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    高一英语The Future of Cyberspace课件1[优课教资].ppt

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    高一英语The Future of Cyberspace课件1[优课教资].ppt

    1 Tomorrows World,The Future of Cyberspace,中山市龙山中学 张小华,1,谷风课件A,smart,convenient,multi-functional,send SMS, call, alarm clock, games, take photos, mp3, go on line,typical cell phone,Only for calls,2,谷风课件A,Have you ever seen such a camera?,Digital camera,3,谷风课件A,gramophone,mp3,disc man,4,谷风课件A,Can you image what a computer looks like in the 1980s?,But in 21st. century, ,5,谷风课件A,Why did things change so much?,Question:,Can you image what our future world will look like?,6,谷风课件A,A person who enters other peoples computer programmes in secret,hacker,New words:,7,谷风课件A,New words:,The use of computers to make situations feel and look real,virtual reality,8,谷风课件A,New words:,Have an accident by violently hitting something,crash,9,谷风课件A,New words:,Someone who does terrible things to harm countries, governments, and people.,terrorist,10,谷风课件A,New words:,Computer system that allows millions people around the world to share information,the Net,11,谷风课件A,New words:,A terrible situation in which everything goes wrong.,chaos,12,谷风课件A,Listening:,Listen to the tape. Fill in the blank, and write down the missing words on your exercise book:,In the late _ years, the Internet has grown rapidly. In _, there were only_ computers connected to the Internet; now there are around _ _ and this growth is clearly going to continue.,13,谷风课件A,Some experts are _ about the future. One worry is _ in cyberspace. Even now, young _ can get into the computers of banks and governments. In the future, _ may “ _” the worlds computers, cause _, and make planes and trains _.,14,谷风课件A,However, many people are _ about the future of the Internet. _, users can buy books, find out about holiday offers, book tickets, and get all sorts of _ from the Internet.,15,谷风课件A,“In the next few years,” says Angela Rossetto of Cyberia _, “It is clear that we are going to see a huge _ in shopping on the Internet.” She also _ that, in the future, we will get _ from the Net and that television will probably _. The mail service may also disappear with the _ use of e-mail.,16,谷风课件A,Some experts see our future in _ _ - the use of computers with sounds and pictures that make you feel _ _ you are in a real situation. “ _, I think virtual reality will become a part of _ life,” says Australian expert Peter Anderson. “I see people living and working in a virtual world. We will work in virtual offices, shop in virtual _, and we will even study in virtual schools.”,17,谷风课件A,Fast Reading:,Match the paragraphs with these headings in one minute.,Pessimistic opinions Seeing the future Optimistic opinions The Internet growth,1,2,3,4,18,谷风课件A,Detail reading:,Why are some experts pessimistic about the future? What about the optimistic opinions? What possible changes do some experts believe the Internet can bring to our lives?,19,谷风课件A,Whats the writers opinion? Is he pessimistic or optimistic? Why? What about your opinion about the future? How can you make good use of cyberspace?,Discussion:,20,谷风课件A,Do you think cyberspace makes our world larger or smaller?,Divide our class into 2 groups, and voice your opinions.,Pros: Cyberspace makes our world larger. Cons: Cyberspace makes our world smaller.,Debate:,21,谷风课件A,22,谷风课件A,


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