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    PEP小学英语(三六)年级上册期末口语测试题三年级英语口语测试题一、 朗读下面的单词。(20分)Pencil-case book school mouth eye hand body yellow blue black dog monkey elephant cake hamburger juice water plane nine ball 二、 朗读下面的句子。(25分)1.My names Chen Jie.2.Lets go to school.3.Look, I have a rabbit.4.Can I have some chicken.5.Lets eat the birthday cake.三、口语交际。(教师在下列句子中选5个与学生对话交流或者让两个学生选5组对话进行交流。25分)A:Hello! B: A:Whats your name? B:A:Goodbye! B: A:Good morning! B:A:Nice to meet you! B: A:Good afternoon . B:A:How are you? B: A:Here you are. B:A:Thank you. B: A:How old are? B:A:Happy birthday! B:A:How many fingers? B:三、 朗读课文内容。(30分)朗读P53对话。四年级英语口语测试题一、 朗读下面的单词。(20分)window picture board notebook thirty fifty-five quiet friends parents science music painting study kitchen fridge vegetable plate family hair aunt二、 朗读下面的句子。(25分)1. We have 9 new lights.2. Let me clean the floor.3. He has short black hair and big eyes.4. Id like some rice and soup.5. My family has seven members.三、口语交际。(教师在下列句子中选5个与学生对话交流或者让两个学生选5组对话进行交流。25分)A:What colour is your pen? B: A:Where is your seat? B:A:Whats in your schoolbag? B: A:My I have a look? B:A:Whats his/her name? B: A:Whos she/he? B:A:Is she in the classroom? B: A:Where are the books? B:A:What would you like for dinner? B: A:Whats your mather/father? B:A:How many people are there in your family? B:A:Who are they? B:四、朗读课文内容。(30分)朗读P59内容五年级口语测试题一、 朗读下列单词(20分)funny principal active Thursday do homework Saturday cabbage fresh healthy water the flowers do the dishes end table put away the clothes closet behind over mountain forest house building 二、 朗读下列句子(25分)1、 Whats your math teacher like? She is young and pretty.2、 What day is it today? Its Friday.3、 What do you have for lunch on Tuesdays? We have tomatoes tofu and mutton.4、 What do you have on Wednesdays? We have English, science, computer and P.E.5、 Are there any pandas in the moutains? No, there arent. 三、 口语交际(25分)1、A: Who is your Chinese teacher? B:2、A: Is she quiet? B:3、A:What do you do on Sundays? B:4、A:Whats your favourite food? B:5、A:What would you like? B:6、A:What can you do? B:7、A:Can you set the table? B:8、A:Whats your room like? B:9、A:Is there a river in the park? B:10、A: B:Yes, there are.四、 朗读课文(30)1、 课本P62 Lets talk六年级口语测试题一、朗读下列单词(20分) foot wait subway hospital next tomrrow comic newspaper magazine hobby ride a bike make kites actress engineer salesperson rain stream seed vapour live二、 朗读下列句子(25分) a) Where does the rain come from?b) What does your mother do ?c) I like collecting stamps.d) Im going to visit my grandparents this weekend.e) Its next to the post office.三、口语交际(25分)1、A:How can I get to Luozhuang? B: You can go by the No.69 bus.A: Can I go on foot? B: No, you cant . Its far. You can go to the bus stop by bike.2、 A: Where are you going this afternoon? B: Im going to the bookstore.A: What are you going to buy? B: I am going to buy a magazine.A: When are you going? B: I am going at 9 oclock.3、 A: My father is a teacher. B: Does he teach you English?A: No, he doesnt . He teaches me math. B: How does he go to work?A: He goes to work by bus.四、 朗读课文(30) 朗读P30内容。


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