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    课堂教学及评价实录Step 1: Warming up (Make groups before the competition)T: Class begins.M: Stand up, please. T: Good morning, class.Ss: Good morning, Miss Sun.T: Sit down, please.T: Welcome to our English Challenge. Now Ill introduce my friends to you. Look! What are they?Ss: A cat, a fish, a panda and a bird. T: Are they lovely?Ss: Yes.T: 今天我们就请这四位可爱的小动物来作为我们每一个小组的吉祥物(Depart the students into four groups)Youre in Cat Group. Youre in Fish Group. Youre in Panda Group and youre in Bird Group. Lets have a competition , and try your best to be the best group. Ok?S: Ok!Step 2: RevisionActivity 1: Say out the numbers as quickly as you can. T: Look at the screen. say out the Numbers in English one by one. Number1, the Cat Group. S1: Six.T: Good. S2: Four.T:你的回答真响亮,真棒。Go on, please. Sc: NineT: Very well. T: All of you have done a good job. Every group gets a star. Activity 2:Listen and do Now look at the pictures on your books.T: 动物朋友们一起来看杂技表演,热情的小猴子在帮同伴们找座位。Can you help him?Ss: Yes!T: Listen to the tape,and stick the pictures of animals on their own seat. 以孩子们喜欢的小动物作为各小组的队长,增添了学习情趣,便于孩子们接受。点出以竞赛的形式来学习。通过竞赛,激发学生的学习积极性,同时在比赛中可培养学生的竞争意识、参与意识和合作意识等。 这项活动复习了数字,既为本节课的重点作好铺垫,又锻炼了孩子们的反应能力,表扬个体与整体相结合,既激发学生学习积极性又利于培养孩子的团队精神。结合小学英语评价手册Numbers 1. Listen and paste. 在游戏中复习听数字。Listen and finish the games. T: Check the exercise-book with your desk mates. All of them did a good job. Every group gets a star.Step3: Presentation and drillsActivity 1T: My friends. Youre so clever. Miss Sun likes you.Lets talk about something., ok?Ss: Ok!T : How old are you? Eight or nine?Sa: Eight.T: Well done. How old are you?Sb: Nine.Activity 2: Learn the new wordsT: Look at the blackboard. Read after me. OldoldSs: OldoldRead three times.T: Lets read it in groups.Ss: ( Read it in groups.) T: Cat Group is excellent. Fish Group is wonderful. Panda Group is perfect. Bird Group is very good. All of you can get a star.T: Lets go on. How oldhow old.Ss: how oldhow oldRead three times.T: Betty, would you like to read it?Sa: Ok. How oldhow old.Ask one student from each group to read the phrase.T: Wonderful. Every group can get a star.Activity 3:Learn the new drills.T: Read the sentences after me. How old are you?Ss: How old are you?T: Peter! How old are you?Peter: Im nine.T: Very good. Would you like to ask others?Peter: Ok! How old are you, Lucy?Lucy: Im eight. T: Wonderful. Go on.Lucy: How old are you, Jane?T: Good. Practise in pairs and then show yourselves.请同学之间互评,锻炼学生评价能力。以自由对话的形式引出新授内容,并将重点句型通过板书展示给大家。由生活走入教材,让学生在轻松的环境中学习。由单词到词组,由点到线。符合小学生的学习特点,容易接受。紧跟操练,及时掌握。师生演示,生生操练,两两展示,即达到操练的目的,又实现了对学生知识掌握的反馈。T: Great. Everyone gets a star.Step 4: PracticeT: Well. My dear friends. I think its time to have a rest. Now lets say a chant. ( Show the chant on the screen.)Old, old, How old are you?Eight, eight, Im eight.How, how, how old are you?Nine, nine, Im nine.Old, old, how old are you?Six, six, Im six.How, how, how old are you?Ten, ten, Im ten.T: Lets read the chant while clapping your hands.Ss: Read the chant and clap their hands.T: Is it interesting? Lets say it together.T: Do you like a chain game?S: Yes.T: Lets play a chain game. Ask the age of the pupil next you. Try to do fast. Lets see which group is the fastest.Every group : Sa: How old are you? Sb: Im nine. How old are you? Sc: Im eight. .T: Very good. The Bird Group is the first one. The Panda Group is the second. The Fish Group is the third. The Cat Group is the fourth.The Bird Group gets two stars. All the other groups get one star.Step5: FuntimeT: Now, lets listen to a song. ( 播放多媒体课件)Ss listen to the song from the book Part 3. First, just listen. And then, sing after it again and again.T: Wonderful. Now lets sing together.Ss : sing the song in groupsT: Very good. Lets say congratulations to Cat Group. (Ss clap their hands.)Step 6: DialoguelearningActivity 1:T: Now my friends, Ill tell you a secret. 昨天是Sam 九岁的生日,爸爸妈妈送给他一个年龄卡片。在西方国家,孩子过生日,父母会给他做一个年龄卡片,写上他的新年龄。并且在以后一段时间里,孩子会把年龄卡片带在身上告诉别人他又长了一岁。 利用朗读chant巩固新授。朗朗上口的chant既活跃了课堂气氛,调动了学生的积极性,又起到了巩固新知的作用。多样性的活动才能使学生的兴趣得以保持。因此,组织多种多样的练习活动有效的激发了学生的兴趣。保证学生在课堂上都能有机会参与到活动中。通过chant的朗诵和游戏活动对句型进行了全员、全方位的操练,完成了对基础知识的学习。在学习了一段时间后以听歌、学歌、唱歌来稍做休息,符合了小学生的心理特点和生理特点。有利于下一阶段的学习,同时也使整节课有张有弛,节奏和谐。介绍年龄卡片,联系实际,拓展了学生的文化视野。T: Do you know how old is Sam? Lets look at the screen. Look and listen.(The teacher plays the computer. And the pupils learn the dialogue.)Ss: (Read after the tape)T: Read it by yourselves.Ss read the text and ask the questions, then the teacher answers.(提出问题的学生,教师给予表扬鼓励)Teacher shows a headwear of Sam.T: Hello, Sam. How old are you? Ss: Im nine.T: Good. Lets look, listen and repeat.Activity twoT: 现在老师给你们一项有趣的任务,你们自由组合,以小组为单位表演课文,一会儿之后,你们可以到三毛剧场去展现你们的表演才能。你们可要大胆想象,自由发挥呀。Ok?T: Now, you may begin.(After three minutes)The teacher plays the computer and shows the picture of the San Mao Play.T: Now, welcome to show your games.(Four pupils come to the front from the Cat Group.The teacher gives the head wears of Sam, Daming, Amy and Lingling.)Sam: Hello! Look, Im nine. How old are you, Daming?( 动作表情)Daming: Im nine, too. Look, Im nine.(动作表情)Amy and Lingling: Nine? Youre six. (动作表情)Sam: Oh! Im nine. (动作表情)T: wonderful! Congratulations. Ss clap their hands.T: Thank you. Your group can get a star. Go back to your seats.(Another three groups act out their plays.)T: Well done. plays.)T: Well done.大家认为最佳表演奖应该发给哪个小组呢?Ss: The Cat Group.T: Yes, I think so.他们表演的更加生动。最佳表演奖发给你们。 看Lulilu新结识的几位来自不同国家的小朋友们在介绍自己的情况。请你听录音,贴上他们的年龄。Ss do the exercise. T: Cat Group gets two stars. Every of the other groups gets one star. 让学生在看、听、问、想中自学会话,给孩子自学的空间。及时表扬鼓励孩子积极动脑。三毛剧场给学生提供了展现自己才能的大舞台,使学在自然语境中运用语言,与别人交流,培养了学生的综合能力。Step 7: Consolidation Activity 1T: My friends now we know Sams age. Today I want to know some new friends age. Look The teacher plays the computer and shows the picture.Ss finish the exercise from the book.T: Great!You did correctly and quickly.Activity 2T: 现在老师知道了大家的年龄,可是同学们你们知道吗?在西方一些国家里,随便问别人的年龄是不礼貌的,特别不能随便问女士的年龄。大家想想在什么情况下我们会用到问年龄呢?Sa: 人口普查。Sb:报名上学的时候。Sc:在医院里看病的时候T: Wonderful. 在恰当的场合用,OK?T: Now.老师很想知道我们班有多少同学九岁,有多少同学十岁,有几个同学八岁,有几个同学七岁。你们想知道吗?Ss:想.T: 好!让我们来做个小调查吧。每组的组长调查自己组的同学。Every group begins.The Bird Group finished first. Then the Panda Group, the Cat Group and the Fish. T: Now I know one pupil is seven, six pupils are eight, thirtythree pupils are nine and three pupils are ten. Thank you all of you have done a good job. Step 8: HomeworkT: Now your homework. Make a age-card. And introduce the agecard to your parents and ask your parents age using the new patterns. Then tomorrow you can tell your friend. Look Im seven/eight/nine/ten. Ok. Goodbye, class.Ss: Goodbye! 引导学生了解西方文化,并把所学知识恰当的运用。学以致用。既巩固了新学知识又培养了学生在生活中运用新知的能力。任务的完成需要各小组成员的积极配合,肯定小组的成绩目的是激发学生学会与他人合作。学做年龄卡片, 感受外国文化与本国文化的不同。培养了学生跨文化意识。把年龄卡片介绍给家长并请家长来评价学生的学习,使学校教育和家庭教育形成统一。完成评价手册Friends 1. Listen and paste. 听音动手巩固新知。总评:本节课的最大特点就是注重了恰当使用评价手段促动学生积极参与到课堂的每个环节中。运用评价激发学生积极参与、体验、感悟和进行语言表达,从而提高了语言的运用能力。怎样发挥评价的作用,如何进行评价是我们在进行课堂设计时就应该考虑到的:1 注重评价的针对性与实效性。本节课以小组竞赛的形式对学生进行整体评价,有利于学生之间互帮互助意识的形成,有利于学生自主与合作学习习惯的养成。在课堂中,个体表现为小组赢得奖励的形式促进了学生集体荣誉感的形成;小组集体展示为小组赢得成功的形式,促进学生积极参与活动意识和互助合作意识的形成。这种集体评价的方式是积极有效的,因为学生个体的积极表现、小组团体的协作学习都会为课堂的高质高效做好内因上的铺垫。2 注重发挥评价的激励作用。小学生的注意力不容易保持较长时间。因此,及时、即时评价对他们来说是很有必要的。不断的评价会使他们不断鼓起积极参与的热情,从而使注意力得以保持,使学习效果得以保障。发挥评价的激励作用时,还应注意到评价方式的多样性,语言的生动性,表情的鼓励性,让学生切实感受到自己的成功,老师的肯定。3 注重发挥评价的反馈矫正功能。评价的激励作用得以发挥的同时,还应注意评价的反馈矫正功能,让学生在得到肯定的同时,也要认识到自己的不足和努力方向。但老师的语言一定要委婉到位,切不可以伤害学生的自尊心、挫伤学生的积极性为代价。活动的过程就是一个允许学生犯错误,帮助学生认识错误、改正错误的学习过程,对于活动的过程性评价可与教师的精讲点拨相结合。如,学生犯错时,我们可说,“You did very well. But if, you will be better.” 但不可次次用相同的语言,否则这句话就会成为学生认为的批评性语言。可见,机智灵活才能使你的课堂因学生而始终焕发光彩。同时,在课堂评价时,我们还应关注评价的多样性。做到个体与集体评价相结合;过程性评价与结果性评价相结合;显性评价与隐性评价相结合;即时评价与日常评价相结合。也要切忌评价过多、过滥,影响课堂的正常进行。


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