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    精品资源U19L3 Re门dine导字案编号:4主备人:苏结仪审核人:区月华 时间:2014-02-121把下列句子翻译成中文,并回答问题1在一些国家,双手交叉意味着什么?In some country,what does crossing the arm mean?It means somebody is uncomfortable or nervous2在外国,如果你想买东西但是你不知道怎么样表达的时候,最容易的方式是什么?_In foreign country, if you want to purchase some things, but you don t know how to say,what is the easiest way?You can smile or point at what you want 3肢体语言什么时候有用?When is the body language useful?_When people don t share a common spoken language-4肢体语言是什么 What is the body language?It is the language without words that consists of gestures ,facial expressions and body movements 5如果一个人不知道答案,他会用什么肢体语言?f someone doesn t know the answer, what body language will he use?_. He will move his shoulders upwards away from their upper body and then let themfall._2 Choose the best answer for the passageC 1) How does the author develop the passage?A in time orderB in space orderC by showing the exampleD cause and effectA 2 ) What is purpose of writing the passage?A to introduce what is body languageB to highline the importance of languageC to give us some tips when using the body languageD to explain why we use body languageC 3) What is the role of the first paragraph?A to tell us what a pat on the back meansB to introduce the topic of the passageC to give a general idea of the passageD to interest the readerC 4) What part of the magazine does the passage take from?A sportsB educationC cultureD advertisement3 Summarize the main idea of the following paragraphsParagraph3_the first sentence_Paragraph4 the first sentence Paragraphs_ the first sentencePapagraph6 the first sentence 【源"& * 4 Make a summary of the whole passage (用 30 词左右归纳整篇文章 )5语法填空1 You would probably know what was going on because you understood the message conveyed (convey) by the father s body language2 It is a language without words _ that consists of gesture.3 If you saw your father patting(pat) his son on the back while smiling(smile) happily, what would you think was going on?4 somebody _ jumping(jump) for joy is easy to see (see)while _araised eyebrow conveying doubt is easier to miss5 someone _who does not know the answer _ ioa question will move their shouldersupwards away from their upper body 【*源&, * * 6 Learning (learn) to be aware of your body language can be a very useful tool.7 You will appear calm with _ as_ much dignity as possible8 It is very easy to purchase something simply(simple) by smiling and_pointing(point) at _ what you want9 Body language is useful. However, it can sometimes be ambiguous10 There is a form of body language which/that receives universal.approval (approve)九、精彩段落请用适当的词填空,或者用所给词的适当形式填空。(A)People often use body language1 on purpose. Someone 2 who does not knowthe answer to a question will move their shoulders upwards away from their upper body and then let them fall, 3 meaning(mean), "Idon know” .4 However, bodylanguage can be unconscious as well.A person who is feeling 5 uncomfortable (comfortable ) or nervous will often hold their body in a very rigid manner and have 6_a tightlook about their mouths.十、语篇运用参考范文 (One possible version):如果你问我们为什么要学习英语,我这个问题的答案(the answer to the question)非常简单。人们已经意识(be aware of)到学习英语的重要性.英语是一个全球性的语言 (global language), 它使你和外国人流畅地沟通(定语从句)。另一方面(On the other hand),只要(provided that)你能说英语If you ask me why we should learn English , my answer is simple and clear . Firstly, with the development of China , people have been aware of the importance of learning English . Secondly, English is a global language, which can make you communicate with foreigner s fluently. Also, provided that you can speak English, you can enjoy the differences between Chinese culture and Western culture. Last but not least, doing well in English helps you find a job easily欢下载侏源:金晶中&高*考啊侏 源:金晶中&高*考*网


    本文((英语北师大版)广东省佛山市顺德区均安中学高二选修七导学案:Unit19lesson3Reading(教师版).docx)为本站会员(大张伟)主动上传,三一文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知三一文库(点击联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


