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    北京课改版四年级下英语复习卷一、翻译.1.古典音乐 2.遍布全国 3 .看望亲朋好友4 .给量体温 6.嗓子疼二、将下列单词根据所给中文补充完整。1.p _a _e (飞机)2.m _s _c (音乐)3.b _ck_c(背疼)4.h _a _a _he (头疼)5._ld (血液)6.s em n(宇航员)三、将下列单词分类。rabbit teacher earth see flu doctor spaceman coughfever fly have want turtle bird moon land Mars sun driver lawyer动词类:宇宙类:职业类:动物类:疾病类:四、动词填空。1. a plane3. a backache5.these pills7. an X-ray9. folk songs2. a boat4. a doctor6.your mouth8.to school10 the violin五、选择正确的答语。(一)( )1.What swrong with you?( )2.How is Tom?( )3.Where does it hurt?( )4.Can you tell me the wayto the lab?( )5.Where do you live?( )6.Do you see the yellowsign?( )7.Is it nearby?( )8.Do you like folk music?( )9.Can you play the violin?( )10.Are they so cute?A. He s ill.B. I feel bad.C. No, I don t.D. Yes, it is.E. I live on the fifth floor.F. Yes, they are.G. Oh, sure.H. Yes, I mgood at it.I. It hurts near the knee.J. No, I like classical music.(二)( )1.Doyou keep a rabbit, Maomao?( )2.Whatdo you want to do in thefuture?( )3.Howdo you get to the moon?( )4.Whatkind of music do you likebest?( )5.Doesyour mother like classical music?( )6.Let pslay together sometime.A: OK.B: I gettherebyspaceship.C: I dlike to be a driver.D: Yes, she does.E: No, Idont.F: I likejazzmusicbest.六、选择填空。1. you like pop music?A. DoB. areC. Does2. I play piano.A.theB./C.a3. I like .A.petcat B.petscats C.petcats4. My brother two parrots.A. keetB. keepsC. keeping5. What do you want to do school?A. inB. afterC. to6. Our teacher is also our friend. She helps us A.a lotB.someC.any7. I like country music .A.betterB.bestC.well8. Do you keep a turtle? No, I .A. doB. can tC. don t9. Its the right of that red building.A. ofB. onC. at10. It son the floor.A. fifthB. fiveC.fiveth11. is the gas station? Over there.A. WhatB. What s C. Where12. . Where is the toy shop?A. Sorry B. Excuse meC.Hi13. Is it far here?A. fromB.inC. to14. You ll a lot of signs.A. look B.watch C. see 15.Thanks a lot. .A. You, too.B. My pleasure.C. No thanks.16. is coming. We call it Labor Day.A. New Year s Day B. Women s Day C. May Day 17.LaborDay is aholidayfor sA. the working people B. the children C. the fathers 18.I willgo to theGreatWall.I will visitthe Summer Palace.A. too B. alsoC. again19. People use computers all the world.A. to B. inC. over20. The Children Day is on 1st.A. SeptemberB. JuneC. July21. What s special this day?A. aboutB. inC. at22. We call sticky rice dumplings .A. tofuB. zongziC. Moon cake23. She is an English-speaking country.A. fromB. toC. in24. It s to skate on thin ice.A. safeB. dangerousC. quiet25. It sgetting .A. warmB.warmerC.others 26.A. DoB. Don tC. Arehurt yourself.27. Don t push in a crowd. It dangerous.A. thinB. thickC. slowlyC. say in the river.C. sayC. Don t28. Don t. Listen to the teacher.A. talkB. talking29. There some iceA. isB. are30. litter!A. DoB. Can t七、用所给词的正确形式填空。1. There (be)a yellowcross onthe buleflag.2. There (are)two newbuildingsnear thesupermarket.3. It s)n the (three) floor.4. I m(try) to find the gas station.5. Where (be) the cinema?6. Where (be) you?八、根据中文,选出相对应的词组或句子。1 .拉小提琴A. keep a pet B. play the violinC. art music2 .生日聚会A. light music B. birthday partyC. in the future3 .太吵闹A. play basketballB. bark at strangers C. too noisy4 .我喜欢宠物狗A. They re quiet .5. 我想当一名宇航员。B. I like pet dogs.A. I dlike fly to the6. 左转A. to turnleft7. 教师的办公室A. computer room8. 医院A. the gas station9. 一个红色的指示牌A. a white cross10. 一个药店A. a drugstore11. 电影院A. gas station12. 金鱼A. pet dog13. 钢琴A. violin14. 吵闹的A. birthday15. 犬吠A. drivemoon. B. I want to be a spaceman.B. to turn rightB. teachers officeB. the hospitalC. a red signB. a supermarketB. cinemaB. goldfishB. pianoB. strangersB. play16. 你想询问你的朋友是否喜欢爵士音乐,应问:A. Do you like jazz music? B. Do you17. 如果你想说这太吵了,应说:B. It stoo noisy.C. buildingC. turtleC. musicC. noisyC. barklike country music?A. It stoo quiet.18. 看见一只可爱的小兔子,你说:A. It stoo cute.19. 你想问你的朋友将来想要做什么,应问:A. I d liketo fly to the moon.B. What do you want to dobike.Day20. 你想说我骑自行车去上学,应说:A. I go to school by car.21. 你想说我喜欢流行歌曲,应说:A. I like classical music.22. 举行龙舟比赛A. have dragon boat races23. 世界无烟日A. Spring Festival24. 长城A. sticky rice dumplings25. 劳动节A. Labor sDay26. 劳动人民A. the working people27. 别在这放风筝A. Don t fly the kite here.28. 摘花A. stepon others feet29. 咱们走慢些吧A. Let sgo slowly.30. 它很危险A. It s not safe.B. It so happy.in the future?B. I go to school byB. I like pop songs.B. go to the museumB. World No-smokingB. the Great WallB. World Earth DayB. the fifth monthB. Don t skate here.B.pick flowersB. Watch your step.B. It sdangerous.


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