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    书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘学子:学业有成,金榜题名!语言类考试复习资料大全公共英语五级分类模拟题写作与知识应用(一)公共英语五级分类模拟题写作与知识应用(一)Section Use of English Read the following text and fill each of the numbered spaces with ONE suitable word. Americans travel by air in 1 the same way as Europeans and the Japanese 2 by train. There are, in fact, not many railroad stations 3 in the USA, 4 the track is still being used, since most of Americas freight is still carried by 5 As for passengers, there is a vast network of airlines and airports in easy 6 in almost every American town. Airports, now the travel centers of the USA, 7 comfortable places 8 coffee shops and bars and clean restrooms. Flying in America is 9 expensive than in many other countries, 10 the government subsidized air fares. Yet the different airlines are not state-owned and compete with one another for passengers. Those who cannot 11 either train or plane take the Grey-hound bus. 12 transport system in the world carries so many passengers by night and by day. Drivers are 13 skilled and have a wonderful safety record. Europeans tend to 14 their cars. But Americans treat their cars 15 as vehicles which are important 16 their livesto take them to work, to shopping places, to picnics or to their friends. 17 when they take a vacation they rarely drive long distances. There is 18 form of travel which is widely used in the USA, the rented car. Every city and town 19 at least one car-rented firm, some of them are nationwide and have branches abroad as 20 . 1.答案: much2.答案: travel3.答案: left4.答案: although5.答案: train6.答案: reach7.答案: are8.答案: with9.答案: less10.答案: because11.答案: afford12.答案: No13.答案: highly14.答案:love15.答案: only16.答案: to17.答案: Except18.答案: another19.答案: have20.答案: wellSection Writing问题:1. The command of one or more foreign languages is now a valuable asset for young people. While some find it easy to learn a foreign language, others feel that it really gives them headaches. You should write no less than 250 words. 答案:To have a good command of one foreign language is rather complex, since it involves a conflict between the divergent motives in language learning and the suitable approaches dealing with the target language. However, the final judgment should depend on a case-by-case analysis of several key factors. To begin with, since the 1980s, China has witnessed some dramatic changes in its relationship with other countries. As a result, more foreign companies have already invested in China. Under such situation, it is not surprising at all that a growing number of people, young ones in particular, are particularly interested in foreign language learning, for their linguistic competence will probably be a passport to an esteemed joint venture or bring to them a vacancy with the handsome salary. Additionally, some observers believe that sufficient financial support from the renowned educational institutions abroad also contribute to the increasing number of language learners. For example, in China, if a student performs well in such tests as TOEFL or GRE, he is more likely to be admitted by a foreign university. This consideration can also partly account for the increase of language learners. However, in some other instances, the above-mentioned situation is not always adequate. For instance, it is quite possible that a man learns a language out of his interest, or he is planning to work as an interpreter. Surely enough, these are exceptional cases, yet they do exist. Given the analysis above, it is justified to conclude that it is a social phenomenon nowadays that more people begin to learn a foreign language. As Samuel Johnson put it, "Words cant move mountains. It is diligence that accounts. " 6 / 6


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