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    ,Lesson 48 Did you want to tell me something? 你想对我说什么吗?,单词学习,pull cotton wool collect collection nod meanwhile,拔 药棉 收集 收藏品 点头 与从同时,拔 pull,pull vt.相配者 火柴,V和.相配,和.相称使较量,使比赛,Can youmatchthis fabric?,你能找一块和这相配的布吗?,I,His latest film doesntmatchhis previous ones.,他最新的一部影片比不上他以前的一些影片,In answer to these questions I either nodded or made strange noises. 作为对这些问题的回答,我不是点头,就是发出奇怪的声音。 in answer to 作为对的回答;响应的请求 应我的请求,他给乔治写了封信。 In answer to my request, he wrote a letter to George in return for 作为对的报答 这个小姑娘给了我一个热情的拥抱以答谢我的帮助。 The little girl gave me a big hug in return for my help.,In answer to these questions I either nodded or made strange noises.,早餐我想吃面包或蛋糕.,Either.or Neithernor Not onlybut also Bothand,或者或者 既不.也不 不但.而且 两者都.,I would like to have either bread or cake for breakfast,早餐我不想吃面包也不想吃蛋糕.,I would like to have neither bread nor cake for breakfast.,1. We can_ see _touch the air . A .not only ,but also B .both, and C . either ,or D . neither ,nor 2. You can_ stay at home _ go to my hometown with me . A. not ,only B. either and C .both or D. either or 3. _ John _I are policemen. A. Neither . nor B. Either . or C. Both . and D. Not only. but also 4. Im looking for a babysitter (保姆) . She must be _ too old _ too young . A. neither ; nor B. both ; and C. either ; or D. not only ; but also,D,D,C,A,Meanwhile, my tongue was busy searching out the hole where the tooth had been.,与此同时,我的舌头正在忙着寻找刚拔掉的那颗牙的伤口。,Be busy doing /be busy with sth,我的朋友们正忙于准备我的生日宴会。,My friends are busy preparing my birthday party.,My friends are busy with my birthday party.,search out 找出,搜寻,你已经搜出我需要的书吗,Have you searched out the books I needed?,The police are searching the thief The police are searching for the thief.,meanwhile adv. 同时 meanwhile = at the same time = in the same time 用法和 however 一样,不能连接两个句子,但是意思上有承接概念 夏娃在剪草,亚当种玫瑰。. Eve was cutting the grass, andmeanwhileAdam was planting roses.,Meanwhile, my tongue was busy searching out the hole where the tooth had been. where = 介词 + which 这是我住的房子 That is the house which/that I lived in That is the house in which I lived 。 That is the house where I lived.,I suddenly felt very worried, but could not say anything. When the dentist at last removed the cotton wool from my mouth, I was able to tell him that he had pulled out the wrong tooth. 我突然非常着急起来,但却什么也说不出来。当那位牙医最后将药棉从我嘴中取出时,我总算有可能告诉他,他拔错了牙。 At last=finally=in the end Remove remove可以表示“拿去,除去,去掉”,通常结构为“remove +名词 +from”,也可以单独使用 我已经帮照片从墙上摘下来了。 Ive removed that picture from the wall.,本课必须掌握的词组: 1.It is +adj+for/of sb+to do sth对于某人来说做某事. 2.pull out 拔掉 3.rest for a while=have a rest休息 4.try to do尽力做某事 未必会成功 manage to do 尽力做某事 一定会成功 5.be full of=be fillded with充满,塞满 6.in answer to 作为对的回答;响应的请求,7.either.or 或者或者 neithernor 既不.也不 not onlybut also 不但.而且 bothand两者都. 8.meanwhile = at the same time = in the same time与此同时 9.be busy doing /be busy with sth忙于做某事 10.make noise 发出声音;弄出声音 11.search out 寻找;找出 12.removefrom 从取出,本课必须掌握的短语: pull out 拔出 rest for a while 休息一会儿 be full of 充满 in answer to 为了回答 make noise 发出声音;弄出声音 search out 寻找;找出 removefrom 从取出,23,沐风教资,Comprehension questions,1 When do dentists always ask questions? When its impossible for us to answer. 2 Have you just had a tooth out? Yes, I have. 3 Who pulled it out for you? My dentist did. 4 What did he tell you to do afterwards? To rest for a while.,5 Did you try to say something? Yes, I did. 6 You couldnt, could you? No, I couldnt. 7 Why couldnt you? My mouth was full of cotton wool. 8 What was your tongue busy doing? Searching out the hole where the tooth had been. 9 How did you feel suddenly? Very worried.,Tell the story 1 Dentists - ask - impossible - to answer 2 My dentist - pulled out - told me - rest 3 tried to say - mouth full - cotton wool 4 asked - collection of - boxes - growing 5 then - my brother - new job - London 6 In answer - nodded - strange noises 7 tongue - searching - tooth had been 8 suddenly - worried - couldnt say 9 When - dentist at last - from my mouth - able to tell wrong tooth,26,沐风教资,1.The dentist smiled and showed me the tooth. 2.He had pulled out the right one but I had not realized it. 3.I had not only made a mistake but (had) criticized his work as well.,27,沐风教资,1.which 2.denied 3.fetched 4.too too.to 太.以致于不. 5.jobs 6.One.a.who,28,沐风教资,7.past 8.next 9.watching 10.continually 11.remarked 12.robbed,29,沐风教资,练习B such后面主要是修饰名词。即:sucha/anadj.n.如果名词是不可数名词或复数名词,则不可以用不定冠词a或an。 如: He has such a beautiful bike. We all go to see it. Its a such fine day. We al want to go to fly a kite.,30,沐风教资,练习B so后面只能跟形容词或副词。即:和soadj.或adv.不过,so后面也可以跟名词,但该名词必须是单数可数名词。用法为:so+adj.+a/an+n.(单数可数名词)。 如: The tiger is so big. And the cat is so small. She is so lovely a girl.,31,沐风教资,练习B 1.Im sorry to cause you such trouble. 2.Have you ever seen such beautiful pictures before? 3.Its such a nice day that we cant stay indoors! 4.Im feeling so tired that I shall have to stop work.,32,沐风教资,练习C 1.He had no sooner come home than they rang him up from the office. 2.The plane had no sooner taken off than it returned to the airport.,33,沐风教资,练习D 1.made make progress 取得进步 2.do properly adv. 适当地,正确地 3.make make up ones mind 下决心 4.do do some shopping 购物 5.Do do sb. a favor 帮某人个忙 6.make make noise 制造噪音 7.made make a mistake 犯错 8.does do ones best 竭尽全力,34,沐风教资,练习E 1.out put out 熄灭 2.up look up 翻阅,查阅 3.up call sb. up 打电话 4.up;away pick up 捡起put away 放好 5.up put (sb.)up 供给住宿 6.out look out 注意 当心 7.back pay back 偿还 报答 8.up with put up with 容忍 忍受 9.up with catch up with追上 赶上,35,沐风教资,练习F 1.If you dont stop that noise at once, youll have to go to bed. 2.Im at a loss to know what to do. 3.Its stopped raining at last! 4.Hes very busy and cant accept any more work at present. 5.Ill be at home tonight.,36,沐风教资,1.The way _he explained the sentence to us was not difficult to understand. 2.The way _he explained to us was quite simple.,that/ which/不填,that/in which/不填,关系词在定语从句中的语法成分,when/ on which,that/ which/不填,3. We will never forget the days _ we studied together. 4. We will never forget the days _ we spent together.,37,沐风教资,1. This is the reason _ we made Mr Li headmaster of our school. A. where B. when C. before D. why 2. That was the reason_ Mac gave me the other day. A. why B. for that C. which D. for which,38,沐风教资,1. It was five oclock in the afternoon _ they arrived at the hotel. A. since B. before C. whenD. that,2. -Where did you last see Mr. Smith? -It was in the hotel_ I lived. A. that B. which C. where D. when,39,沐风教资,3. The house _ we once lived in is being repaired by the workers. A. which B. where C. who D. whom,4. The house _ we once lived is being repaired by the workers. A. which B. where C. who D. whom,40,沐风教资,Goodbye!,41,沐风教资,


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