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    书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘学子:学业有成,金榜题名!语言类考试复习资料大全公共英语一级分类模拟题31公共英语一级分类模拟题31第一部分 英语知识运用第一节 单项填空问题:1. The workers are _ strike now.A.onB.inC.at答案:A解析 be(go)on strike的意思是“举行罢工”,本句意为“这些工人正在举行罢工”。问题:2. Xiao Zhang _ in that factory for five years.A.is workingB.worksC.has worked答案:C解析 由for一词可知前面应用现在完成时。故应选C。问题:3. She goes to the same school _ my brother.A.likeB.asC.than答案:B解析 句意:她和我弟弟去了同一所学校。本题考查的是固定词组的用法。the same as和一样,例:His dream is the same as mine. 他的梦想和我的一样。故选B。 the same as表示“同一样”,这里as是连词,也可以用作the same (+名词+) as. 例:I have the same long hair as my sister. 我和妹妹有着样长的头发。the same.as.表示“与同样的(不是同一个)”;the same.that.表示“同一个(就是那个)”。 例:This is the same pen that I lost last week. 这就是我上周丢失的那支钢笔。 问题:4. Hurry up, _you ll be late for school.A.butB.orC.so答案:B解析 连词用法 “祈使句+or +陈述句”是一个表选择关系的并列句,其前边的祈使句表示一个否定的条件。这种句型在日常交际中经常用到。but 表转折,so 表结果,但由句意可知这里既不是转折,也不是因果关系。 问题:5. These two bags are very good. You can choose _ of them.A.bothB.eachC.either答案:C考查词义辨析。each表示“每一个”;both意思是“两者都、双方”;either是表示“在两个中任选一个”,根据句子意思,只能在两个中选取一个。所以,C项为正确选项。问题:6. -Do you speak French?-Yes, only _.A.a littleB.a fewC.little答案:A解析 仅会说一点儿某种语言要用a little。问题:7. Who _ that piano? My sister, when she _ time. A.plays; hasB.is playing; hasC.plays; is having答案:B解析 语法分析题。第一句询问正在发生的事,用现在进行时。第二句用一般现在时表示经常发生的事。故B为正确答案。问题:8. It was said that the meeting _ more than 4 hours.A.spentB.lastedC.opened答案:B解析 句意:据说会议持续了四个多小时。本题考查的是动词词义辨析。spend花费;last持续;open打开。故B正确。 spend(in)doing sth. 意为花费时间、金钱做,其中介同in可以省略。 问题:9. The wind was very _ yesterday.A.largeB.strongC.heavy答案:B“风很大”用形容词 strong。large 和 heavy 均不合适。故应选B。问题:10. The children should learn to do some washing by _.A.theyB.themC.themselves答案:C解析 此题考查反身代词。by oneself 意为:独自,亲自干什么。问题:11. He often comes to school_ foot. But he came _his fathers car today.A.by; inB.on; byC.on; in答案:C解析 介词搭配解析 表示交通方式时,多用介词by 引出交通工具,如by bus,by air 等,但对于“步行”例外,它用固定搭配。on foot。而当表示交通工具的名词bus、train、plane 等前面如果有修饰词或它们本身为复数时,介词则要用in 或on 而不用by。因此,本题第一个空格中应用on 而第二处应用in。问题:12. He has learned to use chopsticks since his family _ to China.A.moveB.movedC.has moved答案:B解析 本题考查的是现在完成时的用法。主句用现在完成时,since引导的时间状语从句中谓语动词应用过去式,而且move是非延续性动词,故B选项正确。问题:13. Its hard _ a job.A.tolook forB.to findC.to find out答案:Alook for a job找工作问题:14. They went into the cinema without_to show the tickets.A.askingB.being askedC.to ask答案:B解析 他们进了电影院,没有被查票。本题考查的是被动语态和动词作介词宾语的用法。句中they和ask是动宾关系,即“他们被要求”:因此是被动语态:另外,ask在句中作介词without的宾语,因此,应该使用动名词形式,即being asked,故选项B正确。问题:15. He was so hungry that he had _ all the dishes.A.eaten upB.eaten outC.eaten off答案:A解析 本题要表达“他太饿了,以至于把所有的菜吃光了”。选项A“eat up”意为“吃光”,选项B“eat out”意为“上馆子吃饭”,选项C“eat off”意为“腐蚀掉”。只有选项A符合题意。第二节 完型填空 Water is 1 important of all the things we 2 and drink. Not many people understand this, 3 its quite true. The human body (人体) can go 4 food for a long time, but two 5 three days without water can usually 6 people die. Many people dont understand how much water the human body needs to work well and many people do not drink 7 , even 8 hot weather. Our body is 9 water, about 65 % to 75 %. If we do not have enough water, well 10 tired and many will get ill. So you see, how important water is to us all. 1.A.veryB.moreC.the most答案:C解析 由“of all the things"可知此空应填最高级。故应选C。2.A.eatB.haveC.like答案:A解析 由“and drink"可知此空应为一个与drink并列的词。故应选A。3.A.andB.butC.because答案:B解析 由前半句、后半句句意可知此空应为一个表转折的词。故应选B。4.A.withB.outC.without答案:C解析 由下一句可以推测此处应选C。故应选C。5.A.orB.andC.in答案:A解析 “两三天”应用"two or three days”。故应选A。6.A.makeB.getC.let答案:A解析 make sbdo sth意为“使某人做某事”,此句意为“使人死亡”。故应选A。7.A.muchB.enoughC.more答案:B解析 由本句句意“许多人不懂得人体需要多少水以使人体运转得好”可以推测此空应填enough。故应选B。8.A.inB.forC.on答案:A解析 in表状态,意为“即使是热水”。故应选A。9.A.mostlyB.almostC.most答案:A解析 由"about 65to 75”。故应选A。10.A.fallB.fellC.feel答案:C解析 feel tired=be tired,意为“感到累了”。故应选C。第二部分 阅读理解第一节 词语配伍Ayear Bwinter Csummer Dpassport Eumbrella Fmedicine Gnewspaper 1. People read it for information.答案:G2. People take it when they are ill.答案:F3. People carry it when they go abroad.答案:D4. It is the time from January to December.答案:A5. It is the warmest season between spring and autumn.答案:C第二节 短文理解 1 I like collecting (收集) stamps. When I was only a baby, my mother began to collect for me. Of course, she did not let me touch the stamps until I was old enough not to spoil them. I remembered that it was on my fifteenth birthday that she first put them into my hands. They were in four thick books and since then I have added three more, so that now I have a bigger collection than any of my friends. How do I get my stamps? I have never bought even one stamp from a shop. My father works in a big office. Sometimes he brings me some stamps from many countries of the world. I have friends both here and in other countries. They send me a lot of wonderful stamps every year. Since I am working for my living, I do not have as much time as before to spend on my stamps. But in the evening, I sometimes bring out the books and enjoy the stamps in them. Each stamp has a story to tell me about far countries and strange peoples. Stamp collection is a good way to learn history, geography and languages. 1. The writers mother collected stamps for him for more than ten years.A.Right.B.Wrong.C.Doesnt say.答案:A解析 文中提到 “When I was only a baby,my mother began to collect for me”后面又提到“I remembered that it was on my fifteenth birthday that she first put them into my hands”故应选A。2. The writer has a collection of seven books of stamps.A.Right.B.Wrong.C.Doesnt say.答案:A解析 文中提到“They were in four thick books and since then I have added three more”。故应选A。3. The writer spent a lot of money on stamp-collecting.A.Right.B.Wrong.C.Doesnt say.答案:B解析 文中提到“I have never bought even one stamp from a shop”故应选B。4. The writer shared some of his stamps with his friends.A.Right.B.Wrong.C.Doesnt say.答案:C解析 文中并未提到作者是否与他的朋友分享他的邮票。故应选C。5. The writer learnt a lot about history, geography and languages through collecting stamps.A.Right.B.Wrong.C.Doesnt say.答案:A解析 由文中最后一句话可知答案。故应选A。第三节 短文理解 2 Many people are surprised when they find the Internet was set up in the 1960s, At that time, computers were large and expensive. Computer networks (网络) didnt work well. If one computer in the network broke down, then the whole network stopped. So a new network system had to be set up. It should be good enough to be used by many different computers. If a part of the network was not working, information could be sent through another part. In this way, computer network system would keep on working all the time. At first the Internet was only used by the government, but in the early 1970s, universities, hospitals and banks were allowed to use it too. However, computers were still very expensive and the Internet was difficult to use. By the start of the 1990s, computers became cheaper and easier to use. Today it is easy to get on-line and it is said that millions of people use the Internet every day. Sending e-mail is more and more popular among students. The Internet has now become one of the most important parts of peoples life. 1. The Internet has a history of _ years.A.less than 30B.about 40C.about 20答案:B解析 从文中第一段看出,因特网建立在上世纪60年代,至今约40年的历史了。可知答案为B。2. At first computer networks _.A.worked quite wellB.were very popularC.went wrong easily答案:C解析 从文中第一段看出,当时计算机网络不好,一台的网络坏了,其它的也停了。可知答案为C。3. A good network system _.A.can keep on workingB.will stop workingC.will break down soon答案:A解析 从文中第一段可知,计算机网络不好才会经常停止工作,反过来,好的网络便应该能持续工作。可知答案为A。4. Computers become cheaper and easier to use in the _.A.1960sB.1970sC.1990s答案:C解析 从文中第二段倒数第一句可得出答案。可知答案为C。5. The word "information" may probably mean _.A.letterB.messageC.number答案:B解析 根据常识,在网络上传播的是信息。可知答案为B。 A Frenchman went to stay at the best hotel in a small Italian town with his wife. One night, he went out for a walk alone. The small street was dark and quiet. Suddenly he felt someone behind him. He tamed his head and saw an Italian young man who quickly walked past him. The man was nearly out of sight (看不见了 ) when the French- man suddenly found that his watch was gone. He thought that it must be the Italian who had taken his watch. He decided to follow him and get back the watch. Soon the Frenchman caught up with the Italian. Neither of them understood the others language. The French- man frightened the Italian with his fist (拳头) and pointed at the Italians watch. In the end the Italian took off his watch and gave it to the Frenchman. When he returned to the hotel, the Frenchman told his wife what bad happened. He was greatly surprised when his wife pointed to the watch on the table. Now he realized (意识到) that by mistake he had robbed ( 抢劫 ) the watch and it was the Italians. 6. One night the Frenchman went out for a walk _.A.by himselfB.with his wifeC.with an Italian答案:A解析 答案在第一自然段第二句。一天晚上,他独自出门了。7. Why did the Frenchman decide to follow the young man?A.Because the young man walked so fast.B.Because he found the young man was out of sight.C.Because he wanted to catch the young man.答案:C解析 答案在第一自然段;根据上下文,那个意大利年轻人几乎走得看不见了,这时,法国人发现他的表没有了。他想一定是意大利人偷了他的表,所以他决定跟着那位年轻人,并把表要回来。8. The word "frighten" in the passage means _.A.threatB.terrifyC.happy答案:B解析 答案在第二自然段;根据上下文,法国人赶上那个年轻人后,向他挥拳头,并指着他的表。最后,年轻人把表脱下来给了他。根据句意,法同人应是“吓唬、恐吓”那个年轻人,frighten应是动词。threat 为名词,terrify 意为“使恐惧,使惊恐;恐吓”,happy是形容词。9. Why did the Italian take off his watch and give it to the Frenchman?A.Because he had taken the watch from the Frenchman.B.Because he had picked up the watch on his way from work.C.Because he was afraid of the Frenchman.答案:C解析 答案在第二自然段。根据上一题的解释可以看出,年轻人认为法国人在拦路抢劫,他很害怕,所以才会把表给他。10. Who was robbed in the story?A.The Frenchman.B.The Italian.C.Neither of them.答案:B解析 答案在第三自然段最后一句。根据上下文,那位法国人回到旅馆,看到桌子上的表,才意识到自己误抢了那个意大利年轻人的表。第三部分 写作第一节 改写句子问题:1. We competed in climbing a mountain after we were divided into groups. We were divided into groups_we competed in climbing a mountain. 答案:before问题:2. Tom broke his leg while he was doing high jump. Toms leg _ while he was doing high jump. 答案: was broken问题:3. I was excited when I saw so many good books in the bookstore.I was excited _ so many good books in the bookstore. 答案:to see第二节 书面表达问题:1. 情景: 李大为告诉王东,他要请王东去听音乐会,但把票忘在书桌上了。他急着回去拿票。叫王东先去,一小时后在剧院门口等他。 任务: 根据所给情景,用英语写一张50字左右的便条。 答案:参考范文 Dear Wang Dong, I meant(意指,意味着)to invite(邀请,招致)you to a concert this evening, but I left the tickets on my desk. Now Im going back to get them. Would you please go there first and wait for me at the theatre one hour later? See you. Li Dawei 20 / 20


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