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    书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘学子:学业有成,金榜题名!语言类考试复习资料大全初级银行综合类模拟(听力部分暂无答案10初级银行综合类模拟(听力部分暂无答案10一、听力题Directions: In this section, you will hear ten short statements. Each statement will be spoken only once. After each statement there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four suggested answers marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center. (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1.A.They will write to their home.B.They will write to their head quarter.C.They will ask for their rights.D.They will wait for an officer.答案:解析They will write to their home office to waive their claim.2.A.We thank you for your doing kindness to us.B.We hope you will send us your check as soon as possible.C.We thank you because you provide us convenience in checking.D.You will have to pay us 50 000.答案:解析We shall thank you for kindly handing us your cheek for fifty thousand yuan in settlement at your earliest convenience.3.A.You need to obtain a signature of Bank of China on the draft.B.The account book is to be countersigned by Bank of China.C.The draft should be countersigned by a bank of China.D.The time draft neednt any other signature because your signature is true.答案:解析The time draft is to be countersigned by the Bank of China, Beijing, certifying that your signature is true and valid.4.A.How do credit card companies provide money?B.How are credit cards important to companies?C.How do the companies exchange credit cards for money?D.How do the companies make profits?答案:解析How do credit card companies earn money?5.A.They planned a total buying.B.They went on higher stage in business.C.They managed to accept a buying bid.D.They wanted to overtake other companies.答案:解析They staged a management buyout to pre-exempt a takeover bid. (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 6.A.Retail business needs a lot of cash.B.Whole sale business needs only credit cards.C.Retail and wholesale businesses are quite the same.D.Retail and wholesale businesses are done in different ways.答案:解析Retail business is usually done on a cash basis, and wholesale business is done on credit.7.A.The difference of our prices is big.B.You offered me a price on the counter.C.My price and your offer are not the same.D.My price and your offer are not different.答案:解析The difference between my price and your counter offer is too wide.8.A.I need some cash.B.I want some money to send a telegraph.C.I am ordered to mail some money.D.I want to exchange the order for money.答案:解析I want to cash this telegraphic money order.9.A.Many banks in America accept accounts with the Bank of China, Shanghai.B.Many banks in America start business with the Bank of China, Shanghai.C.Many banks in America have accounts with the Bank of China, Shanghai.D.Many banks in America owe money to the Bank of China, Shanghai.答案:解析Many banks in America now carry accounts with the Bank of China, Shanghai.10.A.Ive come to ask you to do something.B.I dont think your insurance is good.C.I need your insurance service.D.I want to ask some questions about the insurance service provided by you.答案:解析I have come to inquire about your insurance service.二、单项选择问题:1. An account that two or more people hold is a _.A.joint accountB.term -deposit accountC.savings account答案:A问题:2. In order to withdraw money the bank requires your _.A.depositorB.interestC.signature答案:C问题:3. The bank records all transactions of an account in the customers _.A.withdrawal slipB.assetsC.passbook答案:A问题:4. Many banks work with so many different customers and accounts that they need _ to record all transactions.A.deposit slipsB.computersC.parties答案:B问题:5. You have to _ your check in order to cash it.A.withdrawB.endorseC.accommodate答案:B问题:6. The bank charges a _ to cover the cost of bookkeeping.A.payeeB.transactionC.fee答案:C问题:7. I wrote a check for more money than I have in my account. Im afraid Im _.A.overdrawnB.insufficient fundsC.minimum balance答案:A问题:8. The monthly statement gives you a record of all the _ of your checking account.A.subtractedB.negotiableC.transactions答案:C问题:9. A check that can be signed over to a third party is _.A.subtractedB.negotiableC.overdrawn答案:B问题:10. "You are allowed to write up to ten checks without a service charge.""Thats all? You mean ten checks is the _?"A.balanceB.maximumC.minimum答案:B问题:11. If you need money I can _ you some.A.pay backB.borrowC.lend答案:C问题:12. When my friend needed a loan he offered the bank his house as _.A.debtB.termC.collateral答案:C问题:13. James has not paid back two loans. He must have a terrible _.A.credit ratingB.charge cardC.principal答案:A问题:14. If you _ your car loan, the bank will take possession of your car.A.pay offB.default onC.compute答案:B问题:15. In order to calculate the monthly payments on your loan, the bank adds the interest to the _ and divides the total by the number of months.A.tenureB.principalC.charge account答案:B三、完型填空Directions: Insert the correct words or phrases in the appropriate spaces in the passage below. investigate, quantity, discount, negligence, replements, discrepancy, packing list, unsaleable, inferior, penalty clause, up to standard Complaints are often received by companies who ship consignments overseas. These complaints are sometimes about the 1 of goods received. Perhaps not enough goods were sent, perhaps too many. And sometimes it is a complaint that the wrong goods were sent. Often there are complaints about 2 packing, which can cause damage to the goods. Sometimes the complaint is about inferior quality. Buyers in this case often complain that the goods are not 3 There may be a 4 between the description of the goods in the brochure and the goods which actually arrived. A complaint may be about a delay in shipment, although companies often have a 5 in their contract to protect them against loss from delay. Complaints about damage are usually the business of insurance companies, but if the damage is caused by the 6 of the packers, then the insurance companies will not accept responsibility. When there is a complaint that the wrong goods were sent, or too many, or too few, then it is always necessary to check the 7 for the cases, as well as the invoice. Then the agent must 8 what happened. The goods may still be in the port of unloading. Bad, inferior or inadequate packing may cause damage to goods in transit. The buyers may accept damaged goods if the supplier offers a 9 , but if the goods arc badly damaged they may be 10 , and in this case the buyer will demand replacements. 1.答案: quantity2.答案: inferior3.答案: up to standard4.答案: disrepancy5.答案: penalty clause6.答案: negligence7.答案: packing list8.答案: investigate9.答案: discount10.答案: unsaleable四、阅读理解 We meets the challenge of globalization Ten years ago, US bankers and brokers talked about globalization. Capital barriers would fall, there would be seamless 24 - hour trading across time zones and full - service institutions would serve farmers in Iowa to car workers in Osaka. As the US capital markets enter the 1990s, the reality is that globalization is still in its early stages and next decade as it was in the last. There has, however, been a qualitative change in the rhetoric. Then, globalization was seen in the US as an opportunity. Now the US is far less confident of its ability to dominate the global market and is showing signs of falling behind its competitors. Globalization is now an urgent challenge. Mr. Curtis Welling, managing director in charge of equities at First Boston, says, "The US has had a very geocentric view. Our hegemony over world capital flows was almost regarded as a birthright. As far as important capital flows are concerned, there was a real danger of the world passing us by. The US was in danger of becoming irrelevant." While the US was once slow to realise its competitive position in world financial markets could be eroded. Mr. Welling believes that there is a growing awareness of the need to act quickly to position the nations markets and financial institutions for the future. This concern has been crystallised in regulatory initiatives, legislative proposals and product innovations. Progressive attitudes at both the US Federal Reserve and the Securities and Ex- change Commission (SEC) are central to these efforts. The SEC, which has just formed an Office of International Affairs, has shifted into top gear to harmonise regulations with overseas counterparts to promote the free and efficient flow of capital. The nuts and bolts of clearance and settlement, for example, are a priorty. Mr. Welling of First Boston, puts the challenge in graphic terms: We have gone about as far as we can go with broadbrush conceptual descriptions of the global market. We can see the house, it looks great but nobody can live in it until the plumbing and electricity is in place. In spite of all the talk of the global markets, it is startling that US pension funds have committed less than 3% of their 2 600 billion in assets to non - US securities. One key reason for this is that investors and traders have to negotiate a minefield of different regulations when operating in overseas markets. 1. What was the American view of globalization ten years ago?A.That it was a utopian idea, impossible to achieve.B.They thought it would soon create a single world banking system.C.Different areas of the world would still require different banks.D.Difference in time around the world would still cause problems.答案:B2. In what ways were the American attitudes to globalization mistaken?A.The US believed it had an automatic right to lead the world banking system.B.The US did not act competitively enough.C.The US thought the rest of the world was irrelevant.D.America looked at globalization from its own viewpoint.E.All of the above.答案:E3. Which of the following statements is true?A.The SEC has set up a special body to work on institutional matters.B.Details on how to move capital between countries are finalised.C.Mr. Welling feels more work is needed on the global market concept.D."nuts and bolts" (line 53) and "plumbing and electricity" (line 62 - 3) have similar meanings.答案:C Correspondent banking faces a problem of definition. Five years ago the business was preoccupied with electronic funds transfer. The spread of Swifts messaging network and the developing of the equally efficient clearing systems promised to elevate the medium through which banks communicate and fitted the traditional concept of correspondent banks talking to each other. By streamlining this function, however, the nature of the business changed and the importance of nurturing interbank relationships dwindled in the eyes of some correspondent bankers. Technology tends to lead to concentration, because the customer has gone to the bank that is bigger and faster, and can handle more volume, explains Ian Cormack, who heads Citicorps financial institutions group in London and sits on the council of the clearing system in the UK. Moving or receiving money has always been at the heart of interbank activity. Lawrence Grand, international banking director at Barclays, makes the fundamental point that correspondent banking will always exist in a world where banks have to talk to other banks to conduct money transmissions. This view is shared at Manufacturers Hanover, where Joseph Long-aberdi, a banking vice president and senior representative, believes funds transfer business is still the major product over which correspondent banks wage battle. But while the need to balance interbank accounts remains a core function of the business, the complexion of the funds passing through the payments system has altered dramatically. The rise and rise of financial activity has displaced trade - related flows, particularly in the period after Big Bang, until today around 90 per cent of the business consists of financial transactions, estimates Mr. Cormack. Volumes continue to rise significantly in the major clearing centres, largely feeding off growth in securities processing and foreign exchange. The value of dollar - dominated transactions passing through New Yorks clearing house inter - bank payments system (Chips) increased by 23.7 percent last year to a daily average of $ 526 billion, equivalent to 126 840 transactions a day, and compared with $ 425 billion and 113 758 transactions in 1986. In Londons sterling market the value of daily transactions passing through the clearing house automated payments system (Chaps) climbed by 28.5 percent in the year ending March 1988 to 45 billion, or 23 441 transactions a day, compared with 3 billion and 20 958 in the previous months. Keeping pace with growth has not been easy, particularly for the banks which for reasons of size, cost and strategy have been confined to a marginal role in the business. Commitment to the technological infrastructure is vital. Five years ago Manufacturers Hanover had 75 million invested in a worldwide telecommunications network. Anyone who baulked at such an investment five years ago would find it difficult to enter the market today. 4. Read this article and decide which of the following headlines it originally had.A.Technology threatens correspondent banking.B.Correspondent banking remains traditional.C.Correspondent banking- technology demonstrates its worth.答案:B5. Finish the statement below with the ending that is best according to the text.Five years agoA.it looked as if technology would fundamentally change correspondent banking.B.it seemed as if technology would reinforce correspondent bankings previous role.C.correspondent banking was totally dependent on technology.D.technology was only just being introduced to correspondent banking.答案:B6. Finish the statement below with the ending that is best according to the text.Contrary to expectations, improved communications _.A.increased the need for correspondent banks to work closely together.B.had little effect on correspondent banking.C.reduced the importance of correspondent banking interrelationships.D.led to a decrease in correspondent banking business.答案:B五、英释汉 Directions: Translate the following sentences


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