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    瓯北镇中九年级英语模拟试卷卷一第一部分 听力部分一、听力(本题有15小题,第一节每小题1分,、第二节、第三节每小题2分,共25分)第一节:听小对话,请从A、B、C三个选项中选择符合对话内容的图片。1. Where has Mr. Black gone? A B C2. Whats Sandras favourite sport? A B C3. Where are the two men talking? A B C4. What does the man want to do? A B C5. Whose eraser is on the floor? A B C第二节:听小对话,请从A、B、C三个选项中选择正确的选项。6. What festival are they having? A. Christmas Day. B. New Years Day C. Thanksgiving Day.7. Whom are the speakers talking about? A. Artists B. Inventors C. Sports stars.8. Which is Bills favourite subject? A. Math. B. English C. Science.9. What will the family cook for Lucy? A. Noodles. B. Dumplings. C. Rice.10. What will Jim take with him? A. An MP3. B. An umbrella. C. A watch.第三节:听独白,请根据提问从A、B、C三个选项中选择正确的选项,完成信息记录表。 Information From Party: _11_ Place: _12_ Persons: _13_ Time: _14_ Donts: _15_11. What party is it? A. Dancing party. B. Birthday party. C. Evening party.12. Where is the party? A. The Century Park. B. The Green Farm. C. The Sunny Hotel.13. Whom is the party for? A. Students. B. Teachers. C. Parents.14. When will the party start? A. 6:00 pm. B. 7:00 pm. C. 8:00 pm.15. What cant they bring to the party? A. Drinks. B. Pets. C. Fruits第二部分 读写做部分二、语言知识运用 (共15小题, 每小题1分,共15分)16. -What can I do for you? -I want _ orange blouse for my daughter. A. an B. the C. a D. /17. There are lots of _ on the table. A. potatos B. potatoes C. photoes D. tomatos18. Gina was born _ 1999. She is old enough to go to school. A. to B. on C. at D. in19. It isnt _ watch. I left mine at home. A. my B. me C. I D. myself20. Colours can make us _ happy or sad, energetic or sleepy. A. to feel B. feeling C. felt D. feel21. If you really want to be a “Super Girl”, just have _ try! A. a B. an C. the D. /22. -Must I finish it right now? -No, you _. You can hand it in tomorrow. A. cant B. mustnt C. may not D. neednt23. In Wenzhou, summer is _ season of the year. A. hot B. hotter C. hottest D. the hottest24. -Who taught her Japanese? -_. She learned it by herself. A. Nobody B. Anybody C. Somebody D. Everybody25. -You picture is wonderful! -I worked for 8 hours _ I finished it. A. when B. before C. while D. after26. The real great man is the man _ makes every man feel great. A. where B. who C. which D. when27. Teenagers should _ to choose their own clothes. A. allow B. to allow C. be allowed D. allowed28. -Could you please tell me _? -I live in Yongjia. A. where do you live B. where were you born C. where you live D. where you were born29. In the United States, youre not supposed _ with your hands. A. to eat B. eating C. eats D. ateDANGERNO Traffic Lights Ahead30. We can see the notice _. A. in a restaurant B. at a school C. in a cinema D. on a road三、完形填空(共15小题, 每小题1分,共15分) 阅读短文,从每小题所给的四个选项中选出能够填入每个空白的最佳答案。 I once thought I would be a perfect mother. It _31_ me 16 years to learn that I could not be. I know that I make some mistakes. _32_ I could raise my children again, I _33_ repeat those mistakes. Maybe I would make new _34_. But I think I would do a _35_ job. I would try to understand my children. I often did what my _36_ would have done. I _37_ their ways of raising children. For example, I had my 13-year-old son, David, come home early, but he _38_ this rule. He saw no reason for it. _39_ a girl, I had to be home early. I wanted my son to do the _40_ thing. Now I would think more about why I wanted things done in a certain way. My father was sick when I was young. So my sister, my brother and I were _41_ all the time. We did not cry in anger and we didnt laugh for _42_. I just wanted my children to be quiet, too. I never stopped _43_ “why”. It was hard for me to let my children show anger. I _44_ them when they started to get angry. Now I would tell my children, “ It is all right to show love and it is right to show anger. Your feelings are good. I love you no matter _45_ you feel.”31. A. cost B. spent C. took D. used32. A. If B. When C. Because D. Whether33. A. would B. wouldnt C. could D. no longer34. A. ways B. friends C. rules D. ones35. A. worse B. better C. busier D. easier36. A. parents B. children C. teachers D. friends37. A. went B. found C. followed D. improved38. A. enjoy B. hated C. agreed D. believed39. A. For B. To C. With D. As40. A. same B. different C. difficult D. excited41. A. strange B. noisy C. lively D. quiet42. A. danger B. happiness C. illness D. pain43. A. to ask B. asking C. to answer D. answering44. A. liked B. understood C. stopped D. encouraged45. A. how B. where C. who D. when 四、 阅读理解(共15小题, 每小题2分,共30分) 阅读下面四份材料, 掌握大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选出一个最佳答案ALost dogMedium size, spotted, white short hair. Answer you when you call it David. Many thanks for returning it. Call at 7328059.Apartment for saleTwo bedrooms, a kitchen and a bathroom. Hot water8:00-18:00. Beautiful sights out of the windows. E-mail: SDFT163.comGuitar lessonsExperienced musician. Good at teaching kids for 5 years. Your home or mine. Call Larry at 6087593. 46. Who can teach children to play the guitar? A. Larry. B. David. C. Mr. White47. Which number should you call if you find the lost dog? A. 6087593 B. 7328059. C. 5132683.48. When is hot water provided in the apartment according to the ad? A. In the day. B. At night. C. At any time.B Last summer, 15-year-old Bob had a problem. Like a lot of children, Bob was interested in doing many things. He liked dancing most and wanted to join a dancing group. But Bobs high school didnt have a boys dancing group but a girls group. He tried to join the girls group. And he made it. Bob thought his problem was over after he had been one of the dancers in the dancing group. But a bigger problem was just beginning. The school didnt allow Bob to stay in the girls group. “ If we let Bob stay in the group,” the school said, “other boys will want to join. Soon, there wont be any girls in the group.” They took Bob off the group. Bob was very angry about it, so he went to a judge. The judge said it was not a right decision and told the school to let Bob go back to the dancing group.49. Bobs favorite was _. A. singing B. dancing C. drawing D. driving50. It was difficult for Bob to join the school dancing group because_. A. the school only had a girls dancing group B. the school didnt allow boys to dance C. the group had enough dancers already D. he was not a good dancer51. The school worried that _ if Bob stayed in the group. A. nobody would watch their dance B. other boys would join and the girls might leave C. other schools might laugh at them D. the parents would be angry about it52. We can infer(推断)that Bob felt _ when he went back to the group. A. hungry B. sad C. happy D. sureC Soon computers and other machines will be able to remember you by looking at your eyes! The program works because everyones eyes are different. So in the future you wont have to remember a number when you want to use a machine or take money out of a bank. Youll just have to look at the machine and it will be able to tell who you are. The eye-recognition program is already being tested in shops and banks in the USA, Britain, Spain, Italy and Turkey. Soon this technology will take the place of all other ways finding out who people are. However scientists are working on other systems. Machines will soon be able to know you from the shape of your face or hand or even your smell! We already have machines that can tell who you are from your voice or the mark made by your finger. Eye-recognition is better than other kinds because your eyes dont change as you get older, or get dirty like hands or fingers. And even twins have different eyes, so the program can be up to 94% correct, depending on how good the technology is. Some programs may only be right 51% of the time. In Britain, it was found that 91% of people who had tried it said that they like the idea of eye-recognition. In the future your computer will be looking you in the eye. So smile!53. What will the program for remembering eyes be used for? A. Banks and computers. B. Banks and shops. C. Schools and computers. D. Schools and shops.54. How does the eye-recognition program work? A. You look at the machine and type a number. B. You need to speak and then look. C. The machine looks at your face. D. You look at the machine.55. Which recognition program is already in use? A. Remembering eyes and smell. B. Remembering fingers or voices. C. Remembering faces and voices. D. Remembering hands and faces.56. What problems could there be with the eye-recognition program? A. Some eyes are the same. B. Eyes can change. C. It is not always correct. D. Eyes can get dirty.D Round eyes, round head, round ears, round body! What is this lovely little animal? He looks like a bear. But he is not a bear. Hes a KOALA. People in Australia love koalas and take care of them. They have set up places for them to live safely. No one can kill them for their pretty fur. When a koala is born, he has no fur. And he is not as big as your little toe! The mother koala has a pocket in the front of her body. The baby goes into this warm pocket. There he stays for six months. When the baby leaves the pocket, he has much fur. And he is about as big as your shoe. He climbs to his mothers back. He rides there while she teaches him how to find food. Mrs. Koala is a loving mother. She takes good care of her baby. But when he is bad she beats him! The baby cries just as a small child does. If he keeps on crying, his mother beats him again. When he stops crying, she takes him in her arms. And then they both go to sleep for a while. The koala could not live without a special kind of tree. The tree gives him both his home and his food. For most of the day the koala sleeps in the tree. At night the koala looks for food. He may go miles to find it. He likes only the bark and the leaves of the tree. He eats nothing else. And he eats more than two pounds each night!57. After he is born, the baby koala lives in his mothers pocket _. A. for six days B. for six months C. for a night D. all his life58. What does the mother koala usually do when her baby is bad? A. She takes him in her pocket. B. She keeps him on her back. C. She makes him cry. D. She beats him.59. Koalas cant live without a special kind of tree because _. A. they have to keep cool under the tree B. they eat the fruit on the tree C. they stay in the tree all the time D. they live in the tree and get food from it60. What is the text mainly about? A. How people in Australia protect koalas. B. Lovely koalas in Australia. C. Koalas cant live without a special kind of tree. D. The way mother koalas take care of their babies.卷二五、词汇运用(本题有10小题,每小题1分, 共10分) 下面是李梅的一篇英文日记,但她有几个单词不会写,请你帮助她(请注意单词的适当形式,每个空格限填一词) May 27 Saturday Sunny I got up very _61_ (早) this morning. After a quick_62_ (早餐) , I went to the zoo with my classmates. We went there by_63_ (公共汽车). There are many kinds of animals there. We liked monkeys best. We fed them with some_64_ (香蕉). We stayed there for about an hour. Then we went to Qingshan Lake. We saw many people _65_ (放,飞) kites in different colors near the lake. Hw had no kites, so we went boating_66_ (代替). The water in the lake is very_67_ (干净). It was nearly 12 oclock. We began to _68_ (喝) apple juice and eat some sandwiches for lunch. After that, some of us went_69_ (钓鱼), and some of us climbed the hill. We went back home at about _70_ (四) oclock. What a happy day we had today! I enjoy myself a lot!六、任务型阅读(本题有5小题,每小题1分,共5分)Introduction to invitations Invitations are important. In the West, people often give invitations to their friends. Most invitations are for dinner or a birthday party. When people accept an invitation to a dinner or party, they usually ask what they can bring. They often take flowers, chocolates, or other presents. People usually take a birthday present to a birthday party. After a dinner or birthday party, most people telephone the host to say thanks. Some people write a short thank-you note or send an e-mail to the host.Mary邀请James参加生日晚会, 请将以下各项活动按正确的顺序排列,把字母填入相应的方框内。A. Mary and James enjoy the party together.B. James accepts the invitation.C. James writes a thank-you note to Mary.D. James brings a birthday present.E. Mary invites her friend James to her birthday party. 75 74 737271 七、书面表达(本题有2小题, 共20分)76. 学习繁忙的你是否在空闲时帮家里人做家务,请列举出你有做过的三种家务,(本小题5分,注意不得出现真实的学校、姓名) 1. _. 2. _. 3. _.77. 现在大多数学生是独生子女,有些学生从小娇生惯养,做事时往往只考虑自己多,与家长、老师、同学相处得不太融洽,针对上述现象,请你谈谈:1.你的表


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