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    选修7 Unit3单词默写1.The elderly Russians find it hard to live on their state (养老金) . _2. They are all old-age(领取养老金者). _3. Polar bears live mostly on sea ice, which they use as a platform for hunting(海豹). _4. The envelope was firmly(密封). _5. Are you asocial or do you just enjoy living in the(南极洲)? _6. This river forms a natural(分界线)between China and Korea. _7. They climbed the(陡峭)mountain inch by inch. _8. On turning the corner, we saw the road descending (陡峭). _9. So (浅)is the lake that no fish can live in it. _10. The dog(恐吓)a band of (贼) away_11. The most in color this autumn is(灰色). _12. These pancakes made by my mother are really(可口). _13. Strikes will(加剧)the countrys dilemma. _14. The sign set up by the road alerts drivers to a (敏捷)turn. _15. The baby is(吸吮)its finger. _16. You can use the(闪光灯)when you take a photo indoors. _17.The opening between the rocks was very (狭窄), but the boys managed to(挤)through. 18. I arrived at the airport so late that I (狭窄)missed the plane. _19. The rocks had green(海藻)growing on them. _20. He keeps his office(整齐) and tidy. _21. Compared with Tom, John was always dressed well and (整洁). _22. To be an inventor, one needs profound knowledge as well as a very (生动)imagination. 23. He described our campus(生动). _24.Through service learning, students are forced to think beyond their own interests and become (意识)of the needs of others. _25. There is a general(认识)that smoking is harmful. _26. The flu is believed to be caused by viruses that like to reproduce in the(细胞) inside the human nose and throat. _27. Many (纯) metals have little use because they are too soft, rust too easily, or have some other (缺点). _28. My husband likes early American furniture, but I prefer contemporary styles, designs that (反映) todays times._29.Many novels that attempt to mirror the world are really(反映)of the reality that they represent. _30. Time is sometimes called the fourth(维). _31. The attraction of the moon for the earth causes the(潮汐). _32. I aimed at the(靶)but hit the wall. _33. The enemys missiles were ( 瞄准)at /on the city. _34. They (网)the fruit trees to protect them from birds. _35. The(净重) _weight of this jar of coffee is 180 grams. _36. After staying in hospital for long, the patient was advised to go to the _ to pick up his health.(海边) _37._in the morning is a good way to keep fit.(慢跑)_38. Most people have come to accept the need for_of natural resources.(保存) _39. Research shows that there is no significant _ between how much a person earns and whether he feels good about life.(关系)_40. There are many _ in the water.(鲨鱼)_41. The parents were found guilty of _ their baby.(遗弃)_42. He sent me a message, _ me to finish the work ahead of time.(督促)_43. Many passengers threw wastes_and they were fined.(船舷外) _44. Id like to tell you what I know but my_(嘴唇)are _(封口). _45. He ventured into the_of the forest.(深处)_46. The ice is ten feet in_.(深) _47. He _the heavy chest across the floor. (拖) _48. Tom was a black slave and he at last _ the cotton farm to join the North Army.(逃离)49. _ into the pocket , he fished out a penny.(迅速放入)_50. In football_is even more important than individual skill.(协作)_51. He bought various _ to observe the animals.(望远镜)_52. I made the classic mistake of clapping in a_in the music!(暂停) _53. He _ the video and went to answer the phone.(中止)_54.Why are you _ at me?(喊叫)_55. She hurried away in the_direction.(相反的) _56. The plane hit the ocean several miles_.(近海) _57. The new tourist hotel will have _ for more than one thousand people.(食宿)_58.The last half of the nineteenth century _ the steady improvement in the means of travel.(见证)_59.Mr. Smith asked his secretary to insert a new paragraph in the _ report she was typing.(年度) _60. He preceded his lecture with a humorous_.(轶事) _


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