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    3BUnit6单元测试卷Class_ Name_ Score_听力部分( 32% )一、听录音,选出所听到的内容。 ( 8% )() 1. A. sevenB. sixC. three() 2. A. cakeB. makeC. wake() 3. A. thereB. threeC. want() 4. A. tenB. timeC. pen() 5.A. clockB. oclockC. tock() 6.A. outB. wantC. what() 7.A.897B. 789C. 978() 8.A. wake upB. hurry upC. get up二、听录音,判断所听到的图片是否一致, 一致的画 “ ”,不一致的画 “ ”。 (6%)三、听录音,选择合适的应答句。(10%)() 1.A. Yes, I am.() 2.A. I m nine.B. Im ten.C. I m fine.B. He s nine.C. She s nine.1() 3. A. It s in the tree.B. It s on the tree.C. It s a bird.() 4. A. It s eight o . clockB. I m eight.C. It s a clock.() 5. A. It s a pen.B. They re pens.C. A pen.四、听录音,补全句子。 ( 8% )1. Whatis it ? Itso clock. It s time for.2. Where sbag? It sthe chair.3. Whatthese? They resweets.4. Here sbook. Thank.笔试部分( 66% )一、 判断下列画线部分的读音是否相同,相同的画 “”,不同的“”。( 6% )() 1. sevenplease() 2.tensit() 3. cakenice() 4.brotherrubber() 5.hurryup() 6.wakebag二、 英汉互译。 (10%)1.几岁2.11 点钟3.醒一醒4.给你。5.什么时间6.我的包7. How lovely !8.12 课树9. hurry up10.迟到三、找出下列每组单词中不同类的一项。(6% )() 1. A. lovelyB. niceC. four() 2. A. sevenB. sleepC. six() 3.A. amB. areC. right() 4.A. dinnerB. lunchC. bed() 5.A. fourB. myC. your() 6.A. heB. sheC. his四、选择正确的序号填入括号中。(10%)2() 1. What are _?-They are apples.A.theseB.thisC.it() 2. It s timebreakfast.A. ofB. forC. to() 3. What time is it? It s _oclock .It s time for lunch.A.sixB.elevenC.nine() 4. a nice bird!A. WhatB. HowC. Where() 5. Hurry! It s time for.A. on ; bedB. up ; classC. in ; breakfast() 6. isit ?-It s five oclock.A. How oldB. Whats timeC. What time() 7. It s six oclock in the evening.It stime _.A. for bedB. for breakfastC. for dinner() 8. is my book? -It s under the desk.A. WheresB. What timeC. Where() 9. It s one oclock in the afternoon. Its time _drink.A. toB. forC. at() 10. Hereyour bag.A. amB. isC. are五、从 B 栏中选出与A 栏相对应的答句。 (7%)AB() 1. Happy birthday, Sam!A. She s nine.() 2. I want a toy panda.B. Thank you.() 3. Is this a pencil?C. It syourin bag.() 4. How old are you?D. Itelevens.() 5. How old is Helen?E. Here you are.() 6. Where s my pen?G. I m eleven.() 7. What time is it?H. Yes, it is .3六、连词成句。 (12%)1. it s ,for , class ,time (.)2. my,here,ispen( .)3.my, where , pencil ,is ( ?)4. time ,eat ,it s,to(.)5. time ,please ,it , what,is(, ?)6. four , afternoon , it s,in,o clock, the( .)七、根据所给情境选择合适的句子。 (10% )() 1.当你想知道几点了,你可以说:A. How old are you?B.What time is it, please?() 2.当朋友和你去上学,马上要到时间了,他还没出发,你可以说:A.Hurryup.B. Wakeup.() 3.当你想问对方这是不是他的热狗时,你可以说:A. This is a hot dog.B. Is this your hot dog?() 4.当你过生日,别人送东西给你时,他可以说:A. Thank you.B. This is for you.() 5.晚上九点钟,爸爸提醒你:A. It s time for class.B. It stime for bed.八给下列句子排序组成对话。 ( 5% )1. It s time for breakfast .2. It s seven oclock.3. Wake up, Mike!4. What time is it, Mum?5. OK, Mum.4听力材料一、听录音,选出你所听到的内容1、three2 、wake3、 there4 、 time5、 oclock6、 what7 、 9788、 hurry up二、 听录音,判断所听到的图片是否一致1、Sam ,it s time for the cake .2、How old are you? I m five.3、Hereare four crayons.4、Wake up,Bobby!5、tenballs6、What time is it? It s ten oclock.三、听录音,选择合适的应答句。1、How old are you ?2、How old is Mike?3、Where is the bird?4、What time is it, please?5、What are these?四、听录音,补全句子。1、What time is it? It s twelve oclock. It s time for lunch.2、Where s my bag? It s under the chair.3、What are these? They re sweets.4、Heres your book. Thank you.5


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