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    DEPARTMENT: HOME AFFAIRSREPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA部门:南非共和国民政局APPLICATION FOR VISA OR TRANSIT VISASection 7(1)(g)read with section 10A and 10B;Regulation 8 (1)签证或过境签证申请表Failure to complete this application form in full may result in the visa being delayed or refused.Please use block letters and black ink only.如申请表没有填写完整,则会造成签证被推迟或拒绝。请使用大写字母、黑色墨水填写表格。PERSONAL PARTICULARS 个人资料Surname姓First name(in full) 名(全名)Maiden name婚前姓(女子)Previous name曾用名Y年Y年Y年Y年M月M月D日D日Date of birth出生年月日City of birth出生城市.Country of birth出生国家Gender性别Male男female女Nationality国籍If acquired by naturalization, state original nationality 如移民,原国籍为Where and when was present nationality obtained何地何年取得此国籍.Passport/Travel Document Number护照/旅游证件号.Type of document: Diplomatic/ Official/ Ordinary Passport/Travel证件类型:外交/官方/普通般/护照/旅游Document/Other(specify)证件/其它(详细说明).Issuing authority: 签发机关.Date of expiry: 有效期至 Permanent residential address 永久居住地址.Period residential at this address 此地居住年限.Telephone number 电话()(code 区号).(number 号码)Country of permanent residence 永久居住国家.Period residence in that country 此国居住年限.Occupation or profession 职业Name, address and telephone NO. of employer, organization, etc. to which you are attached, or that you represent 所属和代表的雇主的姓名,地址,电话,学校,组织,.If self-employed, state name, address, telephone NO. and nature of business 如是个体经营,列举单位名称,地址,电话,营业性质.Marital status 婚姻状况Never married 未婚Married 已婚Widowed 寡居Separated分居 Divorced离异First name(s) of spouse配偶名字Maiden name婚前姓氏Y年Y年Y年Y年M月M月D日D日Nationality国籍.Date of birth出生年月日NB:SEPATE FORM MUST BA COMPLETED IN RESPECT OF PERSON OVER THE AGE OF 16 AND CHILDREN UNDER THE AGE OF 16 TRAVELLING ON THEIR OWN PASSPORTS注意: 16岁以上人员需独立填表。未满16岁的儿童旅游时,需持自己的护照。Particulars of children endorsed on your passport accompanying you:随行儿童的详细资料:Surname姓First name(s)名Date of birth出生日期Place of birth出生地(1)(2)(3)(4)Visit To SOUTH AFRICA签证到南非Expected date of arrival in the Republic 预期到达时间 Y年 M月 D日Place of arrival到达地点.Purpose of visit访问目的.Duration of stay (months, weeks or days)停留期限(几月,几周,或几天)Number of entries required要求进入次数single一此multiple多次two二次Proposed residential address(physical) in the Republic, including the full name(s) of your host or hotel计划在南非暂居的地址,包括东道主全名,入住酒店全称Name of organizations or persons you will be contacting during your stay in the Republic 在非期间联系的组织或个人的详细信息Name姓名Address地址Relationship关系Identity document number or permanent residence permit number of South African host 永居南非的证明文件或许可证号Indicate by means of an X whichever is applicable指出通过何种方式申请Have you at any time applied for a permit to settle permanently in South Africa? 是否曾申请永居南非?yes是no否Have you ever been restricted or refused entry into South Africa? 是否曾被限制或拒绝进入南非?yes是no否Have you ever been deported from or ordered to leave South Africa? 是否曾被驱逐或命令离开南非?yes是no否Have you ever been convicted of any crime in any country? 是否曾被某国判邢?yes是no否Is a criminal action pending against you in any country? 是否有罪行在某国悬而未决?yes是no否Are you an unrehabilitated insolvent? 你是一个无力偿债的破产者?yes是no否Are you suffering from tuberculosis or any other infectious disease or any mental or physical deficiency? 是否是结核病患者或其它传染病携带者,是否有心理或身体缺陷?yes是no否Have you ever been judicially declared incompetent? 是否曾被司法机关剥夺政治权利?yes是no否Are you a member of, or adherent to an association or organization advocating the practice of social violence or racial hatred or are you yes是no否or have you been a member of an organization or association utilizing crime or terrorism to pursue its ends?Give particulars if reply to one or more of the questions above is in the affirmative:是否为是或曾是暴力和种族仇恨协会或组织的成员?是否是或曾是以犯罪或暴力为手段来达到最终目的的协会或组织的成员?如以上问题有填“是”的,请详细说明:.To be completed by applicants applying for visitors permits exceeding three months:申请入境超过三个月的申请人,填写下面内容:In the case of a spouse or dependant minor child of the holder of a permit issued in terms of section 11, 13, 14, 15, 17, 19 or 22, submission of a marriage certificate or an unabridged birth certificate. 按照11,13,14,15,17,19,22条,如是持证人的配偶或未成年小孩请提交结婚证或完整出生证明。 Proof of academic sabbatical, if applicable. 如是,提供学术休假证明Proof of non-remunerative voluntary or charitable activities to be undertaken, if applicable 如从事自愿者活动或慈善活动,请出示证明。Proof of research to be undertaken, if applicable.如从事研究活动,请出示证明。Proof funds available for subsistence during period of visit.提供停留非洲期间可供生存的资金证明。To be completed by applicants applying for diplomatic, official or courtesy visas: 申请外交、官方或邀请签证的申请人,填写下面内容:In the case of an official visit, submission of a note verbale.如是官方考察,提交普通照会。In the case of a diplomatic placing in the Republic, proof of such placing. 如在南非有外交场合,请出示证明。To be completed only by passengers in transit to another country:过境到其他国家的旅客请填写:Destination after leaving the Republic离开南非后的目的地Mode of travel to destination到达目的地的方式Intended date and port of departure from the Republic to that destination计划从南非到达目的地的日期与出发港. Do you have a visa or permit for temporary or permanent residence in the country of your destination? (Proof must be submitted). 是否持有目的地国家的短期或长期居住的许可证或护照?(需递交证明).是否to be completed by persons wishing to work in the Republic. If the answer is yes, please provide details由打算在南非工作的人员填写: 如答案为“是”, 请详细陈述. .I SOLEMNLY DECLARE THAT THE ABOVE PARTICULARS PROVIDED BY ME ARE TRUE IN SUBSTANCE AND IN FACT I FULL UNDERSTAND THE MEANING THEREOF. I FURTHER DECLARE THAT I DO NOT CONTEMPLATE CHANGING THE PURPOSE OF MY VISIT WHILST IN THE REPUBLIC. 本人郑重以上所填详细信息属实,并且已清楚的明白其中的含义。本人进一步声明不会改变入境南非的目的。 . .Signature of applicant申请人签名 Date 日期FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY仅供官方使用Approved/ not approved by允许/不允许on关于.Type of visa签证类型.Reasons for decision原因.


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