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    书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘学子:学业有成,金榜题名!语言类考试复习资料大全剑桥商务英语高级分类模拟50剑桥商务英语高级分类模拟50InnovationDescribing productsMatch each advertising slogan to the correct company. fast and efficient service innovative state-of the-art designs unbeatable value for money neat and compact solutions up-market designer labels at low prices reliable quality equipment morden functional furniture 1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _ 6. _ 1.答案: neat and compact solutions2.答案: innovative state-of-the-art designs3.答案: fast and efficient service4.答案: up-market designer labels at low prices5.答案: unbeatable value for money6.答案: reliable quality equipmentWhat is the opposite of each of these adjectives? practical impractical 7. compact b _答案: bulky8. modern o _答案: old-fashioned9. up-market d _答案: down-market10. value for money o _答案: overpriced11. reliable u _答案: unreliable / erratic12. efficient i _答案: inefficientPronunciation问题:1. In English the letter i can be pronounced /ai/ as in try and or /I/ as in trip. Put the words below into the right column in the table. equipment quick time image private finance reliable realise finish negative client limited silent efficient simple quality /ai/ /i/ time quick 答案: /ai/ /i/ reliableprivatefinancerealiseclientsilent equipmentimagefinishnegativelimitedefficientsimplequalitycollocations: verb+prepositionComplete the description of a product by putting the correct preposition in each gap. The FXS00 PVR is now on sale 1 most electrical stores or online. It consists 2 two elements: a digital recorder and DVD player. It comes 3 two colours, silver and black, and has a storage capacity of 320GB. Retailing 4 just $200 it will appeal 5 a first-time buyer rather than the specialist. One excellent feature is the standby saver, which runs 6 rechargeable batteries and means that you dont waste electricity when the machine is on standby. Manufactured in Korea, it complies 7 US and European standards and is compatible 8 almost all makes of TV. 1.答案: at / in2.答案: of3.答案: in4.答案: at5.答案: to6.答案: on7.答案: with8.答案: with问题:9. Write these expressions in the correct box according to which preposition comes before them. the world the same time the market home a small scale the pipeline the end of the day the end the future holiday the face of it least practice average at in on the moment 答案: at in on the same timehomethe end of the dayleast the worldthe market*the pipelinethe endthe futurepractice a small scalethe market*holidaythe face of itaverage * on the market means available to buy, in the market for means you want to buy something.wouldComplete each sentence using would, an appropriate verb and the words given in brackets. If you could make it to the reception, that would be great (great). 1. In principle, _ (no problem).答案: that would be2. If you could deliver direct, _ (easier for us).答案: it would be3. _ (your invitation), but Im afraid I have another appointment.答案: I would accept4. _ (your help), because I dont think I can do it on my own.答案: I would appreciate5. If I were in your shoes, _ (the same).答案: I would do6. Before agreeing anything, _ (certain guarantees from you).答案: we would needMake these statements from a negotiation sound more diplomatic by rephrasing them using would. We need your help. We would appreciate your help. 7. Are you happy to give us a discount? _ 答案: Would you be prepared / willing to give us a discount?8. I will have to ask my boss about that. _ 答案: I would need to discuss that with my boss.9. That suits us OK too. _ 答案: That would be convenient for us too.10. Thats very difficult for us. _ 答案: That would be difficult for us.11. We can accept those terms. _ 答案: We would be happy to accept those terms.12. In exchange, can you guarantee that. _ 答案: In exchange, would you be able to guarantee that.ReadingLook at the article by a director of the World Innovation Council and complete the phrasal verbs by adding one of the pairs of prepositions. up with forward to up to up with out for out of The importance of innovation I have spent the last ten years trying to persuade European companies to get on with the job of innovating and I am running 1 patience. Whenever I meet entrepreneurs and inventors, I ask them: What is the main obstacle to innovation that you face? The answer I get in Europe is often the same: companies have cut back on investment because they dont feel the urgency to come 2 new ideas all the time. Why not? Because they are already in a dominant position. Of course, they look 3 opportunities that might give them an advantage and they do take account of what is needed to keep 4 developments in their sector, but in comparison with countries like India and China they dont invest heavily. These countries are looking 5 a continuing economic boom. Innovation and scientific research is a key part of this. They know that to stand 6 competition from other parts of the world, in the long run it will not be enough just to produce goods cheaply. 1.答案: out of2.答案: up with3.答案: out for4.答案: up with5.答案: forward to6.答案: up to 10 / 10


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