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    七年级英语冀教版下册Unit2_Lesson11_课时达标Lesson 11 Food in China 课后实习班级 姓名 小组 品级 .依据尾字母或者汉语提醒实现句子1.The soup t delicious.Would you like some?2.Danny always goeso to talk with his friends on QQ.3.Mr.Zhang gave us a short talk at the e of the meeting.4.There are a lot of (宝贝) in the Palace Museum.5.I like to sing songs, (出格) Jay Chous songs.用圆框中所给词或者短语的得当情势挖空6.The news is .We must believe him.7.The rice good.He has two bowls of rice.8.We cant for too long.9.It a lot of time to do my homework every day.10.I go swimming with my friends a week.III .单项取舍( )1.It takes me two hours for my brothers birthday party.A.cookB.cooksC.to cookD.cooking( )2.We a wonderful clothes show last night. A.see B.saw C.sees D.seeing ( )3.What do you often have breakfast? Milk and eggs.A.ofB.forC.inD.with( )4.The apples look and sell .A.good, goodB.well, wellC.well, goodD.good, well( )5. do you often walk to school? Because I want to be healthy.A.WhereB.WhenC.WhyD.How IV .句型转换6.I visit the museum on Friday.(用yesterday 改写句子)Ithe museum yesterday.7.They often have noodles for lunch.(对于绘线全体发问)do they often for lunch?8. I had Beijing Duck in London.(对于绘线全体发问)you Beijing Duck?9.The dishes taste good.(改成可定句)The dishes good.10.They made a lot of food for us.(改成一样平常疑难句)they a lot of food for you? V.依据语义实现以下句子.1.年夜多半人喜好正在余暇光阴上彀。Most people like in their free time.2.您能告知我一些闭于英国的情形吗?Can you me something England?3.做那讲菜消费不少光阴。much time to make the dish.4.那个影戏值患上瞧。The movie .5.那汤闻下来好,尝起去也好。The soup good and good.VI.改错1. Whats so special about these two dish? _2. Jenny goes online to tell other about the food in China._3. Beijing Duck is really a China Treasure. _4. The man made the noodles so fastly. _5. Can I look Lanzhou noodles here? _ VII.依据课文内容挖空I just got 1 from a trip to the Silk Road in China. Everything was greatespecially the 2 ! My favourite 3 were Beijing Duck and Lanzhou 4 . Whats so 5 about these two dishes? Well, they have a lot of 6 behind them. Beijing Duck is 7 a Chinese Treasure. It takes a lot of work, but the end 8 is worth it. Lanzhou noodles are 9 hand-made noodles. They look good and taste great! Do you want to taste these 10 foods from China?1. _2. _3. _4. _5. _6. _7. _8. _9. _ 10. _VIII.浏览了解Mrs. Brown was very fat. Her husband(丈妇) thought she should go on a diet, and he made her not eat meat or cakes.One morning, Mrs. Brown made a nice cake for her husband, and he ate half (一半) of it. After he went out, Mrs. Brown cut a very small piece of the cake and ate it. It was very delicious. Then she cut a bigger piece and ate it, too. In a few minutes she ate up the cake. “My husband is going to be very angry, ” she thought. “What should I do?” She made another cake very quickly, ate half of it, and put the other half on the table. Mr. Brown came back later. When he saw the half of the cake on the table, he was very happy.1. Mrs. Browns husband made her not eat meat or cakes because _.A. meat and cakes are junk foodB. meat and cakes could make her fatterC. he liked eating themD. meat and cakes could make her sick2. Whats the Chinese fo r “go on a diet” in the p assage?A. 节食B. 减强养分C. 安康饮食D. 多茹素食3. Why was Mrs. Browns husband very happy when he saw the half of the cake on the table?A. Because he liked the cake.B. Because Mrs. Brown made it for him.C. Because he thought Mrs. Brown didnt eat any cakes.D. Because the cake was niceand delicious.Lesson 11 Food in China课后实习参考问案.依据尾字母或者汉语提醒实现句子1.tastes2.online3.end4.treasures5.especially.用圆框中所给词或者短语的得当情势挖空6.true7.tastes8.go online9.takes10.onceIII.单项取舍1.C 2.B 3.B 4.D 5.CIV.句型转换6.visited7.What, have8.Where did, have9.dont taste10.Did, makeV.依据语义实现以下句子.1.going online2.tell, about3.It takes4.is worth watching5.smells, tastesVI.改错1. dish 改成dishes 2. other改成others 3. China改成Chinese 4. fastly改成fast 5.look改成findVII.依据课文内容挖空1. back2. food3. dishes4. noodles5. special6. history7. really8. product9. long 10. wonderfulVIII.浏览了解1. B2. A3. C


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