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    课时作业(四十八)顺序选修8 Module 6 The Tang Poems限时:45分钟1. 一 The book isnt easy for Jack to understand, is it ?. His foreign language is far better than expected.A.No, it isnt B. Im afraid notC.I dont think so D. Yes , it is2. To read Tolstoy and to the nineteenth century Russian literatureare two excellent reasons for taking Professor Morrel s course.A.to introduce B. introduceC.being introduced D. to be introduced3. What a pity.Considering his ability and experience, he better.A.need have done B.must have doneC.can have doneD.might have done4. Examination compositions , together with most business letters and government reports , are the main situations formal language is used.A.in which B. on whichC.of which D. for which5. There arent many seats left for the concert ; you had better make sure two today.A.getting B. to have gotC.that you get D. that you will get6. Usually a childs behaviour is a of his family environment.A.recognition B.reflectionC.return D.record7. Some students find it hard to the new teachers dialect(方言).A.take in B.take upC.take over D.take on8. Who is making so much noise in the garden ?一 the children.A.There are B.They areC.That is D.It is9. Engines are to machines hearts are to animals.A.as B.that C. what D.which10. Don t you know that smoking is harmful to your health? And furthermore ,our teacher does not cigarettes.A.approve us to smokeB.approve of us smokingC.approve us smokeD.approve of us smoken.完形填空She walked into the room and his eyes lit up.She didnt have to say a word. Just being there was a proof enough to show that she 11 him. They had both _12_ someone they loved. So this day, of all days ,was a _13one. She wanted to make this work. She was hurt , _14_ and afraid.It wasnt supposed to be this way.But the fact was that he knew how she felt. There was an obvious _15_ in hisheart , too. So the one thing that _16_ their love for each other was heartache the most sorrowful kind.Their eyes locked. He _17 and she responded. He had a special way of _18_a smile to her face. She stood there in the doorway and he motioned(示意)to herto sit next to him. Not _19 the childish grin he now had on his face , she hesitated for a moment , but _20_. There was an awkward moment of silence between them.Then suddenly he _?1_ behind the pillow placed strategically nearby. He pulled out a large red _22_ and nervously handed it to her. She snapped back with a look of _23_ because she really hadnt expected this.“Wait,this _24_ with it ," he said. Then he handed her a small box ,_25perfectly in white tissue paper of hearts and flowers."Now " he said ," _ 26 the card.”It reads as follows :I know that Valentine s Day is a _27_ day for people in love. I amsure that you would rather be out at a 28_ dinner ,I msorry . But I want you to knowthat Ilove you. I am so sorry that Dad_29_ us,Mom But I just wanted you to knowwe_30_ have each other.Happy Valentine s Day!Love, Your son, Adam 11. A.loved B.doubted C.expected D.respected 12. A.remembered B.found C.lost D.met13. A.hopeless B.difficult C.cloudy D.memorable 14. A.uneasy B.angry C.bored D.lonely15. A.puzzle B.pain C.regret D.hope16. A.influenced B.broke C.blocked D.strengthened 17. A.smiled B.questioned C.joked D.called18. A.creating B.causing C.bringing D.removing19. A.recognizing B.trusting C.noticing D.enjoying20. A.gave in B.spoke out C.helped out D.stepped up 21. A.moved B.turned C.pulled D.reached 22. A.letter B.envelope C.card D.flower23. A.sympathy B.delightC.surprise D.horror24. A.remains B.appearsC.goes D.comes25. A.placed B.coveredC.hidden D.wrapped26. A.accept B.readC.open D.spread27. A.special B.happyC.precious D.fine28. A.rich B.fancyC.delicious D.pleasant29. A.deserted B.missedC.supported D.left30. A.still B.alreadyC.even D.otherwisem .阅读理解Poor listening skills form an obstacle to effective communication. A study byDr. Paul Panklin at a university found that 9 percent of communication time is devoted to writing , 16 percent to reading ,30 percent to speaking and 45 percent tolistening.We spend more time listening than we do in any other form of communication. However, most of us dont pay much attention to it.Research indicates that normal listening results in a 50-percentretentionimmediately after a 10-minute presentation , which then declines to only about 25 percent after 48 hours. Extension Specialist Bob Linda says the average person will hear 7. 5 minutes of a one-hour presentation and will forget half of that.One reason we listen so poorly is that our minds work muchfaster than our mouths. The average person thinks 600700 words per minute but speaks at a rate of about125. His listeners minds are occupied with hearing only one-fifth of the time he is speaking. The listeners may consider and react to what is being said during the other four-fifths of the time , or become absorbed in coming up with his response , or think other thoughts and miss the rest of what is being said.If we really listen , we may be forced to accept a different perspective of reality. Most of us have a firmly developed view of reality that we do not want to change. Carl Rogers , the psychiatrist , points out that if you are really willing to listen to another , to enter his private world and see reality as he sees it,you run the risk of being changed." This risk of being changed is one of the mostfrightening prospects most of us can face. ”31. From the passage , we can learn that listening.A. always forms a barrier to our communicationB.occupies the largest part in communicationC.will take the place of other ways of communicationD.is a difficult skill to master32. The underlined word aretention " in the 3rd paragraph means ":. A.attention B.presentationC.memory D.occupation33. In normal listening , the reason why an average person can only keep half of what the speaker says in mind is that.A.half of that will be forgottenB.our mouths work much more slowly than our mindsC.most of us pay little attention to itD.he is afraid of being changed34. According to Carl Rogers , .A.we should let listeners enter our private worldB.the opinions of the speakers may affect us if we listen to them willinglyC.we shouldnt make us changed while listeningD.it is wrong that we dont want to change while listeningW.书面表达假设你是李华,明年即将进入大学学习,但是不知怎样适应(adapt to)大学的生活。请你就以下大学新生常遇到的情况给南京大学校长写一封信,寻求建议。1 .在生活中不会照料自己;2 .感到孤独、经常想家;钱物容易丢失;4 .食物、气候不适应;5 .校外租房(rent)现象。注意:1.信的开头和结尾已为你写好,但不计入总词数;6 .词数100左右。Dear President ,Yours, Li Hua课时彳业(四十八)1. .1.D 本题考查反意疑问句的回答。由答句 His foreign language is far better than expected.(他的外语比预料的要好得多。)可推知,这本书对他来讲很容易理解。2. D本题考查非谓语动词。不定式和动名词均可用来作主语,但要注意它们的一致性。另外“introduce ”是及物动词,这里要用被动式。3. D考查情态动词。句意为:可惜,考虑到他的能力和经验,他本可能会做得更好。 可知,应用 might have done,表示对过去事情可能性的推测“本可能"; must have done表示对过去事情的肯定推测“一定"; need have done本需要做而未做;can have done多用于疑问句或否定句。4. A 本题考查定语从句。先行词为situations ,应用介词"in ",即 in thesituations 。5. C 本题考查“make sure + that从句”的用法。从句用一般现在时表将来。6. B本题考查名词辨析。句意为:孩子的行为举止常常是其家庭环境的反映。7. A本题考查动词短语辨析。句意为:一些学生发现很难理解新老师的方言。take in领会,理解;take up 占据,从事,拿起,继续; take over 接收,接管;take on呈现, 承担,雇用。8. D 本题考查强调句。这是一个强调句,后面省略了that are making so much noisein the garden 。9. C 本题考查固定句型。在这里用的是一个固定结构: A is to B what C is to D , 意思是A对于B就像C对于D一样(这个句式有时也会见到这种表达:A to B is what C toD )。 例如: Water is to fish what air is to human.2. .B句意为:你难道不知道吸烟有害健康么?而且我们老师不准许我们抽烟。approveof 赞成,准许,后面跟名词或动名词作宾语。n.本文是记叙文。故事发生在情人节这一天。母亲和独生子都很伤心,因为他们都失去了最亲爱的人:儿子的爸爸。 儿子知道母亲的心思,因此想办法来安慰母亲。最后儿子拿 出给母亲的情人节礼物,让母亲知道:尽管父亲去世了,但他们还拥有彼此。11. A 由下文 the one thing that their love for each other可得到答案。12. C从下文“两人都很伤心”可推知答案,孩子的父亲去世了。其他不合逻辑。13. B因为两人都失去了亲人,因此情人节是一个难过的日子。memorable 难忘的,语境不对; hopeless 无望的,语意太重。14. D 因为没有丈夫的关怀和爱,妻子感到“孤独”是很自然的事情,根据语境和形 容词的并列关系可排除其他选项。“遗憾”、influence 影响,可得到提示, A 项正15. B 根据语境判断,儿子知道母亲的感受, 他的心里也很痛苦。“希望”都不合语境。16. D 因为两人承受着同样的痛苦,因此“增强”了彼此之间的爱。不合语境。17. A从后文 He had a special way of - a smile to her face确。18. C 根据语境判断,此处儿子想方设法使母亲高兴,再根据搭配可选出答案。19. B 从后面母亲犹豫以及儿子稚气未脱的笑可推知答案。“辨别出”、“注意到”、 “喜欢”均不合逻辑。20. A从前面的转折连词“but”可推出答案,speak out意为“大胆地说”,不合题意。21. D 根据语境判断,此处儿子伸手到枕头底下拿礼物,因此用“ reach ”,其他动词 不合题意。22. B 从前面的修饰语“ a large red ”以及常识可推断出答案:信封里面装着贺卡。 其他选项不合逻辑。23. C 从后面 because she really hadnt expected this 可推断出答案。选“同情”、 “欣喜”、“恐怖”均不合逻辑。24. C 根据语境判断,此处表示礼物和信封相配套,因此用“ go with ”。25. D 根据常识可知,礼物往往是包裹在彩纸中,因此用“ wrapped”。 place 放置; cover 覆盖; hide 隐藏,都不合常理。26. B 从下文 It reads as follows 可知,儿子要母亲读一读卡片。“接受”、“打 开”、“铺开”都不合语境。27. A 情人节对情人来说是一个特殊的日子,“幸福的”、“珍贵的”、“好的”都 太片面。28. B “ fancy dinner ”是美国口语表达方式,意为“精致的晚餐”,其他选项意义 太片面。29. D 此处是委婉的表达方式,父亲“离开”了“我们”。“ desert ”意思是“遗弃, 抛弃”,不合逻辑。30. A 根据儿子的用意可知, 他强调还有他和母亲相依为命, 因此用“ still( 仍旧 ) ”。出.“听、说、读、写”四大交际技能中“听”所占的比重最大。在听的过程中,听话 人的思维一般在1/5 的时间较为集中, 其他时间可能会考虑如何反应等而不能专心聆听。 如果我们真正乐意聆听别人的话,我们的观点就可能会受影响。31. B 细节理解题。由第一段的 A study by Dr. Paul Panklin at a university found that 9 percent of communication time is devoted to writing,16 percent to reading,30 percent to speaking and 45 percent to listening.可以看出:“听”在交际中占有最大的比重 (45%) 。32. C词义猜测题。由该段尤其是该段的最后一句will for get half of that 可知该词的意思是“记忆”。该词所在句的意思为:研究表明,在10 分钟的表达之后,常规听能马上记住一半的内容,而48 小时之后就会减少到 1/4 。33. B 推理判断题。解答此题的关键是正确理解题干的意思。题干出自第三段,文章第四段对其做了回答: One reason welisten so poorly is that our minds work muchfaster than our mouths. 由此可以推断 B项正确。34. B推理判断题。解答此题的关键是把握题干中的关键词。由最后一段- if you are really willing to listen to another, ,you run the risk of being changed.可以看出:如果我们真正乐意聆听别人,我们的观点就可能受别人观点的影响。W. One possible version :Dear_President ,Next year I will go to study at university and become a college student, butI have never been away from my parents and I don t know how to adapt myself to university life. I hear many freshmen are at a loss what to do when they are at university. They can t take care of themselves in their everyday life, feeling lonely and homesick. Clothes, money or mobile phones are sometimes gone. And because of different climates and food,they often feel sick. Some even rent rooms outsidethe campus. I think it s not so safe. Could you tell me how to deal with these problems so that I will be able to get used to the university life in the future?Yours,Lj_Hua6


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