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    精品文档高一年级完形填空练习AAftergraduatingfroma famous university,Tomwished tofinda goodjob. One day he got the1in a newspaper that there was a post in acompany. So he did some 2 on the company first and then went to applyforit.While3,he answered the questionsfluently.Tomwas satisfiedwithhis4 ,feeling5thathe couldget thejob.But atthatmoment,themanagers phone6 .He picked itup,listenedand nodded. And thenhe7around and said to Tom,“Sorry, I want to get some importantinformationnow. Pleasegiveme the book withthe red8onthatdesk. ”Tom looked around and found three books on the desk, so he walked slowlyand carefullytothe desk,tookone and handed it tohim9 . 10thebook,the manager hung up thephone and said, “Sorry, you are not the rightperson. ” Tom was surprisedandwondered11 .Thenthemanagerexplained, “Thererethreereasons.First,the momentyou entered,I foundthe third button on your shirt had been12. Second, the three bookswith covers of the same color are different, but you took one13asking me which I needed. Third, I was14 the call. You should runtothedesk tosave time.These15showedyou are nota carefulperson. ”Therefore, Tom16 the job.Toms storyreflectssome people dont17_ the detailsinour life.But itisthedetailsthat18 .Not onlyshouldwe19 whatwe learnbutalsowe should pay attentiontothedetails,which sometimes can 20determine our success or failure.1.A. ideaB. letterC. offerD. news2.A. workB. researchC. exerciseD.training3.A. contactedB. interviewedC. visitedD.examined4.A. gradeB. appearanceC. performancesD.preparations5.A. excitedB. luckyC. confidentD. happy6.A. rangB. calledC. cameD. fell7.A. walkedB. lookedC. turnedD.moved8.A. markB. colorC. characterD.cover9.A. quicklyB. politelyC. eagerlyD.properly10. A. HoldingB. ClosingC. ReadingD. Opening11. A. howB. thatC. whyD. what12. A. oldB. brokenC. missingD. different13. A. afterB. byC. withD. without。1 欢迎下载精品文档14.A. answeringB. listeningC. waitingD.receiving15.A. factsB. reasonsC. detailsD.shortcomings16.A. lostB. missedC. refusedD. left17.A. mentionB. mindC. likeD. ignore18.A. countB. interestC. troubleD.impress19.A. contributeB. determineC. possessD.value20.A. yetB. stillC. otherwiseD.evenBInsight Without SightAt the age of eighteen Icouldn t waitto getmy firstjob,which meantI made the first step toward adulthood.But it was difficult to get a work permit. One day I was dropped offby my parents at the 1, where applicants took their physical testsfor work permits. Although I had night blindness, my vision was clearerduringthe day, which helped mewalk2 bymyself.Then the doctorbeganthe 3 . He looked into my eyes with a bright light.“I4yourparents take you to an eye specialist,”he said,“I suspect you have aretinal(视网膜 ) disease. If you do, youll never5 a day in yourlife.”My parentsdid take me to specialists.Aftermuchtime and moneyspentseekingan 6result,itwas determined thatI had an eye diseasethatslowly7 aperson of sight.Butstill,duringdaylight,Icouldwalkwithout8 .I could read, but notfor hours.My eyes began to9andwords slipped off the page when I read more than a few pages. However,no matter how tired my eyes became, I never gave up reading. I knew the10 ofgreat writersas wellas I knew themost popularmusic stars.Theirwords were powerful,which11meto try writing.Soon writingbroughtme a lot of 12each time I completed a paper.Then an importantphone callfrom an editorchanged my life.An articleI 13 appeared in a local newspaper. The newspaper, to my 14 , continued to print my work. Next, a book series published several of myessays. I got interested in writing and 15up with each acceptance.On the pages,readers never knew of my blindness16 Ichose to presentit. For me,findingmy voice throughwritinggaveme the pride andsatisfactionI 17 somany yearsago.Now, Ihave numerous essays and。2 欢迎下载精品文档articles in 18 .Should Ibe thanking that misguided doctor? By falsely predicting thatI could never work a day, he fueled(供给燃料 ) my 19 into success. Heset the bar(标准 ) too 20 and focused on what I wouldntbe able todo. Yet I proved what I could do.1.A. stationB. clinicC. companyDuniversity2.A. silentlyB. suddenlyC. proudlyD. easily3.A. operationB. examinationC. argumentD. treatment4.A. desireB. orderC. suggestD. command5.A. workB. liveC. restD. sleep6.A. properB. obviousC. ordinaryD. accurate7.A. robsB. warnsC. remindsD. informs8.A. medicineB. permissionC. balanceD. help9.A. damageB. shineC. tearD. widen10.A. birthdatesB. namesC. addressesD.habits11.A. askedB. forcedC. encouragedD. allowed12.A. troubleB. pleasureC. surpriseD. worry13.A. madeB. wantedC. describedD.penned14.A. delightB. admirationC. shameD.disappointment15.A. gaveB. cameC. litD. put16.A. unlessB. althoughC. sinceD. after17.A. fearedB. broughtC. soughtD. found18.A. printB. timeC. useD. mind19.A. imaginationB. motivationC. responsibilityD.personality20.A. farB. longC. closeD. lowC“Long time no see ”is a very interesting sentence. When I first readthis sentence from an American friends email, I laughed. I thought itwas a perfect_1_of Chinglish.Obviously,itis a word by word literaltranslation of the Chinese greetings with a _2_ English grammar andstructure!Later on, my friendtoldmethat itis a standard American _3_.I was too thrilled to believe her. Her words could not _4_ me at all. So I did a _5_ on google.com. To my great surprise, there are over 60thousand web pages_6_ “Long time no see ”. This sentence has been_7_used in emails,letters,newspapers, movies, books or any other possibleplace. Though it is sort of _8_ , it is part of the language thatAmericans use daily. Ironically(讽刺地是 ), _9_ you type this phrasein Microsoft Word, the software will tell you that the grammar _10_。3 欢迎下载精品文档to be corrected.Nobody knows the _11_ of this Chinglish sentence. Some peoplebelieve that it came from Charlie Chans movies. In 1930s, Hollywoodmoviemakers successfully _12_ a world wide famous Chinese detectivenamed “Charlie Chan ” on wide screens. Detective Chan liked to teachAmericans someChinese wisdom _13_ quoting( 引用 ) Confucius.“Long timeno see ”was his trademark. Soon after Charlie Chan,“Long time no see ”became a _14_ phrase in the realworld _15_ thepopularity of thesemovies.Some scholars_16_ America toa huge meltingpot.All kindsof cultureare _17_ in the pot together, and they _18_ the color and tasteof each other. American Chinese, though a minority ethnic(少数的 ) groupin the United States, are also _19_ some changes to the stew(杂烩)! Language is usuallythe firstthing to be _20_in the mixed pot 1. A. exampleB. signC. wordD.change2. A. mistakenB. perfectedC. learnedD.ruined3. A. sentenceB. greetingC. habitD.proverb4. A. helpB. encourageC. convinceD.believe5. A. jobB. researchC. lookD.search6. A. containingB. printingC. publishingD.expressing7. A. widelyB. especiallyC. properlyD.deeply8. A. popularB. interestingC. traditionalD.informal9. A. beforeB. unlessC. ifD.because10. A. hasB. needsC. advisesD.forces11. A. useB. originC.expressionD.meaning12. A. createdB. advertisedC. imaginedD.discovered13. A. byB. inC. withD. of14. A. ordinaryB. favoriteC. modernD.well-known15. A. according toB. thanks toC. in addition toD.related to16. A. leadB. compareC. addD. connect。4 欢迎下载精品文档17.A. mixedB. cookedC. putD.joined18.A. changeB. damageC. reduceD. improve19.A. welcomingB. contributingC. preferringD.taking20.A. usedB. consideredC. mentionedD.influencedDMy kids andI wereheading into thesupermarket over the weekend. Onthe way, we saw a man holding a piece of paper that said,“_1_ my job.Family to Feed.”At this store, a _2_ like this is not normal. My10-year-old noticed him and made a _3_ on how bad it must be to haveto stand _4_ in the cold wind. In the store, I asked each of my kidsto _5_ something theythought our“friend ”therewould _6_. They gotapples, a sandwich and a bottle of juice. Then my 17-year-old suggestedgivinghim a _7_. I thought aboutit.Wewere _8_ on cash ourselves,but, well,sometimes _9_ from our need insteadofour abundance is _10_what we need todo! Allthe kids_11_ something theycould do away withfor the week. When we handed him the bag of _12_, he litup and thankedus with_13_ eyes. WhenI handed him the giftcard,saying he could useit for _14_his family might need, he burst into tears.This has been a wonderful _15_ for our family. For days the kidshave been looking forothers we can_16_! Things wouldhave played outso _17_ if I had simply said,“No, we really donthave extra _18_to give more. ”Stepping out not only helped a brother in _19_, it alsogave my kids the_20_ taste ofhelpingothers. Itll goa long way withthem.1.A. LostB. ChangedC. QuitD.Finished2.A conditionB. placeC. sightD.show3.A. suggestionB. commentC. decisionD. call4.A. outsideB. unfriendlyC. awayD.unluckily5.A. drawB. sayC. arrangeD.pick6.A. orderB. chooseC. appreciateD.discover7.A. dollarB. jobC. hot mealD.gift card8.A. hardB. lowC. softD.lacking。5 欢迎下载精品文档9. A. givingB. savingC. spendingD.begging10.A. yetB. evenC. stillD.just11.A. declaredB. sharedC. ignoredD.expected12.A. toysB. medicineC. foodD.clothes13.A. sleepyB. wateryC. curiousD.sharp14.A. whoeverB. whateverC. whicheverD.whenever15.A. experience B. exampleC. messageD.adventure16.A. rely onB. respectC. learn fromD.help17.A. suddenlyB. vividlyC. differentlyD.perfectly18.A. timeB. powerC. patienceD.money19.A. fearB. loveC. needD.memory20.A. strongB. sweetC. interestingD.simple。6 欢迎下载精品文档欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考!致力为企业和个人提供合同协议,策划案计划书, 学习资料等等打造全网一站式需求。7 欢迎下载


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