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    书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘学子:学业有成,金榜题名!语言类考试复习资料大全剑桥商务英语初级真题(6)剑桥商务英语初级真题(6)READINGPART ONE Look at questions 1-5. In each question, which sentence is correct? For each question, mark one letter (A, B or C) on your Answer Sheet. 问题:1. The purpose of this message is to A.remind staff about the installation of new computers.B.instruct staff to switch off their computers.C.warn staff of a possible computer virus.答案:B问题:2.A.Jan should finish the report by Friday and send it to department managers.B.Liz must check that the department managers have done their reports by Friday.C.Peter wants department managers to read the report by the end of the week.答案:A问题:3. Clients should pay within a week of A.receiving their bill.B.placing their order.C.obtaining their purchases.答案:C问题:4.A.Worldwide distributors looking to expand are needed for hi-tech products.B.Distribution company requires new hi-tech products to meet customer demand.C.Established distribution company for hi-tech products offers generous commission to sales staff.答案:A问题:5. This email asks Department Managers to A.inform Finance of extra employment expenses.B.take on extra staff to cover vacation times.C.send reports to Finance by the end of the month.答案:APART TWO Look at the list below. It shows companies that provide services for export businesses. For questions 6-10, decide which company (A-H) each person on the opposite page should contact. For each question, mark one letter (A-H) on your Answer Sheet. Do not use any letter more than once. 1. Margit Schumann runs a translation agency and wants to employ a company to help her research the needs of potential clients abroad.答案: D2. Per Svensson has a distribution company, and wants information on the customs regulations of the countries it exports to.答案: B3. Lin Yao needs to borrow money to extend the services of her advertising company to a wider international market.答案: F4. Sanders Insurance Co is expanding, and needs a course on the corporate culture of the countries where it will operate.答案: H5. Ronan Pate Ltd, clock-makers, is looking for a specialist firm to handle the worldwide transportation of its goods, as required by its insurers.答案: CPART THREE Look at the charts below. They show the performance rating, as marks out of 20, that a supermarket chain gave to eight of its suppliers, over a four-year period. Which supplier does each sentence (11-15) on the opposite page describe? For each sentence, mark one letter (A-H) on your Answer Sheet. Do not use any letter more than once. 1. In 2005, this suppliers rating for delivery briefly overtook its rating for quality but then fell back for the rest of the period.答案: B2. This suppliers rating for delivery peaked in 2006, when quality continued to be given its highest rating for the period, although this performance level was not maintained.答案: E3. This suppliers quality and delivery both made progress after falling in 2005, although they failed to equal their levels of the opening of the period.答案: F4. This suppliers rating was lower for delivery than for quality throughout the period, and the gap between the two categories was smallest in 2005, becoming wider the following year.答案: A5. The overall trend in rating for this suppliers quality and delivery was downward, with neither category showing improvement in any year.答案: HPART FOUR Read the article below about the importance of communication skills. Are sentences 16-22 on the opposite page Right or Wrong? If there is not enough information to answer Right or Wrong, choose Doesnt say. For each sentence (16-22), mark one letter (A, B or C) on your Answer Sheet. COMMUNICATION SKILLS People are often offered a job because of their technical skills. However, as they progress in a company they find that the ability to communicate with others becomes more and more significant. Nevertheless, experts with good technical knowledge rarely succeed in explaining details of their work to non-specialists. Immediately after leaving college, Jane Burton became a food technician at Roston International. Ten years later, after joining a competitor to take up the position of training manager, she found that her communication skills were limited. In my first week I had to make a presentation about food testing in front of 300 staff, she recalls. They were bored for the whole time, mainly because I had no idea how to do it. This experience made me realise that I needed to enrol on a course in communication skills, and now I can happily speak to any group, on any subject, prepared or even unprepared. The more speaking you do, the easier it gets. In todays fast-moving world of electronic communication, people also need to be able to express their thoughts clearly in writing. In all companies, though, the importance of the spoken word remains unequalled for ensuring that things get done. 1. According to the article, the importance of communication grows as staff are promoted.A.RightB.WrongC.Doesnt say答案:A2. According to the article, people with technical skills often have difficulty talking clearly about their work.A.RightB.WrongC.Doesnt say答案:A3. Jane Burton has spent all her working life with the same company.A.RightB.WrongC.Doesnt say答案:B4. The audience for Janes first presentation included experts in the subject.A.RightB.WrongC.Doesnt say答案:C5. Jane felt her first presentation failed because of her lack of training.A.RightB.WrongC.Doesnt say答案:A6. Jane always needs to plan carefully before speaking to a group of people.A.RightB.WrongC.Doesnt say答案:B7. According to the article, poor writing skills among staff have an effect on company growth.A.RightB.WrongC.Doesnt say答案:CPART FIVE Read the article below about changes that a hotel chain is making, For each question (23-28) on the opposite page, choose the correct answer. Mark one letter (A, B or C) on your Answer Sheet. Henderson looks ahead Henderson owns and operates 150 hotels in major cities of the Asia-Pacific region. In some locations, tourism has long been an additional source of guests, through the companys close links with foreign travel providers. However, the company mainly targets the corporate sector, that is, business people whose expenses are met by their employers. Hendersons experiment of signing business agreements with North American companies within its own sector-by which each side recommends the others hotels to its guests-is also proving successful, and looks likely to continue. Henderson hotels are reasonably profitable, and like most of its rivals, the company is able to pass on rising overheads to its customers. While guests are becoming more demanding, Henderson hotels are of a high enough standard for the great majority to be satisfied. There is increasing competition, however, from unexpected sources, such as airlines. This has led the Board to carry out a review of its marketing strategies, in an effort to locate new competitive strengths. The company has a system of negotiating room discounts with its largest corporate customers. Henderson intends to change this, as it has the disadvantage of providing savings for those customers rather than for the guests themselves. In addition, as several major organisations have discontinued central booking of hotels, Henderson now has to build relations with a larger number of customers, who each provide fewer guests for its hotels. Although this takes time, the total number means that the effort is worth making. In order to maintain its market share, Henderson has followed the path taken by other global hotel companies in certain respects. Rooms and restaurant menus are duplicated company-wide, so guests can be absolutely sure of what to expect, wherever they find themselves. Unlike some chains, though, Henderson gives its hotel managers complete responsibility in particular areas, such as staff training. The company has already made some decisions as a result of the strategy review. A computer database will be created, to include guests preferences, for instance for smoking or non-smoking rooms. As facilities are already of a high standard, changing these is not seen as urgent. On the other hand, staff recruitment processes are currently under careful review to make sure that only very good applicants are accepted, despite differences in local conditions and laws. This brief description shows how one company is trying to increase its profitability in a very competitive sector. 1. Which of these is a new activity for Henderson?A.co-operating with other hotel chainsB.providing services for business guestsC.getting bookings through travel companies答案:A2. Why has Henderson decided to review its marketing strategy?A.Guests expect a higher level of service than it provides.B.The cost of running hotels is rising very fast.C.It is facing challenges from new directions.答案:C3. Why does Henderson want to change the discount system?A.It does not encourage small companies to negotiate.B.It does not attract the expected number of guests.C.It does not benefit people staying at the hotels.答案:C4. Like other hotel chains, HendersonA.places great stress on the value of staff training.B.ensures that certain facilities are the same in all its hotels.C.establishes rules for every aspect of its hotel managers work.答案:B5. What decision has Henderson made?A.to increase the number of staff it employsB.to improve the range of facilities it offersC.to store personal information about guests答案:C6. This article was probably written forA.an in-house magazine for hotel staff.B.a book of case studies for business students.C.a brochure for Hendersons corporate customers.答案:BPART SIX Read the company profile below about a retail group. Choose the correct word to fill each gap from A, B or C on the opposite page. For each question (29-40), mark one letter (A, B or C) on your Answer Sheet. The Arne Group The Arne group consists of a large number of retail stores. The organisation employs 19,500 people and had total sales last year of $2.5 bn. The main areas we trade 1 are books, stationery, newspapers and magazines. But 2 an average department store will usually stock around 10,000 lines, our major stores offer a range in 3 of 45,000. 4 business we operate seeks to be a market leader, 5 the overall goal being to boost shareholder 6 We always focus on 7 the very best service to our customers, which we believe puts the business in 8 strong position for the future. 9 some disappointing sales figures, our profits have continued to grow. 10 last year we were forced to 11 the decision to close several smaller stores. 12 came as a result of a detailed review of our cost base. 1.A.toB.inC.for答案:B2.A.whereasB.whetherC.whenever答案:A3.A.increaseB.majorityC.excess答案:C4.A.EveryB.ManyC.All答案:A5.A.byB.throughC.with答案:C6.A.rateB.priceC.value答案:C7.A.deliveringB.sendingC.issuing答案:A8.A.theB.aC.one答案:B9.A.DespiteB.ExceptC.Since答案:A10.A.EquallyB.HoweverC.Therefore答案:B11.A.makeB.doC.have答案:A12.A.TheseB.ThisC.They答案:BPART SEVEN Read the memo and the advertisement below. Complete the form on the opposite page. Write a word or phrase (in CAPITAL LETTERS) or a number on lines 41-45 on your Answer Sheet. MEMO To: Alan Smith From: Maria James Date: 16 May Subject: Travel form I need to attend this conference at the London Business School-the one on Advertising was fantastic. Im leaving on the 26, but I cant make the last day as Im flying back early that morning. It makes sense to fly to City Airport rather than Heathrow Airport. As the university accommodation lacks the facilities I need, Ill try the Sunly Hotel. Could you complete my travel form for me, and send it to Paula Costa in the Travel section? Im away till Monday. Thanks. TRAVEL REQUEST FORM Full name of Traveller: 1 Title of Event: 2 Destination Airport: 3 Date of Departure: Airline: to be advised Cost of Flight: to be advised Date of Return Journey 4 2008 Accommodation: 5 Cost of accommodation: to be advised 1.答案: (MS / MRS / MISS) MARIA JAMES2.答案: (2008) INTERNATIONAL MARKETING (CONFERENCE)3.答案: (LONDON) CITY (AIRPORT)4.答案: 29TH AUGUST / (THE) 29(TH) (OF) AUGUST / AUGUST (THE) 29(TH) / 29/08 / (0)8/295.答案: (AT) (THE) SUNLY (HOTEL)WRITINGPART ONE问题:1. Your company is planning to move to new premises in the Alpha Business Centre and you want to inform staff of this. Write an email to all staff: giving the companys reason for moving saying when the move will be telling them how to get more information. Write 30-40 words on your Answer Sheet. 答案:略PART TWO问题:1. Read part of a letter from a magazine publisher, Madeleine Carson. We are including a series of articles by business people in our newlylaunched magazine Business First,and we wish to invite you to write ashort article for US on a business topic of your choice. Write a letter to Madeleine Carson: saying how you feel about the invitation to write the article saying which business topic you would like to write about explaining why you think this topic is important asking her when the article needs to be ready. Write 60-80 words on your Answer Sheet. Do not include any postal addresses. 答案:Sample A Sample B Sample C Sample D LISTENINGPART ONE For questions 1-8, you will hear eight short recordings. For each question, mark one letter (A, B or C) for the correct answer. After you have listened once, replay each recording. (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1. When will the component arrive?A.Tuesday afternoonB.Wednesday morningC.Wednesday afternoon答案:B听力原文 When will the component arrive? Man: You said the component would be here for Tuesday. Its three pm now and nothings arrived Woman: Im sorry, itll be with you Wednesday afternoon, definitely. Man: Uh, thats no good, I need it i


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