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    。课外阅读I have a robot教案教学目标:1. 能正确理解语篇,初步掌握语篇中的生词: caterpillar ,beep, roll, blink, giggle2. 通过阅读,对语篇进行分析并获取有用信息。3. 能综合已有的语言积累设想未来的机器人。4. 让学生明白机器人虽然能做很多事情,但它们没有感情,人类才是最聪明的有感情的生物。教学过程一、pre-reading activities1. GreetingsDo you like toys? Can you tell me any words about toys? What is your favorite toy? Now Miss Pan will show you a toy. Please guess what it is. (由拼图游戏引出 robot 一词 )2.free talkT: Can you tell me what it is?Ss:T: Yes, Do you like robots? Do you have a robot? Is it a new one or an old one? What color is it? What can your robots do? 二、 While-reading activities1.Brief introduction (绘本简介 )T: Today Miss Pan will guide you to read a picture book. Its about arobot. Can you guess the title?T:please read the title together.2. Read and choose整体阅读T: Please read it quickly, and then choose the main idea.3.Read, find and guess解决生词 :T: Please read it again, and circle the new words. Try to understand the meaning according to the pictures and context. Beep: a short, high sound that acts as a signal. Listen and judge.(听音判断 ) caterpillars: they are round and long like worms, but have six legs.They may be brightly colored. Is this a caterpillar? / Are theycaterpillars? giggle: laugh in a silly or nervous way In Picture _, the boy isgiggling. roll :make sth turn over and over_ is rolling. blink :close and open the eyes very quicklyplease blink your left/right eyes.We can blink, but can fish blink?4.Read and answer(分段细读 )P 2: Read these two sentences with emotion.P 3: What can my robot say?-“beep, beep”Can your robot say that?-Yes. / No.Whatcan yourrobotsay? -Fire!Fire!Whatcan yousay?-a lotofthings.P4: Can you say “Beep, Beep ”?-Yes, of course.-可编辑修改 -。What can“I”say?-I can say“beep ”, too.Can “I”say more difficult words?- Yes, I can.What s the difficult word?- “Caterpillar ”Can you say difficult words like that?-P 5:Please look, what can my robot do?-roll in a circleCan it stop?Can“I”roll in a circle?-Yes, I can.P 6: What else can I do?-stand on hands.Compare : Robot can _. I can _, too. I can even _.(Robot can say“beep ”. I can say that, too. I can even say“caterpillar ”.Robot can roll in a circle. I can roll, too. I can evenstand on hands.)T: So my robot can do many things. And I can do, too. I even do more! P 7-P9: First please listen and point.Now this time, please read from page 7 to page 9, and then finish thetable using tickor cross.P10 p12: Please read and match.Check the answer.T:Can you tell me the differences between myrobot and “I”.P12:I can do many things, too.I can even _.三、 post-reading activities1. retell the story2T:Actually weknowrobots can domanythings. Can you guess what robot can do in thefuture? Please design and finish the sentence.T: It s time for you to show your pictures and sentences.3T:You really did a good job! Now I want to share you a short movie.Please tell me what robot can do now.( make noodlesswimplay the violinplay football)( sing songscooksweep the floorplay chess)4 T: Do you want this kind of robot? Why or why not.Robots can do many things, but they cantfeel because they are onlymachines. I / We can feel and we can do lots of things. So we are thebest.板书设计:-可编辑修改 -group. ( 分组,拿出评价的卡通图案。 prizes? (从口袋里出示图标。)2.Game 1:。课外阅读 Afrog 教案教学目标:1、认知目标:能熟练运用文具单词和方位词以及相关句型,能听懂、理解、朗读故事。2、能力目标:提高学生的阅读理解、独立思维能力。3、情感目标:培养学生自主学习的精神,并且在小组活动中学会合作。教具准备: CAI学生阅读材料礼盒玩具小青蛙小球 两个小组评价的卡通青蛙和小白兔学具准备:彩笔白纸小卡片教学过程:Step 1 Warmingup热身运动1.Greetings.2.Sing and act. .T: Lets sing a song together. Sing and act. Ok?3、Present the topic.Step 2 Revision1. T:Now first lets play some games. This is Tobys group. This is Frogs)Let ssee which group can get moreT: First listen and do. Follow me. Lets look, which group is faster?教师快速拿出文具说指令:Show me your (pen)?学生做动作并跟说( pen ) .3.Game 2:Asking and answering quickly.猜物,快速说句子。教师出示一个盒子: What s this ?Ss:Its a box.T: What s in the box? Ss guess.T: Look! It s a ruler.Where s the ruler?S1: It in the box. (教师快速多点几个学生回答,奖励图标。)4.Sum up: Which group is the winner?But our match will continue.Step 3 Presentation1.课件导入,听故事T: Look!What s this?Ss: A frog.T: Let s catch it.( 走到屏幕跟前捉青蛙。 )课件演示青蛙由田野跳到学校,教室。T:Oh ! Where is it? Ss: In the classroom.T: Let s look! Whats in the classroom?-可编辑修改 -。S: Desks, chairs, windowT: Yes.But now! The frog ? Where is the frog? Lets listen carefully.2听故事,做判断题1)教师引导学生看屏幕,并举例引导学生知道屏幕上是判断题:T: Look!The frog is in the desk. Yes or No.学生回答不予评价,再放录音,学生对照手上的录音材料边听边做)2)T:Can you tell me your answer?(学生回答,教师直接打和 ,集体对答案。)3听故事连线:1)开书再听一遍。T: Youre so clever. Now, open your books, turn to Page 1516, lets listenagain.2)Look at the screen again Look and match. Can you try?学生看材料上的该题,进行自我测试,然后集体对答案。3)Read after the CAI.4做游戏,操练句子1)听音做指令:教师边说边做 将书放在桌子上( Put the pencil in the desk. ),学生跟说跟做,教师板书这句话, 然后以同样的方式说出其他几个介词指令, 教师并板书。2)鼓励两两练习。3)教师拿出一个球,并示范说游戏规则 chain game.T: Put the ball under your desk,S1: OK. 正确做出指令。并且,面向第二个学生要说Put the ball in the desk.或者其他的,依次类推,分组练习。计时赛。4)教师及时小结,并将评价的图案贴在黑板上,数数哪组多。6听第二部分录音。1)T: Let s come back. Where is the frog in the story?Ss answer.T: Let s listen. What is happening?2) Listen to the computer.3) 点击图片,看剩余故事:T : Let s see . Who comes in ?S1: The teacher.T: What does he find in his desk? S2: A frog.T: Yeah! The teacher comes in the classroom. He finds the frog. Oh! Hereyou are.教师拿起青蛙, 请学生藏起来, 然后教师找青蛙, 找到后,说到:Here you are.7. Show the ending.1)T: Let s come back.Look at the screen. The magic teacher comes in the classroom. He takes out his magic stick, pointing to the frog. Then how isthe frog? Maybe he becomes引导学生想象回答故事结尾,学生可以用中文表述。2)画故事结尾,贴故事结尾。-可编辑修改 -。T: Can you draw a picture for the ending of the story?Step 4 Summary1Task: 课后小组表演故事2小组评价。-可编辑修改 -。THANKS !致力为企业和个人提供合同协议,策划案计划书, 学习课件等等打造全网一站式需求欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考-可编辑修改 -


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