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    .原音影视配音与英语学习Beauty and the Beast教学设计广西民族师范学院附属中学英语组 刘晓岩一教学目标1.以学生的接受能力为基准,借助精彩的英语原版影视片断为教学平台,采取视、听、说、读、演相结合的手段,注重课堂教学的实效性和操作性,在声音,图像和文本多重信息作用下,使学生的英语表达能力得到较快提升。2.通过影片的配音实践,激发学生的表演才能,提高学生的艺术素养;走进影片主人公的精神世界,和影片主人公产生心灵的共鸣,反映出深刻的理性内涵,激发学生的道德需要,调动学生主动追求高尚人格。3.利用影片强烈的教育功能和强大的教育征服力,培养学生真善美的情感。二教学重点通过对电影 Beauty and the Beast 的欣赏及配音表演使学生的英语表达能力得到较快提升,激发学生的表演才能,提高学生的艺术素养。三教学难点让学生通过小组内合作探究,小组成员们能在配音评比展示中大胆、自信、自然地模仿电影人物的声音及神态,把配音效果发挥到他们最好的水平。四教学步骤Step 1. Warming upGreet the students as usual.Step 2. Introduce the main character of this this movie.Step 3. Make a self brief introduction of the movie.Teacher introduce the introduction of this movie and show it on the screen.Step 4. Students enjoy some wonderful parts of the movie.Step5. Teacherintroducessomeusefulwords and sentences to thestudents.And students practice the sentences together.1.Slowly now. Dontspill. 小心点,别洒了。2.How embarrassing. 真不好意思。3.Youll lookravishingin this one.令人着迷的4.But the rose has already begun towilt凋谢 .5.You must help her to see past all that.所以你要想办法让她了解你。6.Well, you can start by making yourself morepresentable .7.When she comes in give her adashing, debonair smile.8.Shower her withcompliments.多多赞美她Step 6. The teacher chooses a wonderful part of this movie for the studentsto enjoy and then students imitate the voice of the character of this movie to practice the conversation in it.Step 7. Students practice the part they want to act in group.Students practice the conversations in the movie. Teacher walk around the classroom and give them some commons if necessary.学生姓名凌翠苗吴杰杜瀚杜瀚谭馨如颜睿函杜瀚配音角色BelleBeastMrs PottsChipWardroLumierCogsworbeeth备注美女野兽茶煲夫人茶煲夫人儿子衣橱烛台闹钟学生姓名农颖霞农鑫诺黄丽梅冯妍张永瑜黄丽梅冯妍配音角色BelleBeastMrsChipWardrobLumiereCogsworPottseth.学生姓名吴雯莹农烨华韦春花李雪莹李雪莹黄千娜黄千娜配音角色BelleBeastMrsChipWardrobLumiereCogsworPottseth学生姓名周丽霞农莨淇方倩邓学蓉陆慧莹何秋娴农丰溦配音角色BelleBeastMrsChipWardroLumiereCogsworPottsbeth学生姓名蒙一霖韦允升李琦冼靖怡刘卓然马司杰冼靖怡配音角色BelleBeastMrsChipWardroLumiereCogsworPottsbeth学生姓名伦利明黄浚王国睿黄丽敏陆屿张世铭黎恺配音角色BelleBeastMrsChipWardroLumiereCogsworPottsbeth学生姓名赵婉婷陆培琪罗雅露陈婉悦陆瑶瑶韦任艳陈婉悦配音角色BelleBeastMrsChipWardrobLumiereCogsworPottseth学生姓名许庆艳陆贤贤伦丽宁赵海娜赵振艺韦霜霜赵海娜配音角色BelleBeastMrsChipWardrobLumiereCogsworPottseth学生姓名李威毅苏宣衡戴礼霞李雪峰苏宣衡李雪峰丘人升.配音角色BelleBeastMrsChipWardrobLumiereCogsworPottseth学生姓名农朋冼兴迈冼兴迈农朋农朋施国维施国维配音角色BelleBeastMrsChipWardrobLumierCogsworthPottseeStep 8. Students come to the front and have a performance.Students come to the front and act out their work group by group.英文电影配音评分表音质音色内容感情指数创新指数时间及现场气氛语音语调标主题突出、表现力强、对白富有感情,能最终得分配音时间 3 分钟之内,准,语速适富有创意、形式多样对话衔接够充分体现人物的性格特点现场气氛热烈( 10(100序号中,语言清晰连贯、自然(可根据需要改变原流利 (30和心理特征, 生动的阐释故事(10 分)。所要表达的精髓( 30电影的台词( 20 分)。分)。分)。分)。分)123Step 9 HomeworkStudents practice the important sentences they have learned this period.附:原声配音文本材料:贝儿: Who is it?茶煲夫人: Mrs. Potts, dear. I thought you might like a spot of tea.贝儿: But youre. youre a.衣橱: Ooh! Careful.贝儿: This is impossible.衣橱: I know it is. But here we are.Chip :I told you she was pretty, Mama, didnt I?sp ?l.茶煲夫人: All right, Chip, now, thatll do. Slowly now. Dontspill . 小心点,别洒了贝儿: Thank you.Chip :Want to see me do a trick?茶煲夫人: Chip!Chip : Oops. Sorry.茶煲夫人: That was a very brave thing you did, my dear.衣橱: We all think so.贝儿: But Ive lost my father, my dreams. everything.茶煲夫人: Cheer up, child. Itll turn out all right in the end.Youll see. Oh, listen to me.放心吧Jabbering on while theres a supper to get on the table.Chip!Chip :Bye.衣橱: Well, now. What shall we dress you in for dinner?dr ?:(r) ?m ?b?r ?s?Oh, lets see what I got in mydrawers .Ooh! Howembarrassing. 真不好意思 ?r?v ?Ah, here we are. Youll lookravishingin this one.令人着迷的贝儿: Thats very kind of you, but. Im not going to dinner.衣橱: Oh, but you must.闹钟: Dinner is served.野兽: Whats taking so long?I told her to come down.Why isnt she here yet?茶煲夫人: Oh, try to be patient, sir.The girl has lost her father and her freedom, all in one day.烛台: Master, have you thought that perhaps this girl could be the one to break thespell.野兽: Of course I have. Im not a fool.烛台: Good! So, you fall in love with her, she falls in love with you and poof!The spell is broken. Well be human again by midnight.茶煲夫人: Ooh, its not that easy, Lumiere. These things take time.w ?lt烛台: But the rose has already begun towilt凋谢 .野兽: Oh, its no use. Shes so beautiful,and Im. Well, look at me!茶煲夫人: Oh, you must help her to see past all that.所以你要想办法让她了解你野兽: I dont know how.pr ?zent ?bl茶煲夫人: Well, you can start by making yourself morepresentable.Straighten up. Try to act like a gentleman.?d? ? ?deb ?ne ?(r)烛台: Ah, yes. When she comes in give her adashing, debonairsmile.Come, come, and show me the smile.茶煲夫人: But dont frighten the poor girl.烛台: Impress her with your rapier wit.茶煲夫人: But be gentle. ?k ?mpl ?m ?nt烛台: Shower her withcompliments.多多赞美她。茶煲夫人: But be sincere.可是要有诚意。.


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