具体化了,也为进行图书设计提出了方向。书籍是由各种因素构成的复合体,书籍的构成和设计呈现出自己所特有的系统性。因此,书籍装帧设计过程是综合整体设计,其涉及领域日趋广泛,设计日趋深入。人类精神文明的各种文化形态在根本上总是从属于一定的社会经济形态,经济起着重要作用,现代书籍装帧则直接体现了这一点。现代书籍装帧设计由于社会的进步、科技的发展以及书籍的销售,现代消费、现代工艺、材料的发展,为书籍装帧设计奠定了根本基础。消费是书籍装祯设计的直接服务对象。商品性、流通性销售是书籍装帧设计的客观检验。而一定的科技/工艺与材料则是书籍装帧设计必不可少的物质手段。书籍装帧设计的服务对象、销售、商品性、流动性与工艺材料的发展必然从根本上对书籍装帧设计本身产生重大影响。因此,现代书籍装帧设计研究不能仅仅停留在封面的形与色、字体等设计的推敲,而应当把目光放得长远些,在认清当前形势下,有一种超前的设计意识。在认清现代消费的需求与观念、审美情趣、现代销售的环境与方式、现代材料的理化性及现代工艺的类别方面有一个战略性的认识,才能进行深入的研究和有的放矢的设计。对此,作如下简略分析。现代销售的发展对书籍装帧设计发展的影响。书籍是不是商品,回答是肯定的,但它是精神的文化的商品。书籍是一种奇特的商品,在市场上可以作为人们思想、愿望和幻想的传递者,是技术的和美术的创造载体。现代销售环境的空间、面积、装潢、广告、售买方式以及陈列其中的书籍品种与数量早已进入大规模销售的历史阶段,现在大城市都出现了一些超级书市、大型书店,具有极大的销售力。书店的超级市场化使书籍成为读者自由选择的对象。书籍的外观装潢显眼夺目能够激发读者的购买欲。为了适应现代销售加强竞争力,书籍装帧设计必须在进行较充分的市场调查的前提下,以读者为主导“读者即上帝”,在充分表现书本身内容的基础上千方百计标新立异与众不同,提高书籍装帧设计的档次来刺激读者的购书欲。现代消费的发展对书籍装帧设计发展的影响:今天的消费者在物质需求、精神需求、经济、文化、心理、观念上都与以往有着很大不同。都向着更高层次方向发展。多样性、快节奏的现代生活使人们求新求变的心理更为迫切,保守的视觉形式不再受到欢迎。随着生活水平与文化水平的不断提高,某些陈旧的观念逐渐衰退而代之以新的观念。在审美需求上,人们的需求范围与接受水平不断发展着,在今天经济不断增长的情况下,人们对家庭书房等装修也越来越讲究,越来越讲究美感和舒适,对写字台、书柜中的摆设都有着更加普遍性的追求。其中一件优美的书籍包装盒,一件考究的书籍装帧设计都可以提供一种视觉的满足和乐趣,使人获得美的熏陶。另一方面,人们对今天高科技、高信息的时代有一种生活节奏加快的紧迫感,生活在都市中有一种归大自然的视觉与心理上的要求。人们往往对简洁、明快的格调更为爱好,简洁而富有个性的格调能够引起对以往优美传统的回忆。例如,为适应现代爱好古董和古代艺术品的心情,德国、俄罗斯等国还开发了复制古代珍品出版物的业务。一些贵重的书籍装设计在材料上还应用到金、珍珠、宝石等,并复制出竹简、丝帛、线装书等,力求古色古香厚重纯朴,典雅亲切,体现出深远的文化意蕴,来满足人们的怀旧心理,使消费者获得物质享受的同时,得到精神上美的享受。但是,尽管在现代工业社会大背景下,人们追求和向往过去的时光和情感,但审美情趣、生活习惯和思想感情终究发生了很大的变化,如果不顾现代社会的变化和人们审美情趣的需求,把古老文化原封不动地搬到现代书籍装帧设计中去也不一定是好的。因此,现代书籍装帧设计必须注意把握历史性与时代性的有机统一达到完美融合,从而达到一个全新境界。另外,许多书籍装帧设计在形式上往往采取不那么规矩平板的格式,破除旧的秩序而代之以奇正相间的变异化手法,产生新的视觉冲击。这也是今天人们求新求变需求的一种反映。总之是要求更富有创造性,更加有超前的设计观念来服务于今天的精神消费。现代科技、现代工艺的发展对书籍装帧设计发展的影响:现代印刷工艺由于制版技术、油墨性能和印刷机械的迅速发展,印刷的清晰度、鲜艳度、精致感、油墨附着力都达到很高水平,这些都为书籍装帧设计提供了良好的发展空间。特别对各种材料的表面处理工艺的发展,为现代书籍设计提供了十分有利的设计条件。物体表面的各种外观状况会产生各种不同视觉与心理效果。例如:对纸张、玻璃、金属、塑料等加以烫金、镀层、涂料、凹凸模压复合处理等,充分发挥工艺手段,使设计更加生辉。再如:现代社会非常重视幼儿教育,在儿童读物中各种工艺技术用得最多,一些凹凸处理的拼图,并配以电子技术光、声等的综合应用,使书籍装帧设计艺术发挥得淋漓尽致。21世纪是计算机的时代,计算机在各个领域里发挥着重要作用。计算机也越来越普及到家庭、个人。一部分书籍也将被计算机光碟所代替,特别是一些工具书。因为光碟储量大、体积小、重量轻、易收藏、易运输等,在计算机里面查找所需资料、信息更为便捷,也更利于世界性的文化艺术交流,可以省去很多人力、物力、财力。再一方面,光碟成本少,在纸张日益昂贵的今天,利用光碟来代替一部分书籍是非常可行的。这样,书籍装帧设计将提上全新的日程、全新的概念,设计要求也将越来越高。从上面简略分析来看,现代销售、现代消费观念的变化,现代科技、材料与工艺的发展,必将推动现代书籍装帧设计的发展。因此,现代书籍装帧设计必须考虑到各方面因素并加以探本寻源,从而获得较为成功的设计来适合时代的需求。


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