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    Period 9 Project(2-1)Teaching Procedures:Step Greetings and RevisionCheck the homework exercises first.Brainstorm what the students learned in the last class.Step Lead-inIn the last period, we learned a lot about school activities. We know after-classactivities are important to personal development. Having proper after-class activitiescan even help you go to a good university.So in orderto hold schoolactivitiesconveniently,schools often have some clubs, for example football club, English club, radio club and so on. Does our school have some school clubs? (Yes.) Today, we are going to read two articles about school clubs. Please turn to page 18, look at Part A in Project: Startinga new school club.Step ReadingRead the passage and try to get the idea what a school club is.To achieve this purpose, ask the students to read the two short passages on P18.1. Ask the students to go through the passage and then do some true or false exercises.(1)The radio station is run by the principal.Fprincipalstudents(2)The radio station started 2 years ago when CD players were allowed in school.FNot(3) Members of Poets of the Next Generation meet up on the last Friday of every month.T(4) Everyone was nice and friendly in the group. They liked the first poem Bob read tothem.T2. Go through the passage again and answer the following questions.(1) What do the student members in the radio station do during exam time?(2) What do they do when parents come to visit the school?(3)Who started“ Poets of the Next Generation” ?(4)What do the members of the group do when they meet?3.Afterthe studentshave got a general ideaof what a school club is, ask them to decidewhat makes a school club. To know it, I will ask them to find out the following facts ofa school club.A radio clubWhat (the name of the club):Who (who is it that started it):Kate Jones, the writerWhen (when was it started):two years agoWhy (thereasonwhy itwas started):CD players were not allowed in school; to play musicduring break timeWhat (activities students do):every morning: tell about the weather, the recent news, special messages the teachers want to broadcastduring e xam time : the special programme telling students what they should do and whatthey shouldnt doat the end of the school year:graduatingstudentsgivingmessages to theirfriendsteacherswhen parentscome: playing songs sung by students, special messages to inform eventsand(I will give them several minutes to get ready for it. ThenI ll ask one of the groupmembers to present their answers. )4. Ask students to read the second passage and find out as much information as they can about it.What: (Poets of the Next Generation)Who: (Mr. Owen, the English teacher)When: (the last Friday of every month)why: thy all love poetryThings theydo: (talkaboutpoems and poetsthey like,select poems, read out aloud, listento each other talking about poems)Step Language points1. It is great because it isrun by the students for the school. (Page18, line2)run vi.&vt. (ran, run, running)1他跑过马路。 跑,奔 e.g.: He ran across the road.2这台机器运转得不正常。 ( 机器 ) 运转,转动 e.g.: This machine is not running correctly.3公共汽车每10 分钟一班。 ( 公共车辆 ) 行驶 e.g.: The buses run every ten minutes.4这条河已经干涸了。 流动 e.g.: The river has run dry.5办一所学校 经营,管理 e.g.: run a school【相关短语】run through贯穿,匆忙看一遍run over(车辆)撞倒并碾过run out of用完run out ( =given out)被用完run short快用完,将耗尽run away走掉,跑掉run away with偷走,大量消耗run after追赶run for竞选run into = run across碰到run down说坏话,用坏run around/ round围绕着(延伸) ,东跑西跑2. I wasrequired to write a poem and I had to read it out to the group. (Page18)require v. = to demand by right1大部分植物需要阳光。 需要,作为必需品拥有e.g.: Most plants require sunlight.2 要求 require sb. to do sthsth. require doing/ to be donerequire that sb. should do sthe.g.: Students are required to attend classes.学生必须按规定上课。The floor requires washing.地板该洗了。It is required that all the passengers should show the tickets.所有乘客都必须出示车票。3. I am luckyas I am one of the hosts. (Page18)It was started two years agoas CD player were not allowed in school. (Page18)(1)adv.e.g.: He runs fast, but I run just as fast.他跑得快,但我跑得同样快。(2)conj.1他能跑得和我 (用于比较)与一样e.g.: He can run as fast as I can.一样快。She works in the same building as my sister.她和我的妹妹在同一大楼上班。such animals as cats and dogs诸如猫、狗之类的动物2他站起来时,把杯子摔 当,正值 e.g.: He dropped the glass as he stood up.了。(3)pron.正如,照 e.g.: as you know正如你知道的(4)prep.像 .( 指处于某种状态、性质、情况、工作等之中)e.g.:He works as a driver.他以开汽车为业。as if/ though好象,好似e.g.: She spoke to me as if she knew me.她和我说话的神情,好象她早就认识我似的。as /so long as只要e.g.: You may borrow this book as long as you promise to giveit back.只要你答应归还,你就可以把这书借走。as to关于,至于e.g.: I don t know anything as to the others.至于其他,我一无所知。4. Heapproved the idea (Page18)approve vt.& vi.批准,通过;赞成approvaln.反义词: disapprove vdisapprovaln.approve of sth/ approve of sb. doing sth赞成,满意e.g.: The committee didn t approve of the decision.委员会不赞成这个决定。My parents don t approve of me smoking cigarettes.我的父母不准许我吸烟。approve (doing) sth.批准(做)某事e.g.: approve a plan/bill批准一个计划 / 一项立案5. Our club is much more than just music. (Page18) more than1多于, 比多 e.g.: I have more books than you.2than可放在数词之前,意为“超过;不止;以上”,相当于over。 moree.g.:Altogethermore than70percentofthesurfaceofour planetiscoveredbywater.整体说来,我们这个星球表面有70%以上都为水所覆盖。3more than 可放在名词之前,表示“不只是;不仅仅”。e.g.: Hibernationismore thansleep.冬眠不仅仅是睡眠。Bamboo isusedformorethanbuilding.竹子不只是用于建筑。morethan用于形容词或副词前,作“非常;十分”解,与very 同义。4e.g.: Sheismorethancarefulindoingthings.她做事非常细心。Inclass,helistensmorethanattentively.在课堂上,他听讲十分认真。5morethan之后接含有can的从句时,同样表示否定意义。e.g.:TomhasmoreinsolencethanIcanstand.= TomsinsolenceismorethanIcanstand.汤姆的傲慢使我难以忍受。Thissecretismorethanwecanletout.这个秘密我们是不能泄露的。(主语 secret是letout的逻辑宾语)6than more“ratherthanHeismorelike=Heislikea=Heisnot意 为 “ 与 其 不 如 ” ; “ 是 而 不 是 ” , 常 可 与”或“notsomuchas”互换e.g.:aspearthananythingelse.spearratherthananythingelse.somuchlikeanythingelseaslikeaspear.与其说他(指大象)像别的什么东西,不如说他像一根长矛。Heismorepoltroonthancautious.与其说他谨慎,不如说他是怯懦。Step New words.Ask students to turn to page 68 and study the new words that appear on page 18.Step HomeworkMemorize the words and expressions included in the articles on P18 and get ready for a dictation.Period 10 Project(2-2)Teaching Aims:To help students learn how to start a new school club and design a poster for it To help students know how to cooperate in order to fulfill a taskTeaching Important & Difficult Points:How to assign a projectHow to involve all students while presentation goes onTeaching Methods:Discussion in pairs or in groups; task-based in-class activitiesTeaching Aids:a multimedia classroom; a tape-recorderTeaching Procedures:Step DiscussionT: After reading the two articles about two different clubs, we ve got some idea of what school clubs are like. Then tell me what a school club should be like.What after-school activities do you have in our school?Do you like them? Why/ Why not?If you could start a new after-school club to enjoy with your schoolmates, what new school club you would start?Step Designing a posterActivity 1 PlanningDecide on what club to startAssign tasks?To be done in_ Research_ Make the poster_ Present the posterclass in this periodActivity 2 PreparingRead the materials on P18, and learn what a club is like and how itsstarted and run.Research to find some needed information and get it organized.Discuss in groups about their own club in detail, such as what the clubdoes, how the club runs, what the poster consists of, how it attracts its viewers. 1st time to be evaluated (their written report about the result of the discussion )To be finished and checked within 2 days.Activity 3 Producing Draft the posterProofread the posterTo be finished within 4 days.2nd time to be evaluated(the draft poster) Revise the poster in wording and designing. Finalize the poster. Approve the posterTo be finished within 5 days.Activity 4 PresentingTellthe class whats special about the club. Display the poster. Vote for the best posters.To be done within 7 days.3rd time to be evaluated(the displayed poster)Note:indicates an activity participated in by all team members.marks the crucial time of teachers evaluation. serves as a reminder of due time.It would also be necessary to paste a copy on the wall in the classroom.Step EvaluationAll students have the right to nominate the “Best Speaker”. However, every nomination requires some explanation to support. Usually, students may volunteer to state theiropinions, but call their names if necessary. And ask them to vote for the “Top Three Speakers” in the end.Step HomeworkAsk students to finish Part D1 and translate the last three sentences into Chinese in Part D 2 on page 89.Read the invitation in A and write the note in B on P93.


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